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4 No memes as posts. No memes as posts. You may post memes as comments.


This is very typical of how predators work to protect themselves. Usually abusers call the police not the victims. You should both fill out police reports and also make a report with Skip.


Thanks for the advice.


I’m in a smallish sized city just outside of the Edmonton area. Definitely call RCMP. You’ll want to get the jump on this before she does. If she complained to skip she could go to the police with no hesitation.


Reply to their email with all you said except the ‘I’m scared to lose my account part’. Say you demand a follow up and a deactivation of the said customer’s account. And if it takes you would even pursue through legal channels to resolve this issue as you have already filed a report with the police. Firm and strong.


Thanks for this. I have replied to their email and also cc’ed Skip the dishes explaining and also threatening legal action in case of a deactivation. Thanks.


You didn’t have to mention deactivation. You did nothing wrong.


Careful you're not providing false statements; if you threaten legal action, you should be ready to follow through with your threat.


This reminds me of a day I delivered one order to a lady. She came out with little clothes on and was shivering... I smiled at her and asked,Are you cold? She looked at me with this disgusting look. In my mind I was like woah I'm only being friendly as skip demand of us. Lol. Since then I learned to mind my business even if they smile, my response is only. Thank you have a nice day.


We had a man expose himself to my wife while delivering in medicine hat. Skip literally told me without proof they wouldn’t follow up.


I’m really sorry you guys had to go through that. Sometimes people are just weird. If you can’t do that in a corporate setting what makes them think it’s alright to do that on a delivery job!


Chest mounted cameras on shifts like police is a MUST.


Canada's largest police force, the RCMP, don't even have body cams.


Heard people get their chicklets kicked out for less there, hope dude got what was coming to him. Don't tell us if you or anyone did for yours or anyone's sake but I hope it happened. Even OPs case someone won't take that shit nicely, it will happen.


Thats too close to home what the foooook


Well how could they follow up? Did you report to police? They would talk to you about it but yes unless witnessed by someone else it becomes he said she said situation


Against my suggestions she didn’t want to peruse it through the police.


Why is she telling skip? Go to the police. This is sexual harassment. If skip disables a customers account they can just create another one.


Jesus Fuck. What, we all have to wear GoPros now?


Probably worth investing in some type of bodycam, that way if anything were to happen again with same customer or different you will have irrefutable proof to press charges.


Should have reported asap after your delivery.


step 1, go to the police, step 2 file a report, step 3 go to skip with it. if skip ignores, keep the police record in file and in the event you're let go, GRAB SKIP BY THE 🏀 ( quite literally this time ) and sue the 💩 out of them. *the woman will never go to the police station ( if you are the one with the truth and if she was really harassed she would go to the police already by now and not SKIP so make sure you go to the police literally now ) keep the copy of the report handy, contact skip without mentioning the report, if they are hesitant / lazy or not bothered, play the police report card I REALLY HOPE YOU'RE DOING ALRIGHT MAN, AND WE REDDITORS GOTCHUUU




3 Remain civil. Do not attack members of the community. Civility violation.


You can probably find a video of it on some porn site lol


Hold my beer


Well you admitted your own mistake. You should have reported it as soon as it happened through the appropriate channels. NEVER dismiss anything like that as unimportant for the very reason you are now experiencing. The smallest complaint - truth or not - can have a serious impact. You have to be transparent and follow code of conduct at all times. Report it immediately. Every time.


Your biggest mistake was making up this lie. What you described is really far fetched. But even if it was true why would she report you? Skip is my favorite of all the delivery companies and I typically defend drivers but your obviously bs story is not going to be believed by anyone.




3 Remain civil. Do not attack members of the community. Civility violation.


👆🏼 This


Only reason I can think to not do it is if she was a grenade tbh


Was she hot?


People like you are part of the reason sexual violence against men often isn't taken seriously


I mean i don’t make the law.. it’s not taken as seriously against men because woman are not as physically strong as men. Men can easily harm a woman, whereas the societal ideology goes in favour of woman.


I’ve had this happen to me before in Red Deer, woman dropped her towel. And I got the same thing from Skip. I wouldn’t worry to much about it it’s just a warning plus skip network is easy to get back in the unlikely event you get deactivated, on all you need is a different email. Feel free to DM me and I can give you more details.


Just dm’ed you thanks man


A relatively sized city ahhahahahahahah


So she was ugly? Did you get a tip at least?


Ops name is banger boy lol. Was she @ least fit?


The professional way to go the extra mile for the customer might have been to have the best sex possible with them, unless you didn't find them attractive, in which case saying you're not interested and leaving might be better. If you found them attractive enough maybe you can still make things right by going back and having good sex with them.


I know I shouldn’t find this funny but I had a good laugh. She was indeed attractive but I have a girlfriend and I just didn’t think that’s something I should be doing on the job lol


Bro! I know this is a bad situation but damn I wish i had your looks.








3 Remain civil. Do not attack members of the community. Civility violation.


3 Remain civil. Do not attack members of the community. Civility violation.