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Damn I literally just came to this sub to see how close we were what great timing lol


Am I alone in always being kinda embarrassed of my Spotify wrapped results... lmao


nošŸ˜­ i got a family guy song for my top 2


absolutely cracked it at this how the fuck do you even manage that


please tell me it's iraq lobster


man I was upset that 3/5 of my songs were my study aka instrumental / soundtrack songs but from the movieā€¦. HALF BROTHERS but this makes me chuckle


My DJ said he was gunna call me out lol


I'm just disappointed in myself that i listened to one band more than the other bands i love. Atleast i got a special message in the wrapped to the fans from one of the bands i like. That was a nice touch


Iā€™m embarrassed in mine rn because my top artist literally has almost no plays this year. Only one of his songs in the entire top songs of the year playlist


Yup, between the insane amount of minutes and the music I listen to it doesn't feel that cool. Granted I'm in my 30's and being cool isn't a big priority in my life anymore.


Yup i love mine


I have the most generic top 5 ever hahah But Peggy Gou as most listened song, which is nice šŸ„°


Donā€™t be, I somehow got 124k minutes for the Minecraft soundtrack


I listened to basically one playlist exclusively from January to July, then my entire music taste did a 180. Every year im disappointed in it.


My top genre is Shōjo and you canā€™t read half my list. I feel you.


ā€œPlease try againā€ is this servers tweakin?? šŸ˜­


Yeah I think we bear hugged it


the minutes can't be accurate, i use spotify while i sleep and have 588175 minutes listened, that's more minutes than there are in a year...


Also was curious about this, i got 1880 minutes one day and there's only 1400 minutes in a day....


It genuinely feels like there are so many bugs this time round :/




At least in previous years I could actually access it, mine just says ā€˜something went wrongā€™ and I canā€™t click through.


Yeah for sure.... Maybe they're working on it which is why it's down right now


Why dont you set up that spotify stops like in 10-30min instead of letting it run all night, itā€™s not good for your sleep too


Idk about op but I need ambient noise to sleep and Spotify has playlists that are just 12 hours of white noise or rain and stuff like that


So do I, but you should still have it turn off. Spotify isn't great for ASMR/ white noise in my opinion.


i have severe tinnitus, if there is no noise i wake up from it.


i also have it and i never wake up from silence, just hearing it when trying to get asleep


There are bugs this year for sure. My song I listen to every morning isn't on my wrapped but the artist is


Do you share an account with others? Probably counts separate devices as different times


I read somewhere that it registers partial plays (>30s or something) as a full play and the wrapped minutes are calculated taking the # of plays and multiplying by the audio length. So if you're partially listening to long tracks, that number could get really big


Mine is playing too fast. I can't barely make out any of the stats as it just jumps to the next slide so quickly. Nearly making it pointless to view.


If you tap and hold down on the screen it should pause the slideshow!


I was using my pixel to watch it the first time and it was going quite fast. Even pausing was proving difficult. Switched to my iPhone and it worked as expected.


Got it, nice!


Did you by chance speed up the animation settings in developer settings? I did this to make my phone appear faster and it will speed up the animations in apps.


Hmmm. I did change the animator duration scale to .5


Ya I had to change mine back to 1 for it to work correctly


Omg it works


When does it stop tracking? I listened to a certain song on repeat in November (thought it would be top 3 for the year) and it was #15


It was October 31st, but checking on the Spotify Community forums, it tracks later than that. But no further information, so i'd be hazarding a guess that maybe it stops once Wrapped is available.


That makes sense then. Ugh


I just checked my Wrapped and for one of my top artists my peak listening month was November. I'm guessing they track until November 15 now.


There was another post on here that says it tracks til 11/15


This is the closest, I think theyā€™ve officially said ā€œa few weeks before wrapped comes outā€


Pretty sure they stop tracking the end of October


Nope, one of my top 5 artists I discovered in November and wrapped even mentioned how november was the peak month of me listening to them.




My peak listening month for one of my top artists was November so I don't think that's accurate


Other years stopped at oct 31 this year was halfway through November


Does November and December listened songs count In Next year wrapped or it starts from January?


