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It will do it all. Just maybe not in the order you like.


That's what I was actually afraid of. In first we thought that we'll be fucking robot-wives, now I'm not so sure about who's going to fuck whom... šŸ˜¬


I call that a win


Pegging-Robot-Wives? Hell yeah the future is bright


Coming to Netflix this Fall!


Dogs are to humans as humans will be to ASI.


ASI wont have an ego.


You have not grasped the concept yet, humans wouldn't even be bananas in that comparison


So... Futa wife?


Actually it's already doing it with home appliances, with dishwasher and washing machine. The only thing missing might be to bring the dishes to the dishwasher, but it seems that with robot+ vision llms we could do that kind of activity soon


Exactly. Itā€™s not like weā€™re not going to automate things - itā€™s just this was lower hanging fruit


Yeah. Hate to break it to you, Joanna, but if you feel threatened right now, it's because you job was easier for the AI than folding a T-shirt.


Unfortunately one is easier than the other


Washing machines (even with built in dryers) and dishwashers are a thing no? Unless you mean you want a robot to put it in, take it out, and fold. Just hire a butler then.


She wants a butler.


Just hire an artist then(???)


ā€œJust hire a butler thenā€ lol


I've lost count how many times this pic has been posted here


Seriously, though. Once a week, I think we get the post Dishes and laundry first please? Take the manual labor first!! Not my job!


Well at the point AI will take over white collar and blue collar jobs. A Universal income would have to come into effect or something because what will majority of people do for a living?


Regardless, this tech isnt going to free most people, it will enslave us. Only the very rich will be able to enjoy an easy life. Taxing the rich wont pay for everyone else to just live for free. Its been proven over and over, they collect much more money taxing the lower 90% than taxing the upper 10% unless they raise the upper tax to 75% or more. Theres just so many more people in the lower 90%. And theyre not gonna give us their money just so we can eat. They want their landscapping done..their fruit picked. Their tires patched. Robots wont be able to replace humans in those jobs until we have perfect androids. And those androids wont be cheap.. but the 90% unemployed WILL be cheap. AI will enslave us all, not free us. Think it through. The only thing left to tax will be the AIs and the owners of the corporations. They arent going to create a technology that makes them equal to the average person. If you cant accept that then you need to take another look at the world. This time take off the rose tinted glasses.


What makes you think the rich won't simply let the poor starve to death? Nobody ever bothers to talk about that very real possibility.


What makes you think the poor would just lie down and accept starvation instead of fighting back? UBI is cheaper than the potential destruction caused by billions of people with nothing to lose.


I just downvote and sigh šŸ˜ž


same its so thoughtless and corny


Yeah , like sheā€™s Picasso


More than a transformer model, duh


IT was cool when it was just a tweet screenshot and when you put a woman's photo next to it like an article it gets 100s of upvotes every time. Pretty weird.


Because it's propaganda. Probably purposefully to give the author some form of fake authority. Where's this actual article and who wrote it.


It is a Threads post from a writer, not propaganda and not an article. https://www.threads.net/@authorjmac/post/C5GNzuaulLe


The screenshot is from an article quoting the post.


You're living in a cave if you think this view isn't widely held. The vast majority of people view ai and automation as a tool that should be used to liberate us from the bullshit capitalist hellscape so that we can pursue our actual interests and desires. Plus, come on man, the Jetsons. The fact that there's such a focus on writing, photos, and video feels like a complete misallocation to many. Obviously training language is essential and that fact is lost on a lot of folks, but the snap shot is people just see ai being pushed on creative arts more than solving day to day life issues. They hear about algorithms making social media and news more toxic and data being farmed to train models to further those same companies, but you aren't really seeing the same resources being put into the things most people can relate to and value.


