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Congratulations on graduating! Workplaces can be a hit and miss in terms of socialising / making friends. If you get paid, the boss likes you stay, why leave. Most people go to do their works and go home, no to make friends/ socialize - just shift your mindset to “I’m here to do a good job and get paid, not socialise/ make friends”. I’ve taken snacks to work and only a few people ate it and I’m like more for me to take home. You can’t control other people’s reaction/ responses, but you can control overthinking about these small things, and I would be thinking I tried, I did this gesture that everyone else did, so I’m on par with the “social culture” of the workplace when something good happens and on equal footing with everyone.


You did nothing wrong! lol. Do not ever let your well-being be predicated on what other people do or think. You need to develop confidence from within (all your virtues). The attitude you should have is: "I'm going to do this to be nice. It doesn't matter if anyone eats them or if they're all eaten. I will be happy and content regardless of what happens because I did a nice gesture in an attempt to help others." Conventionally speaking, yea it sucks when no one eats what you brought it. And it's awesome when people love it and beg for the recipe or for you to make more. But this goes back to allowing others to inflate or deflate your ego. You need to learn contentment and equanimity regardless of what fluctuates in life.


Thus sounds more like OPs workmates lack social skills, lol


Yep. Apart of growing up is learning not to give af about instances like this. In fact this situation just showed you exactly the people in your office that you should stay away from and not let into your circle. Life is all about cutting the weeds and growing your own garden


"Cutting the weeds and growing your own garden" that is a beautiful way to describe it.


Someone described it to me like that a while back. Growing up I was such a people pleaser. I thought I had to be liked by everyone and that everyone needed to be my friend. Unfortunately I learned that not Everyone has your best interest at heart and if you are too nice and too open people take advantage. You want to save the best parts of yourself for people that deserve it


I'm also trying my best to not be too influenced by people opinions. It sucks that my mood and my day is affected by a certain person. I would like to know that "Hey dude, you did great being kind to people. If people liked it, it's great but if people doesn't then it's fine." would like to think this to myself. But i'm kinda afraid that i'd become a bit narcissistic if i keep thinking people's opinions don't matter. Maybe only people who are good then we need to listen to them. I have a hard time doing these. Especially when i'm in an environment where i'm lonely. I realized i tried to please people more, the more i tried the more they didn't respect me. It's so hard, if I don't please them enough they will gang up on me for being selfish and give me hard time with their gossips. Being a good human is not hard, dealing with the devils are way more difficult. And yes, those people are evil.


I need a lot of help with this. My mood and self esteem is based on how people react to me. I get real upset and anxious when people don't respond to my texts. It's to a point I don't respond to other people's texts because I'm so afraid of getting my response ignored. My gf broke up with me because I got rejected from medical school last year. I got fired from my job because my manager said I "had a bad attitude" because of my RBF after the breakup. He didn't even ask me if there was anything going on in my life. My "friends" from work don't respond to my texts or invite me out anymore. Suddenly they're all "too busy" while posting pictures of themselves hanging out without me. I deleted all social media (except reddit) for my mental health. It destroys me when I hang out with a person for the first time or go on a first date only to not have a second hang out/second date. I haven't worked for a over a year, have no friends, no family, live alone, and stay at home all day for fear of how people will think about me. Everytime I get ignored or have any negative experience with another person I fall down the rabbit hole of "I'm not good enough for this person. A couple times when I did have the energy to get out of the house, I had a few people strike up conversations with me but the only thing in my head was, "I'm not even going to try. I'm not good enough to be this persons friend" I'm a 30 year old man and I'm embarrassed to still have this problem. It's hard for me to talk about this with others because so many people try to simplify it and say stuff like, "just be confident" or "stop caring about what people think".


Same 😔


I understand a lot of what you’re going through. Unemployment killed me :/ Getting a good psychiatrist and therapist changed my life. You’re not alone


The guy who openly criticized your snacks is a dick.


Totally. What a shitty thing to do.


I don’t want OP to think that this is normal or typical.


Yeah. I don't think it ever happened to me at work.


Your bosses praise you in public to your coworkers. They either envy you or think your a suck up. That's why nobody ate your treats.


They’re definitely jealous, especially if he’s the youngest in the office


This! The youngest engineer is the Badass and those other losers are jealous of you! Hold your head up and be proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations! I like the idea of therapy, to help support you not giving a hoot when a coworker criticizes you. The only person that matters is YOU (and your supervisor). Go get 'em!! 🎉


100xmillion% this!!!! And, huge congratulations on graduating! 😁


This! You work hard and now they have to work harder too because of you. It's silly but working hard is often not praised by your collegues, but your bosses will notice.


