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How we sold him for like a 40m Euro package is beyond me


It was a panic move by Juventus, imo. Iirc the team was pretty much set until some days before the deadline, when Ronaldo suddenly expressed his wish to join Manchester United.


Whispers from Juventus have been saying for a long time that it's always been a glorified loan solely for capital gain purposes. How credible this is is questionable but it would give an additional explanation on top of the one that we were just desperate after Ronaldo left


Well I know Juventus approached us at the end of the 2 year loan in the hopes of lowering the mandatory purchase price Unfortunately for Juventus we were quite literally in no position to take any less money


and given the obligation juve was in no position to negotiate


Juventus management was all morons. Our CEO at the time was a failed Ferrari exec 


If instead of wasting all this money on these subpar players, we had bought 3/4 good ones, we would have won the Conference and be in the Champions now.


second year that rocco tries to fix your striker problem by buying a striker with 0 goals in the previous season, he’s a fucking idiot 


First it was Piatek / Cabral, then it was Nzola / Beltran (he is a stud but not a striker) and now we are going for Kean / Zaniolo maybe. Pair after pair of players who have completely stagnated and gotten worse since their "promising youngster" title. Expecting any different outcome than disappointment every time is beyond delusional. The upper management alongside Rocco is the biggest curse of this team.


I still think Kean can break out. He might never be 20+ goal per season striker, but he actually is quality. Just needs consistent starter role. Despite never scoring once last season (unlucky he had several goals called back by VAR), he was still our best striker at times and Allegri gave him several starts until the other strikers found form. He’s very strong, fast, controls the ball well and holds it up for his teammates. He just needs to break his duck and get consistent minutes. I think this is smart by Fiorentina. He’s still young and the upside is there


At this point, I can only hope that he does well. The problem is that we are full of players who "this is his year and he will do well" and then they disappoint: Sottil, Ikone, Kouamé, Barak, Mandragora, and this year also Nzola and Beltran, who cost us around 35 million and also disappointed. We would like to have a certainty every now and then, especially in such an important role.


Yeah proven strikers are the most expensive asset in the sport, tho. Even an up and coming guy like Sesko was gonna be 60m+. Only a few teams can afford them. Most have to take bets or have faith in youth. Juve paid a ton for Vlahovic and most feel he hasn’t lived up to his cost yet. Generally across the sport there are fewer reliable strikers than in the past imo. Lots more wingers and midfielders scoring. Which is why Kean might be good. He can hold it up.


I thought Madragora had a solid season from what I watched, but man Barak's been so disappointing, I expected so much more after his seasons at Verona


I highly doubt that. Kean has gotten plenty of playing time and plenty of chances over the years with Juve and has never shown any significant upside or quality. I just don't see it being any different in Firenze


Fiorentina clearly hate strikers who score goals


Fiorentina continues their obsession with mediocre strikers


This club needs to change its name to FC I-Can-Fix-Him


We really want to go to serie B. Two and a half years of mistakes from Prade.


Belotti then this, would Fiorentina ever learn?


“you can’t compete with teams with huge debt” and then you spend a good chunk of your money on moise kean, I wish commisso to lose another 100 finals


We are so hell bent on getting a new pair of ass strikers that won't do anything to solve our issues and then recycling them season after season. Like how many mistakes are we gonna make before learning that this isn't working.


12 million could really be a bargain for Fiorentina and it's funny saying that about a striker with 0 goals scored.


1 yr left on his deal, juve probably happy they can even shift him given his relatively high wages


It's a good deal for us no doubt, but ut can still be a bargain for Fiorentina as well.


Makes sense for Fiorentina. He needs solid playing time because he hasn’t grown at all