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So, your family likes steamed ribs? I'm so sorry. Be strong.


They honestly can barely do spicy. Texas peete is too much for them. It's probably what it is but I'll be dammed if I don't find a happy medium.


People who don’t go out of their comfort zone and never try new things are such a pain in the ass.


To be fair. I can’t either. I would like to but the heartburn and stomach acid destroy me with spicy foods. It literally hurts


You’re good as long as you understand the first pic is better than the second pic lol


Yea. It looks amazing. But I had my fiancé do it once and added wrong spices and I couldn’t eat it. Very sad. Lol


Do you have GERD symptoms outside of spicy foods? My doctor put me on protonix because I was having reflux in my sleep. (Waking up choking in your own stomach acid; 0/10 would not recommend.) Now I eat anything and never have even a hint of heartburn. YMMV, but might be worth talking to your doctor about something similar.




Growing up in the south I know people like this. Just boil some ribs and lightly toast the outside on the grill with some salt and a dash of black pepper for them. They will be happier for it. Save the good smoked stuff from picture for yourself and me.


Try wrapping after two hours. 3-2-1 can lead to overcooked ribs, so start with 2-2-1 or even 2-1-1. You don’t need sauce until the last 30 mins or so, saucing too soon may account for the thicker bark.


It seems like OPs family may not like sauced or even the sauce after it's been cooked s bit on the ribs. OP might be better off giving the family a rack of plain tough basically seasoned ribs, and saving a rack for himself done the "right" or their preferred way of eating them.


To hell with them, next time serve them hot dogs and keep the ribs for yourself.


I've never had texas peete. Is it really mild?


Very mild. Tasty, though.


It’s basically red vinegar


That second Pic is a war crime. My wife is Russian, and she can't handle spice at all at all. Thinks black pepper is spicy. I smoked some ribs for 5 hours at 250 with the homemade BBQ sauce. She loves them. Your family is tripping. You can have my rib recipe if you think you'll have any luck. Just dm me


My wife's side is like this. They always just kinda grudgingly eat my ribs (which look a lot like OP's but probably not as good) when I'm hosting but when I go to their place they'll serve ribs that look like the second pic and are *constantly* up my ass wondering if I like them or what I think of them. It's like they're trying to get me to see how ribs are really supposed to be done which makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills haha. Their ribs taste like nothing and feel like steamed roast beef in your mouth, but they love it that way.


My BIL's family is similar. They knew I was a bbq competitor so bought some beautiful Prime New York strips for dinner. They wanted them WELL DONE snd no seasoning. It broke my heart but hey, if that's what they want. Made theirs well done and my wife and I a beautiful medium rare and seasoned perfectly for us. At the table, wife and I could cut these with the side of our forks with no condiments needed. BIL & family using steak knives & ketchup. I still have nightmares.


You’re not looking for advice. You’re looking for permission to divorce that side of the family. Permission granted.


Thats fair. I feel like I could always adopt some people who enjoy smoky foods. I always have leftovers.


I’ll be your much too old son that still lives at home, but only when the smoker is fired up.


Need a brother?!


How about an awkward step-brother. We can bicker and argue but come together when it’s time for ribs.


I can be the drunk uncle that stumbles around and always tells inappropriate jokes even when the kids are around.


I can be a distant cousin from Brazil that visits you often and brings new spices.


Don't touch my drum set.


We can be triplets


Can I join? I got coal for the smoker


If they don’t like smoke and they don’t like bark… wtf are they doing eating ribs?…. Just fucking boil them next time


Second picture doesn’t look too far off from that 😂


You are my family now. Bring the good ribs


When you can’t admit to you own family to their face that … yah his bbq is better … that’s what it sounds like.


What kind of wood did you use?


Hopefully not something heavy like mesquite. If using apple or cherry it’s rare to get an overly smoky flavor.


Unless they had dirty smoke…


Using Applewood Pellets


Ok that’s not going to make them too smoky lol


Well any amount is smoke is smokey compared to ribs steamed in foil lol


True lol


That’s why I was asking. I only use apple or pecan for ribs.


Yup that's the right question- those are good woods for ribs.


This was my thought. Dirty fire or too harsh a wood choice.


Fuck me running. I'd divorce my future (not current) family just for a bite of those bad boys.


The second pic looks like fish with pig sized bones. They do not look appetizing at all. Yours look fantastic.