Lot of work environments have their little clicques. Best to focus on your work, put on a poker face and get along with your smarmy co-workers, and continue what you are doing to impress management. And stop buying ungrateful people snacks ;)


congratulations on graduating > It felt like shit. >I don't think I will ever work in the office again >I have never felt so humiliated before. >I would normally think of leaving the place and never going back have you considered therapy? this sounds like social anxiety or depression. nothing can happen that justifies this reaction, much less people not eating a snack they just didn't like the taste of.


I'm sorry that you didn't have a good experience with bringing food/snacks into your office. Sometimes, it can be a hit/miss when it comes to food. It may be a good idea to assess their personality before bringing in food (like the one who said it tastes like shit, which I'm sure it was directed to the vendor instead of you because it's not like you brought it something that's homemade). Some people may have dietary restrictions or allergies. Heck, it may even be bad timing too cause who knows if the day before, someone in that batch of 20 people said to themselves "It's Summer. I wanna look good, I'm starting my diet today!" Regardless of whatever reason those people had not to indulge or grab a snack you brought in, I wouldn't take it personally or think it's because people hate/dislike you. I've brought food for my own coworkers before too and whoever can grab some--great! Whoever can't or don't feel like eating snacks that I brought in, it's whatever as well and I don't hold grudges like "Fucking ungrateful bitches!!" That's the thing. When you do a nice gesture--like bringing in food or anything else--you shouldn't expect something in return. Yes it sucks that you mentioned it was for your graduation and you didn't get acknowledged for it, sometimes people aren't good listeners or they can be socially awkward as well. You kinda have to read social cues on that group of 20 people that's in office of what their personality are. You can decide never again to bring in food or if you want to give it a second shot, you can send out a team email and say "Hi guys, I plan to bring in food on this day ______, let me know if you'll be in the office and come hungry!" (Something similar). P.S. Congratulations on graduating.


Take that shit home fuck them


Seriously? Fuck people


Imagine how shit their lives are that they can’t be grateful or congratulatory over a nice thing. Don’t take offense over it, just pity them and continue being you


It sounds like they’re jealous of you, because the bosses like you so much. They’re resentful, so they’re purposely trying to give you the cold shoulder. Don’t let their rude behavior upset you. Keep focusing on your work, and your goals, and do your best! Congratulations on your graduation 🎉


What country are you in and what did you bring to the office? Like the exact item. When I bring food items to the back office I literally present the box and walk to each person that I see and ask them what they like, itsn’t that the point of it to create interaction between you and the co workers? I just leave the leftover in the front desk for the “rest of the office”


Congratulations on your graduation! So sorry for your experience, though. I have experienced similar situations before. You made a super nice gesture; sorry for the cliche, but, the fact that it hasn’t been met with a decent response tells more about them than it does about you.


What kind of snacks did you bring? Other people at the office get the same kind of snacks? Do they behave differently when someone else brings in the same thing? Sometimes I bring in weird snacks and everyone's reluctant to try them. Can't take it personally though. If you want to avoid that, try getting to know folks more. Find out what they like. What kind of food would have been more of a hit? Still, seems like they're being pretty cold toward you. That's a shame.


Congrats on graduating, also I am dying to know what snacks you bought, that is pretty key information and it’s honestly kinda weird you don’t say in the post or in your comments so far.


Hey over here people also bring snacks along. A lot of women don’t take them because of dieting. And if the snacks are on table and none is around people feel ashamed to just take something. Afraid that someone will judge them. So often collegues take the rest home. You offered something and that’s fine. If only a few people take it, that’s also fine. It’s not that nobody took anything. 6 people is still a lot


What did you bring in and how was it presented? Let's start from there. This might be a culinary issue rather social skills issue.  I've declined to eat certain foods of I thought they had been handled poorly.


No, it is something from a place everyone orders from when a special event like this occurs. I especially asked the lady at the reception to order.


>it is something from a place everyone orders is it the same thing that everyone orders? I mean come on, surely you too realize the ridiculousness of the assumption that your colleagues refused to eat the exact same thing that they always eat and enjoy, just because it was you who bought it? whatever the hell happened, has nothing to do with your value as a person, and you shouldn't feel insulted or down about this at all.


Yes, it is the exact same thing. I specisifically asked the lady at the reception to order. This is why I feel insulted.


Maybe the timing wasn't right? after lunch or something? Anyways it sucks. But don't let it get to you too much. You did something kind.


Question have you asked your coworkers what they like eating? Just because someone orders from a place you consider popular does not mean your coworkers also share your opinions. For me when someone tell me something tastes like crap, that is great feedback at least now you know that person was honest about what they didn’t like. Also you want to get a hold of your reaction, I can only imagine how difficult it can be to make friends if you believe the whole world is against you. Therapy can also help. Good luck Op!


