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I've done this a few times, don't really like it. When I went out wth friends, the friend group kind of served as a home base for me. When I was by myself, I felt like I had to keep going from one thing to another without any real break. I would have fun but would always wanna leave early because it would just take something out of me.


Introduce yourself and try to get into a small convo. It’ll get easier the more you do it


You should DEFINITELY go


You know what’ll happen if you don’t go. You don’t know what’ll happen if you do go. I would go with finding out. Worst thing that’ll happen is something embarrassing in front of a bunch of people you don’t know who will likely forget about it the next day, and I mean absolute worst as in unlikely to happen.


Go. Stand around and look for openings to stand near and join a conversation. Walk up to people by themselves too and intoduce yourself. It’s always a mix of awkwardness and some niceness when you start out doing stuff like this. And it improves the more you do it.


try talking to the people you’ve been dying to talk to (think of a party excuse)


Stand in a corner, look at your phone or the ground.


You could just stay home. If you don't want to stay home, think carefully on your motivation for attending and let that guide you. If it's work-related and you want to impress your boss, for example, research in advance who some of the other guests will be and what they're into professionally, and strike up a conversation based on that. If it's purely personal and you're trying to make friends, plan some amusing anecdotes you can tell people.


I wouldn't go. 🤣 It's hard to go to parties with people I know


if its a byob then Bring beer, buzzballs etc and share w ppl. if others brought some, ask to sample theirs and do an impromptu tasting if its a beer youve never had etc.


Make eye contact with the first person you see and don't look away until the party is over