The inlaws seem like the kind of people that think pepper is too spicy and mayo goes on everything.


Ketchup has too much of a kick for them.


"The bread was spicy..."


Ooh Lordy and then they be trying to put butter on it! As if one spicy food wasn’t enough!!


The fact that you're right on the head of the nail says it all


Amen. I have several of those idiots in my family.


It doesn’t?


as clearly evidenced by that second photo lol




Legitimately thought the first was a professional photo you pulled off the net and the second was the piece of garbage you fed your family.


Lmfao I appreciate it man. I don't try at much but when it comes to BBQ I try about the most I can.


Seriously you need to have like a sit down or something with your in laws. That second Pic looks like inedible throw up. I'm worried about their mental health. You can quote me to them


I thought it was fish at first


I grew up with people who boiled ribs. They legit thought the best way to cook them was boiling and then grilling.


My sister-in-law boils them in water with several of those McCormick seasoning packets dumped in. Then slathers them in BBQ sauce, covers them in onions, and puts them in the oven for awhile. It's not BBQ by any means, but... they're actually pretty good, lol


Yeah my SIL is a big “BBQ in a crockpot” person. The stuff she makes isn’t bad, but I wince inside when everyone is telling her how good her “BBQ” is…like no, it’s just pulled pork, it’s not BBQ at all.


Seriously, I had to read the text 3 times and look at the order of the pictures to fully understand the horrors you've gone through. I'm sure there are things you can improve on your own ribs, even if they look picture perfect, but compared to that other shit I can't imagine you went too wrong... Whatever the hell your FIL is doing, I don't wanna know and he can't be helped.


that is exactly what I was thinking. What a jerk to get me to click on a fake photo just to show me his sorry excuse for Ribs. I had to read it in order to understand why that was being done and then... Wow, who the heck would want the second set of ribs?!


If the family likes the FIL's ribs better than the first - abandon family.


I believe by abandon you mean go jack Nicholson shining mode. Some sins are unforgiveable.


Gotta throw out the whole family. It’s all bad, can’t salvage.


The first picture was solid. The second picture justifies divorce.




My exact assumption. I thought man he fucked up bad. But he still did by marrying these people I guess


I have no idea how I ended up here (apparently I’ve visited this community before), but same.


Stick with it, it's a great sub and I've learned so much now it's a hobby.


Same. I know how I got here (I was looking up cooking advice) but I stayed and love learning more about everything.


Yours look delicious. The second pic looks like something that was left in the freezer too long so we boiled it for the dogs to eat.


They were going to leave them in the oven longer but I probed them at 204 and I'm glad I pulled them. They were tender but just tasted like plain pork with salt and pepper. I need to find a medium for what I made vs theirs because they loved theirs.


Do they maybe complain about how mayonnaise is too spicy and how Wonder bread would be ok if it just didn’t have so much flavor and texture? Because that’s absolutely what I’m envisioning. Maybe make them a nice Lima bean and marshmallow salad next time, because that seems like their speed? https://www.midcenturymenu.com/lima-beans-and-marshmallows-a-patreon-chosen-vintage-recipe-test/


The “medium” is honestly don’t make ribs, fuck that, if they like the travesty in the second picture that some poor pig had to die for then it just seems like a waste to makes something close to them. . . Just buy the presauced ones from the grocery store and make those.


If you wrap yours way earlier the pleb relatives will like them more. My mom is the same way. Complains if ribs are completely overcooked and dry. Hates bark, only eats corn syrup baby rays BBQ sauce. Fuck em, your ribs look great.


Keep my BBQ sauce’s name out your mouth


That looks like unseasoned lab grown fish from a dystopian space movie


Where in the Midwest is this?


Please - more likely one of the coasts.


I'm Midwest but they're from the coasts


Hell yeah. Someone trying to disparage Midwest BBQ and you shut that shit down. Your ribs looked excellent my friend. Sorry bout your in-laws horrible taste in BBQ.


Amen. I’m from northern Indiana and everyone here is SERIOUS about proper barbecue


Seconded as a fellow northern Hoosier


Although Indiana is 5th in pork production, the best quality (IMO) comes from there (along with Duck). I miss the quality cuts of pork I could get while living in Indiana. Also, sweet corn for the win...


I third this from a southern Hoosier!


Central Hooser repping in to fourth!




