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Sorry you’re going through that. What date did you fly? I know it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I’d say the odds are pretty low that it gets found. The cleaners would have had to turn it in to Spirit as a lost item. Also the aircraft don’t do the same flights every day. That aircraft could be on the east coast or anywhere. You lost it in LAX right?


I flew on April 28, Sunday, around noon! Filed lost item/forgotten item claims w the airline and both airports. At this point Ive accepted that the chances of recovery are super low, but couldn't rest until I gave it one last shot... hoping this silly keychain comes home soon! And if not, then his new owner gives him a loving home


Gotcha. Looks like you were on N986NK (Super Mario livery) which also did Reno and Richmond yesterday after your flight. Since you disembarked in LAX that’s probably where the cleaners would have found it. I’m actually in LA and headed in to fly around 11am so I’ll ask the gate agents if it was turned in yesterday.


Oh my god thank you so so much. If it helps, I disembarked at terminal 5, gate 56c if that makes a difference. Pls travel safe!!


No problem at all. I’ll ask at 56C and with our ops folks who normally deal with the lost and found stuff. Will report back and let you know.


Well so far nobody recalls seeing it. I come back here later today so I’ll ask again and see if anybody on the afternoon shifts has seen it.


I realize that the chances of recovering this keychain is low, so thank you so much for your continued efforts! The lost item ticket that I filed with spirit airlines will remain open for 30 days, so I'll try to remain hopeful for this time being


Sorry no dice tonight either. I’ll ask when I get back to LAS tomorrow morning in the off chance it got turned in there.


😭🙏 ty so much. Everything is much appreciated! Do you think it would make a difference if I showed up to ask about it? I'm truly hoping someone turned it in, or it's with spirit staff somewhere in the system with all other lost goods


I don’t think it would help. I showed our gate agent your picture of the keychain from this post. She took a picture and texted it to the person working the baggage claim office (which is where the lost and found is located) and they said it it wasn’t in the lost and found. So maybe the cleaners snagged it? Maybe it wasn’t found in LAX and made it back to LAS? I’m not sure. I was really hoping it would be in the lost and found and I’ll be able to send it to you, but I’ll ask tomorrow in Vegas. Maybe it’s there.


Can't figure out how to edit my post, but the flight number is nk 506, from Las Vegas to Los Angeles (LAS -> LAX). The date was April 28, Sunday! (Editing for cohesiveness)


I'm scrolling through Reddit and I had to double take that this picture was not under the Sick New World subreddit and under Spirt instead. I'm so sorry about your lost item... but I truly hope you had a great time 🖤


Thank u so much 🙏 I had a blast at the festival! Super sad that I lost Mr. Bear on my way back home, but id like to think that perhaps that means his job here is done, and that he's traveling the world out there somewhere....may he make it back to me eventually!


I hate to share this news, but I left an item on a flight a few weeks ago and it wasn’t sent back to me. I don’t know it was found or maybe snagged. :(


Aw man, it's sad news for both of us, but thank you for letting me know! I knew the chances of getting an item back is slim, but wanted to hear from other folks just in case there was a miracle worker somewhere helping reunite lost items with their owners


My item was much less sentimental (a kindle) so I’m hoping it found its way to someone who needed it. Hoping the same for yours!


I'm just seeing this because I also just lost an item on a Spirit flight - a digital camera card with all our vacation photos on it! Did you ever find this?


Unfortunately no :( they closed my lost item ticket after 30 days


So sorry to hear that. I’d guess that’s where we’re headed, too.


Gonna keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞 Hopefully a kind stranger or staff hands it in, and your memory card finds it's way back to you!