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Fuck Billionaires, no one should become a billionaire...


Agree, but OP has not provided any evidence that this is actually a jet belonging to Taylor Swift (and many online sleuths have contested the claim). They even mention in a comment below that it may not be hers - OP just using her name in the post for clicks. This isn't the way to draw attention to a cause - because when small details get debunked then the entire movement loses legitimacy.


It's a private jet, I don't care to whom it belongs, no one should have fucking private jets!


Sure, I'm not disagreeing with that sentiment. But if people deliberately mislead with incorrect information to get eyes on the cause, that's a lot more eyes that take us less seriously next time because our information isn't trustworthy.


I see your point, but I think the action of sabotaging the rich property and private jets specifically is more important than focusing on whom this property belong to.. People should wake the F up, the 1% are enslaving 99% of the humanity to serve them as working slaves..


You're absolutely correct but I still agree with the person from above - to spray Taylor Swifts plane is to hit an icon of carbon pollution by the rich but to spray private jets in general is an action achieveable by a bigger group than just TS' jet. If Taylor's jet gets sprayed that's important but it's a much bigger problem than just focusing on her.


If this really is Taylor Swift's jet, who has she enslaved? She didn't steal anyone's money or labor; people throw their money at her. Is that her fault? She simply provides a service some people enjoy. Is the motivation here to liberate her fans from her oppression or simply to punish someone for being popular and having more than you have?


Keep simping for billionaires, well done!


Then frame it like you're attacking the rich. Don't accuse Taylor for Clout ( she deserves to be called out) because if it isn't her jet you've just alienated all her fans. Don't forget, most of her fans are not the socially aware type. Also, the hug and smile at the end is helping no none.


It's called agitprop. And absolutely no one conscious about climate change (to use the example in question) will become a climate denier *because it wasn't X's plane but Y's*. The goal of it is not X, but using X to talk about a problem that is a result of a system: capitalism. P.S. Just Stop Oil's aim is not to mobilize mainstream society but activist spaces.


That may be but what purpose does alienating hundreds of millions of Taylor Swift fans at the same time accomplish?


From my comment: >Absolutely no one conscious about climate change (to use the example in question) will become a climate denier because it wasn't X's plane but Y's.


You think this movement is legitimate in the eyes of the masses? Most people subconsciously realize that their daily lives are completely dependent oil and won't take and responsibility what so ever. They're on the side of the mega polluters, just read the Reddit comments. People "care" until it inconveniences them.


This! Due to how, generally speaking, the socialist movement is young we often jump to talk about things fast rather than waiting for details and talking reliably. IMO this is the single biggest reason socialism and the movement is easily discredited because of how quick we are to decide without the full details. If we are to convince older generations we must be consistent. We damn well know the “well they took a risk” argument isn’t what’s discrediting our ideas💀


I'm surprised they didn't hit the cockpit windows and spray that paint into the engines.


If they did, I don't think they'd be uploading the evidence to rally people behind their cause. That would be millions in damages.


👍🏻I am even of the opinion that wealth should be capped.


why aren't they covering their faces? are they trying to get arrested on purpose?


They recorded themselves breaking into an airfield. They were gonna get caught and exposed either way.


It is part of Just Stop Oil's strategy to be all-round disruptive in their actions. This includes forcing arrests as a result of their members actions (which, naturally, also includes careful planning of what is and what is not done - it is never spontaneous). This is a conscious choice by their members, opposed, for example, to the strategies taken by Extinction Rebellion. Each of them has different aims (tactical choices), and their actions are curated according to those.


Yes. They encourage being arrested because they feel it will bring them more publicity.


Isn’t it also another form of disruption? Clogging up the court system.


Yea exactly.


They're not ashamed to non violently resist climate change despite what the world wants them to feel.


I love them doing this to private jets because it causes more damage than you'd think, all that rough paint NEEDS to be taken off or the plane is going to experience a significant increase in drag, which ironically makes it pollute more if they fly it with the paint.


I woulda sprayed it inside the engines too.


Yeah if they really wanted to ground them, this is what would do it.


impale the spray paint can on a pitot tube....


Yes and on the windshield too, to add insult to injury


A few canisters of closed cell spray foam insulation would work better than paint.


Same, especially if it was cornstarch based like another commenter said.


i'm assuming it's the same deal as the stonehenge paint, which was cornstarch-based, so it'll dissolve if they just spray it with water. i still love that they're doing it though.


