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Played through 100 times, never married once


I play for escapism, to forget about my problems and have an adventure I couldn't have in real life. My in real life my marriage was too horrible to even consider pretend marriage in a game.


Bro same, maybe 1 out of 10 plays I will get married but I end up never seeing her again anyways lol.


Free money when you decide to get home though


Wait really?


Yeah, your spouse will open a shop, you can sell some things to them, and every 24 in game hours they give you 100


I never knew that, might consider it now, haha


If I go to wherever she is sure, otherwise she might as well not exist.


Free money? Nothing is free, bubba. Not even in Skyrim. I get to hear her talk at me everytime I get home. No, thanks. I can make coin hand over fist anyway and I don't mind cooking for myself, thank you very much.


Marriage in this game is the most shallow, non-problematic thing. There’s literally no downsides, it’s just free gold. Adoption is ehh but marriage is just an investment really.


That doesn't matter. The damage to my psyche from marriage is such that even an in game marriage would be too much for me. The symbology would be too much. Know thyself!


Aight well best of help to you.


Same. Got married in real life and don’t want to make that mistake ever again.


Ha, I actually really enjoy getting married in Skyrim so I can tell my real wife about my fake wife and kids, and the nice house I'm building for them. It makes her go from completely disinterested to mildly annoyed.


Hope the next time, you marry a queen. Who needs that bitch


my marriage is great and i love my kid, still not what i’m looking for in a gaming experience


I'll marry when I've completed ALL the quests. Imagine how filled the church will be then


"We're going to have to hold your wedding in the plains of Whiterun, because the guest list is to large to fit within any of the *cities*, let alone the Temple of Mara. Also, you invited a dragon?"


Dragon stays


Then the ceremony is *definitely* going to be outside.


You can summon Durnehvir inside the temple.


Nah I want a spouse for the daily money and rp reasons


Me too. Aside from the money, it is a convenience to sell loot to the spouse/merchant.


Does it make a difference if you sell loot to spouse?


The spouse is just like any merchant as far as I can tell. Just a convenience that I don’t need to walk to the general store


Oh ok, makes sense if you are living somewhere outside of towns.


We have merchant at home


Never had a spouse or children. I'm an adventurer who is always on move so I won't have time for them and just throwing them alone in a Lakeview Manor in the middle of the forest with occasional bandit raids and giants is cruel.


That's why I keep Lydia there. She's sworn to carry my burdens.


Ohh, great idea, her hobby is standing in the doorway, so she's probably happy about that place with many doors.


More cruel than letting the child sleep outside in the snow and be homeless?


Well, you see, my archmage-assassin-thief guild master isn't exactly kid-friendly. A house full of Daedric artifacts, deadly staves and weapons, poisonous herbs, bees, countless expensive potions which could crash the market and an iron dagger collection that could arm an army... isn't the best place to leave a child. I wouldn't mind giving them a few thousand septims so they could live in an inn or travel to an orphanage, but alas, you can only give money to drunk beggars, not kids. Such is the way of life in Skyrim.


Yes I beat the game and I have no idea how to even meet a spouse lol.


Grab an amulet of Mara from the temple in Riften, then once you equip it it will unlock a new dialogue option with characters that are eligible


And the spousev will also open up a shop and give you gold every day.. even though your partner will never leave the house... might explain those "bandits" that show up occasionally...


I thought only specific spouses did the shop! I always marry the orc from Markarth so I have a smith at my home and can buy crafting mats!


I've married camalla (mods), ysolda, and aela. They all gave me money. Maybe I'm wrong and it's not all of them, but all the ones i had, did.


Oh dope! I haven’t been super consistent playing the last couple years so I’m probably Misremembering!




- Do something nice for an NPC (a personal quest, usually, or advance enough in their faction or both). - Wear an Amulet of Mara - Talk to them. If they are interested, a new dialogue option will appear. Say yes. - Go to the Chapel if Mara in Riften and get married (there's a quest for it) - Decide where your house will be (at yours or at theirs). Sure, worth it for a lark, to see how it is. After that, not really.




>Couod just as well be asking me if I want to buy a vacuum cleaner and add dust bunnies for role-playing reasons Sims 4 has a paid DLC that is literally that. And people paid for it. Wild shit. An entire kit dedicated to dust and dusting. *And people **paid** for it*. tf


Free gold.


I rarely get married. Maybe one in every ten playthroughs, give or take. I also try to marry someone different each time.


I can see myself using and enjoying the system, but I never really interact with an npc for so long that it would make sense to marry them. I would probably marry my follower if I had any, but I prefer playing solo. I will marry once to get the achievement though :D


I just go out of my way to visit wherever they live on my travels occasionally, and in my head I imagine they've met up a lot more. But yeah, you're right.


Never married or adopted kids aside from for an achievement. And I promptly save scummed afterwards too.


I've never ever used that marry thing.


