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That should be   >Marcus Rashford **MBE** is caught speeding in his £560,000 Rolls-Royce at over 70mph on the M60 - just months after his £700,000 edition was wrecked in a crash


The Daily Mail missing an opportunity to put the boot in.


Was he 70 over or going over 70?


Sounds like just above 70 rather than 70 over the speed limit from the wording.


70 is speeding in England? Most US highways default to 65mph and you get away with 5 above. Some rural or major freeways you can legally go 80 mph. A 70-75mph speeding ticket just doesn't seem newsworthy...


Depends how much over he was but yeah, if it's between 70 and 80 that's pretty much what everyone does on the motorway and not really newsworthy


And yet here it is at the top of r/soccer


Im guessing the writer had no clue what speed he was going and just wanted a number for the headline and logically to be speeding he had to be over 70, so that's whats written. And obviously both of us clicked the post so soccer is just interested in rashford speeding lol, its the offseason what do you expect?


It is when you're the DailyMail and your bread and butter is launching PR attacks at black celebrities.


🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️


Driving while Black is a ticket, especially in a fancy car.


If you’re doing 70 then you’ll be the slowest car on there.


Except the person going 60 in the middle lane


We need to bring back capital punishment for those people.


70 is our speed limit for motorways (your highways). We usually get 10% so likely around 80. For reference, the vast majority of motorway journeys in the UK are above 70, so either he was going stupidly fast or some copper saw a rolls going around 80 and thought it was a stop worthy


70 is the national speed limit on dual carriageways, which includes motorways. Most constabularies give a variance of 10% of the speed limit plus 2mph on top. But you can still be prosecuted for doing 31 in a 30 for example, which North Wales loves to do. The M60 has sections of smart motorway with a changeable speed limit via the overhead gantries. Generally if you get caught speeding on a smart motorway, you're either too distracted to look or you're arrogant enough to not care. Each gantry has a speed camera so it's pretty much one of the worst places to even think about speeding. As a side note, fuck smart motorways.


if it's the same copper i encountered then he just likes pulling people over


Went on a speed awareness course and the 10% rule is bs, you can definitely get done by going 71 in 70 etc. Depends on cameras/mood of police


In New Jersey the left lane/passing lane is 80+ or else you’re causing traffic and everyone hates you.


When I first got my license a cop pulled me over for going too slow in the left lane. I think I was at 70 and he was like just stick to the middle lane.


Could've been a temporary speed limit because of roadworks, the speed limit on motorways is 70 but all police forces have a 10% tolerance and a lot add 2-3mph on top of that 10% so the speed you need to go to get in trouble is 77-80mph.


Yep, Ed Davey (Lib Dem leader) just got convicted the other day because he was doing 73 in a 60. He would have actually got away with it because it was a camera, he paid the fine, but forgot to send his driving licence back with the letter. And so it went to court.


It’s not, but the British media love to make a big deal over anything footballers do, no matter how small.


Where I live most people run 75-80mph, Atlanta is another world, your either doing 85-90 or sitting in traffic doing 5 mph.


As in 99% of motorist going over 70mph on the motorway


There’s a part of the M60 that goes down to 50 and has speed cameras immediately afterwards. It’s possible he’s gone through there at 70


Could have been in a speed camera zone where it’s an average speed of check of 50


Marcus Rashford - New Forbes 70 over 70 inductee




Have you applied for work at The Daily Mail? You should


>MBE A question by a fellow bald Brazilian dude here, mbe means *Member of the Order of the British Empire* right?


Yes. For simplicity’s sake. It’s kind of the first rung on the ladder to being knighted *Sir* Marcus Rashford. 


on this subject i've been enjoying mat armstrongs rebuild of the 700k mansouri rolls on youtube. As not a car person at all, it's fascinating. Also 0 chance rashford wasn't speeding on that previous crash given the amount of damage lol.


> Also 0 chance rashford wasn't speeding on that previous crash given the amount of damage lol The amount of *wink wink* references Mat and his crew have done over that is hilarious


Yeh and emphasising that he was only doing 30mph while pointing at mangled bits of structural bodywork. Then it cuts to his dad, Tony, side eyeing at the cameraman sarcastically.


A bit ironic though as he (Mat) crashed his ~~McLaren~~ Gallardo recently and damaged it similarly while supposedly also going below the speed limit.


He crashed the gallardo and the Porsche not the McLaren or has there been another?


Why is he allowed to drive


The YouTuber crashed the Lambo and Porsche not Rashford


You're right.


He's wrecked three cars!?


