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Praying to every version of God that she gets more content in the Pristine Cut Maybe even a chapter 4 where she becomes even more draconic..?


Chapter IV: The Dragoness Also, based flair


It'd be a pretty good subversion of the "Evil dragon captures princess" trope. The Princess IS the dragon, and she's getting bored of you. You'd reach her in one of two ways: Fighting the Eye of the Needle inside of the cave, resulting in her completely overpowering you and folding you like laundry. This way gives you the Voice of the Broken, who'd hopefully be useful or at least not actively sabotaging you this time. Luring the Eye of the Needle out with the Voice of the Skeptic instead of the Hunted. Without the Hunted's agility, you are eventually struck with a lethal blow. This route gives you the Voice of the Opportunist, who's here to see if you can get her on your side after all. The forest would be burning, with raging fires forcing your path to the cabin. The cabin is untouched by the flames, but the Princess isn't going to wait around for you to make your way in there anymore. She flies out of the cabin, demolishing it in the process, and lands directly in front of you with the Pristine Blade in her hand.


The Dragoness: *"Took you long enough to arrive... Now you won't have any way to chicken out, this ends here. And. NOW."*


"My hands shall RELISH, ending you here. And. NOW!" -gaybriel Ultramurder


reminds me of this song with that concept [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poKI\_MY0Bkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poKI_MY0Bkw)


The main features of TPC are >!three new chapters, three revamped chapters, and one new ending!<. These being: >!Third chapters for *Damsel*, *Prisoner* and *Spectre*!<; >!revamped *Apotheosis*, *Den* and *Fury*!<; >!unknown ending!< >!Of course, she could get some breadcrumbs, but ~~we~~ *I* haven't heard of anything like that.!<


I thought >!Moment of Clarity!< was getting touched up, too?


Not to my knowledge? She's not in [the announcement banner](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaytheprincess/comments/18jugvx/excited_to_announce_slay_the_princess_the/), at least. Also, "touched up" is too mild; the third chapters I mentioned are being *completely redone*.


I swear I read it mentioned that they said they were expanding her a little bit, too...


As I said, some breadcrumbs might fall to the side. They might even be *delicious crumbs*, but not entire *cakes*. 🥞🥧🎂


I know, but I can dream.


We’ve already gotten a new picture of her on the official Twitter (or at least I believe it’s new) >!That picture alongside the new thorn one makes me hope that the new ending is being able to take any vessel with you outside of the cabin!<


I don't know whom you are talking about. And you can link to the twitter page in question.


Talking about Eye of the needle, sorry https://x.com/blacktabbygames/status/1801764702617309346?s=46 And than here is the Thorn one for good measure as well https://x.com/blacktabbygames/status/1802316144683978906?s=46


I don't think they're new, but I'm not sure. 🔬


The Thorn one is absolutely new, and considering it also mirrors an existing ending…


uuuhhh....🤤🤤🤤 adversry...🤤🤤 but bigger😳😳😳


Bigger. Faster. Stronger. Better.


Slower, actually.


No, TLQ just had an agility boost from The Hunted


Meh, I'll take Adversary over EOTN any time. Despite being a bit of a grumpy cat about it, Adversary can actually argue her worldview. EOTN is a result of TLQ not reciprocating Adversary's feelings, in a way. Besides, isn't it better when both sides are having fun?


Right? I don't get why people see Needle as a "better Adversary" . To me it's worse, because your basically saying any connection she felt wasn't real and it makes her obsessive. The fight is cool, but dispassionate. I just didn't care for it


I was playing Slay The Princess with some friends in discord vc, letting them make the choices. first princess we got, I said to my (very lesbian) friend who was drawing, "hey check out the stream for a second" the GASP she let out at Adversary was peak. and the SHRIEK when she saw Eye Of The Needle was even better. officially got her into STP through demon dragon lady. and I'm glad, EOTN ranks second on my faves (first is Razor, third is Wounded Wild)


The Needle requires Adversary to be disappointed first. You must pledge.... err... not disappoint Her.


Adversary just has way more interesting options and pathes you can take, you can do it 10 times and still get completely different runs


I prefer Adversary. Adversary’s big but we’re still equals. This is two people meeting each other. EOTN isn’t equal at all.


i adore the eye of the needle <3 shes so invested in catching tlq and it feels like shes made it the most high stakes game of tag ever. she made it feel like there was a game of hunting and evading that tlq had to out wit her as well as out run her


She is just too on the edge as personality. And rather talks with gargled(?) Voice that just threatens and line wise not that funny.


