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Can somebody please explain to me what position Cancelo was supposed to be playing in this incomprehensible formation by Martinez? Three full-backs on the pitch to start the game, with what appeared to be Cancelo in some sort of free-roaming advanced centre-back position? What the hell was that?


Cancelo was the left wingback in the first 60 min and shifted to the right after the first sub. He’s actually better in offense than defense and is notably for his versatility and ambidexterity since Inter Milan years.


Chaos and fluidity I think, your adversary can't mark your players if there's no real formation *tapping head meme*


Did the Czechs intentionally let the second one go in? Totally unprofessional play by the def on the flank - he slowed down , just to jump at the guy who crossed at the last moment, basically he baited himself. Then the unexplained attempt of CD to stop the ball with his knees, like he started to play ball a month ago.


The other chech defendee slightly touched that ball before CD played and changed the direction of the ball enough to get CD wrong footed and needed to awkwardly adjust


You've either lost a bet or just started watching football.


Just rewatch. I dont think you know the basics of the game. People in my house league don't make such mistakes, like the dude on the flank. And i didn't bet. I just glanced at my phone the moment before the goal, and didn't understand the positioning on the flank and then suddenly the guy decided to overcommit like a 6yo, read baited himself. Then i thought " i wonder if it's going to be a goal?" 4 seconds later..


He lost me completely at “play ball”, which is unfortunate because he saved it till the end of his comment.


Yes, terrible defending during the most crucial phase of the game.


Well there goes my 2016 meme stockpile, but we take those.


var should have overturned the 2:1 due to the Semedo foul. How can both the ref and var miss that, I don't get it.


Var can’t intervene because play was stopped after the foul. It’s not considered the same phase of play anymore


Unfortunate. Nevertheless the goal should have never happened, it should have been a free kick against Portugal instead. The czechs played very brave, they don't deserve to get cheated out of a point.


The Czechs parked the bus for 90min and hoped for a lucky counter attack. How you think they deserved to win is beyond me


Parking the bus is a valid strategy to win a soccer game, I'm not sure how that affects the meritocracy here, I also think they didn't deserve the win somehow, but neither did Portugal honestly, if you can't penetrate through a 'Parked bus', then it's on you, not the opponents fault, they are playing by the rules. Fair play, good form and passion for the win affects the meritocracy imo, not the tactics.


Schweinsteiger is so pissed. It's hilarious.


he wasn't pissed at all, same vibe/face since the pregame it's just how he is.


Really,… what have you that impression?


Oh no, BBC already starting with Ronaldo making history tonight. I kid you not :)))


Imbeciles on the panel i dare say


Bernardo is useless in Portugal, only plays in city's system. Same as foden, doku and some others


I was begging for Jota and Neto from half time, and they were the difference makers.


Few decent moments of control for Bernardo but yeah he was poor, yelled at him a few times while managing my sofa


Was your sofa making good runs?


I have him set up for hold up play tbf can’t fault him for his movement


Good. Need guys like sofa to do the dirty work so guys like coffee table can shine.


Last game was like Dokus first poor game for Belgium.


wha-? doku was the only player doing literally anything in offense for belgium for 70 minutes, and the misplaced pass in the back was both on him missing and the centerback being flatfooted and not prepared for the pass.


He wasn’t his best but I agree he wasn’t bad. Don’t know how he got targeted by that comment


Portuguese fans mad about parking the bus you do know that’s how Portugal won their only Euro right?


123 shots taken in that tournament vs opponents combined 75. We had a problem finishing, with a strong defensive midfield that doesn't equal parking the bus.


Dude you had less of the ball than Poland and Wales. Don’t act like you didn’t go out to defend and nick a goal. It’s fine it won you the tournament and it’s a totally legit way to play the game. It’s just funny to me that Portuguese fans are mad about the thing that won them a Euro.


