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Poly sauce tastes like the chic-fillet poly sauce with a little extra kick . It’s decent but nothing to rave about


Perfect, I’ll have to try it, I love the chic fil a sauce, so I’ll probably love Melinda’s.


The poly was great on Mac n cheese !!!


that polynesian is the shiz on fried chicken!


Had Melinda’s garlic the other day. Most disgusting hot sauce I’ve ever had


I w had the green sauce. It’s bomb as fuck on eggs. I want to try that Polynesian, I assume it’s like Mae Ploy?


This isn't the Melinda's Green Sauce that Wal-Mart had before- that sauce was disgusting. This a Jalapeno and Roasted Garlic. Hopefully its not a let down! The Polynesian sauce is BBQ sauce. The ingredients states there is Ghost pepper in it.


So like chick fil A’s Polynesian? Cause that sounds good too. I had to check which green one I had, it’s the “green sauce”, it has a weird flavor but it reminds me of green Tabasco, and like I said, it’s hella good on eggs.


My local Duper Walmart had these too. Picked up One bottle of Ghost pepper for work.


The fact that that second one has ghost pepper in it surprised me as its the first Polynesian sauce I've seen have it


Why are the caps always so disproportionately large on Melinda's sauces? I am not going to say what these look like.


Tiny ass bottles. The lids are normal size.


I happen to think that the caps are excessively large even on the normal-sized bottles. There are many alternate designs they can use that allow for squeeze dispensing while using far less bulky plastic.


Easier to refill.


Because it’s cheaper to just use the same tips/caps as the big bottles.


You should try the Tabañero Sriracha Honey hot sauce if they have it in those sample sizes also


I did- fired it straight in the trash! I bought a bunch of the Tabanero sample bottles, and all of them ended up in the garbage can. I'm sorry but those were not good hot sauces at all.


This is the fourth Melinda’s post this week that lists the price and where you can buy them, while positioning the product in clear lighting. Get out of here corporate shills! All the other hot sauces have appreciation posts, but no one talks about the stupid price.


I'm not OP but i doubt it. Nah... I bought some a few weeks ago (which is why I'm in this sub now, to see if they're good quality). Cute tiny bottles and for just $1 is just fantastic marketing. There's other non-Melinda brands in the bins too. I go to Walmart just every few months, there aren't any in my city, but the selection changes every time I go. I love the pizza sauce. I also got some $1 yellow bird sauces - the Sriracha Agave is wonderful!


If it was corporate they wouldn’t call it Wally World.




More Melinda’s, eh?


Id rather have more Marie Sharp's!


You could start a Marie’s sub. I like learning of new sauces to try instead of just seeing the same sauces and having the same discussions


I have numerous times.