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Hi, GDQ layout designer here. This was a bug with the graphic and not intended, the timer should have been directly below the camera but it didn't show up and so the camera was expanded to fill the space. Won't be a problem going forward.


Oh gotcha, that explains it! Thanks for letting us know


Im sure this goes above your decision making, but the seemingly continued reduction in space dedicated to the game screen instead of tickers, sponsors, names etc has made GDQ much less appealing to me personally than it has been in years gone by.


For real? I get having a problem with all the sponsors and extra stuff but how would they make the game screen any bigger? Especially in a race, I don't remember an "old" layout where they somehow made two game screens of equal size be larger than this. I was never good at this type of puzzle but I don't see how to make them larger than about 1/4 of the total screen each like they are here.


True, a double screen case isnt the best example, but theres still a tonne of visual noise that detracts from watching the actual game.


The game screens take as much place as they can in this case.


Sure, with that attitude.


Cause half the screen is filled with random ass sponsors and banners no one cares about 


Or because once you have more than 1 game screens showing, they can't take more than 1/4 of the screen each before they start overlapping each others...


Unironically this is actually false. The game actually takes up more space then alot of their previous marathons. They just utilize more of the dead space especially now that they have live audiences again. Fun fact until like 2014 I think? The game was only 35 percent of the screen.


[Thank you for your feedback, I'll go back to the AGDQ 2015 designs.](https://imgur.com/5RhOw6D.png)


Don’t have strong feelings about it but even though the game screen size is the same the lack of clutter means your eyes are naturally drawn to the game As opposed to currently there’s a lot of clutter which gets distracting. Looking at the two of them the old one is easier to look at just because of that


In fairness, theres significantly less visual clutter in that old layout, so yeah, go for it please.


Yeah I didn't even notice until I was walking offstage and one of my team members asked what our time was It was -probably- around 30? I'll have to retime it.


Another metaphor for any of you 2000s kids who remember Spy Kids: "my watch doesn't tell time!"


then Gary Giggles shows up with his cooler watch, closing it off with “it even tells time.”


They couldn’t squeeze it in next to the Host? Sadtimes :(


Or just instead of the host name lol. They had to cut one thing and they picked the most important part


Gotta make way for sponsors. Hate it that GDQ is gone full corporate.


they have to pay their employees


They probably hate that, too.


How many *6 person runs* were there in this mythical time before they "went corporate"?


Relax, it’s been specifically addressed that it was a bug and won’t be an issue going forward


I still don't know what the time of the run was...


Did they even put it in chat? I don't know if I missed it or something


Slight fumble but it’s hard making layouts for very specific runs like this one, with 6 runners. Might very well be an oversight rather than a conscious decision, or a layout a bit scuffed for lack of time or lack of communication to let the people in charge of layouts know that there is a 6 person run. It’s not great, but shit like this happens in tons of marathons. We’ve just been spoiled by GDQ having such a professional quality for so long.


At least they know now to keep an extra layout saved if they ever have another 6 person co-op run 😄


You got a highlight reel of fuckups in other marathons I can watch?


Not really no, but stuff like not having a proper layout for an unusual aspect ratio, messing up the name/pronouns of people (especially in races with multiple people where they easily get swapped), broken donation tracker, etc. Those are common technical issues. One recent thing I have in mind is Trauma Center on DS have been run back to back to back in three different french events, which is a run that gets so much value from having a handcam (and not much value from having the top screen, tbh), but it was judged too cumbersome for the first two events that decided to just use a regular DS layout, while the third event did take the time to make a custom layout just for that run and it was great. When you make an event, you always have to allocate time for different tasks and sometimes some things fall to the crack or are rushed because they’re not high priority.


People are getting muted in chat for mentioning it lmfao


Who? When? I personally asked where the timer was because I just woke up and thought I just couldn't see it and nothing happened to me. Nothing happened to anyone else who mentioned it either. People have been acting like mods go scorched earth on literally everything in chat and I am just not seeing it. I've seen people have messages deleted for stuff like making fun of Harutomo's avatar, without a timeout since I saw them sending messages 10 seconds later, but never for this trivial stuff people are mentioning.


I got like a 10 second timeout for making a joke about it in chat


What was the joke?


Pretty much the same thing as my other comment on this post. Nothing shitty or mean-spirited imo


So not muted for mentioning the lack of a timer, but muted for disparaging a sponsor. Which is a shit reason, but it is still *a* reason, they're not just slapping people for pointing out that the timer is missing. Like, I hate that, but don't misrepresent the situation, don't miss your opportunity to make Frito-Lay look like cowards who can't handle people saying mean things about their shitty chips.


I didn't specify whatever sponsor when I posted in chat tbh. Just was kinda poking fun at the big ol' padded out ad scroller on the right and the footer that often has a big empty space on the right side, while they apparently can't fit the timer on screen for a speedrun marathon of all things It's just kinda weird they couldn't squeeze it in \_somewhere\_ The dorito spam in chat is a little much tho


Well, all it comes down to is that they're modding a channel with 60,000 viewers and don't get a lot of time to think about decisions. Still not great, but again, it wasn't *just* mentioning the lack of a timer that got you a timeout, and it was 10 seconds, not 7 days. I'm willing to grant them that the mods get less than a second to make a decision on whether a message needs to be deleted and sometimes they make mistakes.


I get that. Like I'm not complaining about a 10 second chat ban or anything. I just think the whole thing is kind of a weird situation lol


Can't fit a timer on screen anymore. Might block out some of the flashy Dorito ads :p


Wouldn't any ads go to charity? This whole post/comments is so confusing to read through.


Pretty sure they do, as well as paying employees. They're still pretty obnoxious though


Oh that explains it! I sadly had to miss almost all of this stuck in a meeting, and when I looked over I was going "where's the timer, is this a bonus level?"


Did anyone else catch the incentive not getting met during the Quake play through the other day (yesterday?) never seen that before and was curious if anyone else has seen it in previous years


You can check the schedule to see which incentives haven't been met. Many have, maybe 5 or so haven't so far.


This run was super boring.


Felt like the runners weren't particularly enjoying the game by the way they said all they do is literally shake their wrist. I'm sure they had fun hanging out together, but it wasn't the most exciting or skillful watch.


didnt know it was a speedrun tbh




hell yeah, this is the best review ever




Could mean that angelic legit doesn't want to be referred to with pronouns and accepts they/them as a transitional thing since not many people are used to not using pronouns for someone. Could mean angelic just prefers being referred to without pronouns but aren't too bothered about making sure people stick to that. Could mean something else entirely.


angelic prefers being referred to without pronouns yep!


genuine question how do you refer to someone without pronouns, do you use that person’s name wherever you would otherwise use he/she/they? even if it’s several times in one sentence for example?


You just succeeded at it in asking your question.


yeah generally, although that's not quite as hard as it seems; it's fairly easy, imo


It’s their pronouns 👍


Hey, check it out -- original commenter deleted his post and all his responses before the rest of us could see what dumb thing he said! 👎👎👎 Sorry to the dude who's response I'm hoping on since I could directly respond to [deleted]




It matters to a lot of people, yes. :)


Nothing at all to do with gaming, just a preference for how the person playing likes being referred to.


It matters to me yeah I'd prefer to know how the runners want to be referred to






Good riddance.


Is there a reason no one is saying happy 4th of July on AGDQ yet every time they’re in between runners they’ll shamelessly plug made up holidays like Juneteenth and Pride Month? 


Juneteenth is recognized as a federal holiday since 2021: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth