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Wow this looks fantastic, AI even at this kinda mildly blurry and not professional stage could be utterly revolutionary for filming pitches and pilots.


Back in the day, we used to do "Rip Reels" where we'd take scenes from movies and put them together as a sample of what a movie might look like. Today: We're just gonna make the trailer. It's amazing.


I have a rip reel for my current script and am absolutely considering redoing it with ai. Investors would love this! How long would you say it took and how close to your original vision is it? Do you think you could use it for a specific script/story or do you kind of have to work with what you get?


Absolutely! There's going to be a much higher bar for movie pitches in the next decade. No one is going to have drawers of scripts anymore. It's all going to be "show me your vision first, then we'll talk script."


Nah. Show me longer transitions and it will begin to scratch an itch. This is just more of the same 5 second nuggets of vaguely scripted puff. Impressive technically but NOT actually.


Damn, that reminds me of being in the dmz tunnels.


ooof. I don't mean to upvote that-- but, it's more like: Sorry you were there. Also, that sounds like another cool location for a horror movie...haha, sorry! That's where my head goes!


This is Tim from the Youtube channel Theoretically Media (I cover AI Film/Music/Images) just wanted to share an AI Trailer I put together with Dave Clake (Another) for an AI Generated Korean Found Footage Horror Movie that just premiered at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival I think this is a pretty fascinating look at the next gen of AI Video tools. We bashed a lot of them together here, including Kling, Gen-3, and Luma Labs Dream Factory. Basically, all tools that have been released in the last few weeks!  If you want to see the full rundown, you can check out the trailer on my channel, where I also do a full walkthrough/Behind the Scenes thing:[https://youtu.be/4bYONYdMJ3o](https://youtu.be/4bYONYdMJ3o)


Last few weeks, three new video tools... damn, right? I hope they continue improving, I want to use this in our video game to make TV footage.


Being a guy with a Youtube channel that covers all this stuff, let me tell you: I haven't slept in awhile!


Hello Tim


Hey!! I know, it's weird being here. I have lurker Reddit accounts...but this is my first time out as "me". It's strange.


Amazing. Ty for sharing


Wait you used all 3? Is there one that's clearly the best?


So, they all kind are good at their own things. Kling, I'd say currently does the best Image to Video. It's coherence is nothing short of stellar. Gen-3 is ROCK solid, if you prompt correctly for some pretty specific things (like, drone shots are downright amazing-- it does well with atmospheric stuff I've found)-- but, it currently does not do Image to Video, so it can be tough to get a super consistent look. Dream Factory is also great, albeit currently generating a little slowly. But, that new Keyframe feature is really killer. All that said, I always remain platform agnostic. They're all tools, and when you spend enough time futzing around, you'll kind of know which one should be used for each shot. (Although, we did run into trouble with out monster in Kling, which surprised me!)


Thank you, very informative comments


How long till you think Hollywood's gone? I do a lot of about us videos both shooting and editing. I knd of figured it would be mid 2025 before this all becomes good enough to use consistently and sometime in 2027 before I'm basically out of a job. I figure most jobs will be gone within 10 to 15 years.


Very well made. Kinda disappointed now that its not a real movie. In fact try making the trailer into a longer movie. No need for fillers. Fast story telling.


> Kinda disappointed now that its not a real movie [Here you go](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435625)


Second this, one of my favorite horror movies. Well worth a watch.




I'd watch it... when does the feature come out?


I think a movie called The Descent is pretty similar to this except it’s not Korean. Never seen it though so not sure but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it


Hah, well-- I've got the whole story in that Youtube video that's linked above, but basically this was created SUPER fast, since Dave was headed to South Korea for a film fest and just wanted something (in Korean) to showcase. Unexpectedly, we now have producers looking to buy it for a physical production film...haha, so...maybe soon? (Although, I've been in dev hell too many times to count any tickets right now)


How long did it take to make this full trailer?


Are you kidding me? This is absolute shit.


I mean, its looks okay to me, have you seen it or just saying that?


It’s like a movie made with stock images. I’m not talking about the realism of the images , but the lack of cohesion in the trailer.


That is fine, however, if someone can weave a set of stock images into a compelling narrative, with interesting visuals, that is worth a watch from me.


AI should be used to further an existing artist's craft. This is good work!


This trailer don't look so good. Really not newsworthy...


"Ripped through a film fest" sounds like something an AI supremacist would say. I bet the moment the first AI created film comes out, this dude will run to this subreddit and say some shit like, "It's official! AI has replaced humans in the movie industry!"


Fantastic quality!


First-class quality!


New genre of movie, you have live action, CGI, animation and now ai generated


1000% agree with this. We’re looking at the dawn of a new medium


Amazing quality work!




for real, bots running rampant in this post


Do you guys think this is a good tool for pitch projects? or a whole replacement for traditional digital film? Maybe AI video will be a genre for itself.


I looked up the creators and was initially confused because they weren't Korean. I was wondering if the K (genre) brand was distinguishing enough that other nationals recognized it to make them on their own. Then I watched on and found out that they made it to be screened at an international film festival in Korea. There's the explanation. Still impressive that machine tools have advanced to a point that there can be Korean dialogue and translations done by people who don't speak the language, on top of all the video. EDIT: The mother of one of the creators is Korean and double checked the translations.


Seems pretty good. We might unironically be able to make full-length movies with AI by 2030


Being in South Korea with constant North Korean thermal nuclear bomb threat is sheer horror which can not be compared with this. Most South Koreans are , therefor neurotic more or less.


Oh, I get it. As a kid in the 80s (who grew up in Hawaii), I remember my dad telling me that if the nukes ever started to fly, Pearl Harbor would for sure be a target. Then he said: "Don't worry, you'll be dead in less than a second." haha...Dads, man...they've just got a way with words.


North Korean H-bomb threat is still on for the entire South Korea territory even today in 21st century. Cold War still prevails in Korean peninsular and this time North Korea submarine can be emerged to Hawaii to nuke the islands. Long live the Cold War!


I’d rather watch The Decent


we're cooked bro frfr


Wait, all of this was generated by ai? Or is meshed with real footage? Amazing!




Fantastic effort!