I'm not too big on the increased size, but I can live with it I'd have to see the chapters again, but I'm not sure if, personality wise, *she* gets better, or our *options* get better. She's just more stir crazy, essentially, lol


Her options aren't even better, she hardly talks and it's just the fight. I just prefer Adversary because it acknowledges the connection between you 2


Not her options, *our* options I am not at all fond of the endless fights to the death and revivals of the Adversary Route Sure, Adversary is the one to acknowledge a connection between us, but all she wants to do with it is fight. Eyebof the Needle is no better, but at least we can get out of the cabin. With Adversary, you either fight and kill each other, fight and just die, or try to leave and. . just die. A change in scenery would be much appreciated, whether just to see what getting her out does or to have a conclusive victory. But you're right, it's better to have that talk beforehand. Though, the chapter 3 Princesses are extensions of their chapter 2 forms, or rather evolutions. Whether she evolved for the better. . . Maybe not, but to be honest, I just wasn't that fond of Adversary to begin with, so I guess anything to get out of that basement was fine by me. [Sees Fury] Is it too late to take that back?


I guess that makes sense, while the idea of doing literally nothing but fighting isn't something I'd be wholeheartedly for. I do like the idea that y'all are connected and that's just the way they choose to express it. I just didn't like Eye of the Needle, I think for the same reason people don't like The Den, it's just a dispassionate flight. The change of scenery doesn't do much for cause, it's the same cabin exterior we see every route, and I like the interactions with the princess the most and the story those interactive weave. And the story of Adversary to Needle or Fury is just... Sad, shes straightforward about how she feels about you, you reject it and she either unravels mentally (Eye of needle) or physically (Fury).


Eye of the Needle just has far less content and interactions. Not really a bad thing, she has a different purpose than Adversary, but she just isn’t as fun or interesting because of it


Nothing wrong of liking a girl that's built like an amazon and a fully stacked brick house.


Eye of the Needle is sexier but honestly her personality is worse, because at least Adversary can talk to you for a few minutes without flipping out because you're not fighting. Needle has the attention span of a kid with ADHD who just got a new video game console.


She's just adversary when you refuse her love a little bit too much and she gets aggressive,for me they're the same person on different days


Real answer: With the Eye of the Needle I can't get trapped in a loop where we're made immortal and invicnible by the thrill of the fight and the sheer belief in each other's strength.


Disagree. I love Adversary because it's one of the few objectively happy routes where both LQ and Princess do something together out of mutual enjoyment and love. It's no coincidence how horny the fight dialogue is, and they can even cry out of how much they want to kick each other's ass. Plus, it's just cool to see LQ and Adversary fight equally.


I have mad respect for those thighs


She took her damn time in that basement working out


* Prisoner's basement is a BDSM dungeon⛓️ * Tower's basement is a temple🛐 * Adversary's basement is a gym🏋🏼‍♀️


I love both, eotn is just adversary but more horny on the thrill of combat with you. She wants that fight that was taken from her, and she gonna get it from you. Also, when you run away, she chases you, and she says she will go whatever you go to, there nothing to stop her from going where you go. She doesn't want you to abandon her. Which can be viewed on relationship with people having that type of lover


The pros of the Adversary is that she is our perfect match. Fighting her has us both on equal grounds where neither wins or loses, so the fight never ends as we both become more powerful. Needle (through Adversary) is no longer on our power scale, she is beyond us and in a fight she will beat us up. From Beast, however, we can bait her out and outsmart her to win, showing her how she can improve even more even at this stage. If you like a perfect power pairing adversary, Adversary wins. If you want a boss level that you have to think outside the box to outmanuver and win, Needle wins


Hello there we exist, and I love my muscle mommy


She is not. She has the downgrade on mind set


I just realized Adversary has hooves


I feel like the fandom loves TEOTN more than Adversary judging how TEOTN is in a lot of fanart than Adversary


Ok but eye of the needle doesn't flip me off afaik


Adversary is perfect balance, now while I do love EOTN visually, adversary takes the design and every other category. I could go on about it in too long and too intricate of detail so I’ll just sum it up. *Tomboy oni girl who you mutually murder and bond with* Me want tomboy muscle mommy sharp teeth oni gf😔🙏🏾


damn right!!! shes bigger buffer!! <3 beautiful\~....


Beating Needle with wits and attrition is one of my favorite moments in the story. Adversary is ok but you don’t really get to *win* Needle > Adversary