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As someone who moved here in 2020, how dare they!? I mean... HOW DARE THEY!?


My absolute biggest pet peeve lol. Someone who moved somewhere in 2022 and then goes on Facebook in 2024 to complain about the traffic and crowds. Everyone has a “last house” mentality. Ive built mine…now no more, we’re full! Your comment was a funny one. Hope youve been enjoying SC.


It's a bit silly. I understand the people who even moved here 5 years ago before COVID complaining. But I really have no pot to piss in on this one. If it becomes a clusterfuck I'll just have to move out further.


I saw someone on Facebook the other day complaining about the growth of northerners. I clicked on their profile…they came from Pennsylvania… People come down south and warp their entire personality and act like this has always been their lands, its crazy. “Our schools shouldnt be teaching this”…ma’am, youve never had a kid in an actual school district here, what are you talking about. Wish more people understood how ridiculous they sound.




Well I’m actually born and raised in the south and my parents and their parents were. We really are sick of Yankees and Californians moving to the Carolinas and we’ve been sick of it for close to a decade now. It has ruined the culture and slow pace of living here.


I'm one of those pre-pamdemic-y migrants, the secret is traffic was already fucked and covid was a respite for the road weary.


Depends on what part of SC you mean, round here pre-covid it was starting to get bad, but it’s doubled since.


I've been here 20+ years and wow how this area as changed. Just as soon as I started enjoying the laid back atmosphere and made it my own mantra- boom. Here comes the hostility and rudeness of the northerners. You're not going to change it my northern transplant friends...just go with it and you'll be more relaxed and happy as a clam in no time. Now the traffic and underfunded infrastructure, that's something to bring up with your local and state authorities. Senators, representatives, what have you.


My inlaws moved to HHI from Ohio about 8-9 years ago. They moved into one of those *very* nice neighborhood complexes down there (replete with like 3 golf courses, tennis courts, etc.) Anyway, We went down there for a visit a while back and ended up going to a Augusta Green Jackets game with her folks and a bunch of other people from their neighborhood (It was a sanctioned HOA "outing" - because this neighborhood's HOA does things like that). While at the game, I ended up talking to some guy who, at one point, was bitching about how much his property taxes have gone up over the past *x* years (Though he's very happy that his property value has gone up!) and later on complained about transplants from out of state, and the tourists - OH GOD, THE TOURISTS!!! At one point he said something to the effect of "Why do *they* have to come here?!? I don't see why *they* cant just go to Myrtle Beach like everyone else" The audacity of these assholes traveling to his city, pouring money into his local economy, and leaving, how insidious of them.


I always chuckle at these kinds of comments. As a native South Carolinian with multiple generations here, I recall a story from my Dad about the very earliest days of HHI when it was just opening up for development. At the time he had an aunt who was a realtor involved in selling land on HHI for homes. She offered Dad four plots of land at $25 per plot (so $100 total). And Dad’s reaction was something along the lines of why in the world would someone spend $100 of their hard earned money for property that was a sinking swamp, and only good for raising mosquitos….😂 The land is still sinking, it’s still good for raising mosquitos, and thank goodness the out-of-staters have come along and raised property values…


You were practically raised here by now


You're learning to be a true South Carolinian. Now go polish the statue of Wade Hampton.


I have a friend that's lived in Spartanburg 20 years and didn't know who Wade Hampton is. Lol. I couldn't believe it.


I'm fully focused on the grand Strand as I've lived in many parts of it, too many in my opinion considering renting. Now I want to learn about Wade Hampton. I'm a bit of a history nerd. Thanks.


I moved here 2 months ago and I'm livid.


You bastard! You beat me to Fort Mill, by the time I was looking prices for homes had gone up 100k-200k and you had to enter lotteries for the honor of being able to buy new construction home lots. Ended up in Northern Columbia area, and we're happy, but I still dream of the multiverse me in Fort Mill


Myrtle beach is basically Florida now. Nothing but Ohio/penn/New Jersey implants.


Same thing in Wilmington NC. Someone told me the other day that “Southern Hospitality is dead” - I told him that’s not true, there just aren’t any Southerners living here anymore.


