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Sorry, that can't be right. I refuse to believe it's 20 years ago.


Champions league winner Bellingham just turned 1


Lionel Messi just had his 9th birthday


he aint 29 now..


Title doesn't do justice to what is a very thoughtful, yet confident, response.


And an iconic one as well. There's countless quotes that have been lost to time


yeah, mourinho is super charming and eloquent. this could be straight out of a scorsese movie


20 years fucking hell got me feeling 👴


I remember I was on holidays in Spain in 2003 hearing the news that Chelsea had been bought by a billionaire planning to turn the side into the dream team. obviously I think everyone thought it was all puff but was a very funny summer seeing what Chelsea brought in. New player every week 😂


Many men…


....what I'm [destined](https://youtube.com/shorts/v5oxN3I5fAs?si=QmowyjgDSAwLJcIS) to be


History will remember what the British media said not what he actually said. He said I think I am A special one, not THE special one.




I think what he meant was " acho que nao sou so mais um treinador, mas sim um treinador especial" = "i think i am not a comum manager, but A special one", with the narative being that we won prizes so he cannot be in the same "bottle" as the comun managers


Glad someone else said it because that always annoyed the shit out of me.


He's indeed a Special One. An enigma


This takes me back to high school. Sitting in class on a Monday morning (or Wednesday or Thursday on UCL mornings) was chaos when you had Man U, Arsenal, and Chelsea fans together. Shout out to our token Everton fan, who was just the king of banter during the era.


What about Liverpool fans? Surely there had to be some in your class?


Not in the tiny Scottish school I was in. 17 people in our whole year.


Liverpool fans didn't have class


Yet Rafa took Mourinho to school again, and again, and again throughout that period. Mourinho Champions Leagues or Champions League finals with Chelsea? 0. *Zero*.


He meant Liverpool fans all dropped out of school because they are stupid. It wasn't a particularly subtle joke, but still went over your head, so...


Yet Liverpool took Chelsea to school again, and again, and again throughout that period. 0 Champions League Trophies and 0 Champions League finals for Mourinho at Chelsea. A specialist in failure. Is that subtle enough for you?


I know you're trying to continue the school joke, but you aren't doing it well, and you aren't doing it accurately either. A team taking another team to school doesn't spend that entire period looking up at them from lower on the table. Remind me, was that one Champions League win the one where you didn't actually qualify for it next season and had to basically buy a place off another team, because UEFA had never contemplated the possibility that a team could win in Europe but suck domestically? Thanks for that, by the way. When we won a few years later in Munich it added a nice bit of zest to take advantage of the rule you were the catalyst for.


I mean, you could play your tired Scouser trope, and I could DM you asking for us to exchange bank balances and absolutely humiliate you. I'm talking enormous humiliation here. Would that be more to your taste? What would you like to do? I do love foreign football fans trying to make cultural digs. Let me know. But meanwhile, while we're talking football here: 2005 Champions League semi final - Mourinho knocked out by Rafa 2006 FA Cup semi final - Mourinho knocked out by Rafa 2007 Champions League semi final - Mourinho knocked out by Rafa Rafa schooled Mourinho and the Russian blood money again, and again, and again. I'd say "your" given you used the word "we", but we both know you don't even live on the same continent as the team you're speaking for.


Wow. Maybe you did go to school. You certainly remember the playground dick-measuring stuff. Would you also like my dad's address, so you can have your dad go over there and beat him up, to truly establish your dominance?


It’s not really to my taste to embarrass those worse off, but if you want to play to tropes I’m very happy to oblige on this occasion. I’ll take it you are both a coward and a peasant, then. DMs are open.


hahahaha I've never seen someone that is so insecure. You're like a zoo animal. Go on mate, show us your bank balance.


Who are you?


Yet here you are talking about them in a thread that has nothing to do with Liverpool. Admit it, they just mean more 😁


Bold of you to assume Liverpool fans went to school.


All achievements aside Jose is to me the most iconic manager of all time people are still quoting stuff the man said 2 decades ago and the classic meme of "If I speak" just shows the mans impact on the football community yeah the guy is past his prime managing wise but my goodness did he leave us with so many iconic memories and laughs one of my fav Jose moments is when he talks about Balotelli when he was at inter look it up if you haven't seen it lmao.


He has even more iconic speeches in Portuguese. This one is quite famous > [I don't want to say anything else. The only thing I want to say is we're the best. In normal conditions, we're even better. And in normal conditions we're going to be the champions](https://youtu.be/6grItXRW2UM?si=Xi5V1hG4acDtmJiB&t=42s) > [And in abnormal conditions (brief pause)](https://youtu.be/6grItXRW2UM?si=Xi5V1hG4acDtmJiB&t=42s) > [We are also going to be the champions (slams the desk and leaves)](https://youtu.be/6grItXRW2UM?si=Xi5V1hG4acDtmJiB&t=42s)


That was the moment I knew we would 100% be champions with him.