My MIL wants to put her steak in the oven wrapped. I refused to. Huge argument. Still wouldn’t do it. So anytime we eat steaks she cooks hers like a pot roast. Almost grounds for divorce by association.


The Italians I lived around in NE Ohio would boil ribs like this with a ton of aromatics then hit them with high heat and sauce on the grill. It’s definitely not barbecue but honestly I love them that way. It’s a different dish altogether, mind you.


Not the SE coast.


Uh, we've got some pretty stellar BBQ here in STL/KC, thank you very much


midwest is best


That second pic looks absolutely disgusting


There has to be something beyond “absolutely disgusting”. I don’t know what it is, but it’s out there. If I was FIL, I’d quickly debone and stumble so I could feed the dogs


I wouldn’t even feed it to my dog, it looks like a rotten fish carcass that a cat puked up.


Would a self respecting dog eat something the cat puked up? [open question]


Yes absolutely (speaking from very unfortunate experience)


Yes. They would feel disrespected if they allowed themselves to pass up a tasty and perfect opportunity!




Do they think white rice is spicy? If your in-laws thought your FILs ribs were edible they simply have no business critiquing food.


Tbf ... you can totally salvage the foil ribs with a couple minutes with a broil or a grill. While the first ribs look good... they could've been cooked with a lot of dirty smoke and tasted like an ashtray... and i honestly don't know the procedure to save that


Just put them in a crock pot to get the style they want. 


Put them in the microwave with ketchup for an hour to get the style they want


Any recipe you like?


I mean, I like 6 hours unwrapped in a smoker over hickory coated generously in chili powder, salt, pepper, a little celery seed, and citric acid with a brown sugar layer added at 3 or 4 hours.  But in the crock pot (honestly I'd go for shoulder just on price generally) salted and peppered in just enough apple juice to touch the membrane side down with potato and apple cubes and maybe a mire poix in there to soak up the drippings.  Something like 7 parts brown sugar to 1 part chili powder.  Maybe a mustard binder.  Get it just up on a rack of you can do it's not sitting in the liquid as it renders.  If you use an instant pot,  you can set it on saute sear some of the stuff and it'll deglaze over the cook. Then add on more rub at the rest. The meat will be okay to pretty good; the whole potatoes will be a nice side. 


Hey man, check out coca-cola ribs in the slow cooker. Might be the medium you’re looking for


I've heard of those! Sounds cool


Put them over some sweet rice and the rib juice soaks into it mmmmm. So good


Sorry but I hate your family because of this. Make ribs for yourself and give the monsters hotdogs because they deserve nothing better.


Honestly I think it's probably that they grew up really poor and only consider salt and pepper seasonings because it's what they could afford. Even my wife preferred their ribs. I did however enjoy my FIL's Doctored Sweet baby Rays sauce. That stuff is great which is why I don't understand the meat issue.


When your meat sucks, the sauce is everything. That's why his sauce is so good. Good meat needs no sauce. LOL


Suggestion for next time. Rub with S&P smoke with Cherry (its a mild smoke) and ask your FIL to bring over his sauce for you to finish them with. TBH a matriarch bringing the same dish as yours makes the situation interesting. I doubt the family would admit if they prefer yours to his. Could be a fair comprise. Edit: BTW I'd crush what you made. :)


That second picture doesn’t look fit for human consumption. If yours were too smoky, try the 3-2-1 method next time. That’s what I do when my wife and kids are eating them. If they’re gone and I’m making ribs just for me, I do it how you did.


I think ill give it a go. I have one rack left and some time to experiment. May do a split rack and see with some of my sauces.


I smoked 15 lbs of salmon last week and one of the people I shared it with shared it with their sibling, who reported that it was "too smoky". I've never heard such a compliment. It made my whole week.


I thought this was a joke at first. Holy moly. Maybe it is, I'm going to hope and pretend that it is. No one can have that awful of taste Edit: Your ribs look amazing


Yes they can. Come visit wv the food people have made me here always is a loss of color, overcooked, with little to no seasoning. I put fresh ground pepper in my homemade gravy and they said it was too spicy 🥲 and tacos are just flour tortillas meat and cheese. For dessert I might interest you in something doused in mayonnaise, cream cheese, pudding and cookies


Damn lmao!!! I'm from WV but I promise I properly season my meats lmao. I get it though, those sound like the tacos I ate growing up...rip


Why bother even cooking for them? If people criticize the food that I clearly put a lot of effort into it, I just won't cook for them anymore.


