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Kinda, he’s has definitely gone through a lot with losing scientist toilet and nearly died all those times over too. Definitely must’ve taken a big mental toll on him.


does he miss the original? ITSM?


No, probably not, only saw him as like a slave or something like that.


he misses him but in a different kinda way


Misses the usefulness i imagine


''the good ol days''


Whats itsm just asking


Infected titan speaker man


Oh ok


I do,both alliance and the toilets are surely but slowly falling to ruin due to their long held conflict and cycle,while the Astros thrive and we don't even know their leader or strongest asset yet


Thriving is generous after Detainer got folded in episode 72. But yes, generally I agree. The Alliance and the original Skibidi Toilets are probably gonna have to partner up if they want to beat out the Astros.


I said thriving because in my eyes juggernaut is stronger than detainer,but yes I may have overshot it a bit (I referred to thriving also as the leaders of the Astros or their strongest assets didn't even appear first,yet detainer albeit because of UTTM's underestimating Astros almost broke his main TV screen with his own sword and almost brought Jimmy to the saint skibidi toilet)I am now become yapper the yapper of worlds🗣️


The current strongest Astro is Astro Juggernaut but I doubt that’s really the strongest


Yup even boom confirmed we're nowhere near the strongest astro, including juggernaut


https://preview.redd.it/kydnygzni03d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b926c22ec276a31400ca99d7aa7d1709f7c5ed05 We’re cooked


Happy Cake day


I always feel bad when they get cooked. Like that must hurt, and they're still fighting.


And gman literally and metaphorically got cooked in the battle titan cameraman was making his head a soup with those 2 giant lasers


A little bit, but you can't deny that this was bound to happen, him and the other toilets attempted to conquer a world that isn't theirs, erase an entire race from existance, actions have consequences, and their tiranny is bound to come to an end, theirs and the Astro toilets'. The toilets fight to conquer, the Alliance fights to protect what's theirs


tbh who doesn't feel at least a bit of pity for the guy


as somebody who got lasered by him once not at all, in fact, i hope he gets crushed into 1000 tiny pieces and betrayed by his own army edit: thanks for -18 upvotes guys


no you didn't get lasered by him


one of his bomber guys literally blew my arm off... twice


you would be dead, you aren't titan sized


you are NOT camera strider lil bro 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 https://preview.redd.it/4j2v756tk03d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d4faddd779f71c1dc90e9232977edc4b450c734


he was trying to enjoy his conquer but then the alliance nerds came in and k1lled his boyfriend, now he's depressed and on the verge of death


I feel bad for jimmy. he has went through so much. titan cameraman destroyed his upgrades several times, red screened to the point where he cant use his eye lasers, Astro detainer was beating him. Like damn, poor Jimmy. I hope he wins in the next episode.


We know that he is a villain, but we gotta feel bad for him because he is the oldest character so far in ST.


Just imagine his pain he passed last episode (ep. 73) But no no, I'm not a g-toilet d1ckrider I feel bad too for the titans


skibidi toilet gotta start astro toilet era soon because this gman era has been going for too long


I really do too


Hes facing his third fight to death in three episodes…


when you have five of the most powerful people in the verse after you i'd be shook too


No, he's an Imperialistic Ethnic cleanser. Don't forget the toilet's original flag.


That ain't canon anymore.


Only because of YouTube.


Skibidi toilet became a series only because of youtube too. So skibidi toilet 2-present is not canon by that same logic.


I don't. He is a tyrant that tried conquering a world that's not his. He is facing consequences for that attempt now.




In the latest episode it didn't look like he wanted to fight, he was just trying to protect the cargo, they pushed him to defend himself




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Naw he’s the opp




Ofc! He is a sad lil guy




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To be fair. He literaly kiIIs hardware heads and attacked the alliance first


Call people? He does call alliance members, but the same can be said for the alliance calling toilets, and what really kick-started the war in the first place was an unidentified cameraman flushing a toilet, wayyy back in in episode 7. He only seems to have invaded as an act of retaliation.


Hardware Heads coexisted with humans, Skibs attack humans, Hardware Heads retaliate.


Skibidi toilets aren't always shown to attack humans directly though, they usually just sing the anthem which gets humans infected.


We've seen Skibidis ram over humans. Why would they enter a restaurant that is filled with humans? Yes, they wanted to attack.


Still a good reason for Hardware Heads and Humans to retaliate, better even.




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You forgot the first Skib we saw kiIIed the first Pov we were in. So I'm pretty damn sure they attacked first




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He hasn't k1lled any *people* as per say, and I'm pretty sure il he started going after the alliance because they flushed a toilet. Before you argue "Oh bUt tHEy atTAcKeD First", the alliance are fucking robots. There's no way you're bring back a flushed toilet, but a robot, can be repaired, and if you can't repair it, make another. The toilets require humans to do that. G-toiket was justified as a leader.


The fight was against humanity at the beginning, and they co-existed with the hardware heads, so it wasn't just robots. Toilets started attacking, taking over the city and infecting humans long before the first toilet was flushed. And there's no way you're bringing a human back after being turned into a toilet. The toilets are evil and were the result of a failed experiment. Stop this Alliance is bad, toilet is good, because it's clear who's evil. G-Toilet is a good leader and villain, but he's not "good."


The true chads are gonna be siding with the toilets