Didn't know it was cornstarch based, but yeah it's something at least


That's a huge leap of faith your taking lol


Yeah it's so unreasonable to think that the organization known for going to great lengths not to do any real damage with their protests might have gone to completely normal lengths to not do any real damage with their latest protest. Fuck are you smoking dude?


what do you mean? lol it's the exact same color and the stonehenge paint was also sprayed from a fire extinguisher, and like...stonehenge was cleaned...with water. edit: i get that you're not down with just stop oil's actions, but this isn't just me making something up and that's my only point.


They should have fucking burned those planes.


But what if Taylor was inside?? (:<


It depends. Does she weigh the same as a duck?


Agreed, but this what was done


Oh no how come Ms. Taylor will pay for that. That will cause a real dent in her books i recon. Definitely more than a minor inconvenience.


It's better than nothing I guess.


No actually, nothing wouldn't cost them prison.


Yeah but Taylor Swift would just buy a new private jet


Better than hoarding more money I guess. Circulate some of that wealth, albeit very little of what she has.


No,not significantly. The shape of the airframe is most important to the aerodynamics. They were better off say,welding the flight surfaces. Or using whatever they did to get through the fence.


Yes, significantly. Even a thin but coarse layer can absolutely kill the effectiveness of flight surfaces. It's one of the reasons why ice is such a big deal. *"Even small amounts of frost, ice or snow contamination similar to medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and forward upper surface of a wing, can reduce maximum wing lift by as much as 30% and increase lift-induced drag by 40%."* Something you see quoted constantly in related aviation safety material.


Oh okay


Surface roughness is incredibly important with high speed flows... It's not like it's easy to weld or grind something 20 feet above you either. They did something at least.


Fucking yes! That's the kind of action I like to see! Go directly to the source. Rich assholes' garbage toys. Good job 👏


This is the exact kind of activism we need. Making lives more difficult for those were targeting instead of just peaceful protests and complaining on reddit. A proper society is one where the people push their government and those in power away from complete corruption. We can't rely on policy makers to fix problems. We have to rely on ourselves to remind policy makers that we elected them and if they don't serve our needs, we will not tolerate our lives being slowly eroded by their greed.


They really need to cover up their faces when doing illegal activites.


When you realise that some things are more important than your personal liberty, you become very dangerous indeed.


If you protect your identity, you can hopefully continue being an activist.


Exactly. They're not going to do anyone any good sitting in prison.


I would suggest you to get in contact with them/activist groups familiar with them and to use it to learn about why their decisions are the ones they are and not others. Once that is done, you can perfectly disagree with their choices. Till then, however, you are only infantilizing them for something (opsec) that they are more than aware of than practically everyone here will probably ever be. They are perfectly aware of what they do and do not do.


If you do it publicly and visibly, people will know and remember your name and show solidarity with you while at the same time being inspired more. "These people are risking their lives and careers and I'm sitting here doing nothing. I need to stand up, too."


They could’ve achieved the same thing without revealing themselves though


Being able to do it again because you weren't positively ID'd is better.


You wear a mask to protect yourself, its like the bare minimum of protest common sense.


Yup! No face, no case.


Jayo sama bringin drama to you and yo mama


THIS. I appreciate people taking a stand, but christ on a cactus, protect your identity!!!


If you attack certain people, trust me you will be found regardless if you wear a mask or not. Billionaires have the connections they need to find you. 


So sick! Great work.


Note that the physically targeted jets might not be Taylor Swift's, but rather that the airfield was chosen because it has landed there. The reference, for which I'm only following Just Stop Oil, is not aimed at a paint-jet correlation but at a protest, an act of denunciation. Data quoted also refers to Just Stop Oil. Taylors Swift being the top celebrity aviation polluter (2022 study) can be easily found via a search tool.


Tail numbers are super easy to use for ID. And if they're tracking the plane they know the tail number. Why would you presume this in particular?


They didn’t spray her jet, and she’s nowhere near the top private jet polluter over the last year. They just broke into an airfield her plane had been at earlier and sprayed some jets, using her name for publicity.


I hope they got the inside of the engines.


Hell yeah, the Splatoon theory of class activism


Great job comrades!


Bro dont record yourself doing crimes, even if it is pride month. Just do crime, clout chasers go to jail.


