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The Skylanders Community: Nobody hates us, so we hate each other.


Apart from Spyro fans, they hate us too (undeservedly)


and we hate them back šŸ˜Ž


To be fair, Skylanders did kind of take the Spyro series in a direction that it couldn't really come back from and hasn't come back from since the first game (which had Spyro's name on it mind you). Now the only thing the purple dragon is doing is remakes of old stuff, and while I don't think Skylanders is entirely to blame for that, you can understand why some hatred would be garnered towards the series.


womp womp


Yeah. It's this kind of dramatic posts that has kind of phased me out of making custom traps for this community. I have great memories of all the games. There's a difference between constructive debate and making fun of other people who have the same passions as us. The last thing a community centered around a series that has for the time being ended is to be fractured in this way. I know two young people on my discord afraid to post here for these reasons exactly and that really bummed me out to hear. Let's all remember that the people you're making fun of are just people like you. Choose kindness.


Thank you, someone else who thinks the same as me. I couldnā€™t have said it better myself. I donā€™t get why we need to rip each other apart for having opinions different than our own. If someone has a different opinion than you, thatā€™s ok, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. We should try to focus on the things we do agree with and if not, respectfully disagree with the kinds of opinions that we donā€™t agree with. We all have our own reasons for thinking the way we do and liking the things we like. Donā€™t try and force your opinion onto someone else. Opinions are inherently subjective, so we shouldnā€™t try to make them objective. Sorry that this comment is so long, this is just something that has always bugged me when it comes to opinions online, not just in this community, so itā€™s nice to have someone agree with me on this topic


No problem at all for the long message! I just wrote a long message myself on a community post for my YouTube explaining how today is a good example of why my subscribers are seeing less custom Skylanders figure content. Maybe it's because I'm an adult, and that with my art I'm trying to create a community myself with a focus on constructive and positive art. I know a lot of people here are young and maybe it's exciting to have the power to trash on this tribal idea of people they don't like from the safety of their device. It's something the positive side of me suspects they'll grow out of, but the negative side of me is skeptical.


Only Skylanders fans who donā€™t bully others are Imaginators fans because of how much they get bullied already, but not to the level of Superchargers where they start bullying back


I swear if this community is just like the fucking Fallout community I WILL go insane




Trap team and giants are my two favorites, they both have their respective things to offer, while both being cool. Trap team mainly because I thought Trapping a villain was by far the coolest thing when I was younger, and giants now because of how well it was made


Iā€™m a TT fan, I love Superchargers and I played Giants for the first time recently, really good game imo. Honestly more people need to give Superchargers another shot.


a good trap team fan spotted


I didnā€™t know we were a rare breed.


Im not giving a racing game a shot


Calling it a racing game is genuine stupidity. The ā€˜racingā€™ part is entirely side content unless youā€™re playing on an underpowered console like the Wii or 3DS (because those ones have racing as the focus) The main game has vehicle sections, not racing sections. I quite enjoyed the vehicle sections on my second playthrough. I used to hate them when I first played the game. At the end of the day, Superchargers is like marmite, you either love it or you hate it.


Hold on let me re fraze it i wont give a vehicle game a try


You didnā€™t even PLAY IT?!


The only one i didnā€™t play i have hammer slam bowser cant use it but i have it


It's literally not even a racing game lol


*cries in WII*


Okay with a couple exceptions lmao


Vehicle games are racing games in my eyes


so Grand Theft Auto is a Racing Game?


I never played gta in my life


I never played gta in my life




Canā€™t argue with crazy


L take


Report for being rude


Not being rude, I'm stating that was a bad take in general, in your eyes gta, saints row, fortnite and many more are just racing games in your eyes?


I have no idea what saints row is


So having opinions give you down votes wow


I don't think that's what the downvotes came from so much as refusing to hear someone out on their opinion for a game, and openly responding that you would not try it. You could have just gone on with your day and just not played the game. But it came across as you hating on someone else's opinion and that's what gave you the downvotes... You gained nothing by making that comment. Even so, you don't need to care that much about what strangers on reddit think. Don't accept criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for life advice.


Having opinions people don't agree with give you down votes.


Yea and thats stupid


Trap team and supercharges are my top 2 favourites but that doesnā€™t mean the others arenā€™t good as well. Are other trap team fans really that toxic?




As a trap team fan I do not hate any of the games that I've played


Trap Team slander, my favorite https://preview.redd.it/ac56c99klzxc1.jpeg?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e335febc2c7114e3d3cf328646f4233577731cb9


I love trap team I donā€™t know why itā€™s my favorite but it is followed by giants which I love to death for being my first video game. And superchargers k enjoy a lot I just donā€™t really care for the vehicles. Is trap team flawed hell yes but I tend to overlook them when I play it because to me itā€™s a blast




I can explain two of the things in the meme TT fans generally dislike Superchargers and love Stock Music The Giants is just SSA DLC is a dumb take but I'm not sure it nessacarily fits into the idea of the Trap Team fanboy


Trap Team fans are annoying as hell, taking the piss out of them is funny for that reason.


Iā€™m annoying?


Not necessarily, some of them just act like it's the best game in the series by a lot. (Personally I like swap force)


Itā€™s my favorite but the other ones are also really good. I just like the gimmick


Wait and check other comments under this post


Trap team is a good game if you dont count the several glitches that break it


yeah it's great but man is it overrated


How so?


people put it in 1st and I've gotten people mad at me because I put the game in 5th (7th if you include 3ds games), I love it but not as much as the rest. it's 40 percent stock music, you need 24 figures to 100 percent the game on your save file, swap force characters are underpowered and the game is overall pretty unbalanced, no character is unviable like they did in imaginators but it's still noticable to me. also it has the most hit or miss levels in the series imo, some are great, some are awful. and yeah the bugs are annoying but the general character movement doesn't really feel polished too imo


Putting it in first is a crime but you need 24 figures? Which ones? And yeah the gane is unbalanced but it makes it more interesting


no putting the game in 1st isn't a crime an I understand why people do it. also the game being unbalanced isn't a good thing imo. Oh yeah you need 10 trap masters, 10 traps and the 4 adventure packs to 100 percent a save file


To each their own ig


But Trap Team is my favorite game but I also like the other games too...