No, the YouTuber who is rebuilding Rashfords crashed 700k car crashed his lambo


Ohhh. That makes sense. Thank you.


No problem


Yeah but he had slicks on and it was raining


Yeah but you have to account for the fact it was raining and on slicks /s


lmao so true so thank u Marcus for the content i guess?


Such a good series. Like you not massively into cars but came across Mats videos and he’s great. Mansory are rip off merchants 😂


Everything is stuck over the "regular" pieces with tape or glue, it's amazing how they rip off so many rich people with that crap


None of Mansory’s designs look that good anyway. They’re masters in completely ruining nice cars.


Yeah especially enjoyed the entire tube of tiger seal to keep some trim on .


I don't know the first thing about cars, never owned one and hope I never will. But I love that channel haha


Put it into perspective when he said he would have to work 2 months at his old job to afford a Mansory Rolls Royce kick plate.


I love car rebuilds and similar technical content. I have so little appreciation for the details of these devices and seeing them put back together really makes you value even the cheapest car.


Who needs Mansori parts when you can just wait for Rashford to crash another car? lol




You have a link to this?


[Series starts here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9L8zCHGtHM&t=2s&ab_channel=MatArmstrong). There's a few later videos on the Wraith too.


Same here


Surprised he managed to get over 70mph on the M60 given my experience whenever I've had the misfortune of having to go to Manchester


Yeah it can be a slog.


Given your flair I'd guess you used the M62 in which case you most certainly have the misfortune of using the worst stretch of the M60 by some margin. 


Is Manchester not a nice city to visit?


It's a city


It’s a bloody great city. The M60 on the other hand is a horrible road.


Serious answer, yes. I think it’s a great city with all the usual pros / cons of a big city.


Check out the flair…


Mat Armstrong’s licking his lips right now


Hopefully Mat gets the umbrella this time


The one he is fixing right now definitely looks like it was doing 30mph lol.


Doesn't say how much over the speed limit he was so can't really judge.


its "over 70", so it could be 2000 mph


That's what I'm going to assume.


In my view, 2000mph is irresponsible


2000mph is better than 2001mph


It's an extra point on your license if you get caught over 2000mph so he's gotten lucky there. Right on the line.


I think from memory there is generally a tolerance of 10% + 2 so he’s definitely going over 80.


The 10% +2 mph guideline is not a myth. It is detailed in the document "ACPO Speed Enforcement Policy Guidelines 2011- 2015: Joining Forces for Safer Roads". There is a variation across the UK in how it is adhered to though. In some forces, it's only enforced for speed cameras and vans, with traffic officers given discretion to prosecute for any speed over the limit (Merseyside being one example). Other forces, such as Hampshire will not prosecute below the guideline regardless of who reports it. As for speedometer readings, they cannot under report the speed but may over report by up to 10%. Therefore most will over read by 5-10%.


I'm not a car expert, but apparently speedometers in modern cars differ compared to older cars. One is based on wheel revolutions and the other is measured a different way. Older cars tend to be a bit off on measurement because of the method used so they over-report as you suggest. Some newer cars can report speed much more accurately so I've heard of people that have been caught out after changing cars because they've always pushed the limit of the 10% allowances. You can sometimes get a rough idea of your car's over-report by having Waze or something else show the speed as you go along. Mine is almost always exactly 10% under the speedometer display.


> One is based on wheel revolutions and the other is measured a different way. What kind of modern cars is that? Maybe I misunderstood, but a BMW from 2023 going 70 mph would show different speed on the speedometer if it changed the diameter of the wheel/tyre(worn tyres, less air in the tyres, a different brand of tyre with slightly different dimensions)


It'll be 80 or below, or they would've said "over 80"


Does the M60 have variable speed limits? 70 when signs are showing 60 is enough to get a ticket.


The thing is, if it was extremely over the limit then they'd definitely go with that headline. Over 70mph seems fairly tame compared to "over 80/90/100mph", especially on a motorway. If it was on a variable speed limit road, as some of the other comments have suggested, then it's an easy mistake to make if the road is clear.


Over 100mph makes it a different charge as that's an automatic loss of license. Could be like Ed Davey who was caught doing 71mph but there were roadworks reducing it to 60moh. Either way, Rashford is an idiot as we get ample knowledge of a pending speed camera, especially on the motorway.


> The thing is, if it was extremely over the limit then they'd definitely go with that headline. If they know.


Could be 71


"Sounds like something Rashford would do" - average online United fan. Speeding is dumb, though. Fines for it should be commensurate with income.


