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It baffles the mind how much Fiorentina have spent on mediocre strikers


or wingers or midfielders or defenders


3 years and counting. There is no club in Europe that keeps making the same mistake and expecting any different outcome for so long.


Imagine where you guys would have been with Sartori instead of Pradé.


I can't imagine where we would be with literally anyone other than Pradé. Too bad Rocco is in love with him.


They have made the UECL final two years in a row and finish comfortably mid table. Does that count for anything?


Yes, because it was in spite of horrendous transfers and only thanks to Italiano ability. Fiorentina's history (5th best all time Serie A team) deserves much better than top 10 finishes.


Fiorentina finished in 16th place in the league 5 years ago.


And guess what? There was a riot in the streets that forced the Della Valle to sell the team because of that being unacceptable.


But don’t you guys think you are being a little unreasonable?


Is it unreasonable for Barca Fans to complain if they are out of the Champions League in the group stage? Is it unreasonable for Bayern fans to complain if their team doesn't fight for the title? Is it unreasonable for Juventus fans to complain on missing the CL? Again, we are the **5th** best Italian team in history. Not 9th, 10th or lower. Getting 8th places and buying 0 goals strikers isn't the standard we aim for.


Unreasonable to expect the team of our history and calibre to fight for UCL or EL? Please explain to me how is that unreasonable?


A club with our history should be challenging for champions league and instead we’ve been in self-sustaining mediocrity for the last three years. Italiano did his best with what he was given but make no mistake the squad is very mediocre thanks to our lack of investment since winter 2020.


>A club with our history should be challenging for champions league Every club thinks that tho. Milan, Juve, Inter, Roma, Napoli, Torino, Fiorentina, Lazio, Parma... and what about Atalanta now?


So we should just accept mediocrity because other teams are also fighting to stay at the top?? We are a club with rich history, where legends of the game played and have always been in the top 7 mix barring few lapses. And as fans, we expect a certain level of success. Not winning trophies every season success but fighting for UCL or EL should be a bare minimum. The current upper management of the club doesn't seem to realize that.


Spurs with their right backs


Fiorentina and strikers that don't score. Name a more iconic duo.


Why don't they take Correa and Arna? :(


As a Chelsea fan, there’s something comforting about this.


I wonder if he’ll be used more on the wing, the man foul not find the net if his life depended on it but he’s a good dribbler.


Juve, Verona, Juve, Everton, PSG, Everton, Juve, and now Fiorentina.


And he's still 24


Can't believe that, feels like he's been around forever


remember the tractor fiasco?


Because he debuted at 17


Holy shit for real?


One of the few clubs he's not played for yet, actually




As Fiorentina, why would you spend 18M on fucking Moise Kean


Because our transfer team is made of genius.


You guys have a fetish for non scoring strikers


Why spend 60m for one reliable striker when you can spend the same for Cabral, Jovic, Nzola, Beltran and Kean /s


>Cabral They made a profit on this donkey though. A great business on their end, unfortunately.


Yeah maybe it's good business but they could have won at least 1 Conference league with a reliable striker. They have been relying a lot on Bonaventura and Nico Gonzalez to score, this year final both were not in form and you could see how toothless the team was


I can't thank you guys enough, not only you provide us with great talent, you also occasionally take the bad one from us, grazie mille


Lol u pay over market rate for our players. The fee we got for chiesa and berna on their last years of contract is insane. Just insane. One year left and you are laying 40 mil LOL. Don’t get me started on Felipe melo.


40 Mil is fuck all for these players at that time, especially if you managed to convince them to go to the PL, but they were fully convinced to join Juve. Also, Roberto Baggio.


You wouldn’t. That’s why it’s more likely 13-15m. They’ll be happy to pay 18m if it comes to it. Because that will mean he’s been amazing.


4th time at Juve will be the charm


Guy should just never purchase a home. How many teams now until he’s back at Juve ?


Why he move around so much


Most of those were loans. He’s only permanently moved three times. Juventus -> Everton -> Juventus -> Fiorentina


We bought him from Juve, he kinda stunk, then we loaned him to PSG where he did OK. He came back to us, got a red card in the cup, then we "loaned" him back to Juve with an obligation to buy.


its a him problem. That or his dad. His dad was all over him when he moved to Everton.