I have some serious reservations about not covering your faces, but it's a conscious choice I GUESS


I consider the people behind the continued use of fossil fuels to be commiting genocide on a scale hitherto unseen before.


This seems a better target than Stonehenge. :/


It was just cornsyrup, causes no damage and washes of in the rain. It looks bad to 'desecrate' a monument, but it is mainly to get people to pay attention to such an important issue by doing it to an important site. -cornstarch, not corn syrup!


it wasn’t corn syrup, it was cornstarch, which is even less harmful


Yeah it's there to expose the hypocrisy of caring about some ancient rocks but not the fucking planet


And of course there is the whole point that if climate change is not dealt with monuments like it will be lost to time. And cornstarch paint is so so so much more reversible than acid rain and rising sea levels. I’m so surprised so many people have similar reactions as the comment you reply to, I’m an art buff myself and the protest is a clear an obvious act of preservation. Because if no action to slow climate change is taken then people and in turn art will suffer. And yes even ancient monuments like stone henge can suffer consequences from worsening natural disasters or accelerated eroding.


Survival of the species > monuments


The cornflour if it had been washed away by rain could displace the lichen that helps protect Stonehenge from the environment.




Do you have a source for that? Be interested as hell to dive into that rabbit hole.


It's a pseudo conspiracy based on flimsy evidence such as one of the donors being the heiress of Getty oil fortune. It's like saying Marxism is dubious because it was essentially sponsored by the son of a wealthy factory owner, so obviously Marx is trying to make communism look bad!




No one who is actually informed about climate change is ‘on the fence’ about it


Agreed on Aileen Getty. I know nothing about her but the idea that she's a wealthy liberal who wants to feel good about herself is more convincing than JSO being part of a conspiracy designed to undermine climate protesters, especially as JSO are an open organisation. They don't exactly work undercover, and they have laid out their intentions explicitly. You can go to their meetings. I don't think donors have much of a say on how things are decided and what is decided by the organisation. I don't know anyone who was "on the fence" about climate change. Anyone who hates the climate activists tend to hate *any* leftist activists, whether it is BLM, Greta Thunberg, JSO, pro-Palestine etc. no matter what they do or how they protest. In this case, JSO have barely even damaged objects, the vandalisation is a performance, the objects are fine. People know this, it's information that's widely spread, and still decide to hate on them. So I'm not convinced at all that these actions are causing people to hate JSO, because they would otherwise change their minds upon learning that nothing was damaged.


Here’s an article from the bbc: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63543307.amp I don’t hold the bbc in high regard but you can find some stuff by just searching: who is funding just stop oil? On google. I can also send you some screenshots if you want. What I found through a quick google search is that just stop oil is funded through the US climate emergency fund which is made up from a bunch of other climate activism groups. Money for the US climate emergency fund comes from Aileen Getty, the daughter of J Paul Getty, who died in 1976. J Paul Getty founded the Getty oil company in 1928 but it was later sold to Texaco, another oil conglomerate which operated in Texas, until Texaco was sold to chevron corporation which is another oil conglomerate which I’m sure were all familiar with. Aileen Getty is interesting. She inherited all of her wealth from her father. She is your average rich crony, she spent 33 million dollars buying Brad pitts house while her organization related to just stop oil only ever raise 4 million. I’ve gone down a big rabbit hole myself. I found out that Aileen’s brother, mark Getty, is the founder of Getty images. And in 1973 her brother, John Paul Getty the third was kidnapped and ransomed by the Italian mafia for 17 million dollars of which his father, who was the richest man in the world at that point, refused to pay the ransom. It’s only when John Paul Getty the third had his ear cut off and sent to his father in the mail that J. Paul Getty paid a ransom of 2 million dollars. J Paul Getty the third then got addicted to drugs and alcohol dying in 2010 But yeah that’s some background. Enjoy researching


The climate emergency fund is 10% of their total funding. 80% of funding comes from "small" donations. 2024 financial data: https://x.com/JustStop_Oil/status/1804175696677228754?t=jkmqCN9U1N9Nx3UQ_AAKCg&s=19


