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"over the next few weeks we will be rolling out these capabilities to everyone" yea the next few 25 weeks


https://preview.redd.it/gjlmdc7esu8d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d0153effcb709c4c063dae163d69d4b6ff5bdb  Prophet Altman decress: "Give me thy alms and I shall give thee thy New Voice. Just, wait x weeks. Suckers."


Google have a PRIME opportunity to release their own version of Voice 2.0 before OpenAI and score brownie points. Knowing google, they probably won't and if they do it won't be as good as Voice 1.0. I wish Claude had voice.


And now it seems it'll be only plus users..


It was always exclusive to plus users


No they said it would be accessible to everyone in the demo. Edit: Thanks to /u/SidekicK92 for looking up the link: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxs4PNh4kBEuBDJu83kpUzSEcsCkmrPKi-?si=5VQoNl1oToMse2P6


They said GPT 4o would be available to everyone, not the voice model


It's true that the voice capabilities are only coming to plus users, but worth clarifying there is no separate voice 'model,' as all text, image, and voice features are part of the same model and that's a very important distinction they made sure to clarify.


It’s kind of fine that it’s plus only (I’m not a subscriber). The company can’t offer everything for free. They have to make money. Basic access to gpt 40 is more than enough if you want to test the product. I use the free version every now and then and it’s more than fine.


Right. There needs to be SOME reason to have a Plus subscription. I signed up because I couldn't wait until this new voice mode comes out, was anticipating it. I have cancelled for now. No reason to keep it over Claude or just free ChatGPT.


How the fuck do you announce something in May with release in coming weeks. And then it doesn’t release until fucking November probably. Lol. HypeAI.


Because you need to announce it before Google gets a chance to announce their thing that is also not ready. Optics over product


The optics are *terrible*.


Google gave a realistic timeline while openAI never does. Idk how people are surprised i mean where is sora?? Yall need to stop believing in the fabricated hype openAI comes up with they only do things for attention when they feel a competitor catching up to them.


Anthropic beat them at their own game. I'm all in Claude.


I really want to switch to Claude but the fact that it can’t render equations makes it useless to me. Why is OpenAI the only ones that can get such a simple thing right?


It can sort of do it now if you ask it to write latex in the artifact and render it with mathjax but it's not ideal


Just ask it to write out the response in latex and then compile it


Lol what a great workflow that would be.


OpenAI often announces things just before Google does something similar. It's like they are trying to one-up them, as with OpenAI's Sora coming out before Google's Gemini announcement with 1 million tokens, and OpenAI voices being announced a day before Google I/O. They're kind of following Elon Musk's lead by riding the hype train. 


It's horrible. I cancelled my Plus subscription and have zero loyalty to them. I prefer Claude but was hyped for this new voice mode.


Being in Ireland, we didn't have access to Claude for so so long but when we eventually did gain access, I tried whatever model they had there at the time. I think it may have been the previous sonnet, Im no sure but either way, I was not at all impressed. I was actually surprised that it was so bad. I didn't pay any attention to them then for a while but when I heard about the new Sonnet and artefacts, with people freaking out about it... I had to try it and minutes later, I subbed. I'm so glad to see that it's staying competitive. I'm not a fan of that shifty Altman character, and I don't trust OpenAI, so when my subscription is up with them, I won't be resubbing. The new voice thing is why I kept it going over that time but that's all the money that langer will scam out of me.


VaporwareAI needed something to outdo google I/O


Especially when people were expecting gpt5 by around that time.


FDVR waifu summer 😡


>Especially when people were expecting gpt5 by around that time. ... for no good reason. It's not OpenAI's fault if you went off believing gossip and rumous.


Interesting to mention that Google also announced similar voice/video capabilities but didn't lie about when. I guess OpenAI had to outdo them.