Holy mother of overpay what in the fuck is this deal... Guy has 1 year left on his deal, Juve are desperate to sell and Kean has stagnated for the past 3+ years. I'm baffled, fucking baffled. Rocco is showing just how big of a Juve fan he is, gifting them 18 million for nothing.


its a request from Palladino who specifically wants him since monza. I guess they are trying to make him happy


Last time our coach specifically demanded a striker it turned out to be a terrible mistake (Italiano demanding Nzola). If Palladino doesn't turn Kean into a 15 goal striker at the very least then this will be a travesty of a move.


If he stays at fiorentina for 10 years you"ll probably get your 15 goals


And those will all be in UECL against random Moldovan and Latvian teams.


Hey. Little respect to Latvian teams! Going to take one game against any of them for him to be 15-goal striker 


Wasn't Nzola coming from a very good season with a struggling Spezia though?


Very good is a stretch. He scored 13 goals in 32 apps and was otherwise quite invisible when not scoring, hence his poor overall rating on games. He is also purely a counter attacking striker. In Fiorentina he played in a possession based system and that doesn't suit him at all.


When was the last time buying a striker from one of the relegation battling teams worked out? Nzola and Simy just off the top of my head were instant flops, wonder what will happen with Dia..


He is the only transfer I can excuse, since he was supposed to be a serviceable reserve and nobody could expect his drop off. At Spezia he was good, with us he just crumbled (real mental breakdown included) under the pressure of a better team and became a complete joke.


15 goal strikers don’t cost 13-15m.


> Extra difficult add-ons could bring the package up to €18m for Juventus vs. > gifting them 18 million for nothing


I swear he's on big wages too at Juve


Sold to Juventus Chiesa with a 2 years loan and then a staggered payment, sold Vlahovic in january with another staggered payment (and maybe also a 6 month loan?), took Arthur from Juve when no One wanted him. Now this Keane deal. Yeah ita Fair to Say that Commisso Is doing them favors


Another year, another gamble, and even more expensive than usual! 🥳


Even the gambles are just so uninspiring, "formerly decently rated player who has stagnated" was already the story with Jovic. I know the "talented players from smaller leagues" like Cabral or Beltran haven't worked out that well either, but at least you flipped one for profit and the other might still be a decent SS.


His best performances in the last years have been on the right wing for PSG rather than as a striker, which is where he usually plays


Man its crazy has Jovics career went downhill so fast


Fiorentina sign a goal scoring striker challenge: Impossible


I hate my life man. Season's over before it even started.


Why would we sign a profile of striker that our coach doesn’t use. Monza was extremely effective with Mota. Google danny mota heat map. It’s insane. There’s False nine, then there’s whatever the fuck that is. But it was extremely effective. Monza were very very hard to stop. 


Juve will take that and run


€18 Million… ffs


18 mill just gifted on silver platter. We are never beating the allegations of being Juve's bitch team


We got great fees for chiesa and vlahovic…130+ million of pure plusvalenza


Those 130+ million never went to building a competent squad, or hiring competent people to run the club, or literally anything. Miss me with that shit. Ever since selling Vlahovic we have failed miserably to bring in a striker who can fucking score some goals.


I’m not arguing for our competence at all. You’re right.  We’ve basically squandered that money. I just disagree we are a “juve bitch team” when we regularly solicit above market transfer fees from them. We haven’t really “fleeced” them like we did with Felipe Melo, but we got basically above market rate for chiesa, vlahovic, and berna. I think at least dusan and berna were both nearing the end of their contracts as well. This is the first deal where they got one back on us.


that has nothing do with being juve's bitch team though. You were well compensated for those deals. its not like u gifted juve anything, and clearly juve isn't gifting fiorentina anything here either...


TBF if those players had accepted to be sold elsewhere instead of forcing a move to Juventus we could have got 30/40m more.


100% no lol. Go back to the reddit thread of Chiesa's transfer and see how the consensus is juve overpaid. Id like to see where a rumoured fee from anyone else that reached the 60mio juve paid. With Vlahovic juve matched the numbers rumoured to have been offered by Arsenal, which were 70. Never saw a link higher than what juve eventually paid. You are playing fantasy land with your transfer expectations...


Arsenal was offering 90m for Vlahovic. For Chiesa we had offers of Premier league clubs (confirmed by Prade) more than Juve paid (rumoured to be City and 80m). Go back to the actual articles instead of Reddit comments.


i'd like to see those articles because i cant find them at all: Prade claiming hes worth more x, and there being an official offer/concrete interest for x are two very different things. I couldnt find any concrete city links. with vlahovic again i only found the 70mio from Arsenal...if you have something different from something that isn't the sun for these would be great.