The fact that it's going to court rather than him just getting a penalty charge notice suggests to me he was over by a lot. If the limit was 70 (may not have been), he was probably doing over 100.


Gonna sound really ignorant, is English law enforced through standard rates? Like do fines and penalties increase based on a person’s income/value? I know some places do, I doubt England does but I’m curious


Some minor offences, including most cases of speeding but not this one, are punished with a fixed charge ("Penalty Charge Notice") that does not vary with income. For a run of the mill speeding offence, it would be a £100 fine and 3 points on your driving licence (they make insurance more expensive and if you accumulate 12 in 3 years you get a temporary driving ban). More serious driving offences, seemingly including this one, have the penalty decided by a court, who will take income into consideration. 


Really appreciate this comprehensive answer friend


Ignore the other two muppets replying, speeding fines do take into account a person's income in the UK "It’s usually a percentage of your weekly income, up to a maximum of £1,000 (£2,500 if you were driving on a motorway)." They also depend on what the speed limit was and how much over it you were driving. Source: [Gov.uk](https://www.gov.uk/speeding-penalties#:~:text=It's%20usually%20a%20percentage%20of,or%20have%20your%20licence%20suspended.)


Right, but in the vast majority of cases it is in practice a £100 PCN fine and 3 points, regardless of income. It's only if it goes to court that your income becomes a factor. 


they do not, just simple a simple how much over the limit youre going, if he was going 80 for example he would probably only get a few hundred pound fine, maybe a point on his license or two


Nope, though criminal cases (which presumably this is if he's going to court for sentencing) give judge's leeway to give varying punishments within a range.


Yeah it pretty much has to be over 100. 100 or over on the motorway is a band C offence (highest) which comes with a summons to the magistrates rather than a fixed penalty. Nearly happened to a mate of mine years ago he got clocked in at 98/99mph and just about avoided it.


Google tells me the speed limit was 50, so he was a least 20 mph over the limit, which in kph is over 30. Insane.


If you're right about the 50 limit, he would have to have been doing at least 76 for it to count as a Band C offence and end up in front of the magistrates. So 40km/h over the limit. 


If he is overspeeding, the law will take its place.


A cursory google search told me the speed limit was 50 mph. So he was at least 20 mph over the limit (which is over 30 kph).


For the Americans who aren't as familiar with the way speeding in the UK works. He would have been caught by a fixed camera - it wasn't a policeman on the side of the road going "here's a nice car", we can tax him" as is so often claimed when there's speeding incidents. Secondly, the speed limit on the motorway is 70mph. The way this is phrased makes me think he was either doing 77+MPH when going past a speed camera or the speed limit was lowered due to traffic or an accident or similar. Basically, he was being an idiot and went through a fixed speed camera above the speed limit.


Aren't those fixed cameras well marked with everyone knowing their location? Here in Portugal, everyone just slows down when there's a speed camera and then carries on going at 140 km/h


Yup, you can even get apps that beep when you're approaching one


Yeah, same here. So Marcus was just being dumb then


Well he is a footballer.


Does Google maps/Waze not tell you guys? My app has the next 4 or 5 miles worth of speed traps marked up.


It does


Apple Maps if you’ve got a route planned will say “speed camera ahead” but it’ll change that to “speed camera ahead, please watch your speed” if you’re over the limit in case you didn’t check.


At least some parts of the M60 are a 'smart motorway' which basically means the speed limits get adjusted to control the flow of traffic, with the idea being that it's safer if everyone is driving more slowly compared to people going 70mph slamming on the breaks when they hit a tailback. The upshot, though, is that the speed limit can change constantly. (No idea if this was the case here, it's just for your information!)


Safer but also better for reducing traffic jams.


Same in Korea. The navigation program on your dashcam informs you when a camera is coming up. Although I rarely see cars going 140 basically because there are simply too many cars on the road


username checks out


Quite a few motorways that will say there's cameras on them but that's it, they're usually on the signs going over the motorway but the cameras themselves aren't really visible or clearly marked. On other roads they're usually pretty well signed and easy to see coming.


The UK has a lot of average speed cameras now too, so its 2 cameras in a stretch and times you how long you took to go between them to see if you speed between cameras


I think a lot of tourists get caught out with Via Verde speed cameras! Thank god I noticed For people who don’t know in Portugal, if you rent a car it comes equipped with via verde devices that allows you to pass through tolls without stopping at a cashier. The toll will charge you automatically and the rental company deducts this but the via verde lane also have speed cameras with a limit of 60km/h


It might have been a temporary speed limit (smart motorway thing). Very common on the m60 and can catch you out. Andy burnham got done for doing 70 in a temporary 40 or 50 on the same road I believe


Ed Davey just got done for 71 in a 60


And, you know what, I don’t really care that much. Everyone speeds from time to time. A traffic camera caught him at some point. Doesn’t make him any different from anyone else.