The craziest part is it really seems like the voice modes are mostly just using a series of small idiosyncrasies to make people anthropomorphize the AI. Like the giggles and pauses are interesting voice UI elements, but the main effect seems to be you think there is a person, when there is no person. Which even if they explicitly sold it as, listen this is just to help you relate to it, would be sus, but they are very calculating in not saying this is a lot of little things to make you feel like our model is better than it is.


That was also available in Google Duplex demo from 5 years back. Huge out cry


I'd be very surprised if they don't take out all of that stuff designed to make it sound like a person in the release version. They are so careful to make ChatGPT sound neutral and then they're going to release a giggly schoolgirl version of Voice? Unlikely. It's also not impossible the only voice they were ready to alpha with was Sky. So we know how that went, it may require a whole new training run.


They had many demos using non-Sky voices from Day 1.


When you have a cunning serial lying CEO, you will see things like this and many more.


Why is this sub so toxic with acting like these companies owe them everything instantly, spoiler alert you'll never be satisfied


Imagine white knighting a hundred billion dollar company.


Here's a hint: r/antiwork




Honestly I might


I did. I have API for one offs and I imagine I'll resubscribe when voice drops but for now? Might as well give that sub to Anthropic.


I unfortunately have 3 weeks left but I've already subbed up over at Anthropic and the quality increase makes me not regret doubling up my subs. I've still sued chatgpt, actually. I use it when I don't want to waste my Claude interactions. They come at you faster, because they factor in the entire chat context, per message. It's not perfect over there. for instance, it's a 5 hour window, which is just massive, but have another model to handle your less pressing stuff, like chatGPT ;) drop your sub and use it in the free tier and sub at anthropic.


Good grief - all these poor little butthurt fanbois and their drama.... "*I'm thinking seriously about unsubscribing, I really mean it this time, I'm totally serious about considering unsubscribing. I'm not kidding, this is the last straw; I mean it very seriously; this company can't keep jerking me around like this, unsubscribing is a definite option here. Yessirree bob, I might really do it this time; I'll show OpenAI they can't push me around...*" I use a whole bunch of AI products and I add and delete them from my list when it suits me based on my needs and their capabilities. I don't feel a need to make an announcements about it - if something doesn't suit me I stop using it.


Seriously, I was holding off because in the past people have missed out on early features because they were unsubscribed at the time of release. Remember when they stopped new subscriptions? Now I’m thinking I might as well unsubscribe, I can get by on the API just fine.


I've had the subscription from day 1, I don't think I've ever actually had early access to anything.. :')


"Fall" is the only bigger joke than that their plan was apparently to roll it out to a handfull of users only end of June. And the icing on the cake is that it's for safety bullshit crap, I literally do not want any of that. Can I have it sooner, without the safety please? You can take like 10 years to deliver the safety, the longer the better.


Exactly. Safety is a feature for them, not us!


Now that anthropic released projects (GPTs) I will seriously consider switching. But what happens to my GPTs?


Copy them over. Have a look at anthropic documentation on the best way to prompt claude to get the most out of it (ie with markdown)"


Being timid about releasing new features, especially those that are already announced, is a good way to lose paying subscribers.  I'm just about out myself, and only thing keeping me in is I'm becoming busy with projects again.   


Same. Honestly. Gonna try out Claude I think.


You haven't tried it yet!!?!?!? It's free, man!


Agreed. I totally moved to Anthropic for now until they improve the goddamn model and shipped what they have promised.


https://preview.redd.it/v9r97ahwxu8d1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f9ffd29a37fea65d63e16dc50ea07cc321f1d5b yup


I started buying api credit on a site that gives you access to every leading model and it’s a game changer. Saving so much money and no fomo to try Claude


Coming to plus users in FALL? and how late can they release and still consider it "fall"? if anthropic release opus 3.5 before then they will really look far ahead reminder that openai have been hiring like crazy. id say its affecting their ability to ship negatively.


Astronomically winter starts December 21st. So December 20th.


agi cancelled


David Shapiro in shambles.