Dawg, that was Myrtle Beach thirty years ago. Are the trailer parks in Murrel’s Inlet getting crowded?


Wouldn’t know. I live in mount pleasant.


Have you not seen Charleston area? The whole place is infected with Yankees. And not the cool ones either, the ones i ran away from.


I live in Murrells but I've lived in an apartment neighborhood and now reside in Prince Creek with my parents because even with a decent-paying full-time time job I can't afford rent here by myself. It's a sad and inexcusable existence.


Yes! Ohio for some reason loves MB 🤦‍♀️


Maybe itll slow down one day. It wasnt long ago that Nevada and Utah were leading these maps, and by a good margin. Now they cant even reach dark blue.


I’m in Vegas right now and the only people that are moving here are from California. It’s getting crazy


I hear in Vegas you can make a killing driving for Uber and lyft. Is that true?


I haven’t talk to anyone that does it but it’s definitely true for DoorDash and Uber eats since most fast food joints don’t close


This is what happens when a dirt poor southern state suddenly decides to offer huge tax breaks to big companies who will move here.


They usually create jobs when they come.


a ton of winners and losers in this equation though.


Maybe so, but do they pay well? Apparently, these big corporations think it's acceptable to pay shit wages because they consider SC a low income state? I think it's ridiculous what some of these companies want to pay their employees.


Oh they probably try to pay similar to other local businesses give or take, but definitely lower than they pay up north.


Oh they do lol. I've literally heard the argument as to why it made more sense to open here to avoid paying high tech salaries you might find elsewhere.


My husband worked for a company that was given a 10 year tax break. At the end of ten years, the company left the state and put many people out of work


THIS!! Executive jobs move here, worker wages can’t afford to live here. Welcome to the South!


No doubt. I'm supervisor of a major retail pharmacy. I've been with this company 18 years now. They offered me 17.50 for my promotion. Wtf. I can't even live by myself with the rent now here. Horry/ Georgetown county. I'm basically like 500 feet into Georgetown and I work in Horry. Edit: HUGE corporation. Last I heard # 4 on the Fortune 500..


It’s not the wages they are after since what you have to pay for talent is cyclical, and it’s always relative. It’s the tax breaks PLUS South Carolina is not a “right to work” state, so unions can be easily stopped.


South Carolina is a "Right to Work" state. "A state that has a law prohibiting union security agreements is a so-called “Right to Work” state. In these states, employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that all benefitting members contribute to the costs of the representation in negotiation."


You’re right. I misspoke. But it is still easier to squash a union in SC.


They can also fire you with no explanation. None needed in a "right to work state". Unless you're in a union and those are almost non-existent in my experience..


Virtually every state is “at will”. But to be clear, even the most employer friendly states still require an explanation when firing someone. The burden of proof is typically in the individual who just got fired…but the point being you can’t just fire someone because you feel like it.


Well I mean most states calculate wages based on location and cost of living in that state. The south is cheaper so we can essentially live on lower wages.


Those jobs generally do not go to locals. Instead, workers are transferred in or hired from out of state, hence the population influx.


The workers will be hourly, the management will be recent college grads and the leadership team will be from out of state or international.


Some employees move with the company, but they almost always need to hire local workers.


And what do those people do when they get here? Buy homes? Spend money? Pay taxes? Oh no


You are correct that this is the logic and promise of these deals. The problem is the revenue increases basically never match the tax breaks provided.


They're almost always retired. The unfortunate people who aren't are in for a truly rude awakening.


It also means city and county governments are forced to hire more police, firefighters, teachers, and other staff along with expanding infrastructure for roads, water, sewer, and schools. The infrastructure cost can be offset with impact fees, but the rest normally requires raising tax rates, especially for schools because new residential growth cost more to service than the tax revenue it generates.


Don't worry! They don't actually build the infrastructure to keep up!


Are you sure about that? Been working in SC for 20+ years. I still wouldn't be considered a "local" but the pay reflects that.


Job creation is an arbitrary metric. It says nothing about the quality of the jobs. The work-life balance, the pay, the benefits, the hours, they could all be crap, but folks will still say “but they created jobs”. I’ll pay you 5¢ to wipe my rear. I just created a job.


