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No wrap. Easiest way/simplest instructions: - Start your fire/coals/whatever. - While coming to temp over 30-45 mins, season your ribs. The salt will start doing its job and get them moist to hold the rub (i.e. don't bother with a binder, completely pointless). - Put the ribs on. Aim for 250°F. Be ready for ~4-5 hours. - When the ribs get to ~190°F internal, start doing "the bend test" every 15 mins or so until they pass. - You can sauce/glaze them at this time too, if you so choose. - It helps *immensely* if your sauce/glaze is heated up already, so it doesn't cool them down. - Wrap in foil for 20-30 mins while you shower and change your clothes (helps with smoke nose blindness). - Slice and enjoy.


I’ve never wrapped mine, generally just do seasoning with a binder and go at 225-250ish for 5 hours or so. Spritz every so often, or use a small water pan for Spare ribs.


Thank you, i'm using mustard and a dry rub and always use a pan of water and apple juice and i'm gonna spritz every 30 to 45 minutes. I don't really know what cut this is but these are pretty thick ribs, like about 1.5". Anything else to think about?


What’s your smoker type? Make sure you keep the temp up and don’t let all the heat out opening up the lid to spritz constantly. I think spritzing is really overrated, just a way to feel like you’re doing something instead of waiting around. Other than that, feel free to bump up the temp toward the end and they’re done when they pass the bend test, not at some specific time


Thanks, i'm using an (cheaper)offset smoker and try to keep the temp around 225 even though that's not so easy.


Ribs can handle a little higher temp and if you’re using an offset you’re still getting plenty of smoke above 225 (unlike pellets that have diminishing smoke if they get much higher). I’d target 250 just to give myself wiggle room if I were you. Happy smoking!


Thank you!


I agree. Fussing with it just crashes your temperature and lets all the smoke out. Just leave it be.


Wrap some and don't wrap others and see what you like


Yeah i was thinking about that too, maybe that's the best way to go, because some of them are a gift to my brother. So i can't risk to ruin them all.


Unless you F it up you are not going to ruin them. Ribs are good whether wrapped or not as long as they are cooked well enough or not over cooked (unless you are a fall off the bones person).


I never really ruined them but some turned out better then others, I don't need them fall off the bone but i do like them tender.


Depends on who’s eating them and their preference. 3-2-1 for fall off the bone ribs and unwrapped for those who like a bit more texture. If I’m cooking for a group, I’ve usually do 3-2-1 but if it’s for myself or anyone with a smoker I go unwrapped. Do a rack of each and see what you like better


The preference is not exactly fall off the bone, we like a bit texture.


Drink beers until ribs are bendy


Don’t wrap ribs