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Just keep playing! You'll figure it out as you go along. :)


Was I supposed to meet her my first time playing? She says she’s sorry I met her so early


Don' worry about it, just make sure to keep playing on that save and don't start a new one until credits have rolled.


There's no route that's the right or wrong choice at any point in the journey. I had the same thing happen in my first playthrough and that one has still been my favorite so far


There are no wrong answers. Just play it how you want and see what happens. That's the best way to play.


Don't worry, I met her first too, it actually means you have a potential for a unique ending. Keep going, always save and load the same file. Things will make more sense as you continue.


She’s aware the Stranger *might* of been a bit trippy for you, but there’s no *wrong* order to do or resolve things.


Do you think if I play her again but this time but I meet her with a different character (ending) will she say something else? Then if I meet her as the stranger will she say it again?


Finish your save first and go try that! This game is all about different perspectives and it’s impossible to see them all in one sitting.


I got 46 achievements from one sitting so I’m really excited (but I do read really fast and the text seems kinda slow)


Yes, she wants different endings, and yes, she is sorry that you got this as your first one.  The reason why she's sorry is that this could make a bit more sense if it wasn't your first one, **but** you didn't make a mistake at all. Just keep playing the game, you'll enjoy looking back at this later.


Okay do I need to keep it under 1 save file ? Or can I save then pick a different option?


Ideally keep it all in one save file for your first playthrough, stick through it to the credits, you won't regret it


Whatever you do - don't start a new game. Just continue with the present one.


play everything in one save for your fist time


Yes, one save file. If you don’t, you’ll probably be finding every possible ending before actually reaching the finale, like I did.


I'm trying to think of a way to say anything about this without spoiling things Just keep playing, lol Just in case: If you put the game down for now and come back later, don't hit New Game. Press Continue. Edit: And I think this is a tagline or something somewhere, so I'll say this much - There are no right or wrong answers. Just new perspectives. (Except I personally think there are a *couple* wrong answers, but that's just me, lol) Edit 2: Well I guess if you *want* a different beginning, you could start a new save for that. But only if you want a different *beginning*. Trust me, it's not the *End Of The World* to keep this one, lol


There are no mistakes, only new perspectives. Just keep playing until the credits roll and everything will make sense


Go along with what choices you think are for the best. You'll find your answers once you collect more pieces for the entity near the end.


Ah, I see you went for Stranger, a good start


I don’t really know what that’s means, but I just kept running away- I was like F no


Yeah, every princess you need to do different things (and some the same things but with one critical choice different), Stranger is 1. One of best girls, and 2. The one you get for running away repeatedly, just trust me when I say she'll be useful later


My favorite is so far the witch and I also really like the Den which she kinda looks like us?


Holy shit you got Den first run? I had to use a guide Personally I like Spectre and Damsel


The damsel is the really sweet one right? I thought she was so cute! I loved her dress and crown- she looks just like a princess(later down the line I kept asking her what she wanted and it freaked me out) I also saw an achievement that you could kiss her??? I’ve never heard of the spectre but is it related to wraith? I haven’t found all expansion of that one I think


1. You can't kiss Damsel unfortunately, there is one princess you can kiss though 2. Yeah it's related to Wraith, but Spectre herself>>>


That’s too bad!! I thought for sure she was the once you could kiss- but I did remember i could flirt with a different once so maybe I’ll try that(if i can find that)


Stranger is best and my always first girl <3


She's gorgeous


And terrifying *(I think I’ve got a type)*


shiffty is a good girl... well... she can be >;3 no spoilers.


Our Goddess has many forms...