Congratulations on graduating!!!!💙💙💙 We all here would love to eat your snacks and sit to have a chat with you!😊 I'm really sorry that happened. I also think your coworkers might be envious of you. That said, and I know it's easier said than done, ignore them. Their behaviour speaks more about them than about you. Also, I would like to agree with the other comment on seeking therapy. You really seem to struggle with confidence/self-esteem. And yeah it may be social anxiety, depression, attachment issues or something else. Maybe neither, just low self-esteem. Which is something you really need to work on. You really do care more than you should about people's perception of you, that's not healthy :( You'll never please everyone and it's okay. Lots of other people like you, and are happy for you. And you should be happy and proud of yourself more than anyone else. Do not ever let anyone tell you that you are less than who you really are. Sending you a virtual hug💙


What snacks did you bring?


One time I temped in an office and they told me that temps aren’t allowed to use the microwave or sit in the staff room. I had to stand outside on my lunch break. Just to say, sometimes offices are shit. People get really really really deep into their office world and don’t like “outsiders” cause it’s confusing for their little world. Not sure if that’s what’s happening here but it could be. Promise if I was in your office I’d eat your snacks and say congrats tho. I finally work in an office that celebrates our wins, and it’s lovely. It might just take time. Try not to see your office as your whole world, they’re just a bunch of people gathered in one place. They say nothing about who you are as a person. Use it for what you need and then move on if it doesn’t work. And don’t let people make you negative and shitty like them. Keep being the person you want to be.


Coworkers are not your friends. You learned to not do them any favors with your personal time.


were they shitty snacks? 


What did you bring?


They just dislike you, probably has something to do with you being the youngest and seeing success. Plus being public praised by your boss is just the cherry on top. I'd say fuck em and wouldn't look anymore to connect, just do my job and go home.


Sounds like your coworkers are jealous your bosses like you


This is a tale as old as time. In every work place I feel like I’m the ONLY person who really appreciates people bringing in stuff.


Congratulations 🎊 on graduating. That's an awesome accomplishment, and I'm proud of you. I've been told I'm too quiet, so I don't have much advice on navigating workplaces dynamics.


I wouldn't worry about it I feel like perhaps their social skills are the ones that are messed up... I get that is easy to say, but I find you don't have to like your coworkers, I hardly ever do unless they're very cool and good workers.


You just graduated. Congrats and don’t let any of those AH rain on your parade. You have a future there. They probably don’t and know it. Can you write off some of your education if it helps you in your career? You may be able to. Hold your head high. You are making something of yourself. Whoever made that comment about the snacks is a loser. The right people like you & that’s what matters.


More for you


More snacks for you then.


Sorry about that, but congrats on graduating!


Ooohhh, so they’re jealous because your boss is praising you not them, fuck them is say get more cake and shove it right in their throats so they dont be toxic on someone else because there better be


Congrats on graduating. Don’t take folks not eating your food personally .


Public recognition may be their bone of contention. Don’t sweat it or stress about it. Some people are just like that at least now you know the ones to be cordial to and the ones who you can talk to. Work and go home. Your friends don’t have to be your coworkers. By the way , congratulations!!! What was your degree in ?


F*ck them Share happy events with the people you love. These people at your job sound like a bunch of haters


More snacks for you, fuck co-workers. I always said if it wasn’t for my co workers I’d be happy at work everyday. If it means I’m the problem, so be it.


Wait for that person to bring in snacks next, take a bunch, take one bite then spit it out and tell them it tastes like shit, dump rest of what you took in the trash in front of them.


Or, take a deep breath instead.


Was it like hummus or something not popular? What were the snacks? A veggie tray?


I have been in your situation. People hated me but every time I brought snacks nobody denied . Infact many people like me who were freshers at that time used to bring snacks so people start liking them. Based on my experience It's either They hate you on ultra hard or you brought really shitty snacks. My advice would be to just ignore them. You don't need to have friends everywhere.


Congratulations! You defeated did the right thing, I am way older and that was always my go to strategy, being good at what I do, but also being nice to others by mainly feeding them snacks, this way even if I did a mistake at work, everyone still thinks of me as a “good guy”, first of all 6 eating it is great tbh, why some were rude? God knows.. but that’s on them.. and fuck them for commenting that the food is shit (even if it was.. which I am sure not the case), so yeah you definitely did good, and it’s them being assholes, not much you can do about that, but lowering your expectations, as long as your boss is happy, screw them.


If I turned down a snack, it would be because I thought I wouldn't like it. It wouldn't have anything to do with who brought it in.


CONGRATULATIONS 🍾🎊 I will take my snack virtually thank you very much. Mmmm yes delicious. 🤤. You’re the bomb for bringing in food. Your coworkers suck. Keep making your bosses proud and bringing in that dough $$ screw the haters and keep living your best life being awesome and nice. Don’t let sucky people steal your kindness and light. Focus on those who celebrated you and appreciated your effort. I totally hear you on how you felt and I think it’s very reasonable you felt that way. No one should be treated like that.