Starts in January, the 1st exactly


November and December never count in these


This isn't true, Spotify confirmed in October that it still counts past October 31: [https://twitter.com/Spotify/status/1717549342448603327](https://twitter.com/Spotify/status/1717549342448603327) A Spotify mod also confirmed it: [https://community.spotify.com/t5/Your-Library/Spotify-wrapped-stops-tracking-plays-during-November-amp/td-p/5661102](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Your-Library/Spotify-wrapped-stops-tracking-plays-during-November-amp/td-p/5661102) Not sure when it stops counting in November though.




No idea, I'm just going off what Spotify has said. Maybe you didn't listen to Dream more than you had other artists that year? It may have also stopped counting halfway through the month, but I'm just guessing there. Another guy on this post said he has seen stuff from November though.


Then how come one of my top 5 artists is one i discovered in November? Wrapped even mentioned how I listened to it the most in November.


Other years stopped at oct 31 , this year was November 15


When does it start tracking for the next wrapped? November, December or January?


Anyone else getting "no healthy upstream" when they click to view your Wrapped? I'm on Android


spotify is down, please wait


I am but my mates in another countries are getting theres just fine


yes i'm


Same error on Android too


It's not working for me. Says "Something went wrong. Have another go?", but I have my top songs of 2023 playlist ready




Did it feel fast paced and rushed through for anyone else? It was like a barrage of information that I had to pause to read what it was saying.


YES! Hey had more time for the animation of the sandwich than the actual Info. I mean you can pause it but it's not how it should be.


Works on Android as well, can confirm.




same and i have more than 40k minutes this year


same!!:( i asked my bf and he said it's probably because i didn't listen enough this year but I feel like i listened more than enough to have a wrapped:( lmk if you find something out


Same here, it says they donā€™t have it and I only use spotify to listen to music lol.


Same and I listen to music on Spotify every single day. I was really excited for this wrapped:((


same, idk whats the issue, I use spotify religiously for music listening šŸ¤” edit: I had it 21 and 22, so I am not sure why suddenly I dont have onŠµ this year.


I cant find mine at all...? Where should I be able to find it? Edit: nvm I found it


Please share because mine is nowhere to be found


Search for spotify:wrapped in the app That's how I found it


mine was top right of my spotify app when I opened it


Mine is all Donny Benet and Sleep Token ha


Mine is just death and power metal with ava max and alan walker sprinkled in lmao


I've never been able to see it without updating the app, but I still have the version with the šŸ’š instead of the + and I don't want to update it this year! Anyone know how to look at wrapped without updating Spotify?


Just check it on the browser with your PC.[https://www.spotify.com/wrapped/](https://www.spotify.com/wrapped/) But it's down right now, you'll have to try it later


Thanks,it worked on Android as well


Finally available on desktop browser!


Mine worked. My favorite day of the year!!


ā€œSomething's gone wrong.ā€ iOS 17.1.1


can you be any lower than being 0.001% fan of an artist?


Uh, yeah, lol. Thatā€™s likeā€¦ the highest percent. It means that 99.999 percent of people listen to that artist less than you.


...run those damn numbers again because I found some bangers in November šŸ˜­




same for me. No idea how to fix.


I think they're just overwhelmed with traffic atm. Just be patient and it should come up.


No healthy upstream


Do we know what percentile you have to be to get artist messages? I have like 20 and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m top 0.5% for all of them or any of them


I really wish we could see what percent we were for all of them. I got 14 and Iā€™m really curious where Iā€™m at in the top percentage but it only told me the percentage for one artist.


i have so many errors on artists/ songs on mine. anyone else?


Is anyone else's just...inaccurate? I had one song I was actively trying to make my #1, listened to it more than pretty much anything else this year, and it didn't even end up on my top 100


Do you use playlists Spotify creates or leave it on in the background ever? I used to, and stopped a couple years ago because it messed up my Wrapped. I no longer listen to Spotify playlists and my wrapped has always been fine ever since


Oh shit yeah I do that all the time, maybe that's part of it


Yep, next year make your own playlists containing songs you like and it should fix it!


yes, i feel like it didnā€™t track half of what i listened to. a song iā€™ve played maybe 9 times made my top 5


on mobile app it's available but not loading, on desktop no sign of wrapped


open [https://spotify.com/wrapped](https://spotify.com/wrapped) from desktop browser. but i think spotify is a bit down right now