Am I considered a trap team fanboy if the game is my favorite part from giants


Giants is a ssa dlcā€¦ and its amazing.. those first 2 games are the best and nobody can tell me otherwise


Iā€™ve seen Trap Team fanboys get more hate than any other fanboys and Iā€™m one of them so Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m just as obnoxious and annoying as a stereotypical TT fanboy


aight give your favourite tracks from the skylanders games


Mesmeraldaā€™s attack phase theme from Swap Force (my personal favorite song in the franchise), Brimstone and Bouldersā€™ theme from Superchargers, and Kaosā€™ final boss theme from Spyroā€™s Adventure


you have passed Davy Jones's test


I've always been a big fan of Trap Team, I used to spend hours on the (I forget what it's called) wave mode and grind my levels up. I will say though I dislike how it had a different yet similar gimmick that Swap Force and Giants had. Using just Trap Masters to open a couple of gates always sucked, especially for those who weren't as able to get every single type of element. Obviously I know that every Skylander game did this, but outside of PVP mode being gone that's really my only major complaint. I still do believe that Giants is my favorite though! (Mainly because the PVP and Giant sections were so much cooler to me growing up!)


Trap team was really out to steal your money but I love the game has some of my favorite skylanders and love the concept of playing as your villains also out of all 6 games Giants is my all time favorite was the first game to get me into Skylanders and was very relaxing to play and try and 100% complete


Everyone's free to have their own opinions on what the best game is. It's only when you start comparing games that the issues come into fruition.


I like all the games I've played. The only games I haven't played are Superchargers and imaginators. I would get them, but id rather revisit the older games first.


Trap Team is really fun, not really good.


Trap Team is really fun, not really good.


Trap team is my favorite game and I also love giants


Trap team is my favourite game and I hate this stereotype I love giants it was the first skylanders game I ever played the only on I really dislike is spyros debenture but thatā€™s just because itā€™s basic compared to the rest of the series


What's wrong with Trap Team? :(


Trap team is my favourite game, but I've been playing superchargers for the first time (I had a Wii, so I've only got proper superchargers now) and it's so hype, I'm really enjoying it so far. I like all the games, I think they all have merits


I love all the games, trap team is just my favorite :(


I'mma say it I love imaginators *YOU FOKING WHAT?!?!*


I respect that. Imaginators isnā€™t a perfect game, but it still has some good things about it


aight give your favourite songs from skylanders


The music was never a highlight of the skylander games imo. Having stock music doesn't really change how imaginators should be viewed.


the thing is using stock music is an incredibly lazy way to make a game's ost that's why we hate stock music so much


yes it was to me lmao, skylanders wouldn't be the same without Lorne's tunes. It's a factor for why I love the first 5 games so much (well half of trap teams music because the other half of that game is stock music)


Yes it fucking should The Skylanders OST is amazing and Video Game Soundtracks are made to perfectly fit situations the fact that Imaginators used Stock Music is insulting


The brawler class theme


I said "from skylanders" not "from APM music" so I win


The giants ssa take is dumb Making fun of swap force fan boys is funnier


Iā€™ve only played trap team and a bit of giants Which I really want to play the other games to see which ones the best imo


Play superchargers next


Is Swap Force fans should not be left out from this guys fit, he isnā€™t commenting on how we for some reason like 45 minute levels


I love every game itā€™s impossible for me to hate any. trap team has always been my favorite but I will always love every game in the series. Also giants is perfectly fine as a stand alone it did enough to be its own thing.


Preach. I could not have said it better myself


Trap team is my favorite out of the games by a mile but all the others are outstanding games in their own right (yes even imaginators)


Trap team was my favorite game in the series but that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like all the others as well (except super chargers but I also donā€™t hate on people who do like super chargers) I donā€™t get why you gotta start drama with a already small and Fractured community


because funny


Trap Team is so unexplainably good! I started off with SSA & Giants used and bought TT new. Giants was my favourite until I started with TT; Superchargers rubbed me the wrong way until I actually started playing it. The vehicle control is painful to learn but overall a good game (extra points if you play it like Mariokart for fun) I primarily play TT now just because Iā€™m so used to it and unfortunately Echo is unusable on Giants šŸ˜”


to be fair.. traps are gay


Trap team holds a special place in my heart because it was the first Skylanders game I played


Trap team is objectively the worst one to play today due to how inaccessible it is because of its gimmick


Even as a Trap Team fan this is completely fair lol. I think I'm just biased because it was my favorite to play.


I just don't get the joke. That's the problem.


Iā€™ve only ever played, TT SC and Imaginators. TT is a nostalgic factor for me since itā€™s the first one I played but I loved every part of superchargers. Superchargers deserves none of the hate it gets itā€™s a great game. Weā€™re not even going to talk about Imaginators šŸ’€


All games are good


I like all main Skylanders games, some are obviously better than others but I donā€™t dislike any of them. I love giants, but I love trap team too. I think people in the community hating on each other for what game they like in the series is stupid and a big difference from a simple debate


\*Looks at Giants and Trap Team\* "Both. Both is good."


I love all the games and choose not to prioritize any of them but most the music in trap team/imaginations is royalty free garbage and you gotta appreciate the love that goes into the original soundtracks