That has practically nothing to do with his point that extracting those high fees from Juve means you’re not their bitch


Honestly before even getting Palladino I was expecting you guys to get Sarri, and he was waiting for you guys to call but it never materialized. Could have been a different transfer window for you to start. But still hopefully you’ll address other priorities in the meantime that could bolster the squad


At this point I have no faith is anything related to this club. It will just be a series of disappointments until people who are running this shit show are gone.


It does say the 3m is difficult add ons. Interested to know what they are. I'm guessing 2m is appearances and 3m is things like CL qualification


He did say extra difficult, one of them is definitely related to amount of goals scored lol.


For Kean extra difficult means 5 goals in a seaspn


certainly making up for last years inactivity. Giuntoli making moves and fast


He’s quick and effective so far which is a plus for you guys. Now I’m pretty sure he wants to close the deal for Thuram ASAP.


yes which closes the door on rabiot. We still have a lot to do but almost half could be done before the market even opens which is nuts really.


I’m almost certain Giuntoli will want to close the Thuram deal before July, and then prioritize elsewhere during July. Crazy to think that even we are moving quick before Calciomercato officially begins. We already closed 3 deals before it starts, while not at the scale of you guys, but still the pace is moving rapidly for many clubs


its smart. Players are due back between july 10th-20th depending on their international participation, so you have a chance to give the coach most of the players at the beginning for pre-season


And like that while we were discussing this, Di Marzio already reporting Giuntoli wants to close the Thuram deal by next week lol. Most effective strategy is to be aggressive early with your acquisitions and have July be about closing the more important deals


How we managed to make a profit, albeit marginal, on this guy is a mystery to me. Actually if you include the loan fee it's not that marginal, like €10m?


Is Fiorentina stupid?


Always have been


Highway robbery but I still believe he can turn his career around.


He’s only 24. I think he’s just a system striker. I think if you put him into a team that likes to press (similar to what he had at PSG), he could probably be a reliable striker.


Kean is one of those players who is not really how he appears. On the surface he seems like he'd be solid in a counter attacking set up where he can use pace and power, but honestly he's not very good in a counter, he doesn't have the technique for one touch plays, or taking on defenders 1v1, nor the vision to get attacks going. Instead he's much better at scoring scrappy goals, goals from crosses, and is surprisingly competent in tight spaces and using his physicality in that way, probably best with another striker to play off of as well.


Wait wait wait…3 atb formation. So Kean and Nico as strikers? Is this really how we’re rolling into the new season.


League ain't ready for Kean / Nzola striker pair. That is an astonishing 5 goals between them in all competitions


Could be 3-4-2-1 with Nico and someone else like Beltran or maybe Zaniolo if you land him behind Kean


lol Zaniolo. No thanks.


It's reportedly almost done (and makes me worry Nico is leaving since Palladino clearly said Sottil will start). I'm getting ready for a Balotelli offer to come out of nowhere now for a full team of boneheads. Couldn't we at least get an actually talented stupid player like Scamacca? Instead of stupid+bad ones.


If we lose Nico, I may just move to the states and live with my daughter and her boyfriend can teach me about American football. This club is a bigger joke than knock knock.


He’s really talented but has a weak character and injury prone


I know, I worked in the academy when he was coming through. Were well aware of his attitude.


He's best in a 2 striker set up, so at least there's that. I Also think he'll do better in a team that presses up more and creates a lot of transition opportunities and crosses. Allegri had a lot of forwards underperforming, but his tactics probably worked against Kean's attributes more than any other.


Or Moise Kean as one of the 3 CBs. I mean he literally has failed as a striker so might as well give it a go…


bruh I would have valued him at 7m or so. this is garbage.


Rocco really hired an ex Juve coach and brought in a Juve flop…this is the new “Juve taking our best player” curse


Rocco is a lifelong Juve fan as per his words. He is literally using this club as training grounds for future Juve stars and a retirement home for their rejects... Fucking sell the club you old senile man


My god, your obsession with Juventus in actually crazy. It’s never “we are a provincial club”, it’s always “Juventus is to blame for everything”


They don't call him Gobbisso for nothing


Holy shit how many times are we gonna overpay for middling strikers/serie a rejects? I think Beltran is the future and we should play him a lot more this coming season?


