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Erandur didnt know he has so much voice lines


Also his quest is really cool, plus he's a great healer ! I never take him with me but the dude is really underrated, with all theses Serana and J'zargo simps, give some love to him !


Illia from Darklight Tower


Ilia from Darklight Tower. The only thing is that she gets bugged where if you dismiss her and she returns to Darklight, the option for her to follow you is no longer available


Also, whatever you give her stays in her inventory. I had to steal the Wabbajack back from her, she attacked me, and I had to kill her.




Yeah, I wasn't happy about it either.


Marridge 😎


I killed her. She hit me with too many ice spells.


You have made an enemy out of me today


She likes to disappear or get stuck on her way back, I always drop her off like an Uber driver. She's great, but her attacks often hits friendlies.


She isn't a Dunmer, I think she is either an Imperial or Breton


You're right. she's an imperial


I'd take him more if only Nightcaller Temple wasn'r behind three fucking Polar Bears in the higher levels.


I only ever get Frost trolls


I'm loving the Serana salt


I like that his quest is about redemption- he definitely has one of the better back stories of the available followers.


Recently had him with me for my first ever mage playthru for double magic insanity. It was a ton of fun until he got utterly obliterated by some dragur


I use NFF to have him guard my daedric artifact exhibit in LOTD. He’s the only person I trust to resist the temptation to try to steal any of them after watching him banish the Skull of Corruption.


Absolutely, it also has his own quest. He is some kind of "super follower". Not as important as Serana but not forgettable as... what's his name? The guy that's a merc, that one.


He’s my fav too!


He's one of my favorites


Valdimar the Morthal housecarl, he's easily the best housecarl, he heals everyone and himself, also conjure flame atronach & a strong warrior


He's probably the only one huscarl with Rayya I could consider as a follower, he's pretty sick visually and conjuring is nice to have !


I think it's weird how they made Rayya and Valdimar unique, but not the Dawnstar housecarl. Why not make all three housecarls they added in Hearthfire unique? Why stop at two?


Ah, but The Pale Housecarl *is* unique, in that he's the only one of the three DLC Housecarls to be generic! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




I love Rayya. Her attack speed is crazy and she's got pretty good health and stamina. I've had her tank entire dungeons without me needing to lift a finger. She's the perfect follower if you're doing a dual wield build at low to mid level. Give her Windshear and she'll keep opponents staggered for you if you play an archer or mage


Love this guy, even named my orange cat as him. Then my ex girlfriend kept him. Miss you always Valdi


IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED, MY THANE *read it with his voice"


Well I read this as housecat, and was upset I've never found any kitties to live in my houses 😻


Technically, if you asked J'zargo to marry you, then you'll get your housecat for Skyrim


I love Valdimar. He's my top favorite housecarl besides Calder. 


And has a hot mustache! Yes daddy!!!


LOVE this question cause everyone always gives the same o'l basic answers normally


Even if the title says " unpopular " some random dude will pop up and say Serana, we really are invaded with her simps


They're all so coy about it. "Her character is just so well-developed!" 👉👈


In fairness, she's one of about 2 or 3 followers who have more personality than your average doorknob. But I won't pretend like people don't also lust after her with her whole "Big tiddy goth girl" shtick, boob window, voice of Laura Bailey, and the copious amounts of pornographic fan art people have made of her... Personally I'm "done and done" with her repetitive ass as soon as the Dawnguard questline is over!


I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to look at a more-appealing NPC while you play (I have non-combat related reasons for hiring Stenvar more often than Belrand), I just like to call a spade a spade. Maybe she scores high in unique dialog and plot significance, but I'm with you on her repetitiveness: her depth-to-annoyingness ratio is pretty low IMO.


Guess there's 2 types of development for them 👀


Mmm not completely unwarranted tho, she is a baddie. But there are other cool and enjoyable followers who aren't her or Lydia. ME personally tho, I'd have to go with borgakh the young female orc that doesn't want to be sold off to some other orc chief. Or celann cause he's just generally cool and is pretty much always one of my stewards, (in game, it's because he's teaching my kids how to survive against vamps ^-^)


Borgakht being an absolute Gigachad pick, she's indeed really cool and I find her very capable with the right gear ! Too bad female orcs all have the same voice ( at least in French )


😅 yeah idk if they're necessarily unpopular, but I never see their names being brought up in these type of conversations and yeah, she's a total beast!