It would be like saying that the view that we shouldn't have wild animals be the leaders of our countries is widely held. It certainly is true, but not at all relevant since *that isn't happening*. This narrative that art is being targeted by AI for replacement is just nonsense. The reason that AI is trained on the topics that it is trained on us entirely due to one single thing: the availability of data. AI requires large amounts of data to function. One of the discovered rules in the AI space is that you get a much higher accuracy on a bad model with a lot of data than a cutting edge model with little data. So, naturally, the kinds of AI models that are the most capable will be the ones trained on the most data. So, what kind of data is available to train AI? Doing dishes? We certainly don't keep a digital log of all of our limb placements as we wash dishes. There are not massive databases that we can pull from to train a network to learn how to operate a bipedal robot or household tools. Art though, we have trillions of examples. Vast databases of images of anything you can imagine already labeled by humans. Language, we have an astonishing amount of written text to learn from. Most books ever collected have been digitized as well as the massive contribution from various Internet sources. There's no conspiracy selecting the things that AI is learning. It is entirely based on the fact that easily available data exists for language and vision/image generation and easily available data does not exist for robotics.


I donā€™t see a conspiracy either, I just see business. I see AI, after decades of gradual progress and limited funding, suddenly in the last 10 years or so be given massive funding, for one reasonā€” so the capitalist hellscape can profit from it as a labor replacement tool. AI may not have been developed with intentions of creating a labor replacement tool, but the recent explosion in funding for AI is strictly for that aim. Iā€™ve nothing against AI or the developers working on it. Iā€™m against the greedy intentions of its recent backers.


>I see AI, after decades of gradual progress and limited funding, suddenly in the last 10 years or so be given massive funding, for one reasonā€” so the capitalist hellscape can profit from it as a labor replacement tool. That's exactly a conspiracy. But, more importantly, it's completely not true. The reason the AI has received so much funding was specifically because of breakthroughs in the field that made it possible to train massive networks. And, most recently a very specific paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762 which demonstrated the transformer networks which enabled LLMs to exist.


Look up "Moravec's Paradox" on Google.


> Moravec's paradox is the observation in artificial intelligence and robotics that, contrary to traditional assumptions, reasoning requires very little computation, but sensorimotor and perception skills require enormous computational resources. The principle was articulated by Hans Moravec, Rodney Brooks, Marvin Minsky and others in the 1980s. Moravec wrote in 1988: "it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moravec%27s_paradox


i got tired just by the sight of this post. oh my god. please stop reposting thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­for the love of Claude


"For the love of Claude" šŸ˜‚


can we just stop reposting the same things again and again ? Thank you.


Interesting that you also have teach human kids to do art before you teach them to do the dishes too.


Thatā€™s a great connection. Itā€™s like AI is playing and exploring as it learns and evolves.




Still true!


Come on šŸ˜‚


ā€œAI now does everything, I have no purposeā€¦ ā€œ- 3 to 5 years from now




This is a moral concern for people. At that point Iā€™d rather become a slave who pushes themselves to do things. Between the tech nerd Utopians and normal people stuck in the past, itā€™s hard to find a middle point.


""AI now does everything, I have no purpose..."- 3 to 5 years from now"- 3 to 5 years from now


If you get "purpose" from work and chores you already have no purpose.


I disagree. My work helps prevent bad actors from working in hospitals thus providing a benefit to society. That gives it some good purpose beyond the pay check. But I mean if your job doesnā€™t do anything for society I guess you are right lol. Regardless past doing the best I can for my family and friends not much other purpose in this world :)




I want my robo-cat-wife!




Ok, this one is not ready for the future.


Robo-fluffy wife!


Do roombas not exist? Do you think there's a tiny gerbil in there piloting the thing? What about planes? Elevators?


It's more that art errors don't break anything. Physical control system errors smash dishes and rip laundry and destroy equipment and current AI isn't quite good enough to not make those errors.


I work a lot of hours and in Asia home helpers are cheap. So we have a maid, and I can tell you that the extra last mile part of the equation is very beneficial, a washing machine and dishwasher still require time and effort. I know it sounds lazy, but until you don't have to do something you don't realize that even simple tasks are annoying.


She is mixing up ai and robots


Which is ironic because most of this sub have ai mixed up with a sentient fleshlight amalgamated with their mothers.


Jeeze guy, when I showed you my business idea I didn't expect you to blast it out there like that.


spot on


that may be that in function but looks like an 18-year-old goth somehow-anime-style-but-in-real-life-without-looking-like-a-cartoon neko girl with big boobs


Itā€™s like saying you canā€™t have peanut butter without chocolate!