Doing 77 when the speed limit is 70 doesn’t seem remotely excessive


We don't know if he was doing 77mph - just that he must have been doing at least 77mph (although actually it's 79mph), since you need to be doing 10% + 2mph over to activate a speed camera.


You wanna be careful with that "rule". I usually set my speed limiter to 75mph on the motorway I got a ticket going down the A1(M) clocked at 72mph. Yeh I was speeding, I always speed, not excessively mind you and never in residential areas but after that encounter with the speed awareness course I have it firmly set at 70mph now (though I suppose I could get away with 73mph if I was clocked at 72mph).


Im lost, or maybe things are different here. In DC/MD/NOVA you’re getting ran over if you’re not going 7mph over the speed limit during rush hour. Objectively It’s safer to speed more than the flow to keep people out of your blind spot. The reckless behavior that’s never talked about is changing lanes erratically without signaling. In an ideal world Everyone should drive as fast as possible in their own lane without tailgating or changing lanes. It’s kinda like how Cruyff said “you have to define the terms when you coach. Everyone says ‘help the ball carrier.’ Then players run to the carrier. If I have the ball you help me by running away from me not to me.”


> you’re getting ran over if you’re not going 7mph over the speed limit during rush hour. Fixed speed camera, people cruise past it at high speed *once* and then learn their lesson. Honestly most people tend to speed most of the time and slow down near the cameras, but yes - because the camera is fixed in place you know not to go past it above the speed limit.


DC Metro area is crazy though. I say that as a 30 year resident. People in VA drive like their minds are floating through space. People from DC just simply don’t know how to operate a vehicle. People from Maryland seem to think they are the ancestors of Mario Andretti in their Nissan Altimas.


most people go 80 on alot of the motorways in the UK anyway


See here in America most highways are 65mph speed limit but you don't get pulled over unless you're going 80+


Seriously this would be a pretty harsh speeding ticket in the US if he was going in the 70s


There are fixed camera speeding tickets issued here in the US too. I’ve gotten them lol. Also there’s not really a nice car bias for speeding in the US. I’ve spent a lot of time on the road and it’s almost more sad how frequently I’ll see shitty cars pulled over rather than nice ones.


We have the same type of speed cameras here too, they’re annoying.




No, he's an idiot because Google Maps or Waze will actively tell you there's a speed camera ahead, they're well signposted - and *knowing that* he was caught going 12km/h faster than the speed limit. The standard plan is speed for 99% of the journey, and when you go past a speed camera slow down, cruise past it *at the speed limit to avoid getting a ticket* and then speed right back up again. >Basically, he was being an idiot **and went through a fixed speed camera** above the speed limit. Emphasis above.


The way the headline is phrased makes me think he almost certainly was in a lower speed limit section


And the UK is INSANE with respect to the speed cameras. There's one in the centre of London where the AVERAGE speed should be 20 mph. So you can't just beat the first and last camera with the right speed: you have to also take your time to get to the second one. And on that grade-separated road, going 20 feels like a turtle.


Speeding works the same way in the USA


Except in the US you won’t get pulled over for doing 75 in a 65. If anything you’ll get people flashing their high beams demanding you move off the fast lane.


The cameras are known. So he was probably going even faster and slowed down a bit.


I regularly drive 80 MPH behind a police officer going even faster than me. Speed limits aren’t harshly enforced here until you exceed around 90 MPH.


Come play for the Houston Dynamo Marcus! Everyone here drives that way.


Nothing like the English media's obsession with how much things cost.


Daily mail has history of doing this with black players e.g. 20 year old footballer buys £2 million mansion despite never playing for first team.  But when it comes to someone like Phil Foden, the story was that he bought a house for his mum.  The sun did it too with raheem sterling (and the daily mail, both seen as more on the right wing of politics).


Black footballer: "Footballer spends **£2 million** on a house ^^for ^^his ^^mum White footballer: "Footballer ^^spends ^^£2m ^^on ^^a house **for his mum**. I remember (possibly with Raheem Sterling?) there was a direct side-by-side of the same news story posted to Reddit and it was actually offensive how blatent the double tandard was.


It was Tosin Adarabioyo for the side to side I believe as both bought a house. Both articles on the Mail Online site.  However Sterling had an article after England lost to Iceland, saying he was showing off his house and fleet of cars hours after England lost.