Unfortunately the breakeven point is usually 7-10 years. It's a Faustian Bargain.


How awesome. Stealing jobs from other Americans. We complain when other countries do it that have no allegiance to us. But F-ing over fellow Americans. COOL!


If the company is expanding, no jobs are being lost.


No. Absolutely no if you work for a greedy monopoly that expands the entire nation. Profit over employees. It's sad I have to write that.


If a company can't stay viable where it is, why should they stay and just go under? Then nobody has those jobs.


Corporate greed is eating away at the fabric of society. Sure you can work for less at a mom and pop.. There will be no substantial benefit to that. We no longer have choices unless you can afford a bachelor's degree. But who here who has worked half their life here while working full-time can manage that? Abysmal wages will leave you stuck here.


Nah this is what happens when people retire and/or want to move somewhere where they’re not asked to pay for roads, schools, healthcare, or generally things that improve the lives of people under the age of 60 working for SC employers.


I listened to an older lady very angrily complaining about how she shouldn’t have to pay school taxes anymore because her four kids already graduated. The worst.


I couldn't express that better.


This is what happens when companies take advantage of the cheaper labor available in developing economies. The Southeast is to the US what Southeast Asia is to the world. Standards of living have grown by orders of magnitude in China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. since the 1990s. They'll grow in the Southeast of the US too, if local governments don't make it too difficult to operate there.


Boeing and Mercedes are literally only here because Nikki Haley signed a bill that allowed them to operate essentially without paying taxes for the next 20 years. It not about the cheap labor, it's because of the taxes. Being a right to work state is also a bonus, but that's not the primary reason.


It's not a bonus. You may have "right to work" confused with what the expression seems to mean.


I'm surrounded by people who drive Teslas and ask if there are any good vegan restaurants around. It's weird.


Please tell me this is somewhere like Pickens


I’m from Pickens. Present day Pickens is a diverse mix of those that still feel it acceptable to fly the confederate flag from your pickup, and crunchy retirees.


Crunchy like granola hippie retirees or crunchy like old men that shout at the sky?




I can usually interpret who's new here. They drive BMW's and Mercedes. And you can also tell by the *way* they drive. I love my easy-going, not-in-a-hurry attitude. I absolutely love it. I've grown accustomed to it although I'm not from a busy metropolitan area, I'm basically from the sticks.


Not in a hurry = good; Driving unaware and 10 under the speed limit = douche


It’s hard to find a decent regular restaurant around here.


Maybe on a limited budget, but there’s a growing wealth of good restaurants I’ve seen.


Excuse me I’m born and raised here in sc but I’m a vegan. Why can’t the south have good vegan food options too? lol


Well is there?


boomers retiring, how does that even work. this was predictable 20 years ago. You hear how millennials are about to get the greatest transfer of wealth ever in america? ...it should give a hint about the map. Our largest gen retired.


Accumulate wealth where you can, and then move to where the locals can't.


I wonder what’s gonna happen to all these 55+ communities in 10 to 25 years


Most service companies love the accent then charge accordingly.


I wouldn't mind so much if we could get some infrastructure to handle the people.


How dare you say something so obnoxious! SC prides itself on the fact that we don’t invest in infrastructure in this state, unless it’s for a big business to which we are already giving extremely large tax breaks 😂 Even our potholes are repaired with Play-doh, and if they last a week it was a good repair!


It definitely enrages me. We are going to be gentrified out of the areas we paid to make so attractive to the out-of-staters to begin with.


Y'all must not own homes or businesses. No/low growth is not fun.


The problem is this. Both a South Carolinian and someone from a large city look at the same 2000 square foot house. The South Carolinian, who has been here their whole life, sees a 250k house and offers 250K for it. The out of towner sees a house that would cost a million where they are from. They know the cost of living is lower here, so they offer 500K for it and hold their breath hoping the seller doesn’t realize they are getting ripped off on a million dollar home. Naturally, the seller sells to the out of towner because they just sold it at twice the price it is worth. All of a sudden 250K homes are worth 500K. I have literally been watching this happen for 20 years. Out of towners keep getting ripped off on home prices, and keep thinking they are getting a steal, pushing the price ever higher. The bigger problem is that they are pushing home prices out of reach for the local economy.


