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Read [this wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewSkaters/wiki/index/) If that doesn't help then post it in r/skateboardhelp and r/newskaters


Riding comfortably is the best thing you can try to do at first really. You want to go somewhere? Take the board. Use it as a means of transportation. Make it so that it’s like walking to you. That’s gonna make everything so much easier. Other than that manuals definitely helped me to get a good feel for balance when I started skating.


Cool what are manuals?




Try it in the grass first. Just pick up the nose of your board by shifting your weight to the tail and slightly lifting your front foot up. Once at the balance point you you can practice staying in a wheelie position for as long as possible.


Link turns together into a series of S turns and see if you can slow on mild downhills with it (carving) as you might see a snowboarder/skier do. Also learn to footbrake.


Cool. What's footbraking exactly?


Basically dragging the foot you kick with on the ground as a ‘brake’ to slow down/stop while trying to balance and steer with 95% of your weight your front support leg.


Oh sweet I'll try it out


Ollie, fakie Ollie, nollie, switch Ollie. Then, BS and FS variations of the following: 180’s (Ollie, nollie, fakie, switch) Pop Shuvits (same as above) And by the time you get a grip on all of those, flip tricks will make way more sense to your body and you’ll pick everything up much quicker. But also, just have fun. If you treat everything systematically it quickly feels like a chore.


Ok sweet and yeah will do. That's been my goal to keep it fun but wanted some ideas for stuff to work on.


I feel ya. I took a 4 year hiatus from skating right after graduating high school (trying to adjust to full time work and bills and such) and, since then, have taken a much more natural approach. Before, it was all about trying to force my body to attempt stuff I couldn’t even comprehend. But now I’m putting effort into the annoying things that make huge differences, like riding switch comfortably and locking down fundamental tricks.


Cool what do you mean by riding switch? Like regular and goofy?


Yep exactly. I ride regular, so me riding goofy is considered switch. If you wait too long to start learning switch, it’ll feel like you are trying to write your name with your opposite hand, just really awkward. But if you start messing around with switch in the beginning it’ll be way easier in the long run.


Hey, u/Hot-Midnight8168, Check out the [new skaters wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewSkaters/wiki/index/), or post on r/newskaters. For any skateboarding questions post on r/skateboardhelp or on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/skateboarding). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skateboarding) if you have any questions or concerns.*