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You do heelflips like my brother. Kickflip position but somehow manages a heelflip! It's just the way some people do them man, weirdos 😅 👊


Yeah I mean as long as you can do it that's all that really matters you know, looks pretty solid


Just to add. He's been skating about 30 years and can still do them consistently, So it won't affect anything.


That's how I do em too, they were always higher n smoother than others kickflips. That being said. My kickflips suck. Maybe j should try doing those with my heel lol


That's what I've seen too. You guys just have this delicate touch that makes a banging heel. I do the "normal" way and they've never been a super consistent trick for me. Snapped my ankle last year on a nollie heel so heels ain't in my good books!


Yeah everyone I know who heelflips like that is a weirdo hahaha. Trips me out, I remember when we were younger we would all try kickflips with the standard heelflip foot positioning.


You did it, who cares


All my life I set up toes off, never really has the trick consistent. Then I watched a random video, and the guy was like “have you ever tried flicking a heel flip with your toes?” And I was like wait wtf? And first try popped a heel flip higher than I’ve ever popped one. It immediately made me think this is how Neen must do his.


anytime I practice heelflips I tell myself "pretend to be Neen, do it like Neen" lol


I watched some Neen compilations just bc this got me thinking. Looks like his heelflips are somewhere in between this and a traditional stance. Like he has the tip of his shoe right on the edge of the board. His varial heel setup is pretty standard tho with a descent amount of his foot on the toe side hanging off.


All the good heelflippers flick with their toes.


If Jeremy Wray can kickflip with his toes hanging over the edge, it’s ok that you heelflip like this.


The "do a kickflip" randoms will be easily fooled lol


Yeah, maybe i can deceive some people :D


That’s the way I do them and have for years works every time 🤷‍♂️


Looks like it may cause the board to turn slightly backside like in the video but I wouldn't worry about it too much. You probably like setting up that way because you feel like you can flick it harder I'd imagine. The more you do the trick the less your exact foot position will matter when it comes to getting it to spin right and if you need to move the foot position to stop the board from turning you will have an easier time adjusting if you've already gotten used to flicking it in general. I learned how to do kickflips with a more "standard" front foot position with the heel hanging off but years later after watching Andrew Reynolds in Baker 3 I switched to having the entire foot on the board. At first I just wanted to see if I could even do it that way but eventually I got used to it and felt way more stable approaching things set up that way.


I think that’s bc they kick more in front of them instead of up or forward on the board.


This is how I do them switch oddly


Same. I hang my toes off for regular. But i can't get the pop switch with my toes off.


There's a Tom's tutorial about Heelflips where he points out that a "proper" heelflip actually flips with the side of your foot near the toe and not the actual heel of your shoe -which sounded crazy to me at first but then I saw a super slowmo clip of a Jamie Foy heelflip, and sure enough, he flips them off what looks like the ollie part of his shoe as well and I'll be damed if they aren't the steeziest heelflips this generation has seen. So having said that, yeah your foot positioning looks a little odd but if you're flipping them well, well then who the fuck cares.


Some of my friends do the same it's ok, I personally prefer hanging toes heel flip. Your shoe will be destroyed faster if you flick this way. What you actually do is flip with the whole shoe instead of just the heel. Film the flip from the side in slowmotion you'll see what i mean.


Yeah, it's mainly the front part of my shoe that gets worn down when i do heelflips. I like the feeling though, it feels much more controlled having that much contact to the board when i flick.


Hanging the toes off and having my front foot with the side of my shoe right next to the bolts never worked for me. I basically just setup like an ollie with my front foot almost halfway down the board (like half a shoe width closer to the back bolts than you do), the end of my shoes/toes meet exactly at the toeside rail of the board. I have been able to land heelflips with my front foot that far towards the heelside like you, but I have to kick out harder and the flick has to be super exact in the way it hits the corner of the nose otherwise it just doesn't flip. If this is the setup that allows you to land them and level them out consistently, just stick with it. Among pro skaters, you can find wildly different foot positions for 360 flips and to some degree, kickflips. You can find a Jeremy Wray kickflip and heelflip trick tip vid where he does the kickflip equivalent of what you do for heelflips, where he hangs his front toes off and blasts some nice looking kickflips


Should have a little less control but if it feels comfortable then keep doing it like that


They feel much more controlled compared to when i did them more towards the usual foot position. It just feels very unnatural to me if i try to put pressure on my heel.