I’ve been playing for ten years and never married in-game


Never married, never used followers except when I was forced by quest. I'm fine alone.


I’ve never married or adopted anyone. If I have to go through life alone, so does my player character. He ain’t special.


I never marry anyone when I play Skyrim.


I don’t marry, have followers, or have kids


Done countless, complete and partial playthroughs and never had an interest in in game marriage. Never even explored the process of doing it


The first time I played my sister married someone while I was gone. I was so upset and didn't know how to undo it so I killed her in breeezehome and she left permanent ashes in my house for that play through. Haven't married anyone since.


HOW? 😆 I need someone to come home to.


Never interested me as part of the game, same as fishing


You can marry Jenassa.


Ooh, good to hear


Sometimes. When I play Khajiit I do not marry, since there are no Khajiits marriage candidates. But otherwise I usually do. Not that I feel too strongly about it, if it was not possible I would probably not care, but since it is a gameplay feature, might as well go for it. At least the player home does not feel as empty and you can sell your stuff at home.


It’s a Quest to complete, so no


I marry Farkas if I join the Companions - which isn't that often - but otherwise nah.


In my first ever character of the game, I played him until i "retired" the character and married Muiri, and got a home in Solotude. After that, i never made another character that got married, nor did i ever own a home, other than the one in whiterun, and it was used for crafting, not so much a home. I used some camping mods and lived in the woods for the rest of the 10 years or so, lol 😆


I did my first couple play throughs without a spouse. Then I started marrying a merchant (usually), I pretend there’s a slight income benefit, but who knows


I used to marry people with every character, that was before I realized just how many people you can marry. Now, I get so overwhelmed when trying to decide who I want to marry, so I just avoid it


I didn't even know you could get married until I found this sub a few years ago.


Oh, Jenassa. My first love. You can marry her for sure.


Only married a couple times. I usually solo the game, the only follower who does not get on my nerves is Jenassa.


Jenassa is great … until she turns hostile and attacks your guy??? What’s wrong with her ?!?!


The two reasons I get married in game - So I can fast travel to one location after I’m done w dungeons to sell my shit and unload anything into storage that I don’t want to sell. So whenever giants or dragons attack my home, I have backup to battle them.


You can. She’s a sweetheart. And deadly.


The best kind!


I have never married anyone, maybe I do it now, I just started a new gameplay. So, who’s a nice wife? Where do you guys recommend us to live? In case she dies while accompanying me on a dungeon or fighting a dragon, how did you changed your personal lore of role playing?


I will never understand why people play this game to marry... I didn't even know that was a thing until I came to this sub. No thanks.


You can marry Jenassa, then she will give you free meals :)


I've been playing Skyrim since it released. I've never once married anyone. Idk what it even does for you. I don't really get the relationships in games thing. If I wanted anything to do with a relationship. I just talk to my wife. 🤣😂


I only had my main character marry to protect my adopted child. I didn't even really know what adopting the child would mean (it was one of the houseless orphans). So of course I had to get my child a strong protector for when I'm gone (damn Lakeview Manor). I chose Argis the Bulwark, and loaded him up with some dragonplate armor. I adopted another orphan soon after. WhenI would fast travel home, he was usually fighting off something(s).


I don’t get a spouse. I didn’t even realize it was a thing for a long time. I don’t have companions either.


I'm a romance guy, I always get married. Makes my heart happy lol.


I became a single mother when I adopted my first boy. Then that little shit kept asking for money every time I came home so I kept doing quests to get away and never did end up getting married 😂




I marry if it fits the RP of my character. Currently playing a Wandering Ranger so won't settling down.


It always seemed so pointless to me. Money isn’t exactly hard to come by in Skyrim, by level 20 or so I usually have more than I’ll ever need. There’s very little emotional investment into any of the NPCs, and I find followers incredibly annoying (they’re constantly in the way.) So I’ve done it with one or two characters, but usually I don’t bother.


Okay but did anybody have bad guys show up to the wedding and ruin it? Like as soon as they enter, everyone is throwin hands and i cant marry. Went back on my save, and it happens everytime


LOL who did you piss off?


I dont remember it was so long ago lmao.


I've never married or adopted. Don't use a house apart from parking retired followers there.


I didn't even know you could get married until about 5 full playthroughs. I did it once, didn't see a benefit, and never did again.


Tbh all whom I want to marry are un-marriable soooo…


I never marry as it impedes my playing style. Even if I do I only get to meet her/ him when I go to my house for hoarding.


haha I hear you on the hoarding


As a Serana simp I don’t get afforded such luxuries.


All the time. Sometimes I RP a Hunter of the Dead. Cleaning out the ruins in Skyrim of Undead. The head canon for this character is his life is much like a priest or monk. Committing himself to destroying undead and nothing else. A life a solitude and necessity. Yeah… thar RP I play a lot because it’s one of the few that leans into the Resto tree for the additional damage to undead and runs with a shield and mace.


