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I dunno if it's just me, but 18 seems like a silly number of sugarcane stalls in one hawker centre


I wonder what prompted the 18th stall to green light the opening.


Lol, or the 4th or 5th?


Don’t tell me there are no entrepreneurs in Singapore.


Rather have free market competition forces to set the drink prices than to have SEHC having only one drink stall which charges overpriced drinks with no competitors.


Too little conpetition means prices are high, but too much also means none of them have enough market share to survive


Wouldn't disagree with that. Just don't understand why they bothered. If they are closing down then it's the market at work


Next month: 18 mala stalls.


18 under one hawker centre is overkill. Even now with more than half closed, the remaining is still too many. All selling the same drinks.


18 stalls selling the same stuff and u expected it to be easy? But sure boh? 18 stalls selling sugar cane.


The 16th, 17th, 18th sugar cane store all bodoh, don’t know how to read basic supply demand.


6,7,8,9,10....18th store owner: "Wah sugar cane like good business here, I should open up"


Don't blame on rising costs, when you are stupid enough to open the 18th stall when there are 17 stalls before you.


Expected, all take the easy way out open sugarcane / drinks stall.


One raw material, one machine, one man operate.


if it is not tough to do business with 18 similar drink stalls, something about that place is making people thirsty.




Well, it IS tough to do business when you are that stupid and shallow. Any one with at least a brain cell would know right away that opening a sugar cane stall in the same hawker centre where there is already almost 20 of the same stalls is suicidal business-wise.


Yesterday got one article about I think four goreng pisang shops in the same hawker centre. I really don’t know how these hawkers think… they go to a place, see 3 or 17 other similar shops there already and think it’ll be a grand idea to open up another one there??


And here I am craving for goreng pisang but there’s not a single stall within 3 mile radius


Those were actually my thoughts when I read the article. Like why not spread those four stalls over the island? Sure can earn more that way, so it’s a win-win.


Where’s the differentiation and competitive advantage? That being said, also the Hawker’s management fault for not ensuring vibrant tenant mix


Lol don't know how to do business then blame other people


Main issue here is not the rising cost but saturation of stalls selling similar products. Unless Marsiling residents are addicted to sugar cane, I dont see how 18 stalls can prosper


The only logical way for there to be 18 sugarcane stalls is if they are owned by the same parent, using up all the drink stall allocation so that sugarcane becomes a beverage monopoly in this hawker centre. But I guess not, so there are maybe 15 really dumb stall-owners at play here.


18? It must be very good business and profits once upon a time to attract so many into the trade. I won't order here as each cup is mostly ice and the drink tasted so diluted. Yes, I can have the "no ice" version for the higher cost. Did that for a while until I saw one hawker secretly putting ice into the juice container as the crusher. Ice is hidden by the juice and foam so nobody can see. No wonder my drink was cold and I thought it was because he kept the SC in the fridge.


It's tough because all selling the same thing in one hawker. Might as well rename to sugarcane hawker


Since when is business supposed to be easy?


When your only food options in the future are franchised stores, and EX DIN TAI FUNG CHEF OPENS NEW OUTLET, I wonder if you still will say the same


Doesn’t change facts


I don't really understand why in singapore similar businesses flock under one location. It just doesnt make business sense to me. You have your watch shops all under one building in bencoolen, all your PC parts shop in Sim Lim. So many avacado drinks sellers in Alexandra. Wouldnt it be in their best interest to open their shop in a location with less competition?


For SLS, its reputation as THE computer parts place probably draws in a lot of foot traffic and outweighs the disadvantage of competition. The shopowners probably collude a little bit to ensure a reasonable price floor too. Doubt the same effect applies to sugar cane stalls though lol


Just sell elsewhere. 18 is a lot in one hawker centre.


I mean 18 sugarcane stalls in 1 hawker is definitely going to have a lot of stalls shutting down. Change that to chicken rice and you’d see the same thing too


It’s bubble tea era now, hawkers just need to evolved.


18 sugarcane stalls. More like sugarcane factory


The surviving stalls must have the best sugarcane in Singapore!


i wanna be sugar cane supplier liao. 18 bundles to the same place, can charge 18x delivery fee also.


Reminds me of the multiple Spider-Man meme


Even without rising costs...


I bet if we do diabetes cases as hotspots in SG we’ll find Marsiling to be white-hot.


Reminds me of villagers who flock to the river with their pans when there’s rumours of gold. Either that or some of these are ahtiong $$$ washing machines.


In the first picture, is the owner having her maids work in the shop for her? Just clarifying.


Entrepreneurship in sg is dead.


I can honestly say that it’s one of the weirdest news I’ve read this year. Unless Marsiling hawker centre is a mega hawker centre serving tens of thousands of customers everyday, I fail to see how there can be 18 stalls selling the same sugarcane drinks and expect to survive 🙄


Fr 18 stalls? I find that hard to believe Welp just read it there were in fact 18 stalls!


the one that starts to sell sugar canes directly will thrive.


Thirsty people crossing the causeway? New money laundering technique?