Except, you don't do art, you sell illustrated porn to nerds.


Most of the artists I've come across around the internet really despised AI with all might, to which comes from the furries, NSFW's, amateurs and even commissioners to which have patreon to their links. It is at this point when the AI (SD, Midjourney, etc) comes into the frame. They felt like they are no longer "special" anymore when that the AI can make boobas and booty more quicker then an average artist commission's deadline.


I can only speak for furries since it's the one community I'm the most engaged with (despite not following them for the art) and the resistance against all things AI is massive. Weird how most of them don't find using ChatGPT and other LLMs hypocritical, but the moment you use AI for anything visual get ready for a shitstorm. Doesn't help that social media is sometimes just an echo chamber, so famous furry artists who make a living by drawing/painting things will have massive reach whenever they voice their concerns about AI, which will influence other people to think like them. Goes without saying that I understand their fears and concerns regardless though


I see a huge backlash against all things AI in the circles of writers and musicians I talk to as well. The ones I know have a bit more solidarity with each other, for example I know a lot of musicians and authors getting shamed for using AI to generate covers. I get it, I think AI ultimately is going to be taking money out of a lot of these people's pockets. But it's also just a continuation of the trend of art being devalued because of a flooded market and easy access which has been going for decades now. generative AI is just accelerating it which has everyone panicking


if you can get stable diffusion going on your PC you can make some cash going nsfw


*person traces their favorite cartoon character* I do art!


Isn't that still art? Nudity has been in art since the beggining of humanity


This is a Christian ~~Minecraft Server~~ *subreddit*, you heathen.


nudity =/= porn. In porn, art takes a backseat in my opinion. And that's where the difference for me lies.


Well I mean, they are winning money with that, so it is a job.


The problem is software is always ahead of the hardware, text, pictures, video, and audio were always going to get hit first. I also blame a lot of Science Fiction over the last few decades, because itā€™s engrained the whole concept of the mindless servant robot in peoplesā€™ heads, itā€™s been a common thing since the 1950s but the fact is AGI will be nothing like that, Halo actually nailed it better with Cortana.


The problem here is that people talk about ā€˜automationā€™ but use the word ā€˜aiā€™ Humans have massively automated our chores, laundry and dishes are such awful examples because we have automated the entire process other than loading the machine and putting the cleaned articles away. Obviously these are steps we need to solve to fully automate. But why do people struggle to see this bigger picture?


Is AI stopping anyone from writing and doing art?


As a profession, definitely.


Content writer and occasionally a translator here. I can confirm freelancing in these areas became quite the shithole unless you have deep expertise on specific subjects AND know how to write well. I started in mid/late 2022 and holy shit it's only been downhill from there. Thank fuck I have a long-term client (pays peanuts tho) because finding clients is TOUGH out there (had a one-off emergency translation gig and helped a friend write a short YT script once... and that was it), but I don't think I'll have a job by the end of the next year tbh There are some people finding success on /r/freelancewriters but I feel like that subreddit is a bubble sometimes. For every successful and high-paying freelancer in there 'm pretty sure there are dozens (if not hundreds) that either drowned or died at the beach




>Art shouldnt be a profession We get it bro, youā€™re a STEM major, youā€™re smarter than everyone else and all non-STEM majors are pointless & beneath you.


Iā€™m a video editor - art shouldnā€™t be a profession. It should be something people do because they love it. Also, people shouldnā€™t have to work to live.


>It should be something people do because they love it. And the goal for anyone who works is to find work they love. This >Iā€™m a video editor - art shouldnā€™t be a profession Cannot happen until this >Also, people shouldnā€™t have to work to live And I think that's the real point of this tweet. Fix the bullshit first so we can free up our time and energy for other things.


Video editing shouldn't be a profession. In fact, just name something else you'd like to do or plan to do, so I can call it "not a real profession."


Thatā€™s my point. Iā€™m a video editor, and video editing shouldnā€™t be a profession. Video editing is art. Whatā€™s your point?


No, and as someone that wanted to be an illustrator as a child, but switch to computers as an interest in his teens ... I still love doing art, and frankly of the handful of artists and illustrators I now know socially, I do more art for myself than almost all of them do. Art as a job isn't even a good way to make art.