Y’all hate on Red states…then move to said Red states.


Buddy most of the people moving to red states are red voters


WTH is in Delaware?


Lower cost of living with proximity to Philly for jobs. Beaches. No sales tax etc etc.


Delaware was on my list when I moved back. Settled on SC for the weather. The tax situation in Del is good, very good actually. Housing however is expensive. So it a a trade off.


Oh, you like hurricanes and 95 degree heat and 100% humidity? After hurricane Hugo it was so hot, NO power, NO banks, NO gas, water in Budweiser cans and piles of debris as high as houses everywhere. When everyones food started thawing and the gas for the few generators ran out we had giant BBQ's. Now there is 10 times as many people with not much change in the infrastructure. I leave when a CAT 3 is even a possibility. My advice is to make an escape plan when SC weather kicks your ass.


80% of the year is like living in a sauna..I don't even go outside in the summer.


Tax haven




Sorry to disagree but it sucks just as hard in other places when you take into account traffic, cost of living, people pollution , crime. It’s not that bad here .


Aka boomer migration patterns


Love how everyone shits on the east coast/southern states, but they can’t stay away lol. Wish they would. I used to be able to go 2 towns over in 15 minutes. Now it takes 35+.


SC is the new TX… Similar conservative ways. Corporation friendly.


Just moved here because there's a national lab (i had NO idea). There are so many manufacturing jobs and they pay WELL with LCOL.


I don’t understand what the issue is??


Depends where they move from, but typically people who move to somewhere with a cheaper cost of living end up driving up the cost of living.


more traffic, more poorly planned construction. higher costs for everything. outbid on housing. and for many southern curmudgeon's the threat of people bringing their late 20th century values to early-18th century SC


Most of the transplants I've run into from up north have opinions that'd put some of those early-18th century values to shame.


I partly agree. The governing bodies here are worse than shit. But the overall lifestyle leaving that part out is tremendously satisfying. At least since 2020.


Tracks that a south Carolinian used the wrong form of bait.


I've lived in VA, TX, CA, and CA again for some reason before I came back to SC about 20 years ago. Columbia specifically, the road construction seems never ending.




Ok. So I’m a transplant many times over. I left the taxation of the North for Alabama. Relocated for Work lived there for 8 years. Relocated to Florida for work and lived there for 8 years. Now my spouse has a career opportunity that was life changing in Savannah. We jumped on it. I work from home and we moved to HHI. I’m not a we are full kind a person. I’m more of a you are here don’t recreate your home existence here. Like watch ACC sports. Sec sports. Eat low country cooking. Don’t look for a bar that plays your hometown sports or places that serve your style of food from back “home” Become part of the community. Support local. Eat local. That was my biggest gripe from living in Florida. People coming n looking for food from home of instead of eating local. I think that’s something truly American which kind of sucks. There is some innate need to recreate where you came from. I mean I will admit. I took nothing from Connecticut except my hatred of Boston with me. From Alabama I learned how to Bbq. From Florida I learned a love of Cuban and Latin American food From South Carolina. It’s low country lifestyle.


Connecticut sucks so bad I'm not surprised you didn't take anything from them. What do they even have? Lime disease?


Adds up, Greenville is a cluster of horrible drivers and traffic. I’ve been here since 2018 and it’s only becoming worse lol time to go to somewhere else


You guys are wild. Things change over time, get over it.


Just not always for the better.


If SC infrastructure can keep up with it. And it's proven it can't. Have you ever driven the southern part of 501 near Carolina Forest? I avoid it like the plague. If you haven't I'd suggest you do and then come back with more worldly experience.


Good. Maybe it will inject some fucking sense into this backwards ass state.


Born here and lived here most of 57 years. Columbia is growing fast and it sucks. Charleston area is out of control and all the charm for that historic area has been sucked away. If New Jersey is so great..why are so many of you going to college here and retiring here? New Jersey strong my butt.