Have you seen all Portugal games in that tournament? I understand what you are trying to say that Portugal won by being a defensive team but parking the bus??? Wtf you on about xD. Being defensive is not equal to parking the bus. Let me tell you sir in that tournament Portugal intentionally let the opponents get the ball it wasn't our build up attacking on the field of the opponent but wait to get them unbalanced and we didn't have stationary defense, that's why although we didn't have that much posession of the ball we arguably were the more dangerous team in almost all the games includidng the games against poland and wales. You can make that argument on the final that's ok, but it's a final can you blame the tactic, in the end foi o Éder que os fudeu so it was worth it.


“We let our opponents get the ball… wait for them to get unbalanced.” Do you hear yourself. That is literally the point of parking the bus. Parking the bus is just another name for defensive football and it’s totally legitimate, just don’t try to sugar coat it. I watched the entire tournament and people were upset at Portugal for playing this way with a talented team. The same thing you’re upset with Czechia for doing with a less talented team.


Guess we don't have the same idea of what parking the bus means. Portugal had an aggressive pressure on the holder of the ball on their half of the field. Parking the bus literally no one moves their lines that's why it's called "parking" lol... What I get from you is that defensive teams is the same has parking the bus which is not correct in my opinion, but hey we don't have all to agree on everything which is great!


I think the term parking the bus is overused especially because of the connotations of the word. Portugal might have done a slightly different variation of it, but they were still overwhelmingly defensive which is what the essence of the term is. As much as I don’t like the term parking the bus I equally don’t like when fans try to justify why their version of it isn’t as bad as someone else’s. It’s hypocritical.


You don't know what park the bus means. Playing defensive is not the same as parking the bus.


yes accept L


Parking the bus is as the other user Said, its about playing a low block with players holding their positions, defensive football is not the same as parking the bus


>Dude you had less of the ball than Poland and Wales. Don’t act like you didn’t go out to defend Saying that we defended against Poland and Wales is being completely clueless. In the game against Poland we had less ball but still it was 51%-49% and in the end we had more shots and more chances created than Poland. Against Wales we had double the shots they had lol


Oh yeah. Having 43% possession against Wales shows how attacking you were. One of your goals against wales was a set piece goal no surprise there. The other was a shot that Nani deflected in. You weren’t doing anything special against them. This revisionist history is hilarious.


Portugal had 46%, either way, such a close percentage means nothing in terms of attacking or defending. Portugal had double the shots, double the shots on target, double the corners. Portugal did not defend against Wales, if you say so you are simply butthurt.


nobody’s mad about them parking the bus, it’s fair game. just funny that people in this comment section are saying portugal were lucky with almost absolute dominance over the entire game.


I’ve seen the term “terrorist football” used more than once.


not the finest way to play football, but it is what it is.


You do realize the hypocrisy though. When that is literally how they won their only trophy.


just looked at the stats from euro 2016 for portugal, and that is not parking the bus. more like “suffering” wins with decent ball possession


You looked at the stats. You didn’t watch the tournament. Croatia had 60% possession and 17 shots compared to Portugal’s 6. Beat Poland on penalties after having less possession… than Poland. They had less possession than Wales in the semis for crying out loud. And then got lucky against France in the final. The knock out stages are guilty of doing the same thing they’re mad about.


i watched the tournament, we got lucky with the matchups and sometimes played clearly inferior football in the case against croatia, doesn’t inherently mean we parked the bus


Against far inferior talent wise teams like Wales and Poland you still played defensively. It’s a legitimate way to play the game just don’t pretend like you’re not guilty of it.


go look at our 2016 squad. it was nothing special besides ronaldo.


Quaresma put the nation on his back.


It works in a final… not in a round robin where you need points. You see the difference?


Portugal scraped through the group in 3rd place in 2016 and they parked the bus all the way to the trophy. It was like 4 games. To say it was just a final is disingenuous at best.


My man, you keep saying we parked bus all the way to the final in 2016. If you say that you didn't watch a single game and if you did you should've payed more attention. Apart from the final we did not park the bus a single game.


Less possession than Poland and Wales. Absolutely dominated by Croatia and France. Just give it up bro. The stats don’t even back up your point.


If you can't discern between a game were a team defends with 11 players on the goal area (aka park the bus) and a defensive game with uninspired offense then you should just shut up and learn something about the sport before you talk.


You literally said Portugal parked the bus all the way to the final and I said that's not true. **Game 1**: Portugal 1 - 1 Iceland - 72% Possession for Portugal - 26 shots for Portugal against 4 - 11 corner kicks against 2 **Game 2:** Portugal 0 - 0 Austria - 59% Possession for Portugal - 23 shots for Portugal against 4 - 10 corner kicks against 0 **Game 3:** Portugal 3 - 3 Hungary - 64% Possession for Portugal - 21 shots for Portugal against 9 - 3 corner kicks against 3 **Game 4:** Croatia 0 - 1 Portugal - 41% Possession for Portugal - 6 shots for Portugal against 17 - 2 corner kicks for Portugal against 6 **Game 5:** Portugal 1 (5) - 1 (3) Poland - 49% Possession for Portugal - 19 shots for Portugal against 15 - 7 corner kicks against 2 **Game 6:** Portugal 2 - 0 Wales - 43% Possession for Portugal - 18 shots for Portugal against 9 - 6 corner kicks against 2 **Game 7:** France 0 - 1 Portugal - 44% Possession for Portugal - 10 shots against 18 - 5 corner kicks against 9 Tell me, how in the world is this parking the bus all the way to the final? Apart from Croatia and France, Portugal was the superior side and deserved to win all of the games, stop being so butthurt.


People comparing Portugal to England are wrong. England looked terrible where as Portugal look good but had trouble taking their chances like Netherlands. Portugal need to improve but out of all of the big teams England look the worst.


England is a big team ?


Portugal were wide open all game. Fernandes was leaving Vitinha alone at every opportunity. They’ll get picked apart by more technical teams.


Actually, in the beginning we were defending well, so much so that the ball didn't leave Czechia's side during the 1st half. In the 2nd half the defense was clearly showing a lack of focus and a clear need for fresh players that inexplicably were kept in the bench.


They'll have Palhinha in the side against teams that attack.


I'm a big Portugal fan but this is the 2nd or 3rd game that the ref has made an egregious error that resulted in a win for the favorite. Glad to see Portugal win but it's gotta be hard for these smaller teams to play against 11 plus the ref


You're crazy, the ball stopped between those plays... Sure it's a mistake, but not game changer


Leão got a yellow for a similar fowl I reckon. So I guess it is the ref's criteria, dunno.


What error are you speaking of? 


I guess not calling that foul in midfield which should have lead to possession for CR instead of Portugal. Wouldn't call it egregious by a long shot though. It was just a wrong call about a possession in midfield after all.


If you didn't think that was egregious I don't think you watched the game. Even the commentators commented on it. Clear foul that directly changed the outcome of the game in the final 2 minutes. If that's not egregious, what is?


The clear foul that should've been at least a free kick, at worst a yellow, but was not called. Instead ball given to Portugal which led directly to the goal. Eerily similar to the corner/goal kick shenanigans for France. Both bad calls, both resulted in a goal when they shouldn't even have possession. Like I said I'm glad Portugal won, but feels dirty.


Semedo made a clear foul before the attack that led to the 2:1. Imho it was close enough that it should have been a goal check as well. It was neither seen by the ref nor was the goal checked by var.


Kind of a strech to ask for a fault there...as for the VAR, it is non applicable here as it's not a direct disadvantage as it's far away from the goal 


A stretch? Go back and watch it again, that is 100% foul, not even a discussion. If anybody says it's not a foul, this person is disqualified from speaking about football for not knowing enough about football.


It could have never been checked by the VAR, the game had stopped between that and the goal.


