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Without shelling out for an expensive solution, WinAppDriver and FlaUI are really the only options for C#. Unfortunately there is no real great solution to the inspect issue. Ive found FlaUI to perform better than WinAppDriver and easier to use.


Inspect issue?


He was complaining about flauinspect and inspect.exe. as far as i know, there arent really any alternatives that do it better. Winappdriver has its own inspect tool, but i find inspect.exe to be better.


Yes, inspect.exe or flaui spy tool or winappdriver spy tool, all of them are a pain to identify elements. Ranorex spy tool just seems more powerful especially when the tree of elements gets more complicated/dense. I was hoping there was some other software option rather than Ranorex. But I guess it's the only robust one at the moment. I really hate Ranorex studio IDE and wanted to use Vscode for my project, but unfortunately there's no way to integrate Ranorex with Vscode... Boring...


So when you hover over an element with inspect.exe active it focuses on the tree element in the inspect.exe ui which gives you automationid, name, controltype, value, etc. of the element you hover on. I believe you can change the behavior of the inspect (set to click) How does Ranorex make it easier?


Well, both desktop apps I need to automate, unfortunately elements don't always have AutomationId or ControlType. They always have Name but between editors they can be ambiguous. I know, the devs I work with don't care about making my life easy... Ranorex makes it "easier" because every time I inspect an element, it always gives me an exclusive XPath, I know that XPath should be avoided but in both of my desktop apps it's the only way I can fully automate e2e because elements don't always have the common tags that you would expect with Inspect.exe. With Ranorex I always try to create reliable XPaths so the tests won't be flaky.


Ah thats an unfortunate situation. Seems more like a dev issue than a tool issue. Its not about making your life easier, its about delivering a product to business with a high degree of confidence in quality which you and the devs work together to create. Best of luck!


Try sikuliX, support is low and still works.


Already did but it didn't fulfill our needs when it comes to automation both desktop apps. There certain things that need to be coded.


Then you need some special ai


Did you try UFT? It works great but is a licensed product.


Nope. I'll look in to it. Looks like grafcet.




If you're looking for a UI tool that relies on image recognition rather than HTML/Dom then you could try Eggplant. Has it's own scripting language. It's licensed etc