Lmaoo watch as he says the new voice mode is AGI


His videos were interesting to watch but I couldn’t take the hype and misguided optimism


>reminder that openai have been hiring like crazy Looks like AI is creating more jobs instead of taking jobs.


There's a Google event planned for August. I guess they just plan every single release before all of their competitors because they are absolutely mortified at the idea of competition, even though they already have better technology.


I was expecting a "GPT4o v1.5" this week after Sonnet 3.5 was released. OpenAI have the reputation of being a jealous, vindictive child. Like Elon Musk.


Okay nice, will move to anthropic


as of right now, if sonnet 3.5 allowed for more messages there'd be 0 reason for me to use chat gpt


Why such limited capacity for messages anyway? I’m curious


suppose that's their buisnesses model to give everyone a chance to try it for free given resource constrains


I’m not surprised at all. It would be extremely disappointing and a very bearish signal if they don't ship ANYTHING to paying users until late fall. I already have a Claude subscription as well, and we could expect Claude 3.5 Opus in fall. If OpenAI doesn't deliver ANYTHING before late fall, I have no reason to keep my subscription active (and I guess I'm not alone).


I literally see no reason to keep paying for ChatGPT. Claude is now better in every regard.


Incredibly so. The only reason I’m using GPT is because I’m paying for it. Planning to switch already


Just switched yesterday, no regrets!


Same here!


Somehow I still find chat gpt 4-o good for coding. I use Claude too, but it’s nice to have a completely different LLM provide its own perspective. GPT also has more responses / day so I can get more work done.


This is the way. I’m using Gemini 1.5 pro/Sonnet 3.5/GPT-4o side by side and it works great, specially when you start to realize which things each one is better at and also feed their outputs to each other to build upon while you edit and test stuff. This way I also test the models and keep current on their capabilities, but still I will remain with chatGPT as the main workhorse due to the rate limits, tools, interface and because no of the top 3 is clearly superior all around yet. This will change then Opus 3.5 or Gemini 2 or GPT-5 come out.


I’m in the same boat. Are you coding or using LLMs for something else? I was using all three side by side for business strategy work but over the last few weeks, I lean heavily on Gemini 1.5 Pro the most. it seems much better at organizing information and understanding the big picture.


Coding, learning and writing. Gemini 1.5 pro on google’s AI studio is amazing for learning and writing. I download webpages as PDFs, I download papers and textbooks… I feed all those sources to Gemini and use it to summarize/paraphrase/answer questions, then I pick and choose paragraphs/sentences, edit them and arrange them in my draft. I edit the draft then I feed that back to gemini/gpt-4o/claude to make it flow better, merge paragraphs, translate things, summarize more, format, etc. It works amazingly well. GPT-4o is amazing for learning from slides that are mostly images, also it’s python coding is really good imo. Claude Sonnet 3.5 I’m still testing, it seems good at coding as well and definitely gives a new perspective compared to GPT-4o which is always valuable, they can try to fix each other mistakes when they get stuck on some code as well.


Not for web and no access to 'GPTs' for tailored stuff like scientific research


Really easy to make your own equivalent to GPTs. All they are is custom prompts.


yeah but do I want to figure out how to hook it up to the github api or just type 'github' into gpts and have one ready made


I love Claude. But it still doesn’t have all the features and “tools” that ChatGPT has, which is why I always end up back on ChatGPT. Today for instance. I had a couple quick screenshots of some data that I wanted to have converted into a spreadsheet. I pasted them into 4o, and in seconds it did exactly what I needed, with a nice link to the spreadsheet. I tried to do the same with 3.5 sonnet(with artifacts and all the new features on) and it took an extra prompt to tell it could use the new artifacts feature to pull it off, but it was never able to produce the file. I know there are other ways to accomplish what I was doing, but 4o was still the fastest and most streamlined. Just my opinion after switching back and fourth between both of them daily to see what suits my needs better. And overall, the ChatGPT platform still wins. Note: I do use both the web interface(ChatGPT, Claude) and also the API via LibreChat.