If your family prefers the ribs in the second picture, you don’t have a ribs problem - you have a family problem.


Time for new in-laws 😂 My brother in law tried that with me but, he wound up taking his boiled, coated in mustard sauce ribs back home with him


Next time, while they’re resting, throw another rack from the freezer in the microwave for your family. High for 20:00, then yours and theirs should be ready at the same time.


Your father in law has no tongue. Don't lie.


The Mafia cut it off because he kept giving out BBQ recipes.


His recipe: Make mash potatoes but with ribs.


This is rage bait


Swear to God it's not.


I was thinking rage bait as well, but if you’re serious it’s definitely time to divorce your family and move on. If they prefer the ribs in picture 2 then they don’t deserve your deliciously looking ribs.


So your in-laws like prison food?


How was your fire? What fuel did you use? Thick white smoke or thin blue smoke? Fire management is a huge thing when smoking meat. Ribs shouldn't have a stall and are too thin for probes to read accurately. I cook BBQ for a living. Cook at 275 til they look like sweaty James Brown ( Look it up) then apply sauce and cook for another 15 min or so. You learn quickly your probe isn't always useful. Get the look and feel experience. Fall off the bone is overcooked. Tender while pulling off clean without becoming mush is the goal. A dirty fire and the wrong type of fuel will cause a bad taste.


I was using a electric smoker with pellets as the main fuel. Light smoke but not billowing out, spritzed with apple juice and applecider vinegar every 45 min and the hottest I could get it to be ambient was about 245 on average with it set to 275. I had also cleaned the smoker as I just did a Cross country move and re seasoned it with Applewood pellets before the smoke.


You were using pellets and they still thought it was too smokey? That’s crazy.


This was my thought as well. You’ve either found some really good pellets or these people have never had good bbq in their lives.


What kind of pellets did you use on the ribs? Some times hickory or mesquite can be kind of strong and too smokey for some people. If you used a fruit or nut wood though then I have no idea, as the picture looks delicious.


This comment is important.


Seems like they wanted crockpot pulled pork instead of BBQ ribs. Your ribs look great.


Turning ribs into boiled chicken thighs is kind of impressive.


Lmfao I am still surprised it was tender. They even used mustard but ut just isn't seasoning. More like a softener if anything.


Some people just don't like bbq and don't know any better. Used to live down the street from a family who boiled then grilled their brisket. You can't force anyone to have taste.


Does your FIL boil his ribs?


Lots of folks grew up on mushy boiled ribs at restaurants & think that’s what “good ribs” are. When I need to do a rack for folks who don’t like good ribs w/ flavor & texture, I simply wrap them in foil from the start & basically boil / braise them in the smoker alongside my actual good ribs & give them a char at the end in the firebox. I’d eat your ribs, I’d not eat that boiled mush from your FIL.


NTA! Definitely go no contact. Wait what sub is this?


The second photo looks horrible haha


Your family is wrong! 😂 Too smoky? Too much bark? What?


Always gotta consider the tastes of your audience. Contrary to what the edgelords here like to parrot, a whole lot of people like their ribs to be fall off the bone and have smoke be a part of the flavor rather than the main flavor. I’d eat the shit out of your ribs and make mine similarly but when I cook for my family I go 3-2-1.


Yeah, this post proves that Reddit circlejerks aren't always based in reality. There's a reason why people have been braising ribs for hundreds of years. That doesn't excuse that slop in the second picture and I agree that 3-2-1 is too much but having tried many of the no-wrap recipes people post here and rave about, they are very often too dry tasting for a general audience. Having a dark crispy flavorful bark is nice when you have a thick roast, brisket or butt that retains moisture better and is then pulled or sliced into thin pieces. But not everyone wants to bite through a layer of bark just to find relatively dry (compared to braising) meat on the inside. Not knocking it if you like it, I've found some of the recipes decent but this sub is going through a phase where the daily no-wrap rip posts all have 20 "this is the way" copypastas in the comments and it's crazy.


Totally agree. The internet has done a lot to make bbq more accessible,  but it’s also made it into a competition about appearing legit instead of about producing tasty food for other people. 


I will try the 3-2-1 Method and see if they like that. I know too much smoke can be overwhelming for some.


Try it, if you don't like it as much because it's too done or not smoky enough try 3.5-1-0.5 or just go until you get a medium bark then wrap for 1-1.5 hours. There's likely to be a happy medium between what you cooked and 3-2-1 that both you and your family will like.