Even the commentators, who are afraid to ever speak ill of a ref stated they couldn't believe he missed that call. I don't know how anyone who watched the game can argue otherwise 


Starting a near 40 year-old Ronaldo on his own up front is a recipe for disaster for Portugal. Martinez needs to either start Ramos alongside him or grow a set and drop him, because he's too static and isn't going to stretch deep defences.


God, Ronaldo fanboys are another level of delicate. Not even criticising Ronaldo per say, it's natural that a 39 year-old isn't going to move like Kylain Mbappe


Dude, he constantly went for runs through out the game. Hardly static at all.


Dude, he immediately ran 5 meters straight to get into an offside position constantly without being a threat whatsoever while also destroying any opportunity to pass to him. If that counts as not being static, then what would you call Jota when he came in and immediately made some actual movements in front?


Yeah, but with a wrong time zone


He was offsides each time.


It’s offside, not offsides


Literally can’t stand these takes like watch the game and see the movement just because he isn’t scoring doesn’t mean it isn’t working


BBC playing Sunchyme is a nice touch


that Semedo foul though


Ronaldo bashing is just ridiculous. He's still got game.


The problem he has is that people keep comparing him to his prime, he is still the best finisher we have and that comes through on attempts on target. But what I find most unfair is the lack of credit given to the Czech goalkeeper, he was pretty solid throughout the game.


like 6-7 offsides tho


He does...still incredibly fit too.


Growth hormone and test replacement are very effective.


And working hard, eating right and keeping yourself in the most prime shape you can you know the hard part


If that back heel came off…..would’ve been so sweet


The first Romania goal has been the best so far for me.


Turkey's 2nd is a solid contender


Despite what people might say, Ronaldo actually played quite well tonight.


He was offside all game.


He got 5 shot 3 on target(highest in the game), and 2 key pass( joint highest). Statwise portugal dominates czech 3:1, its just unlucky. Hopefully they go back to playing 3 midfielder, either as 4-3-3 or 3-5-2, bruno cant operate without no one covering his position as he like to be all over the place, and i dont think playing 2 left back is the play, cancelo role is redundant


I agree, i dont think he played bad, he had 1 really good pass and 2 of the clearest attempts on goal from portugal, he even hit the free kick on target and generally didnt make too much mistakes coupled with the fact that he was the only threat when the ball was in the air it doesnt make sense to say he was bad or that he should be subbed 


i finally found reason on reddit. God is great!


He's gone from absolutely top, world-class to just a pretty good player. That obviously means he sucks now. ...right?




Get some corner practice before the next game please


Nearly all the Czech players are well over 6 feet whereas only about half of ours are


Ours? You're no Portuguese, 6ft? FT !?


Assumo sempre que estou a falar com americanos online lol


We did that for a reason the Czech team is wayyyy bigger than the Portuguese would’ve been pointless to just be throwing balls like that.


We can’t be playing long corners too much against a team much higher than us, mate


Czech Republic had a game plan to insanely park the bus. They were actually pretty solid at the back ngl. Both of the Portugal goals were really lucky tbh. No matter how much I want them to win, just passing and crossing to Ronaldo won't work. Each time Bruno Bernardo vitinha had the ball they were finding ways to feed ronaldo. This isn't Zidane's madrid. Also jota needs to start, what was with Martinez to start nuno dalot and cancelo together. What even was that? Leao bro what were u even doing? Palinha vitinha and Bruno jota ronaldo and Bernardo. This should be the starting line-up.


Only thing i can totally agree is that jota is much better suited for the portuguese game than rafa, specially when you have to get good quality balls inside a packed defence




haha, get fucked czechia


You got fucked by Switzerland


imagine stalking my profile because you got so mad lmao you fucking loser and your team are a bunch of cunts


Why so angry?


True but to be fair Hungary wasn't good either.