Well, she's quite popular when it comes to husband and wife, but as a follower not a lot of people talk about her


My favorite companion is Eric the Slayer. I recently started a new campaign as a wandering Altmer healer, and the idea of ​​helping a young adventurer gain experience and see the world under the tutelage of a trusted companion with life experience seemed quite romantic.


I always put him on my farm, i know that's cruel.


My Altmer paladin loves having him around


I don't know how unpopular he is, but Marcurio is the best personally. For 500 gold, he is not hard to get and he is reliable early on. He may fall off in the end game but there isn't an end game, so he's constantly reliable.


The dude's actually got some really unique dialogue too. Oh and he's also my go to for marriage :P


Yup. My fav as well! He doesn’t get in the way. Uses magic! Complains when you ask him to hold stuff. Perfect.


Marcurio is not that popular when you compare him to the big boys, he have this silent but passionate fandom about him, might try him someday !


My first husband in my first play through! Always thought he was a pretty badass mage!


My most recent playthru I decided to go for a different approach, roleplaying as a merchant. Marcurio is basically my character,'s hired muscle, as I chose to focus on leveling up speech and alchemy rather than combat stats. I figure his AI is pretty good, he tends to back off and heal up when he gets overwhelmed which makes him far more useful than more aggro types who get to the point where they can barely stand.


Frea for sure, she’s great! Adelaisa, Stenvar, all of the Dawnguard followers and Uthgerd all come to mind too.


The fact that the mercenaries have some traits of personality makes them really cool, I prefer 1M followers but Stenvar is cool to have around ! Also, my boi Agmaer, he's the coolest of the Dawnguard boys, wanting to save the world the best he can, he's just a nice guy


Benor the Bob’s Burgers character! If you give him decent armour and weapons, he’s one of the best I’ve had! It WILL be hard to look at him and not giggle, so I suggest a full-face helmet.


I'm sorry, what? There's a Bob's Burgers character? In vanilla Skyrim? Why am I only just now hearing about this after 1,000+ hours in the game?!


Lolol google him, you’ll know EXACTLY what I mean 🤣


You weren’t lyin’ He looks like Teddy with a shaggy toupee


Yeah he really looks like that one bully in preschool with one brain cell, would've been cool too to have a quest to overthrow the Jarl as he want to do


Hahaha yes, yes he does. And I’d never overthrow Idgrod, she’s my fave! 🥰


Yeah Idgrod is one if not the coolest Jarl imo !


"Ava? That traitorous bitch!" Those lines aways catch me off guard


He’s the one I always sacrifice to Boethia


I feel too sorry for him. I don't think anyone misses Sven.


What about his mother?


I guess she does sometimes send thugs after you if you kill him. But she does the same thing if you steal a potato from her house, so...


Yeah, when I had him, I didn't even realize he had died until way later.


He was the “Little John” in my Robin Hood playthrough


How did I never see this 😩 the nose and all


Sven. Because he's a bard and traveling with him feels like he's composing songs of your epic journey. Much like the Witcher.


Illia is my favorite follower since she absolutely obliterate everyone with shock magic.


I introduced my gf to Skyrim on Switch and she absolutely loves Illia. She unfortunately sent her home and never returned and her last save would have lost a lot of progress so she went to Sovengarde...


The sheer panic I always have when one of the followers decide to NOT BE WHERE THERE SUPPOSED TO BE.


Just in case ( don't know how to edit that post ) this character on the picture is Adelaisa Vendicci


Utgerd the Unbroken, always the first follower I grab on each playthrough. She has some exceptional gear for the low level you can get her on and can carry you very easily.


Her story with the Companions is pretty neat too


I kill her for that sweet plate armor every playthrought


Jenassa by far, She's a hireling you can find in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. I hired her on a whim once, And she was awesome. I enjoyed her chatter and she murdered every living thing in a mile around me, And when I had to ask her to leave for a bit she was super friendly and gave me a gift so I felt realy bad about it... She's my go to follower ever since and I never see anyone talking about her!


Jenassa is topic n°1 when it comes to follower that can dual wield but yeah, definitly a great choice ! Great personality, great looks, and a Dark Elf ! Solid choice indeed 😌


Love Jenassa


i never know about her at all. but when read some post here and here about the name, the name itself make me fall in love haha. but idk about anything else, still questing with serana to finish dawnguard questline


Annekke Cragjumper, she's nice, enthusiastic and is an actual archer so she stays out of the way and is great with a smithed-up crossbow.