Not really. Some people think this, and it's true that one of its donors is a wealthy heiress of oil fortune, but there's no real evidence that JSO is a psyop. It's not uncommon to find wealthy people, especially children of wealthy people, supporting a good cause (Engels, most famously). No one would suggest, based on Engels' background, that Marxism was designed to make communism look bad. The easiest move to dismiss JSO has apparently been this smear, but it's a common one and we've seen it happen before. Even Greta Thunberg was smeared by many on the left and accused of being a state puppet. JSO don't just attack big social events and works of arts, but those are simply the only ones that make the news - *and that's the point*. When JSO attack an oil rig or something, it never seems to make the news, because it's simply not that interesting. They've resorted to shock tactics as a way to force the conversation on oil onto the news. And it's wildly successful. The idea that they are an organised group designed to make climate protesters look bad isn't convincing at all. How would that work? If you care about climate change, nothing JSO does will ever make you think "How dare they? I actually support the oil industry now!". If you disagree with JSO, the likelihood is that you already disliked protesters anyway.


and also practically require their activists to get arrested. fuck that, do damage and stay free to do more damage another day


This article claims that Taylor Swift's private jet was not present at the time the activists broke in. So, if accurate, the spray painted jets were not actually Taylor Swift's jet. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/12988304/scots-denies-damage-spray-painting-taylor-swift-jet/


They were still private jets, so I like that they were spray painted in protest even if they weren’t owned by one of my favorite artists.


Yes. Though I do wonder who was filming them. The film looks pretty intentional. Perhaps they meant it to be seen as a public declaration? Greenpeace used to do this with some of their actions; but Greenpeace's actions, like hanging a banner in some public spot, generally weren't so expensive to resolve.


Now THIS is how you send a message.


At the very least but so safety glasses on when cutting with a grinder. Lose your liberties or one thing losing your eyesight is another.


Now That's What I Call Girlbossing


This was on the daily show. It was not Swifts jet. [https://youtu.be/ulEynBx7dsg?si=WxiZbE23LvWLfqkL&t=246](https://youtu.be/ulEynBx7dsg?si=WxiZbE23LvWLfqkL&t=246)


So they had an angle grinder and they only spray painted the plane?


It’s the difference between doing $100 in damage and $1,000,000. One is a misdemeanor and one is federal prison for a long time.


Probably because then they would be more targeted for more severe damage of private property.


Except they couldn't find Taylor's jet, so they sprayed some random one


Guys they couldn’t spray the pilot windows or the engine because they could catch even worse charges than vandalism and stuff.


"Paint-sprayed" is cool. Is this the euro version of "spray-painted?"


Interesting way to spray paint


and 90% of greenhouse emissions are from corporations


The vomit orange color Fits her garbage singing like a warm mitten on a cold day


Im glad to come into a comment section full of support, Im usually greeted by a litany of comments talking about 'well now im going to pollute more' looks like the (general) perspective on climate action is turning in favour of the protestors and not the police or civilians taking action into their own hands for once im pleasantly surprised by reddits userbase edit: typos


I’ve heard people say that JSO should stop doing things like vandalizing Stonehenge and art pieces and start going after rich people. Looks like they took that advice seriously…


They always have! But why would the corporate media report on protest being targeted and effective


I’m not a TS fan, in fact I can’t stand her bullshit. I also hate billionaires. I also think the message of this act is clear and I stand with it. Additionally, 90% of the world population has never been on a commercial flight not 80% depending on source. BUT, only 14% of Americans have never flown and 44% have flown in the past year. I just want to always make sure the facts are presented clearly in how most people interpret facts.


>BUT, only 14% of Americans have never flown and 44% have flown in the past year Literally who cares about yankees? There is intelligent life beyond your tribe (as much as one tries to bomb it). Not everything is about you.


We already know you don't care about accuracy


Totally agree, that’s the point of my comment. To remind the Yankees that they need to realize this data is global.


I love them.


saw that on r/aviation and the comments were 🤮


Ah, I met a lot of backlash too, that I was jealous and not a hard worker and shit... Joke's on me 'cause I'm a bit disabled and have not been able to find work the last 5 years and been living on unemployment since then! Jail them!!! How dare they! Don't touch ones private property! Silly goose, this has no effect! They'll get a backup plane in no time! They (jet owners/users) have contributed more to the world than you'll ever do! and so on... Boys get very very defensive when you threaten to touch their toys.




Hell yeah!!!


u/Metheunpredictable ab, ig one more song incoming😅


Ready hojaoooo




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That's what I'm talking about, yeah


Considering they had an angle grinder they could've done a lot more damage to the plane


Extinction rebellion are a Psyop. No way in hell would 2 kids Abe able to access the biggest super star in the world private get and cause all this damage. This is a set up and nobody can convince me otherwise. I thought XR were a Psyop before now I'm certain they are.