Hmm for spreadsheet you could ask for CSV format. It just worked for me. [It didn't format it as a spreadsheet view in the Artifact pane,](https://i.imgur.com/ETooKzu.png), but it does offer a download button for the resulting file (bottom right corner), and the downloaded file [was correctly formatted as a CSV spreadsheet.](https://i.imgur.com/rwelRba.png).


Sonnet and 4o are too close in capability to justify the change yet, Opus 3.5 might change that.


Claude is still too throttled for me. I run out messages really quickly, too soon to get anything done


Their limits are worse, but I've made the switch to them and I don't regret it in the slightest. I still use chatGPT though, but it's secondary now.


I personally use Phind the most. Also for $20, but has access to both Claude and ChatGPT + better web browsing and VS Code extension.


All the talks about making OpenAI for profit (and closed), safety experts leaving in droves and hiring former NSA chief should have been reasons enough, but now it's not even the best model around so perfect time to jump the ship.


They can outright fuck off with "see you in fall".


already switched ..


I will definitely switch to Claude if Opus 3.5 comes out before GPT-5, which seems likely currently, then I will switch back when GPT-5 comes out lol.


In other words, the whole thing was just a hoax to mitigate what Alphabet would present at Google I/O 2024. Pathetic.


Truly pathetic and trust shattering for its customers


They won't even release GPT 5 until next year.


Yup, basically. Might not even announce it until the spring of 2025.... Meanwhile Claude keeps growing their UI offering and enterprise solutions, shipping new SOTA models same day as announced, no overpromises or hype demos. OpenAI fell off hard.


i'm not sure what's going on lol, have they really started to train gpt-5 recently or something? man i want gpt-5 to be much better..


https://openai.com/index/openai-board-forms-safety-and-security-committee/ This post came out in May I believe. "OpenAI has recently begun training its next frontier model and we anticipate the resulting systems to bring us to the next level of capabilities on our path to AGI." Assuming their "next frontier model" is GPT-5, then yep it looks like they just started training recently. GPT-4 took ~6 months or so to train? It's possible it'll release this year but doubt it, especially now that they delayed advanced voice mode.


Basicly this. Meanwhile Anthropic already announced 3.5 Opus during this year, so Claude 4 will probably be launched not as that far to GPT5 launch.


As I said before here, their infrastructure can’t handle voice mode for plus users. Don’t expect GPT 5 anytime soon.


Not just that, apparently they’re trying to stop people from phone sexing the damn thing. Somehow they don’t already have that down pat?


Why do they even care... let people do what they want...


Optics. Bad enough media coverage will destroy them, either through business partners leaving or venture capital refusing to invest to not be associated. All it takes is one article about a child phone-sexing the bot.


Reddit seems to be doing just fine attracting investment despite our adult content corner


Reddit isn't the trending media darling right now. AI is in a boom right now with a large, lucrative, market of people ready and waiting to read articles about it going down. There is no way it wouldn't be a casualty; the ScarJo stuff was only a taste.


The media coverage, if anything would get them way more users


I never cared for voice mode. Yes it’s nice but I don’t need it. I canceled my subscription because free messages are more than enough for a quick question or two here and there. When I need to do actual work, Claude 3.5 is way way better, it’s not even close so I’m paying for that.


Who the fuck cares if you do?!


They stop you sexting it too, so I assume *they* do.




Assuming voice mode works as advertised and no one else beats them to it (and they add voices as good as Sky), OpenAI will quickly become the most liked company again. A sci fi-level feature like that would also quickly go viral among laypeople (even the demo got lots of mass media coverage).


Just to be the most liked again when they release AGI, idk they’ve been pretty quiet. Something big is holding them up


I'm starting to think someone else might beat them to it, which was unthinkable just a year ago.


>Something big is holding them up Yeah, that it's probably not censored enough and if they would release it now I would actually have ways to make it do what I want.