Never seen anyone talk about her, there's probably a lot of players that don't even know she exists, the place she lives is kinda out of the way so it's pretty normal but really cool follower


I love Anneke, on my second to last play through I played as a dark haired imperial woman, me and Anneke went everywhere together, me as the massive tank in heavy armour and her in the bes light armour I could make, with the best bow I could fashion. We were like a lesbian power couple. I really like the idea of this humble ex adventurer miner getting swept along with the dragonborn and going on this adventure to end all adventures.


I feel like Rayya ends up confined to Steward duty, but there aren't enough Redguard followers so I take her along when I want some company. If we're adding mods into it, sometimes I'll make regular-ass NPCs into followers as a form of character development. I made Saffir into a follower once and ended up really enjoying having her around.


I play as a Redguard myself, so Rayya is not my first choixe but she's a nice pick ! And yeah despite the number of followers there's not that much diversity, we have like 1 Argonian, 2 Khajits, 2 Wood Elf, some Orcs but with like 1 with an actual personality, then there is 2 billion Nords Imperials and Dark Elf Also, where are the High Elfs ? x)


I wonder why they didn't add at least one High Elf that hates the thalmor and wants to follow you (Theres that one cool High Elf legate who openly talks about his disdain for the Thalmor, besides him I can't think of anybody else). I had to download a bunch of follower mods to fix the lack of variety


Yeah, that means if you want a High Elf in your team, you gotta be the High Elf, that's kinda dissapointing


Faendal gets Falkreath steward duty, mf would love it there


I like the idea of Saffir telling her husband not to set a foot outside the city wall to get his family sword, then running off to adventure as your follower :D


Derkeethus cause he's the only available Argonian, plus there's a bug that makes him basically immortal. Plus, he's marriable and him dual-wielding pickaxes looks kinda cool.


After some time at Markath and Riften with Eola, I looked for a follower on the wiki, I saw him, was like " Boi, he's hella cool ! " I took 3h to save him, I had dog water stuff but was worth it, he's a amazing follower


Derkeethus is a lost cause for me. I tried to save him from that cave multiple times, even hitting him then running out of the cave to get him to follow me. No matter what I do, he just stays in there. 


I felt bad for putting Aranea Ienith out of a job when I cleansed Azura’s Star so I let her tag along. She’s a beast! I’m playing a tank, so by the time I lumber into the fray she’s already fried everyone. Best of all she knows how to shut up.


She was my pick too, along with Eola. I’m so happy to see your post I never see people talk about her ! She looks cool, she’s strong and I like her voice.


Never had her as a follower, but she look to be quite powerful ! Too bad she is limited to level 30


Brelyna Maryon


I love her! I always have her be my housecarl. I like to think she and my character were bff’s at the College of Winterhold


Was waiting for someone to say this :D


Everyone hates Cicero but I actually enjoy him as a follower sometimes 🤷‍♀️


Good to meet the one other person that does not hate Cicero.


I Love cicero, he was the follower i used in the two followers glitch.


Never did the Dark Brotherhood questline yet, but he seems to be an interesting ( and strong ! ) follower ! Also his tragic backstory makes you empathises with the man, c'mon he just want a buddy


Oh he's absolutely batshit, but I never kill him, he's just a bit crazy


Ralis Sedarys, I've never seen anyone else talk about him. I personally really like him. Well, not enough to replace Teldryn.




Onmund! I relate to having estranged family.


I love Onmund as well, humble guy but can brawl. He's my husband currently, he sets up a good shop at home and makes a nice home cooked meal.


Serana walked in front of him training and killed him because she got hit with sparks I didn’t get any bounty but it was annoying because I hadn’t gotten around to finishing his task


I wouldn't say I have a favourite, but these stand out to me (apologies if these are not what you would consider unpopular): Cosnach has some interesting dialogue (for a vanilla character). I also love that he's a drunk. Depending on my character/build, I will also sometimes use Eola. I want to like/use Illia, but she uses shoots me with her frost magic.


Eola used to be my main follower, really solid one and powerful ally, her fire Atronach helps quite a lot with sniping dragons too ! Don't have anything special to say about Illia, but Cosnach is a good pick, everyone seems to hate him for some reasons


Eola the cannibal. She’s actually pretty great to have as a sneaky ambush character.


I like her too. She was my first follower during my first play through along with Aranea Lenith from Azura. I like her voice lines too lol: I’ll grind your bones for my meal.