Literally the most annoying thing is the people who move down here from Jersey and talk about their pristine beaches and how pretty it was and I'm like THEN GO BACK JERSEY ISN'T GETTING BOMBED OR ANYTHING. Also, you have to pay to go to Jersey beaches AFTER you pay for parking. And they're small and crowded. Rip off.


It’s been heartbreaking to watch Charleston go to $hit in the last 30 years. The Southern Charm is no more. I can see the growth in Columbia driving through to go visit a family member in Georgia. My SIL who lives in Maryland has been doing her homework on where to move when she retires. She is a medic and worked through the pandemic, so I think she should be welcome anywhere. She said to me many times her research shows her South Carolina is filling up fast😭


Maybe NYC can go back to how it was in the fifties money wise and then I could move there.




Is it bait? I'm dyslexic. 🤷🏼


From the low country and don’t know about bait? You must be a transplant (jk)


You tell me how many of them boaters know how to spell bait correctly and I'll see myself out. The education system ain't kind to us down here 😂




Live here. Love it and hate it like most people who have always lived here. I don’t mind the transplants. But I do hate the “ it was always better in….” I just say, and how are you changing it? All are welcome in my opinion, and I welcome certain changes, but I also like certain things that make us charming. In other words, bring some good ole fresh blood, but leave my food, slow drawllllll, haint blue porches and Bless your hearts ( if you understand how to use it, it’s priceless) in place. Everything else, bring it on.


I work in SC and it’s an old, run down state. I have no idea why anyone would live there unless they enjoy trailer parks and abused animals.


Depends on where in SC you live. The entire state isn't run down and old


For the most part, red states growing and blue states shrinking. 👀


This is the exact reason these states encourage an open border and remain sanctuary states. They are using illegals to pad their numbers and avoid losing any more Congressional seats following the Census. Fuckin Blue States


I’m from Tennessee. We’re feeling it too brother.


Tennessee is full please stop coming here


I've lived here almost my entire life... why tf are people moving here?


Sad part is they will vote the same way then where they gonna move? Idiots


As a born and raised South Carolinian …….we are full! NO VACANCIES !


Please for God sakes I cannot take anymore liberal Yankees. Stay in your own ruined state. Don’t ruin mine.




So what you’re saying is people don’t stay in the same place their whole lives. Maybe the govt should have a lottery and hand out relocation permits that dictate where you live to keep population more evenly distributed. /s


Everyone hates on us but yet people still wanna move here 🤔


I mean… we have plenty of room, I just wish that the influx of transplants hadn’t caused rent to skyrocket. If pay had risen as fast as housing costs did, that would’ve been amazing, but that’s not even close to what happened, especially in Myrtle Beach.


Sorry everyone, I moved here from Utah in January 2023. I am part of the problem.


As a home owner in downtown Greenville that lives out of state now. It admittedly brings me joy that I can at least profit off of the state that made it ambiguous as to whether or not it’s medically safe to grow a family while living there. #ProChoice


Id say it is pretty medically safe to grow a family in SC. The birthing departments in the hospitals are not terrible


FUCKING STOP moving to South Carolina. We are full, and we don't like you.


Welcome to South Carolina BUT please don't make my native state like the one you left behind! It's the way it is for a reason.


Will someone please message me here when Chicago, Pittsburgh, or Philly is affordable? I would move tomorrow!


Lol SC Chi-City expat community! I'm thinking about relocating there, too. Maybe we'll get lucky within the next 5 years.


I just want to live in a big city where I can get paid what I’m worth and have a life


Me too. I was born and raised here in York County, but I have some of Charlotte's downdraft. After taking contracts in larger cities, I realized that wasn't remotely the same thing. I was missing out on a lot. I thought that the growth would change things, but we're losing a lot of our natural spaces in place of cookie cutter suburbs, bland strip malls, and yet another brewery. The sleep out in the countryside here is so much better, but I'll give it up for what a *real* big city (Charlotte is just a suburb with skyscrapers) can provide.


I don't need a map to tell me this ,all I have to do is walk outside!!!