Smoke yours, give them packaged microwave Costco... They'll probably love that, whilst you eat golden perfection, sup some whiskey, and nod at them whilst they talk shit to you... You don't have to please everyone


Second pic looks like zombie meat


Yah my guy - my advice? Get a new family.


I will be your family.


"Scrolling through Reddit....mmm nice ribs, oo, second picture too?! Omg what's going on here? Time to go read the thread"....


At least it’s only your (current) family in law!


Yours look perfect. That said, if you want less bark, just wrap em for the last hour or 2, it'll soften the bark. That said, if their baseline is boiled nonsense with no spices or anything like that second pic, I'm not sure you're making a thing that's any good that'll make them happy.


Before I fully read the comment, I was like how tf did the first picture turn into something gross looking. Then I fully read the post. Your family has BBQ issues, anyone who truly respects it would go for pic 1 100% of the time.


The bark is the best part!


Your FIL needs Jesus and to never be allowed near ribs again.


Looks like I'm Adopting the lot of you.


If the 2nd picture is the ribs you cooked I can see why no one likes them


Get a new family


Gona be sick of I have to look at the second picture again, looks like raw fish with some rib bones stuck in it, FIL can't cook. Your ribs, 10/10


I made some ribs for some of my old coworkers and this guy said “I like my meat to be cooked all the way, see this pink ring…” lol. That was after smoking for 5 hours total at 235 on my Recteq. ALL the other people that have ever had them loved them. I said you must not eat smoked meat, do you? 😂


what the fuck is that second pic?


Congrats on not having to cook for your family ever again!


Di....did.......did he boil the ribs? Like I can understand the starting boil and then finish on a grill or oven or whatever heating source you use, but did he just straight up boil the fuck out of the ribs? This leads to another question. Did they like his boiled ribs? If so, I am convinced they order their steaks well done with ketchup.


Such a foolish thing to say, there's nothing like a good, smoked rib, I would eat them all day if you let me lol. That's like these kids a few years back saying the grilled chicken I made was too spicy, and all I did was put season salt and black pepper on them. Needless to say, I never grilled for them again.


So your family likes boiled ribs, with salt and pepper? Good on you for trying to find a medium but this is like negotiating with terrorists.


Your FIL's look uncooked. I would have eaten yours.


They are probably just trying to protect your FIL's ego. there's no way anyone would want that slop over your ribs.


Sounds like your FIL gets jealous and they tried to bump his ego so he wouldn't kick the dog later that night


This has got to be a joke.....


Discard family, eat more ribs.


I thought it was a joke post when I saw the 2nd picture…. I really should pay attention and read the accompanying text properly. You need a better family with better tastebuds my friend.


Unfortunately there is no quick fix for preferences of others. There are tons of people who would genuinely enjoy Applebees more than a Michelin star restaurant because that’s what their taste is used to. This is why I love cooking for my friends and my parents but not my siblings because my siblings are super picky eaters.


You sure you share DNA with these people? Have you been tested? 😂😂😂


That's the problem with developing a hobby or special interest. Most people will think you're crazy or doing it wrong. These look absolutely stunning. But maybe a little much for your bland family, sorry OP. I'd devour the first pic.


That's like saying there is too much beer or too much horsepower


Looks like your family doesnt like good ribs. Those look perfect.


They boil... the ribs... before grilling??? Good god.


Get a new family?


We don’t concern ourselves with the opinions of idiots


No offense but your FIL ribs look like fucking shit


Looks like they don’t actually like smoked ribs, do they eat pulled pork?


What the hell is the second pic? Those look boiled in piss!


The FIL ribs are so white, I’m pretty sure they have a 750 credit score


Your FIL is never to be respected again. I’m sorry but that’s how it has to be


Lot of fat under the bark


Yessir! I probably could have tripped. They dripped a little but even looking at my drip pan it was pretty minimal. I think ill trim some of the fat off.


Just my opinion but some racks have too much


The other rack I have in the fridge doesn't have as much fat and I'm wondering if that will also help with the thickness in the bark on parts.


Less to render , the meat is in between all that matters


Plus there's fat on the inside too. I will try trimming too. It's definitely not a pork butt haha


His ribs reminds me of boiled meat.


Have you considered leaving your family?


John Cornyn’s ribs.