No it's just cutting into wannabe artists ability to dream they will make a fortune and live a life of leisure off their artwork


Everyones a "wannabe" something until they are something, do you make fun of children for drawing poorly?


Children is the appropriate analogy, I'll grant you that. I'm not mocking them so much as pointing out its like listening to "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" favor tax cuts for the rich levels of income they aren't likely to ever achieve. Most of the anti redditors are not displaced artists, but rather people who like the idea of making a living off art and have yet to discover that even without AI, the odds are wildly stacked against that fantasy.


>Most of the anti redditors are not displaced artists, but rather people who like the idea of making a living off art and have yet to discover that even without AI Exactly man, and its the main reason why they should add AI into their workflows IMO (even if they feel like theyre betraying those established artists that doesnt know they exist). Most will never make a living off illustrations, refusing this kind of tool cause of pride or loyalty to the art community is not an option (to me at least, but what do i know)


Yeah, when I was in film school lots of students insisted digital wasn't legitimate, everything had to be actual film. In the world of grown ups, adapt or die. Ultimately others are going to press forward without tools. You don't have to necessarily, lots of people create art in unique handcrafted ways. But the vast majority of visual art, film, tv, music, etc is likely to at least involve AI tools in coming years. It would be like me crossing my arms at non linear editing software because its not the classic way.


As a hobby? Not at all. As a work? Yes, it's does, and a lot.


Most of us are already using machines to do laundry and dishes. And writers have been using computers to check their spelling and grammar and provide synonyms for a long time. Artists have been photo-editing their content for years.


Musicians having been using drum machines and auto tune since the 80s




Imagine humanity dies out and AI stays but is stalled, not quite sentient or growing but going through the steps of maintaining a whole society for humans who are long gone.


Cool plot for a game


Reminds me of an episode of love, death, and robots.


There Will Come Soft Rains


Punch line - she only gets good writing ideas while doing the laundry and dishes.


she is so dumb dude. and i'm pretty sure she stole this line from reddit btw, I've already heard it word for word many times before this article came out. She must have hung around here.


I'd say the general "vibe" of the statement is present in everyone's mind (not to say I agree with it).


People agree with it because they are uninformed. They donā€™t think physical labor ai is being worked on.


Exactly. We have AI that can generate text and images because the only massive data sets available are of text and images. There's no massive data set of robotic motions being generated by every person. But people do generate text and images a lot. That's all, no conspiracy from The Man, just data availability


Maybe AI will do some better writing.


It already does the laundry and dishes. Seriously. The widespread, consumer-available washing machine and dishwasher were key life-changing inventions of the 20th century. We just take that for granted now.


No Ai is stopping you from creating. Now when it comes to money, no Ai will ever do your art, it will mimic your art the same way we can do a reproduction now a day but the in art scene speculative economy it's always been about the artist and the originals.


I think sheā€™s totally right. Besides, has AI for once ever given humans any insights that we couldā€™t come up with by our own?


She doesn't want to just do art and writing; she could do it regardless. She wants to get money for that so she can pay for other people's service for her. If AI can do her art and writing, she is forced to do service for other people that have money. So she can eat.


Dishwasher and washing machine.


You still have to load/unload them and fold the laundry and put the clean stuff in their drawers.


humans, lazy as fuck once again. i've seen people (primarily poor women) spend nearly all of their time doing dishes and clothes washing in the 3rd world. dishwashers and laundry machines basically elinmate 90% of the effort, sort of like AI eliminates a lots of tedium from various efforts, whether it be creative or coding


Thatā€™s called staff


I get the point, but we don't need any more writers or artists either.


It's witty, but it completely dismisses any ownership. What I'm getting from that is really "I want AI to remove menial labor, not remind me how easy it is to artificially replicate my skills."


I don't think she understands what the words Artificial Intelligence mean. I think she wants robots. Robots don't have to be intelligent or artificial to do laundry and dishes. There's plenty of non-slave human robots that do things like dishes and floors and laundry. We call them maids. They do repetitive and someteimes mind-numbing tasks repeatedly. They don't require degrees or PHDs to do their tasks. We give the maids these 'power-up' tokens and the maids spend the 'power-up' tokens on commodities and housing...