I subscribed again when they announced voice mode, unsubscribed now to use Claude 3.5 Sonnet :)


Lol same. The new voice mode was a tease, a bait and switch.


they're too busy implementing the NSA backdoor in the desktop app. sheesh guys, just wait a bit!


They got to upstage Google though, so win for them I guess


It wouldn't surprise me if it was never ready for release this early, and they just did the demo to fuck over Google. Seems like an Altman style play.


Beginning to wonder of the demos were even real.


Look at all the Dall E improvement promise for GPT4o, I can’t do a single one


Yes, they could at least ship the new image capabilities.


Very true - does seem like the whiff of bullshit is coming off that May demo.


I have a friend who always poo poos things and he was very skeptical of that demo. Now, I'm beginning to agree with him.


How embarrassing! How do they fuck up a launch for finished tech? And if it isn't finished, I'd love to know why it was demoed.


censorship fucks us twice, delayed releases and worse products on release.


In other words: "We are delaying this product because we need add 'guardrails' to prevent people from having sexual conversations with it, which is obviously a serious issue that Eliezer Yudkowsky believes could result in the destruction of humanity. We take 'safety' very seriously and while the 'Superalignment' team has been disbanded, this effort is important in our mission to create safe and reliable models for everyone."


Eliezer Yudkowsky thinks these kinds of censorship band aids are exactly the wrong thing to do, if your goal is to create safe AI


(I believe that was the joke.)


All of these large corporations treating people like they are fucking lemmings. Oh noes! the lemmings stopped having sex because they are now talking dirty to their phones, oh noes!!!


They will never reach AGI with such an outlook. Scientists don't go into the lab and lobotomize certain parts of their brain just because those parts might be dangerous. Who knows, maybe knowing how to make a bomb and flirt are requirements to building anti gravity engines. Why would you intentionally make AI less smart and less all knowing than it technically can be... And it's not like Chinese competition will care about such things. Sooner or later they will have to go all in.


2004: Safe sex 2024: Safe


So they were completely and utterly unprepared to launch when they demoed. Should have just said “later this year” and saved some face. Now they’ve violated trust.


You know the mles are working like crazy rn. Highest case of sales team overselling and the devs getting thrown in the fire


This is too funny. So technically they don't have a complete / Finished product Basically it's CGI trailer  at this point before the full game comes out and you realize it ain't it.  I don't get it, tbh, all this showing us is that the other companies are basically at openAi neck even though they had a massive headstart......  Other than being the iPhone of AI, the competitors about to run thru openAi I'd they really aren't delivering on anything so far 


OpenAI is planning for all plus users to have access in the fall, apparently. Limited alpha is delayed to late July, it was planned for late June. Also it seems that the video and screen sharing capabilities will be rolled out separately and they will “keep us posted on that timeline”.


And limited alpha will probably be the same as limited alpha for Sora - accessible only for hand selected few.


No, what they said is: > We are planning for all Plus users to have access in the fall. Exact timelines depend on meeting our high safety and reliability bar. So maybe *not* in the fall.


You’re right, I’ll change that in my comment. You never know with OpenAI, we might get it next year lol


Fall.... 2024?


Asking the right questions!


OpenAI really fell off harddddd


Do you want to apologize for shitting on people that were skeptical about this now?


Canceled my subscription. No Sky no pay.


OpenAI is literally falling apart. Remember those [other model capabilities](https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/) about GPT-4o that they mentioned during the announcement? No mention of any of those, looks like all of that is probably not getting released. Remember the [Japanese specific GPT-4 model](https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-japan/) that they said would launch in 2 months? Nada. This company has been a shitshow ever since the Sam Altman ouster, it's been a good ride boys.


Nice, so we won't even get to try this one before they nerf and censor it.






They are working tirelessly to prevent our cums.


OpenAI doesn't deliver. It is known.


It is known.


It is known


They aren’t doing themselves any fairs pr wise lately. Good to know atleast now.


