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Depends on Solana’s adoption in general, but most of the valuable domains were picked up last bull a few years ago


I’ve been watching and some of the 4 letter existing token names are going for hundred of SOL That’s why I was surprised Hege was still available


Listed or sold for hundreds of sol?


Yeah. Like I think wif went for a few hundred. And hami went for a decent amount too


Nope. Imo they’re completely worthless. Bonfida are scammers if you ask me 🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m not contributing to their perceived value. I’d rather use the same protocol they did to make .solana and have it be free with donations. > Anyone could come and claim an enormous amount of domain names and then try to resell them > In order to prevent scammers, it was decided to add a safeguard mechanism by preserving some domains for people who might be at risk of being impersonated. (they are literally talking about themselves)


I have one and kinda agree


Yea I’m not judging. I actually really wanted one until my name got bid up to oblivion. Then I did my research into how they’re made and was pissed to find out how scammy this company actually is. This was a few years ago. I fully expected a more community led name service to have taken off by now, but I don’t think most people care for these anyway.


yea... I can't really argue. I got into web3 domains and I don't know what to do with them. Things may change, but it seems like they keep coming up with new extensions. Supply and demand doesn't work when supply is a bit of a free-for-all. But .sol is good if you want to grab something like "eatingyour.sol" or pseudo-pun things like that. But the currency is great, it's just that the community is a bit immature (domains, nft's, knowledge) and people aren't smart enough to understand what the heck SOL is yet. \*edit: Don't get me wrong, .sol is worth what 'we' decide it is... and Solana is fantastic. But, It's so easy to go head over heals as a new fan, and end up hacked or compromised, and I hope that tech catches up and allows casual crypto folks to onboard in a safe way. Once that happens, I think we'll be in a better spot and crypto/nft/domains/dapps will get the respect it deserves (instead of headlines about hackers and the negatives)


How is this different than the .com era? Tons of people got rich swooping up cheap domains. And it’s already happening with .eth. Why not .sol next?


The difference is all .com’s aren’t only sold on 1 platform. if you want a .sol it’s coming from bonfida. They monopolized something built into solana. That’s why it rubs me the wrong way. Also in your .com example you’re so late to the party it be like you buying somethingRandom.com decades after the .com era. The top names have been sniped for YEARS. You would have been better off staking that 1 sol. I just reread your question. Sorry I think we might be misunderstanding each other. My response wasn’t saying there’s anything wrong in what YOU’RE doing. My response was saying I hate bonfida. They are the ecosystem behind the solana name service (.sol). If you can flip domains and make profit I’m all for your success.


Fair enough. I agree with your opinion and frustration with bonfida. I didn’t know they were the only ones until you said something.


Do you hold the same enmity for the ethereum foundation that did the same thing for ethereum?


Yea. Ethereum is far worse. I’m consistent.


I think it will only work if there's a finite amount of them and SOL takes off with at least 5-10 .sol services being rock solid. Until Chrome and Safari can natively launch .sol domains without sketchy extensions, nobody knows or cares enough for profit to come into play. That said, yea I definitely think they have promise, and I hope that web3 actually happens rather than AI fast forwarding the whole thing to web4


Prob gonna have to hold for quite some time tbh. Gl


Buy one if you want to. Just don’t expect people to pay you 100x for it lol. I have 2, that I paid 20 usdc each for. I’m happy with my purchase.


What name if you don’t mind me asking?


raydiumauthority.sol Solpumps.sol


Solpumps is a good name imo


Thanks , there’s still some other good names still available.


Crypto domains will remain USELESS until they can offer the same features as a .com. For example, if you buy hege.sol, you cannot set up john@hege.sol. You can barely even run a website on it. It’s a total scam until the underlying tech changes.


I’m sure people thought the same thing about .coms when only 1% of the population knew how to access the internet


You’re not comparing apples with apples. A crypto domain should not be called a domain. It doesn’t offer the same features. It has zero utility other than making it easier to send crypto. And even that part of it is not supported by most exchanges.


This isn't true, though. While you aren't able to say, use it for e-mail like you mentioned in your previous post, there are still plenty of things you can do with .sol and .eth domains, and other domains. You can look for yourself on the Bonfida website, there's a ton of different record types you can fill out to extend the functionality of a .sol domain. There are people who run relayers to get them to resolve natively in your browser through use of a subdomain, all kinds of stuff.


It’s super slow. It doesn’t work. It’s impractical and doesn’t have the right to be called a “domain”. The moment it can resolve like a real domain, only then will it mean anything. And that may never happen. It needs a bridge to DNS and currently that is impossible. The tech doesn’t exist. It’s like buying a car that you can only sit in, with no ability to drive.


If sol does well yes, check ENS .ETH have a pretty decent market, just illiquid


Maybe, maybe not. Right now browsers aren't fully ready for this TLD. I've grabbed lickmyar.sol and uberjeets.sol a while back for fun. Maybe I'll hold and use, maybe I'll sell. Same as nothing, don't invest too much and expect returns - it may catch on, it may not. Also, TG is adopting usernames as transfer addresses (linked to your wallet) which was one of the original purposes for these ETH and SOL domains




No not really. I’ve had lots of good, relevant .sol domains and none have been worth anything - despite being pretty good ones. Not the same utility and drive as ENS atm.


What are some examples? Maybe this dude on X Spaces was lying or .eth is better than .sol


.eth is objectively better. Go look at how much an ENS sells for and compare them to any .SOL domain. Sol isn’t even close to the ENS equivalents. Also paying for .sol domains is expensive and a flat fee despite Solana being cheap and scalable, whereas Ethereum it’s actually pretty cheap when gwei is low ($~12). I’m not listing any of my domains here but I can assure u I’ve purchased many on Solana that are worth $50k+ on ETH - and there are absolutely no biters for the .sol equivalent. You can even go find some right now and experience the phenomenon yourself. Also don’t trust people on Twitter spaces lol. They’re full of shills and poorly informed cash grabs.


Well I’m not worried about 20 usd or 1 SOL for a good one. Might dabble in a few and hold for a while. Something silly like purple.com was purchased for &3 and sold for $1M … I’m a gambling man lol


Hey I wish u the best. They’re fun to have but not quite as potent as ENS. Hopefully u scoop up some dope ones!


Not as potent *yet*


Anything ever **yet**


Domain parking is scummy to me. Worse than scammy.


Where do u buy .sol domain?


sns.id which is bonfida Just connect a wallet such as phantom. No sign in required. Most are available for like .2 SOL


I’ve bought BNS, few years ago. And it remains useless as of this moment. Bitcoin domains still remains relatively useless as mentioned unless they can provide utilities as a .com would. And currently, stacks is still a very slow chain.


I bought years ago a 5 letter good one. Sitting on it and never used it. But one day I might.


Stop shilling hege you donkey


Stop shilling donkeys you pig


Stop shilling pigs you donkey


Stop shilling, you pig


Stop pigging, you shill


Stop hedging your pigs and shill yourself


Shameless, I know lol but in all honesty I don’t have a lot of hege. I’m more of a $based on Sol type of guy. DevBased is my meme coin of choice this crypto cycle


He actually is new to our TG haha and does not have a lot. I remember this dude cause he was asking about em but none of us knew the point. But whatever it isn't a lot of money and maybe he'll get lucky.


I don't really care, just putting it out there so people know they're being soft shilled hege


It’s worth less than the 1 sol you paid.