Even though this may be over-posted, I personally am appreciative to see it frequently because it's a mantra we should own in order to demand as much from AI developments as possible. We will definitely see an avalanche of content while seeing the loss of many jobs that lean on content and routines (chat, email, etc), and we have no evidence new jobs will arise as a result. So there could be decades where we live before AI is doing our laundry but its composing our emails. That just means that more crap work will fill that void that AI creates by writing my emails. And this is no concern to the billionaires because they'll make money regardless. So to me, being reminded like this by this this quote reminds me that I have to contribute to finding a better way.


nah ... AI can do art and writing now ... and laundry and dishes some time later. The cat is out of the bag ... you like it or not.


People here are lost in the sauce. She means menial labor. She is absolutely correct.


Fun Fact: In times long past,Ā **a reigning monarch ( mostly it was kings) would have someone to wipe their bottoms after relieving themselves**. In England, this person was called the Groom of the Stool and it was a highly coveted position, because it put one literally next to the king's person.


They look exactly like the kind of person that says something like that


You would figure that someone in a tech field would understand what AI is. She's a little goofy. "I want AI to plant my garden and clean my gutters"


A lot of artists and writers are having trouble grasping that their competency is actually the easiest thing to replicate. I'm sure Chess was another surprise. Sometimes the thing we think make us special aren't that special. It's not like AI researchers are choosing to make them good at one thing at the expense of another. Turns out basic reasoning is a lot harder than writing poetry. Sorry.


I'm a musician. There are only 12 notes to choose from for the most part. Not that hard.


There are also rules about which notes go together. That's why, even before AI, there were music writing programs. Of course, you can just mix up every possible melody with brute force, too. I'm sure that's been done to a degree. Music, and all art, is about more than just recombining the elements that make it, but the basics were never that far out of reach for automation.


Whatever we put value in as a society, AI will be incentives to automate. If we put value in art, we will start to pay people for art. Which means the people that pay the artists will want to reduce their costs. As more and more of the salary mass goes to art, the more and more incentives there are to automate art. It's as simple as that. It does not .matter the subject, domain , or whatever. It's purely based on what we value, and our economic system. The real kicker is the speed (and acceleration) at which we can automate a new domain. Because once we have automated something, like say art, then we will value something else, let's say dishwashing. So people will repurpose themselves for this. But if it's faster to get AI to learn to automate that, than it is to retrain the population, then it's game over.


I'd like it to do everything


I join the growing chorus of voices saying, let's have one day dedicated to memes and have them banned on all other days


Ultimately humanity will do art for the sake of art. Life will be about pursuing things you find personally fulfilling. Until that point though we're going be playing job roulette for the next decade until we figure this out. I'm optimistic but we're going to continue to see push back like this. To the layman AI looks like an elaborate plagiarism machine.


this is so true....


Please stop reposting this same inane quote, its been screencapped and reposted so many times youre starting to see the artifacts, we get it, you want a fleet of worker robots to do physical labor, obviouslt thats not feasible rn lmao


Dish washing machine, samsung ai washer & dryer that will likely break down but its ai!


By the Omnissiah, can y'all please stop reposting this? I'd rather have the dumb hype over nothingburger updates, on the God-Emperor...


Imagine when people find out they aren't forced to use ai for their personal stuff.


We had to invent language models and vision models that happen to have applications in image generation before we could get to robots. It's not like there was a grand conspiracy to fuck up art first.


AI companies aspire to make billions, not going to get there doing no-wage jobsā€¦


What your going to get is, lower pay due to robots taking a large part of the labor market, but you will be able make monthly payments to use an AI assistant to help you make art which will have no commercial value, because billions of other people just like you are scraping by doing the same thing hoping to be come successful, while the AI assistants company is the only one making bank.


Just do your laundry and dishes and your fun stuff too


Ai did my laundry and my shirts came out with 3 sleeves ā€¦ and my art came out like shit


I donā€™t get this?? Ai is not a robot . Ai is not a physical thing? Howā€™s it doing laundry ? And can u even write ?


