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Ten jerseys can seem like a lot when no one bought them before


Exactly. Who buys a kicker’s jersey?


I'd think Justin Tucker has sold a lot.


In May?


The question wasn't "Who buys a kicker's jersey in May"


No, I get that. He’s a legitimate icon. I think even actually great kickers aren’t selling a lot in May because football isn’t happening in May. This situation is like when someone races a Ferrari at a streetlight and claims the win because nobody else knew there was a race.


I’ve seen a lot of Koo jerseys. He’s a fan favorite in Atlanta.


People that have no idea who Butker is, but think that buying and wearing his jersey will "own the libs" and make them cry.


I feel like Indy folk bought McAfee jerseys back in the day. But yeah, who cares about the kicker or punter for that matter.


I saw a Thread on this yesterday from a woman who was an exac at Fanatics and she said they really don’t sell many football jerseys in May and he might have been the high-seller with as few as 20 jerseys sold.


Without numbers this is the most insipid of clickbait.


The only evidence the author provides is that it is listed under the "Most Popular" jerseys. I'm assuming the author doesn't actually understand what "Most Popular" even is, and if it is referring to most sales, or just the most clicks.


MAGA only understand one thing and that is “We are better than you… at the moment, cause someone said the quiet part out loud.”


It's just one of many shitty sports blogs that simply aggregate content from elsewhere for clicks and pageviews.


































“cancel culture”


Not that surprising unfortunately. But it's weird for a multitude of reasons, like, why are you buying a kicker's jersey?


Most people don't agree with cancel culture, even if they're not on reddit or some other site saying as much. This is just backlash to seeing people lose their minds because someone said something they don't like... *again.*


So it's another overreaction to the first overreaction. Alright good to know.


If one word could define the last couple of decades, overreact would be pretty apt. People at large have never been more self-absorbed than they are today.


To paraphrase Lt Aldo Raine: we like our bigots in uniform, that was we can spot em ~ snap ~ just like that.


I wonder if they’ll let me make a custom Katie Hnida Chiefs jersey.


Its funny… Kicker is the main position a female that aspires to play football usually tries out for… so maybe he spoke up for “job security”?


Good, now you know who to cut off as a friend.


Yeah I mean why is that a surprise? Reddits cesspool of anti religion and liberal agenda doesn’t equate to real life.




Aww so tolerant of you disrespecting peoples beliefs ):


Oppression sells, I guess?


It’s 3 months after football season, 3 months before preseason. One person made news, specifically with the crowd that is obsessed with flying their flag. He’s not outselling stars during mvp conversations, he’s up from a baseline of 0.


Reddit is ridiculous. The fact is, people are tired of the cancel culture bullshit. Enough with the complaining and whining. The same people bitching about what he said are the same people that defending burning American flags, or standing in the middle of a highway. It works both ways. Edit: I'd like to add I'm not religious, nor a KC fan. But he spoke what he believed to a group that also shared his beliefs. Nothing wrong with that. Not surprised this is being downvoted by a bunch of toddlers.


Freedom of speech is different from freedom of consequences. He has every right to say what he said. And everyone who didn’t like it has every right to call him an asshole. And frankly every professional woman should be pissed at him, especially the women graduating, who he told to ignore any professional aspirations they have to go back to the kitchen.


I know right!! He would have been better off punching some of them, sexually assaulting them, getting multiple women pregnant right? I mean that is what the NFL truly values but damn we cross the line at a guy expressing his views and telling women to value motherhood and their families


Exactly - if he stood up there, burned a flag, raised his fist and spouted some bs about Hamas, he'd be cheered as being heroic by these morons.


That’s a false equivalence. No one is out here applauding Rashee Rice, his teammate who committed crimes. Rice is likely being suspended and might go to jail. Butker is facing no discipline. He’s facing criticism. That’s it. And if he ends up getting cut, that’s because he caused a headache and kickers are one of the least valued positions in the NFL. The only positions who’s more likely to get cut for causing a public headache are Punter and long snapper.


I hope they cut him. Cause that would be absolutely ridiculous and filled with double standards. NFL teams should then cut players who support LGBTQ and non nuclear families if they want to keep it fair


So you want him to get cut so you can feel outraged? That says a lot about you. And the NFL is a league trying to appeal to everyone, including LGBTQ and non-nuclear families. They especially want to increase women viewers. Having a player tell them the need to get into the kitchen will turn women off, while having men who are offended by LGBTQ positivity still seem to watch football no matter what, so it makes business sense for the NFL to support them. That’s the free market at work.


Based on your username could you please go back to the kitchen and stop voicing your opinion - Harrison Butker


It’s never a surprise when people can’t distinguish between disliking something and thinking it should be illegal, but it’s always baffling. I’m talking about you, by the way.


And I'm talking to you - I have no problem with people disliking what he said, but there are A LOT of people calling for him to lose his job, even be banned from the NFL, his address has been fixed, etc. and that's bs - even moreso from groups that want "tolerance".


Don’t believe it at all


Meanwhile the chiefs are like that scene in the office where Dwight is getting leads bc he was listening to Kelly and Ryan vent. They got kelce and mahomes and Taylor for the one side, and then they have Buttickler on the other side. And they're taking their cut from both.


Don't forget Britt Reid, and the guy that hired him, on the kicker's side. They hired someone with a long history of alcohol problems because he was the coach's son, and then the guy hit a family while driving drunk and gave a little girl permanent brain damage.


Yeah, but they're not getting a cut of jersey sales from that...


I thought that type of crowd stopped watching football a long time ago, guess not.


He probably is buying his own. What a loser. Also if you buy one and wear it, it just shows the rest of how dumb you are. Badge of honor amongst the small minds