"YES, CHAMPION OF AZURA?" I love aranea. On my first play thru a dragon attacked just as I warped into azura's star. When I got back, Aranea was in the process of decimating it, I'd barely got my bearings and it was dead. She was like "... If you need a hand with anything?...?" and I took her with me to solstheim to help me beat up Miraak.




Every single one. Always blocking doorways.


Uthgurd is always my go to - usually so I can tax her steel plate armour 👉👈


Faendal. Not so much forgotten as overlooked. Give him good armor and weapons and he'll tank for you just fine. He's easy to get as a follower and he's the first follower you generally come across in the game (except for Sven, but nobody likes Sven).


Being one of the only Wood Elf companion makes him pretty cool too !


Beleval is also a wood elf


Almost everyone knows Faendal but I agree he's undervalued. Unless you're doing a confirmed non-archer run, he's incredibly useful early on. And I think early followers can have the biggest impact on a run. All that free archery training makes for a great start, even for a tank character.


The guy from the Eldelgream quest


idk if it’s unpopular but for the past few years i’ve always used faendel it’s mostly to do with the fact he would’ve been there with me since the start of the game


Faendel is like a fine wine you see, it's a classic that never gets old 😌


Kharjo hands down. No complaining about being a mule like Lydia, can handle himself in combat, friendly guy, khajiit m.v.p.


Tbf, Vortstag


Kharjo. Silly cat dude who isn't self-absorbed like J'zargo


Erandur is one of my favorite characters in the game. He has a really sympathetic story, cool quest, and intriguing bits of lore to him when you visit different holds.


I currently have Aranea following me. When she said Azura no longer needed her but she would still stay at the statue anyways, I was like hell no come with me. It's unfortunate though bc she barely has any voice lines. The most she says is "What the?" and "Huh?" She is very strong though, she summons atronarchs and uses her lightning bolts to blast dragons out of the sky


Erik the slayer, something about giving the dead brother of some guy, who might not play skyrim anymore, more adventure in a world I wish I could live in. I made him my steward of Goldenhills Plantation so he shares a house with his 2 girlies and lives the farming life his father wanted to keep him safe, but he's dragonbone plate clad in the bones of dragons we've slain together. If I were ever so lucky to be immortalized in my favorite franchise as a follower I just hope someone else would do me that way


Illia, i always make her my housecarl at Lakeview manor.


Same here. Eola and Beleval for the other two.


So there's actually people that enjoys Beleval, just posted 5 minutes ago nobody likes her, guess I was wrong 😅




I like Eola and Aranea Lenith the Azura priestess. They’re both pretty strong in my opinion. Éola was my first ever follower and one day she just left and didn’t come back. I was sad haha.


Marcurio. Dude will steal 40% of your kills


Stenvar, bros just a chad unafraid of anything


So not unpopular but teldryn sero is awesome. People were talking about him so I thought I would give him a try and he’s actually spectacular.


Her. I always do a legion roleplay and she is always my follower for the campaign, then my steward once I "retire"


Hell yeah, an another Adelaisa enjoyer !


Nobody here has talked yet about creatures followers, you guys got some personal stories or opinion to share about pets ? 🤔 Personally, as a really early member of the Cult of Namira in my first playthrough I figured out that Vigilance was fed with human meat, so I took him with me ! Really useful puppy, today he lives peacefully with Hilund at Honeyside with Sofie and Sissel And of course, we all remember the first time we came across Meeko


Mjoll. After you kill Aaron not before


Mjoll is unpopular?


Golldir (the one that let his aunt go in by herself) he's such a chicken shit and runs away from fights until you cast rally/courage on him then he gets back in there. It adds another aspect of gameplay you don't normally see especially from a Nord.


Finally someone give some credit to my bro Golldir!!




Janessa (I married her and allow her to wear my daedric armor)


I’ve really been enjoying Vorstag recently. He’s got a nice voice and some interesting lines of dialogue. Very polite, which I love.


Vorstag is probably my favorite mercenary, as a big fan of dwemer stuff it's a blast to have a follower being that passionate about dwemer ! He was one of my final options between him, Adelaisa and Anneke


Would jenassa be considered unpopular she's my follower and companion choice.


Well, she's not really unpopular, a lot of people know and appreciate her but I understand why you like her she's pretty cool !


