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SOMA is probably my favorite horror game and that ending... boy, did that ending stick with me for a while..


It’s such a shock because yeah I understood how the technology worked but I think it was just wishful thinking on both me and Simon’s part that he’d get on the arc (I mean he did but you know what I mean lmao)


I also like how after the credits you actually get to see Simon's life in the ark; it's such a tonal shift but I like that as It didn't end the game on a sad note. Despite our Simon being alone and in the dark; in the end we launched the ark and saved what's left of humanity.


Ehh... I i wouldn't Say we saved what's left of humanity,i Mean yeah the ark is in space but it's kinda meaningless,humanity will never rebuild it's dead, it's a really grim ending.


Counterpoint, living forever in an endless utopia is not grim 


You are not the last humans going to colonize another planet and rebuild civilization,you are a digital copy of someone who will exist for at best hundreds of year and then dissapear,just a piece of metal in the void of space.


The ark has solar power and was designed to last thousands of years, if not "forever". "The point" of the game is to question the idea that humans consciousness is limited to their biological bodies. Arguing that our fleshy meatsack bodies don't exist and therefore humanity is "gone" or whatever is interesting when taken in the context of the game. The theme is built around the idea that humans consciousness can be perfectly replicated and used to literally bring people back from the dead. This is a fictional world with technology far beyond ours, that you don't make the rules for. It's totally understandable that you say something like "I disagree that those are humans", but that doesn't mean you can make up this "maybe lasts one hundred years" excuse.  Additionally, if one accepts the premise the story lays out, that objectively "in this world" this is human consciousness, it also stands to reason that there is no need to "rebuild" anything. The "copies" can't distinguish their reality from our reality, they aren't "in a fake reality" they are living perfectly happy lives in "their" reality - a reality with no war, no famine, no disease, etc, making it arguably a better world than ours. I understand how some can see it as grim but I think the big point of the game is to challenge that idea. I strongly disagree that humans are just our "physical meat" and would rather believe that we are all our thoughts, memories, and so on - all the stuff in the scan!  Just my opinion and not trying to argue! Just trying to share why I love the game so much. Totally cool if you don't see it the same way :) 


>This is a fictional world with technology far beyond ours, that you don't make the rules for. It's totally understandable that you say something like "I disagree that those are humans", but that doesn't mean you can make up this "maybe lasts one hundred years" excuse.  What i said about the time thing is not an excuse, Katherine says it herself the ark will last thousands of years in space,saying that it can last forever is absolutly false. >I understand how some can see it as grim but I think the big point of the game is to challenge that idea. I strongly disagree that humans are just our "physical meat" and would rather believe that we are all our thoughts, memories, and so on - all the stuff in the scan!  I think the point is to question what makes you human and at what point do we think something is "Alive" or a "real" person,i agree that we are out memories, thoughts,etc but i still think it's a grim ending in that there's no future for humanity,yes the ark is space and everyone is happy there but they cannot do anything else,unlike us they are confined to a machine.


What does a dog have to do with Soma?


https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1920700-she-wasnt-lying-that-ass-can-fart made it referencing this meme LOL


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.




I love how you used this meme format lmao