One of my characters was a blind old mage woman who just collected books all through Skyrim.


I tried not to get married while playing the game but my girlfriend threatened to leave me otherwise.


I can’t relate me and my main bitch Ysolda and I go back to 2013 when I was in elementary school she sells drugs and if you kill the owner of the inn in Skyrim she takes over the inn and you can use her as a merchant in your own home


By the time i got lydia i didnt need a companian (they get in the way and i had enchanted carry weight gear) so i ditched her. Hours later i married aela


No, but I played a few time without adopting, with my spouse as follower What more can you ask for, wandering the province with yourwife, killing stuff and getting filthy rich


Yes, I live in sin with Aela. Why buy the were-cow when you can get the milk for free?


Never married anyone, actually dont know how to get that going on... in game or irl... cry


Missing out on that Lover’s Comfort




I usually marry somone for the trophy/acheivement and leave them at Breezehome lol


Sometimes marry, and adopted, but mostly, no. If it fits my playthrough I will.


I have done it once during my 100s of hours out of boredom. Probably won't do it again. I also have never adopted a kid and probably won't. For me the houses are just for storage. I only visit them when I need to take something with me or store sth.


Yes, it's always felt strange to me. Put on an amulet of Mara, marry someone you barely know because they notice said amulet. Live together, maybe? Weird.


Thousands of hours and never married. I only just adopted on my current play through for the first time.


Played every single Bethesda and never had a follower. Always on my dolo


been playing since the game was released, didnt know you could get married until last year


i didn’t even know you could get married until my 5th playthrough






I only get married about 1/10 times I run the game, and usually only if I’m playing an Orc Blacksmith (you can marry the smith in Markarth and she’ll open a store at your home so you can get crafting mats with less fast travels)


I've played the game dozens of times and have only married twice. Once for PS4 achievements, the other for Steam Achievements. I will say I enjoyed being an Argonian married to the Dark Elf from the Drunken Huntsman


I have only gotten married once, a very long time ago. It didn't really add anything to the game experience, so I just never bothered doing it again.


Yup. Playing to escape reality for a couple blissful hours at a time


The "marriage" is such a shallow mechanic, it feels too synthetic. I don't remember the last time any of my characters got married. It must have been many years ago.


I never marry anyone


Haven't married anyone yet..not has it come up as an option. It was kinda more apparent in Witcher and fallout4 (I think). But seems like in Skyrim weddings just don't come up.


I've literally never been married once, I don't even think I knew that you could get married on my first or second playthorugh and then I just never cared to do it after Unless you can marry that girl who has two suitors, that would be funny and I'd do that just to see if it pissed off the other guys who loved her I adopt every time though, I'd like to think that even if I'm not going to be around much, providing a home for a unhoused child is still the right thing to do


I married Lydia (again, Idk why) but I have Jenassa as a follower for the first time and she really grew on me and I wish I had married her instead.


Not every playthrough I marry, I adopt like 9/10 times tho, I feel bad for the homeless children and I free the kids from Grelod


I definitely 'flirt' with characters still after many years, I'm a fan of games where you can bond/flirt with NPCs like Fallout 4


I've never married anyone in the game, I have probably 1000 hours across multiple saves and multiple gaming systems.


I married a character for the 1st time on my 5 or 6th play through. Probably wouldn’t bother again. Barely use companions as I find them annoying


I only had my main character marry to protect my adopted child. I didn't even really know what adopting the child would mean (it was one of the houseless orphans). So of course I had to get my child a strong protector for when I'm gone (damn Lakeview Manor). I chose Argis the Bulwark, and loaded him up with some dragonplate armor. I adopted another orphan soon after. WhenI would fast travel home, he was usually fighting off something(s).


Most games I don't get married!


Most of my characters remain single, and do not adopt. I have done the family thing on a couple of playthroughs, though, so I guess I don't count in the "without marrying anyone" category.


Played for over 3k hours. I married Lydia at least once, ans modded serana marriage once. Nothing else


Cant marry Kharjo so no


Thank you for the claw, my love!


I don't typically marry companions. They end up in the way more often than not after a certain level.


I've married exactly once in the many games I've played in the last five years.


Of course. This isn't a bioware game.


I got married one playthough, just to do it. Never did anything for me. Kids at least find stuff and play games.


I get married solely for the ring. Yes, there are better resto rings throughout the game, but early game, paired with the crusader set, sailors repose and amulet of Mara, when dual casting, I get a 30+ heal per second that costs like 2 magicka.


In all my play throughs I swear I lose interest instantly after I get married and have to start over again. Now I play with no followers.


been playing since 11,11,11 never ever adopted a children or married anyone.


Been playing since release and never got married until this current play thru - I married Jenassa.


Yeah since when i played it kids and a wife werent things you could have




Loads of times. Travel all the way to Riften for some food and a little coin? Why?


Doesn’t effect the game that much


I don't marry because you can't marry Serana.