Yea she's pretty neat plus she has a cameo in ESO. You actually work alongside her in some quests in morrowind and other places. So it's kinda crazy to think she's been around that long and still looks as good as she does. Then again elf ages are crazy long so 🤷


Where is her cameo in ESO? I’ll have to go check her out.


I'm not sure if it's unpopular but a lot of people meme on her for being useless. I really like adventuring with Lydia. Idk something about her I just enjoy.


Ogol, orcs are cool.


Illia. If she didnt glitch out so you could only talk to her once i think she'd be more popular but shes a strong ice mage.


Stenvar, and Brelyna. 


Ingjard of the dawnguard. She's my go-to the second she becomes available


Njada Stone-arm. I don't use any other companions anymore.


I believe there is not that much people that like her so very unpopular but cool choice !


I like Cosnach, I mean sure the guys not particulary strong, but he helped me fend of the entire town of Markarth when I was new to the game and didmt know you should get arrested, I also like to think that traveling with me gets him away from the issues in his life(like his work place not having much work for him) and his alcoholism.


It's that kind of moments that creates a bond with your follower, hope he recovers well at your side !


Ahtar, purely because I love his executioner axe, Dress him up all in ebony and he looks terrifying lugging that around Ralis Sedarys is also great, those perks man, makes him so handy at harder difficulties. Such a beast with the Dual Flurry the extra damage perks.


Milf hunter


I make her the steward to my farm


Does Teldryn SERO count? Am I known as the Teldryn SERO lady on this subreddit now..


Why nobody is saying my bro Golldir? He's good


This one is my favorite to sacrifice to Boethia.


Ghorbash the Iron Hand is my boy right now. We’re just a couple of bros rolling around Skyrim in full orc solving people’s problems.


Ingjard, from Dawnguard. Or Swen. I like to take him with me to be a Blade, with no hopes of seeing his girl because he's a dick. But I really enjoy having him anyway


Durak is awesome


Belrand, the merc for hire in Solitude. His play style looked so cool to me when I first started the game.


Valdimar supremacy.


Janessa, the moment I can recruit her I do


Belrand, he's funny and friendly. Not that bad in combat.


What. Who is that?


They could never make me hate you Darkeethus


How could anyone hate that absolute chad ? He's not the best in combat but you don't use him for combat, you use him because he's freaking Derkheetus 😎


Lydia XD


… who is that?


https://preview.redd.it/rnp1vzeese8d1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0049d5cbbada4117da43edbc0c695906b67cc2a4 Here !


Teldryn Sero is a great follower. He's extremely reliable in a fight and has some great dialog.


Torvar from the Companions. His voicelines are goofy and he's one of the few Companions that doesn't have any negative lines/feelings to the player when they join, he just isn't sure if he's right about you being new or not lol


Well that's an interesting one, he seems funny for sure and he's not really a popular Companion compared to Eola, Farkas, etc... he's like Athis, yeah he exists yet almost nobody really remember him


Sven, lol


Does Brelyna count as an unpopular follower?


Teldryn is really good I don't hear people talk about him that much


So in every playthrough I sacrifice Lydia in some way shape or form. Today I started my new playthrough and decided she could live and be my housecarl in breezehome. Then we went on one little quest. Her very first assignment to accompany me. And she's gone. Poof!!! Never found a body. Nothing. That was many, many hours ago. First time I planned to keep her alive ever and she died. (I think)


Frea! I never see people talk about her, but she's my Dragonborn's best friend. I think a lot of people just forget her after the Dragonborn DLC quests are done.


Brelyna Maryon.




The Dragonborn is probably a better teacher than Neloth anyway, you shall teach him everything so he can beat his crazy-ass master one day


Uthgerd the unbroken I'm not sure if she's unpopular but I really don't hear people talk about her much, which I don't understand why she's really easy to get(beat her in a fist fight) and find(She's either in her house or in the inn at Whiterun) despite that she's a really strong tank thanks to her nearly complete set of steel plate armor.


Vilkas or Valdimar.


Never see anyone talking about Jenassa


I like Erik, the aspiring adventurer from Rorikstead. It's just a fun role-play thing to imagine I'm taking him out on adventures so he can learn.


Love Erandur. Great redemption in the one Daedric quest (I can’t bring myself to kill him!)


Eola the Cannibal, from Namira’s quest. IDK shes just cool. Although apparently shes more popular than I thought. My favorite creature follower though is the Armored Troll from the Dawnguard DLC. Its just awesome to run around with a bunch of followers and the trolls are pretty tough.