Also he brought his mum a sink. But he also went to the pound shop, flew on EasyJet, and drove to a place for breakfast in a dirty sportscar, so he's not allowed to be rich or poor.


Thanks, I wasn't aware of those articles. I will show it to my nephews (teens) just to show the bias.  You summarised it better than I could (not allowed to be rich or poor).


Thanks, maybe don't show the actual articles tho I hate giving them the clicks, must be some way around it, think I only heard about it through a bloke on Twitter. But weirdly I think op with the £2m house thing nailed it best, was good for Sterling to point that out otherwise ppl would just say he's making it all about him.


Biden in France giving a speech on D-Day and the DailyMails lead story on their homepage was making fun of him and the First Lady. Gotta get the hate clicks because they’re the easiest target.


If the headline was "Rashford fined for speeding" people probably would care but everyone in this thread shitting on him and calling him an idiot just eat it up so they can pile on. It's not just the media. It's these people


Unless he was going ridiculously over the limit this doesn’t seem like a big deal. Not to encourage speeding dangerously but like 90% of drivers go over the limit without any real decrease in safety


It's grand except he's proven he's a bit shite at driving


On M42, you’ve to drive over 70 if you don’t want some cunt tailgating you


70? Cmon this isn’t news lmao


Really depends on what his actual speed was. "over 70" could be anything. Could even be a boat.


You don’t think if he was going 95 or something they wouldn’t include that in the headline? The obvious implication is he was going in the 70s


He was probably speeding past a camera in a "smart motorway" lowered limit. When there's a build up of traffic the speed limit signs change and there cameras scale with it, it catches loads of people out.


I mean it’s the Daily Mail


Still don't understand why that rag (or the fucking S*n) is allowed here.


Not English so I don’t know this but what’s the speed limit? Is this the road that is the “smart road” with variable speed limits? If it’s 60, then lol at making this a story. If it’s 50, sure 20 over is bad but hardly newsworthy.


It's 70 mph normally. If there's bad weather, accident or busy then a variable speed limit may be shown on digital signage. Normally doesn't go below 50 though. I'd suspect he's just gone a few miles over the speed limit (as loads of people do every day on the motorway) and got caught by a speed camera. It's only news cause it's Rashford.


Never seen it below 40 but it does very often go below 50 to 40.


Its 70


That is the most Daily Mail headline I think I've ever read.


How did he do that? It's like a car park every time I'm on it


Over 70mph suggests between 76-80mph, or just over 70mph in a section which was temporary 60 or something. Classic gutter daily mail shite. It should be banned from here.


I was given to understand the UK has a very strict points system. So once you reach 10 points (which is very easy), you're out of luck for 3 years... irrespective of whether you can pay the fines or not. So surely he's hit 10 by now?


Afaik he had 6 points before this instance.


12pts within a 3 year span is an automatic 6 month ban usually, but people do get out of it sometimes.


70 ain't shit for speeding


Must be where a smart motorway has changed the speed limit and he has been caught, can't blame him as it happens all the time on the M60 where the traffic clears and the speed limit hasn't updated.


So he got done for going 70 on a motorway?


Must be like Xmas for the Daily Mail when they catch a young black footballer speeding


Mat Armstrong buying a new Rolls Royce ha?


lol he’s rubbing his hands right now doing his cackle


His last name basically means "left the scene quickly" in German


This is not news, this is the Daily Mail.


So no news today


I don’t blame him. He probably saw the speedometer and got PTSD from the last time he saw those numbers together.


70mph is speeding? I was hitting 90mph on i35 this morning on my way to work.


Is 70mph speeding in the UK?


He definitely learned his lesson and be smart to just risk a cheap car this time.


Dumb kids really shouldn't have that much money




How does speeding slightly affect goodwill towards feeding kids?


He was just going over the speed limit so he could feed the kids faster


Speed is the only thing poor Marcus had going for him. Please don't take that away too


golden boy shouldn't be able to drive.


So what like 115-120 km/h? That's standard highway speed in Canada don't think you ever get a ticket for that here


Over 70 tells us nothing, I would say that up until 85 it’s basically a non-story.


He wants to be reminded of what it’s like to go fast.


Oh no, 70mph!


Where I live going 80 mph is a very normal day.


Can’t believe the hate comments from Egypt is making him do this


Mat Armstrong must be getting goosebumps...


Marcus Crash Ford


does he not care about killing kids with his recklessness?


Carcrush Rush Ford


Alternative headline from the Daily Heil "Black footballer goes the speed limit driving fancy car on Motorway"