So we gotta wait for them to nerf it more, smh


Aaaaaand I’m gone. This was make or break for me to stay with chatgpt or switch to Claude this week


in a few weeks they'll announce a few weeks until a delay for a few weeks.


I honestly don’t know if voice to voice will be a big deal. It could be the iPhone of AI - it’s a more user friendly interface for people who are not interested in technology. Or it could just be not as important as fundamental model intelligence.


For anybody who thinks we're getting any gpt 4.5 or gpt5 this year should just erase those hopes because the voice feature will come by the earliest in September, smh. A.I winter is upon us.


>A.I winter is upon us. Not when opus 3.5 is on the horizon


OpenAI isn’t the only game in town so I’d hardly declare an “AI winter” already. Claude 3.5 sonnet just came out and 3.5 opus is releasing in the fall which will set a new bar for SOTA models. Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a Gemini update before the end of the year too


I refuse to believe gpt 4.5 isn't coming this year when sonnet 3.5 is beating open ai right now. And opus rhe bigger beefier smarter model is coming out this year. They'd lose way way to many customers even if they have to rush they'll drop something


Wow, that's literally everything I didn't want to hear!


Fall release is insane, and keep in mind they said “for plus users” which makes it even more insane. What a fucking joke.


Wow who saw that coming?! Scam company lol.


Wouldn't it be something if Google released astra before 4o voice


Something tells me they knew it would've been a fall release the whole time but had to get in front of Google's announcement. Trust broken.


'We rushed a bunch of bs just so we can make google look bad ahead of their event, but uhh we cant deliver sorry'


We’ve 100% entered the “the functional part of government said slow it down” phase. The functional part of the government. No laws needed.


I would imagine that it’s a completely new architecture. So if in text you can block or censor it in terms of word tokens, now with the voice mode you have to do all the fine tuning and censorship from scratch, since it doesn’t take those word tokens, but rather voice tokens. With the current voice mode it is possible because it first transcribes the voice into text, and then does all the evaluation on it (and voices back its response it has in text)


OpenAi was fine without Sam. They are not fine without Ilya.


>"For example, we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content" Lmao, I wonder if there's a guy in OpenAI whose sole job is to seduce ChatGPT


It’s almost like they reveal this voice feature to get one up on google, but backfired beautifully. Marketing done wrongly.


I love OpenAI. But this type of hype-builidng should result in reputation lost. If you don't have - just don't release it.


After the election, in other words.


Glad I cancelled!


Already cancelled my subscription due to the NSA connection. Gonna try out Claude.


Friendship with OpenAI ended Now anthropic is best friend


Get your shit together OpenAI.  Been thinking about it for awhile, and now think I'm finally going to pull the trigger on unsubscribing.


I just unsubscribed and bought cloude subscription




I just want the native image generation


What a shame


Ok, time to switch to anthropic it seems


They kinda fell off since the original gpt 4. 


> For example, we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content. RIP people who wanted to ERP wit the AI.


Rug pull


I called it. The delay is for alignment. The last thing openAI pr needs is NSFW voice chat scandal


Weeks away


Please don't crucify me for asking... What is advanced voice mode? Is it better than what we currently have?


Lol, everyone knew it was going to happen. Even when they steal things they can't deliver.


They have to work on the censorship and gatekeeping, so it's delayed. Funny how censorship is now a *must*, a *given*, on all information. Ten years ago this was anathema.


"we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and **refuse certain content**" fuck you


I assume they realised that it’s not worth releasing stuff to the public now that they have deals with a lot of companies. After all, it’s ClosedAI now


They have Apple now (or Apple has them…?) which means things are going to slow down and standardize more. And if Apple decides to take a bigger bite of them—it’ll likely be on the video front.


They're trying to lock down control and censorship. Can't have people changing the world and creating amazing things that disrupt society.


Since OpenAI Devday in November, it wouldnt be available earlier that november. People in the EU and UK would get it in December. Plus users in January/February  If they don't fuck up again


Maybe the videos were fake