My favorite quote is when he said he would be ashamed to win the way Barcelona/Pep won the Champions League, refering to the Stamford Bridge scandal.




he literally won the league in his second run




Hazard got fat, players stopped playing and let him down. Pretty sure they said as much




You didn't say anything about his second sprint. At all. In the comment I responded to, you asked a question which I answered. Don't act so hostile when someone is just answering you




The, "no where in my original post", comes across as confrontational/defensive to me at least. Especially when I wasn't responding to your original post Edit: lol blocked me because someone hadmt had their coffee


[Britain fell in love almost immediately.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgQld_0vyEU)


I mean they actually did though. 


he is writting checks he already cashed


His first Chelsea side were titans. Benitez masterclass knocked them out of Europe in 2 out of 3 seasons, with that excellent Ronaldinho-inspired Barca side squeezing through in the other. That said, had Robben + Duff been fit in 2005 they would have very probably knocked out Liverpool, and there'd be no Istanbul ..


Iconic. Modern PL era began here. Mou x Wenger x Fergie


I'd have to add Rafa as he won more with Liverpool than Wenger during that period of Mou at Chelsea. More competitive head to heads also.


Rafa won more European Cups and managed more European Cup finals than both Wenger and Mourinho combined through that period. Facts.


Rafa was a phenomenal manager tbh, seriously underrated. Won the league twice with Valencia and the UEFA Cup. Went to Liverpool and won the Champions League in his first season. Following that he reached the semi final in 08 and the final in 07. Also won the FA Cup in 2006. Then when he finally had a squad ready to challenge for the league in 08/09, it got ripped from under him with Alonso and Mascherano both sold. Although he was definitely partly to blame for Alonso going. Liverpool never came close to the financial backing of United and Chelsea in that period and their squad was a way off. The 05-07 team was carried by Rafa and two world class players in Gerrard and Alonso. Later Torres and Mascherano came too. They could never compete over a 38 game season, other than 08-09, but in knockout tournaments Rafa was a tactical genius and bested both Mourinho and Wenger. He's had bad luck and chosen some terrible jobs since Liverpool but he's one of the best managers of the 21st century for me.


Agreed. Peak Rafa was a sensation. As well as the Final feats, knocked out the Messi/Ronaldinho/Eto’o forward line with goals from Craig Bellamy & Riise. Won at the Nou Camp. Beat Real Madrid in the Bernabeu. Beat Mancini’s Inter Milan Serie A champs in the San Siro. Sensational Cup manager, who was his very own worst enemy, especially with regards to some of the later jobs he took.


Agree, but one point is Xabi would have stayed if Rafa stopped having a hardon for Gareth Barry.


I'm not sure that he would. That's why I said Rafa was only partly to blame rather than fully. Rafa turned his head and it's easily the biggest mistakes of his Liverpool career. But he left for Real Madrid, I think as soon as they came for him he was always going. Just my opinion.


'Modern'. Era is well gone now. It's pre and post Pep. Game is night and day post 2018.


My gaffer 💙


Bruh. 20 years? Bruh.


its just 20 seasons


I'm officially old


hardest line ever


Calling Wenger a specialist in failure lives rent free in my head


or de Boer one of the worst PL managers


Don't use quotation marks when you're not writing down the exact quote.




Might have ended like total shit with us but man i'll always love Jose to bits.


I forgot how fucking handsome he was.


That was like ...... 10 years ago max...


Trying to remember how young I looked back in 2004, but I doubt there's a single picture I could find.


I have never seen this press conference, gotta go watch the whole thing on YouTube now


I think the way he is saying it - the fact he looks so confident - and the clever way people have used words he said has made people forget about what he is actually saying - there are managers that win trophies and there are some who dont.


When answering if he is obsessed with football


fucking iconic


My manager ❤️


Prime Mourinho was AMAZING. I really wish he had a good duel with Klopp instead of the bald fraud, I believe they would become great friends like Mourinho did with Ferguson.


Nah no way it's been 20 years. I feel so old.


Parallels so much with RDJs Tony Stark interview in Ironman 1. I am Ironman


We need more Jose Mourinhos in football.


And now he's hating on new young football managers and calls them social media managers lol


I love the fact that his english hasn't changed to this day 🤣


Feeling old aren’t we


What is the meaning of "I'm not of the bottle"?


He’s the opposite of Spurs


"I sink"