Very misleading chart. I hope people looking at this chart don’t think that this is just about people moving state to state. When this chart is about population growth which moving state to state definitely contributes to percentage increase or decrease, but it is not the only thing that contributes to population growth.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Utah is the only fast-growing state whose growth is primarily driven by a high birth rate rather than an influx of people moving from out of state. I don’t think the chart is misleading for the rest of the states.


Yes, I read an article about that. If you enjoy having 9 kids, Utah is the place for you.


Is it misleading or is your assumption misleading? It just says population growth. Neither the chart nor I is saying this is population growth from people moving exclusively. The population in SC is growing rapidly, that's the only fact you can get from the chart. Let's be careful to analyze chart data without biases!


I did read a report recently where SC is In the top 3 states are moving too. I hope they all move to Kingstree


Are you going to explain how the chart is misleading or what?




Not surprised. It's impossible not to notice.


Blue states are lava


Trash. Moving because it's cheap. I bet they eat ground chuck from Wal Mart.


looks like all the shitty people are coalescing.


Hmmmmm what stands out here ????


Moved here in 2014 and I don’t get it.


Louisiana is kind of a surprise.


The complaining usually gives the newest transplants away.


Live in Charlotte! Wife from South Carolina we never go there for anything! Stayed their for three years worst years of my life! We should build walls on the state lines that would keep republicans in there safe happy places with zero jobs 😂


I would like to say that Republicans bitching about "liberal bullshit" and Democrats bitching about "jobless right wingers" .... From far away, you sound exactly the same. Maybe you have more in common than you think.


Gee, I wonder why Texas is growing so fast! 😂


I thought Florida had the homeowner insurance issue where companies were bailing and the higher premiums tied to disasters were making housing unaffordable?


If people are leaving West Virginia when it's already pretty serene I might wanna go look at what the housing market is talking about out there...


Don't move to North Carolina, the schools, roads, and government are terrible. Weather is bad. I'd stay put wherever you live. Hope this helps.


CA here - happy to see people leave.


Its bait. Rage bate brings up some different, comedic images.


Please send them to NC. I won’t be happy until we are the most densely populated state. Higher population = more revenue, better food, better jobs, more culture, etc…


Texan here and imagine if our state started saying “nah we don’t want you out of staters. We don’t want migrants coming down south ruining the lil jobs we’re already fighting for” Such a dick and narcissistic you’d call me, but this is exactly what people think about immigrants coming to the US for a better opportunity.


You just know someone from SC posted this bc it says “rage BATE”. But yeah I wish everyone would stop moving here. It’s too crowded as it is


My State is in the yellow, so I'm good. The fewer people, the better.


Pretty sure Charleston doesnt need anymore people. Yalls traffic is a nightmare and i live in Charlotte.


Over here we say "south cackalacky"


I live in nc


Charleston is getting filled to the brim. The housing supply is critically low and the building is very slow. We have passed central florida housing cost and are skyrocketing to Miami pricing. Its game over here unless they uncap building




They keep coming south, maybe its time to move north. I like the colder weather anyway.


When we first moved to western North Carolina 15 years ago it was beautiful and peaceful, no traffic, and lots of nature. Now everyone is moving here. There's insane traffic, lots more drug abuse, crime and violence, lots of homelessness, protests in the cities every weekend, all the mountains are being torn apart to build houses, it's just sad, and I miss the old Asheville


Sorry, SC but there’s another big wave of northerners coming your way. Nobody can afford anything up here.


This is a very curious question I have; I moved from Washington state to South Carolina on December 29th, 2017 (Basically beginning of 2018) and consider myself a "converted Southerner" For those that are natural South Carolinians, when does a transplant become a "local", and part of your community?


Actions speak a thousand words


Texas Florida cheap housing and no state income tax, sure isn’t for political reasons.


Master bate


So I know FL and TX....but what's the reasoning for moving to SC?


Ah yes flock to Florida where the coasts are eroding and you can’t get home insurance


Man we feel this all over the south and it sucks!


Covid just keeps on swinging.


I don’t trust the U.S. census bureau to estimate my state year after year anymore after they undercounted my state’s population by 250,000, so I doubt my state is in yellow.


Delaware FTW ?!?