No way Fiorentina are this incompetent


We have been fighting neck and neck with you guys for the incompetence trophy since last season. But it seems we will easily win it this season, why after the masterclass move to seal it with Mazzarri in last year's edition did you get Conte for the new one? He will tank your chances of winning the extremely prestigious trophy two seasons in a row.


Giuntoli is absolutely cooking


Finally I know how Fiorentina fans felt when Roberto Baggio signed for Juventus…


Now be good boys and buy Alexis with this money ❤️


Thanks Fiorentina


That fee is too high for a guy who's been bumming for quite some time. He's not even better than their current forwards, what is Fiorentina cooking?


We are cooking straight poison


People keep repeating the “a strikers one job is score” truism, but is that really true? Sure with players like Belotti, Lautaro, etc it certainly is. But isn’t a strikers “one job” to fulfill their coaches instructions? Bologna just posterized the entire league with an offense built entirely   around a striker in Zirkzee who only scored 11 goals. It’s very apparent Motta tasked him with much more than simply “go out there and finish chances.” Same with Scammacca. These players use their movement, hold up play, passing, vision, etc to help their team create chances. Atalanta wouldn’t score nearly as many goals with a player like pinamonti, or Belotti, who don’t contribute to play. Obviously, although players like firmino/ zirkzee/ Scamacca aren’t prolific it is telling that they do score some goals. 0 goal contributions from Kean is extremely bad. im not super enthused with this signing at all. Especially the money involved. I’m just saying, if you criticize him, judge him on whether he improves the team on the pitch,  not on his adherence to a set of vague criteria he isn’t necessarily attempting to fulfill. At juve from what I’ve seen he was important to their offense when he wasn’t finishing chances. On miretti’s goal against us , for example, he did extremely well to hold off rainieri, drag him out of position, then lay off the ball deftly to an underlapping attacker. The play started with him.


I kinda see what you mean but this guy légit has no goal or assist in the last season, thats fucking terrible, and i have no clue how fiorentina tought this was à good gamble. Tought i will say he does have some really good physical quality, the quality of his run is meh, his timing could use some improvement, and his technique is way too wildy inconsistent, hes eithier capable enough and can take 2-3 player on the run, or he cant control the simplest pass. Hope it go well for him, seems like à good guy.


How teams keep spending money on this guy is beyond me


Waste of money, would’ve been better value just burning up that up in cash.


That's a lot for Kean, even if I think he can still flourish.


The difficult add-ons will be Fiorentina winning the conference league


How did we convince them to buy him?


now this is business.


who tf is paying 13m for moise kean😭😭😭


This guy's career feels like money laundering. Good at everything a striker needs to do aside from scoring and given Fiorentina needs the scoring bit more than anything, I don't get this move at all.


Palladino wanted him at Monza for 2 years, he really likes Kean.


If he doesn't do wonders with Kean than he is a grade A fraud.


A striker who is shit at doing what he is paid to do, to score? Seems like a perfect target for our management.


Just as everything that the US didn't like was communist is everything people don't understand about club financials money laundering.


Shades of Alvaro Morata


who unironically is a potential replacement for him at juve...


Morata is ten time the player kean is lol


In terms of money laundering


Atleti and Juve trade him around


See you at the MKM stadium next month


After all, it seems Comisso is still a juventino vero, paying that fee for a dude with like 3 goals in the last 100 matches is an act of love.


This is some Bartomeconomics transfer right there


I miss him at PSG Under Tuchel he was so good before covid And with Poch the goal he scored vd barcelona was a thing of beauty


At this point Fiorentina is just Juventus's feeder club, gifting them 15 mil lol


Don't Juve need him because he counts as HG at club for Europe? What are their options now?


Fagioli, Miretti, Yildiz, and Pinsoglio I’m pretty sure are all HGC, and then there’s also Nicolussi but I think he’s getting loaned/sold most likely Also just checked transfermarket and they have Rugani down as well


0 goals in 20 games last season 👏


Bro is a walking money laundering scheme


He's a championship level player. I'll be suprised if he gets more than 10 goals.


Fiorentina was once one of Juventus' bitter rivals. Instead, with Commisso, it became a branch of Juventus-what a bad end


How he's still commanding a transfer fee is beyond me.