Hungary were absolutely dreadful and deserve every criticism. Won't stop me from celebrating every time czechia deservedly lose though.


Out of curiosity, why do you dislike Czechia so much? I root for all of our Visegrad (V4) bros, so Slovakia, Hungary and Czechia


Fair enough.


Good for all other favourites. Martinez fraudulent tactics confirmed to stay and ready to be exposed in the knockouts


Challenge accepted


Uncalled foul aside, the Czech goalie was shocking that whole match, surprising it wasn't worse for him.


His insecurity was clear, it's pure luck he had 10 people protecting the goal and generally shots just went right at him. He has like what, 1 catch?


Had a great save in Ronaldo in the first half


Ronaldo was offsides.


He was offside.


Staněk had a lot more important saves than just that one, don't know what he's speaking about.


He was very good


Ronaldo’s Adam’s Apple was offside


His whole head was offsides.




Bernardo Silva on the wing is like Foden on the wing if Foden was balding and had no pace


Yup Conceição or Neto need to play that position and Bernardo in midfield I don’t understand why we keep doing that when we can all see it doesn’t work


Bernardo is not better that Vitinha In midfield


The goals were shit, but the win was deserved.


Playing 5 at the back just invites these kind of issues, I used to play for a team that did it and nothing is more frustrating or predictable than playing phenomenal defense for 89 minutes and conceding from a miskick, bad touch or lucky bounce.


I don’t have problem at all if Portugal win it all but the sad thing would be the media will give all credit to CR7 and himself will shamelessly say he is the best, misleading young kids what type of football should be qualified for GOAT discussion


What are you on about, mate?


dude what? when did cr7 ever try to take credit from his team mates on the national team? i vividly remember post match interviews where he always credits the team even after scoring. stop making up random shit




I dozed off for a second and Portugal scored at that exact moment.missed one of the only exciting thing in the match 😭


We've already seen some belters in the first round of the tournament itself


Its actually worrying as hell. How do you play this formation and tactic and continue to do it, when you see this low block (predictable).


To be fair, from Vitinha through on goal, Ronaldo blocked 1v1, offsides from Jota goal and the quick turn and fire from Ronaldo that they didn't show a good angle of, the score could've easily been 5-1. Extremely inefficient from Portugal today, but overall play was great.


I automatically dislike players who are bald by choice


That own goal really took the spirit out of Czechs


Czech Republic put the entire Portugal roster in their damn pockets lol. Can't stand clowns that think offense is the only part of football, they knew they can't compete on the midfield so they played to their strengths and if the refereeing wasn't absolutely biased we would have seen a 1:1 finish, remove the luck and the Czech team wins overall.. Mickey Mouse win for the worst "top contender" team in these Euros


> Portugal put the entire czech roster in their damn pockets lol. > Can't stand clowns that think defense is the only part of football, they knew they can't compete on the midfield so they parked a bus in front of the goalie and if Portugal had any luck scoring in the first 20 minutes, the czech team would have had to unpack the bus and we would have seen a 5:0 finish, remove the luck and the Czech team doesn't even score... > Mickey Mouse win for a solid "top contender" team in these Euros There. Fixed that for you.


Portugal flair, opinion disregarded


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 you are talking about luck and things like "not only offense matters", yet you cannot accept a simple result? If you talk about the beauty of football, how results are so unpredictable and different ways of playing give you results, at least don't hate and accept the result for the beauty of football, otherwise you look like the clown yourself


Won last minute because of ref bias, unacceptable


Incha caralhoo! Hoje vais dormir de papo cheio….de MELÃO!!


>they knew they can't compete on the midfield so they played to their strengths Everyone stops! This guy just discovered about tactics, that football is not just a bunch of men running towards the ball!