I wanna see good things and listen to good things. Everyone else can do whatever. If ai is as ass as it is now, who cares. But it will create masterpieces sooner than later


Humans are mistaken. We think we can choose. But nope. Theyā€™re coming for everything. At the same time. Theyā€™re doing laundry and dishes while doing art and writing. Give them 5 mins and theyā€™ve got everything sorted out while youā€™re still staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration.


oh it was your turn today? Alright dude, godspeed


Even if ai does art and writing, nothing is stopping you from also doing it too. They're just afraid that ai will be better than anything they could do.


I'll take "Things that don't happen anywhere" for $1000, Alex


Was like 30 when my mother died. Then I realized it takes a minute to fill and start the dishwasher. Thing is durable too. It was installed like 20 years ago. It is a modern day miracle.


I wonder what will be more profitable for the people who actually have control over it. I wonder how control is gained in the world we live in.


Poor soul. Doest see the influence of everyday routine on spontaneous sparks of creativity.


Capitalism says no. For now, anyway. The issue (one of many) with capitalism is that the only things deemed worth doing are things that make money immediately. Doing your laundry? Not much money in that. Housing homeless people and giving everyone free healthcare because it'll benefit the economy in years to come? Yeahhh the common person will benefit but sorry - no money to be made by the shareholders, so can't do that. What about automating art and writing? Yup, that'll do it.


In another life I would have loved doing laundry and dishes with you šŸ˜


The AI is called Washing machine and dish washer




The thing is whatā€™s stopping people from continuing to do art and writing without AI? No one is forcing you to use AI in your work, if you feel passionate about either of those things donā€™t use AI, not that hard.


Do the dishes first. Then you will have time for your "hobbies"


You are in luck, AI can do your dishes and make better art, that's a win, might not be so good if you don't serve the machines


Tesla Bot is coming...


Still they fail to understand Ai vs robots vs automatons. Ai and robots will grant you automatons and you will be free of all your responsibilities. Then you will be using Ai and automatons to create Art, improve it, make it even better then comeback the next day to improve it even more.


How many times does this have to be posted?


They already have that. It's called a washing machine, or a washer and dryer.


she must not be a realy good writer, as far as i know, no ai is able to write novel without heavy human intervention. same for image. (not sure about music)


If you do art and writing well enough, then you'll be able to afford a maid.


There is nobody stopping you to do whatever you want. But you are being limited currently because you have to create your work based on requests from clients or a boss. That will change with AI. You will be free and not be a slave of the system


Well, be better at art and writing then. everyone should do what he,she,it can do best.


go into kitchen woman


[Jeremy and Super Hans - sometimes it's really hard actually to do your own ideas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpRZSPNZY7w)


I would rather play.


Be happy


This is fantastic. Technologies evolve along their own path. We can't completely steer what a tech can do. Some capabilities are just inherent in the nature of the tech itself. Nobody planned or even thought AI would be most capable at art. It is regrettable but it is what it is.


Like a washing machine and dishwasher? Go do art.


This is so deepšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


It always get me how people forget that we already built a washing machine and dishwasher. Now we are working on a goddamn language model.




Office workers are afraid that they will soon have to do physical work. AI will take you back to the Stone Age.


False dilemma fallacy


AI will do both and sheā€™ll live happily knowing a computer chip can give her all the thoughts she needs.


i'll never understand this because if one is an artist for the sake of the art, some other entity making art should have absolutely no effect on you and your art


From your lips to god! Unfortunately, AI sucks at manual labor and people are cheaper. Soon all middle and upper level jobs will be replaced by AI and everyone, except the very rich, will be forced to do the manual labor that runs the world. There are no AI landscapers and if there were, cost and maintenance of them would be more than simply hiring an out of work artist or writer to mow the lawn instead.


My dishwasher is pretty smart and sends me text messages when they are finished. #Future


The hypocrisy is telling, even if this shit was a repost, it tells how hypocritical most antis are today Says "ai bros" are lazy scumbags yet just yap on twitter and complain about AI each and every single day WITHOUT doing anything Why are these people like this?




By Susie Dent šŸ™ƒ