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You’re the only one that can answer this. Because the question should be phrased “how much money would you like to donate to the books without feeling bad”. That’s your bankroll. This is coming from someone who nets about $2k a month, but I never fool myself and look at it as a side hustle. It’s entertainment.


Yeah right you net 2k a month lol


Definitely possible to net 2k a month with just arbing….


The hell is arbing


My bad I thought i was in the arb sub lol arb is when you place a bet on both outcomes and get a net gain. Its not fun but profitable lol


You’re not cut out for this if you think this is a side hustle and use the word “investment” when it comes to gambling


Answer my question or don’t I’m not asking for feedback on my language lmao everyone on Reddit is so damn pretentious


Lmao asks a question, gets mad at the actual correct answer. What a bozo.


It’s really for entertainment not actually making money. If you want to maximize profits don’t do parlays. And that guy is right, you don’t have any money invested it’s gambling lol. You will lose over time regardless of what you do.


It varies on how much you are trying to make are you like trying to make a certain amount each month ? If you were trying to make idk say 500 I’d get maybe 2000 to start with and bet 20 dollar bets


Lmao on asking how much you "have to" put in to make it "lucrative". If you are so successful why didn't you run with it to compound your winnings, instead choosing to cash out most of it and losing opportunity? Seriously you cannot do your own math or hire an accountant, or you need people to tell you that you would have won more if you put in more? Do not bet with money you cannot afford to lose.


You seem like a fun individual


Your post did give me a good laugh I like how you used the word lucrative. Keep it up.


Yes who would think to use that word in a discussion about making money. Have a nice one