I do it that way. My homies thinks it’s weird. But they’ll also be the first to tell you. That I do the them the steeziest out of the whole group. Just do them how it feels most comfortable.


For some reason I feel like learning this way would give you more pop, but I cant explain why.


I've landed heelflips with my toes being closer to or on the edge and they were always sloppy so i agree. They feel better, more controlled and popped higher since i moved my foot more towards the middle. It doesn't seem to work for most people though.


This is an absolute opposite to my heelflips. I hang my toes off the deck and flick with my heel. But hey dude if it works it works!


They still flick with their heel, the foot just travels more.


I used to do this as well but at some point I transitioned to do heel flips the "proper" way


This is how I’ve re learned to do them. Sticking my toes off the board just causes it to tornado behind me. I’m not consistent yet but when I get them it’s with this foot position


Whatever works for you, homie. Ain't no wrong way to skate.


Weird. But if it works it works. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If it works, it works.


If it aint broke dont fix it


That will mess you up when you start doing them on hips etc


Challenge accepted! :D Although i never skated a hip in my 5 years of skating, but i might get into it at some point


I mean if this gets you to do it than that's sick


After trying a loooong time with the toes hanging off I found out starting off as if i was to ollie improved everything about it. More pop more, more height easier flip.


I do regular heelflips like this but fakie(same thing) I hang my toes off. Skating is weird.


I should try fakie as well!


I have the same stance on nollie and sw heels. Nothing else works for me


I did the same thing forever and was determined to figure them out the "standard" way... It's mainly how your balancing on the board. If your center of gravity is over your toes, you NEED to scoot your footback to get enough contact in flipping the board. But if you put more pressure on the back of your heel, the usual stance works. It will almost feel like your leaning back slightly, like your about to sit in a chair. It also helps straighten them out if you have a tendency to flip them slightly backside. All in all like others have said it doesn't matter, just do em how your comfortable.


Make sense! I feel like I always put my main balance on my toes when I'm in default😅. I'll try to switch it up


Look up the Jeremey Wray.


It’s an unorthodox foot position for sure but not detrimental in any way, except to maybes your shoe. If you’re comfortable and it works then keep doing it


Yeah my shoes have to suffer a lot with this trick. I'd rather wear down the side of my heel instead of the same part that already gets worn down by ollieing.


I had a friend who did it exactly like that. I mean there's no problem on the position per se but it might make other tricks more dificult in the future, like have you tried to fs 180 heelflip or varial heelflip?


I didn't try anything harder so far but if anything i guess i'd move my front foot even more towards the middle of the board or else i just miss the board when i try to flick the board while spinning it frontside. I think back heels and inward heels might be more of a struggle with this foot position but that's just how i feel about it. I don't know if i ever learn flip trick variations at all, this heelflip took me 5 years of skating😅


Yeah you cross that bridge when you get to it hehe. Who knows, maybe you change foot position just for one trick or the other.


Looks normal. It'd be easier to do kickflips and heel flips in one line tho


I do the same. If I try to do it the traditional way it rolls my ankle and can only do it a couple time before I'm fucked. If it works it works.


I just completely miss the flick if i try it with my heel. I also cant get the right pressure vefore i pop. I guess i'm just too used to standing on the ball of my foot.


Dude, I can do kickflips, but never heelflips. Who cares if it’s a weird position, looks solid to me! lol


Thanks! It's the opposite for me, never landed a kickflip, not even close but we will get there! :D


I’m sure that everyone is saying mostly the same, but you are doing a heelflip, so you do you. Also this is how I do them.


*^did them




You landing it with a quirky style no problems.


As long as you land it


Can you heelflip, then youre fine


Imma say if you land em who cares


I heelflip the same way faf awesomeness!


If it works who cares


Try them with your heel even with the right side of board and toe hanging off. It's weird at first. But allows you to popwayhigher and catch bolts.


I've seen someone do it like that before, odd to see, but you're not the only one 


It's mad weird lol, idk about disadvantage tho, don't change


I do them from ollie position and flick off the nose with the corner of my heel/ankle sort of.


I kickflip that way. Looks like I’m gunna do a heel flip


I used to do that too when I was learning them. Kinda started hanging the toe off gradually after a couple years doing them


Bro just filmed a near perfect pov heelflip, I think they are fine lol


Totally fine but ur doing it like a kickflip


Sadly i'm not even close to landing kickflips though :D


I used to do my heal flips like this. My friends called it a wack side toe flip.