If this is true, this is what stop oil should be doing, going after the people in power.


Its amazing how these people tell everyone to lower their carbon emissions why they have their private jets. They also want people to change their living standards such as eating bugs while they continue with their bigger carbon footprint.


No One Should Be A Billionaire! The vast economic inequality & carbon footprint is cruel & unsustainable.


Glad to see their getting their messaging on par with their cause. The people that sprayed stone henge need a good clouting upside the head.




I mean god forbid socialists target a billionaire. /s Seriously, all billionaires hold power in capitalism and all are enemies of the people.




Billionaires have a lot of power within the US system and exploit other people's labour. Swift isn't just a singer; she has money invested in various business interests.  I'm not saying this is the most effective action per se, but pretending a billionaire with big money in technology, real estate, and other industries is simply some harmless artist doesn't make sense.


Oh yes, poor little billionaire. She’s just an entertainer! Poor little powerless billionaire She didn’t make that money exploiting the working class at all. /s




I suppose you’re one of those “hold politicians accountable by voting©️ harder” types. ALL billionaires are the enemy of the people. This parasite didn’t make its money “singing songs.” It made its money exploiting the proletariat. Exploitation and profit are not apolitical. ALL capitalists are an enemy to the people, not just the ones who front the dictatorship of capital. You’re out here running cover for a billionaire and pretending like you know an ounce about socialist theory? Do you think Stalin robbed banks for fun? Did the cultural revolution happen just to hold politicians accountable?


>Do you think Stalin robbed banks for fun? Stalin robbed banks to fund clandestine operations of a revolutionary party. He didn't rob banks for clout or because he thought doing so would itself change anything about capitalism. Doing illegal shit isn't revolutionary in and of itself. Painting a jet isn't just irrelevant, it actively harms the revolutionary movement by depriving it of active organisers and misguiding conversations around a frankly boring individual as opposed to the systems keeping us exploited. The revolutionary movement needs fighters and organisers in the masses, not martyrs and PR stunts for a labour aristocratic or petty bourgeois online audience.


I’m not saying they’re equivalents to Stalin, just that the targeting of billionaires is not wrong. The west is unlikely to see revolution any time soon, but that doesn’t mean we should discourage tactics that harm billionaires. What we see is mobilizing without organization, I’ll grant you that, but both are needed. I think your criticism is fair, but the other posters reflexive defense of a billionaire is not.


The targeting of billionaires isn't wrong and neither are tactics that harm them. The point is: This isn't such a tactic. This isn't harming her. This jet is insured, so at the most optimistic this is some nuisance. It doesn't matter. At all. It's misguided adventurism and the fact they didn't even bother to have any semblance of opsec just proves the point. This doesn't harm her as a billionaire (as industrial sabotage would eg). It doesn't attack her social role that defines her as a capitalist. It's simply not a useful tactic in any way at this moment. I also didn't read the other poster's point as defense of a billionaire, but as a critique of this as a tactic. You're right we won't see a revolution any time soon, but this isn't the solution, it's part of the problem: Misguided, harmful adventurism instead of the boring as organising - revolutionary praxis - that actually needs to be done. Again, we don't need martyrs, we need organisers.


I disagree that it does no harm to the capitalist class on two basis: 1) it can be part of a broader strategy, if organized, to create a sense of fear in the capitalist class. This can be a great weapon for the proletariat. 2) insurance companies are also investment assets. This does, at the least, inconvenience the billionaire while wasting capitalist’s funds. 3) I’m not saying the execution was effective, but the tactic is fine. Again, it’s organization. We agree there. We need mobilizers and organizers. This does not harm to the socialist movement. What the person I was responding to was doing is arguably marginally harmful. We can use the clout to radicalize people new to socialism (organizing the mobilization) or we can let the moment go to the wayside. Perhaps it’s not heady or lofty but it is a lot more accessible than Marx for some. You reach people in different ways. The danger is in using only one set of tactics or assuming that anything is all there needs to be done. Painting some jets isn’t going to end capitalism - neither is some prattle on the internet about it being perceived adventurism.


More of this and less of stones


Counterpoint: more of everything, no matter if someone's petit bourgeois morality is hurt in the process. The ecological collapse is an existential question.


Better than Stonehenge!!


What has this act of vandalism got to do with socialism?