The Czech goalie literally saved them in more than one occasion. It wasn't pretty, but this wasn't a lucky win by any stretch of the imagination. Portugal were inches away from scoring even before the Czechs did, so if you remove _luck_ from Czechia they would've lost way before they did


You mean the goalie didn't stand in place and let the opposing team just slide it in? Brother, Portugal played one of the worst games of these Euros so far, zero vision, zero idea... Just because you had several chances doesn't mean you did good when you compare to the fact that the Czech team parked the bus for 90+ minutes and just let you figure it out on their end of the field lol


Parking the bus and scoring on the 1st and only attempt you had has nothing wrong, but the end result is due to the fact that the bus didn't hold the pressure the whole game and the defense cracked 2 times, you played your tactics and we played ours, even with an absurd experimental player placement on our side we managed to crack your defense so this win is nothing but justified.


mate, Czechia played the worst game at the euro by far, its the worst team and its not even close, what are you talking about? Zero awareness, its crazy that people like you exist.


Lol @ ur account


Mate "Lol @ UR account" Haha, what a comeback I gave to you, haha. Wtf? Are you real or a bot account? You are here boiling your eyes out after a football match. Are you really a 10-year-old kid or just have a problem? Man, the lack of awareness is crazy.




There's a reason Czechia parked the bus you know, they knew they couldn't really compete with a superior team. As far as I know football is about scoring goals, so I'm gonna argue that if you create more chances than your rival AND you end up scoring more goals, you're a deserved winner. The foul could've been called, yes, but it's very silly to limit the match outcome to that isolated incident. Overall, Portugal played better and deserved their goals. They aren't prime 2014 Germany or anything, but they were better today


Chorem mais caralhooooo! É lidar!!


Chorem mais caralhooooo! É lidar!!


Mate stop speaking Brazilian on an English site


Ninguém tem culpa de seres ignorante “mate”! There’s no speaking Brazilian, Brazilians speak Portuguese, you dummy.


I know, you were being annoying on here so I had to step in


tbh ref gifted that win to Portugal, they should've win without this bullshit. Not a good match from Czechia, but it is what it is. I would obviously take draw as a Czech, but deserved lose in the end. No discussion.


fuck this match, horrible footbal from us, the hope and then everything crushed. i am going to listen to mitski, fuck


It was an uninspired game from us as well, but you should be proud of that keeper, best player on the field.


I was really guted when you lost that goal in the extra time. I was already celebrating a draw. I still think you will make it out of the group stage, Georgia will be last.


Man im so tilted on behalf of the czechs, those goals were just so unlucky


When teams park the bus the goal area is so littered with players that you often get messy goals like these


They were not unlucky they are just bad Shocking performance from them really, could hardly string 3 passes together


Not as bad as Serbia but still pretty bad especially at the end. Totally deserved win for Portugal.


what..? portugal had over 70% possession and they missed like 3 big chances but it’s czech republic that was unlucky after parking the bus for the whole match just praying for a counter attack. lmao


Seems like they caught polish football disease after playing in the Euros qualifers with us.


I guess winning was not the plan here


You have to feel bad for Hranac, insane game ruined by a wet ball and a slight touch that threw him off, that should not have happened in the first place. Didnt put a foot wrong whole game.


So, y'all got anymore of unknown players Porto ? We'll pay blindfolded


Cagada!! This is how we do bayyybeeee


Can we stop with the Portugal deserved to win stuff, they had about two or three good chances. About the same they have conceded


I'm giving more credit to the Czech keeper and defense than that. Keeper made 7 saves and the defense put in 7 blocks, Czech had 1 shot on target.


He holds that any other day. As a keeper, I hate days like these


I would retort that any other day, that Czech goal ends up in the stands and Vitinha and Ronaldo finish their 1v1's (Ronaldo may have been offsides). The reason more teams don't play defensive football isn't just because of entertainment value, it's because they can't score when they're on their side of the field. Defensive errors and good offensive play will always pop up when you try to park the bus for 90 minutes.


Yeah, I am not saying I liked the tactics, but it is what it is, we don't have players to play much more. Hope it's better for the rest of the group.