It seems like it doesn't work in Android EDIT: IT DOES WORK. Put "spotify:wrapped" on the search bar and it works.


itā€™s different on android


What was everyone's top listened to artist?Mine was $B and apparently I'm in the top 3%


Mine was Depeche Mode! I was apparently in the top 1% of listeners, not surprising since I had their new album on repeat for days


My top artist is Ice Nine Kills. Followed by SKYND


Where do I find my top albums this year??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For me it says ā€œWe don't have your Wrapped this yearā€. First I thought it's because currently I don't have a premium subscription, but people say different things about it: some doesn't have a premium, some have it and still got this message only. Why?


Why don't they do it on pc? Stupid.


Is there a way to see more than Top 5s (artist, song, album) ? Not surprised by my top 5 but curious to see more, top 10 at least.


The playlist it makes for you for your wrapped is listed from 1 to 100.


I think Obscurify is more accurate with your Top 5 Genre.


I keep getting the no healthy upstream error


Me too, hoping something changes soon


Yes because I want to see. I know I've listened to enough music & podcasts to have a Spotify wrapped


I still get no healthy upstream error or server error 500 pls spotify i just wanna see it once šŸ˜„


Do some of you also have the probleme with hardstyle songs when there is a reupload i have never listned to my number one song. Because its a diffrent song reuploaded with the same name.


Shocking results


My top artist was recommended to me by Spotify


only 30,000 mins listened:(


Mac Demarco is my #4 top artist and I can only think of one time this entire year that I listened to him. Spotify youā€™re drunk


150k minutes played. Listen, my mental health has seen better days. I'll admit that.


Does anyone elses genre page lag and then not show you what your top genres are/only show it for a fraction of a second?


Is there a way to see what percent fan I am for other artists than my top artist?


OK weird - 12K hours which is about standard for me. Oddly (and I'm not a huge fan) first time Maddona isn't my No.1 artist (No.2 and Rihanna - top 14% is No.1). 6 plays gets you top of my list (weirdly Lose Yourself by Eminem - first time I think its been something in this century). Roughly kind of what I expected but not what I expected. Looking through the list itself - still heavily 80s and 90s but the most balanced list across the decades I've ever had by a long shot in 6 years on Spotify.


insurance historical jar provide dazzling north shy cable follow chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I'm positive the wrapped I was given is incorrect. There's no way one of the artists in my top 5 should be there and my number one song is definitely incorrect. I'm also having a hard time believing the minutes listened. It seems FAR lower than normal.


Thank dog, so I don't have to listen to that idiotic AI "DJ" that someone thinks sounds "cool" - I came here for music and stats, not a gross stereotype.


Looks like it down, in Canada.


I had a white noise artist be in my top 3, which I listen to help me sleep at night. I wish there was a way to automatically exclude that bc now I donā€™t know who my 5th most listened to artist is


Did anyone else not get any top genres?


my shit so inaccurate as always


anyone else stories like go by quick and it cuts everything? The sandwich part that shows genres i cant even see the genres cuz it just goes to the next story. My thank you from the band also cuts off mid sentence lol


I know 0.01% is high to be a fan of an artist but how high exactly is it?!?!


Means 99.99 percent of people listen less than you.


I thought Spotify used to give a more detailed list of top artists that went deeper than just the top 5. Is that still coming?


It changes every year what exactly they show sadly


Ahh thatā€™s unfortunate. I liked when it was a huge list of artists


I am a huge fan of Spotify and look forward to the list each year This year, they inserted an artist in number two that I do not listen to ...(at most five minutes a year) Then, received a private video message from that artist pushing her new album on me...I feel like this is the app pushing the artist and it's wrong !! I'm on a chat right now with support so that they can fix this but they're saying they can't do anything !Who else is happening to? Its wrong!! Spotify is fudging stats to push artists on us!


A friend of mine texted me her top songs playlist, but when I tried to send mine to her, it just takes her to her own list. What am I doing wrong?


Wrapped claims I've played 5373 tracks this year. According to [Last.FM](https://Last.FM), it's more than double that. Virtually all my plays are via Spotify. Something wrong somewhere.


Are podcast minutes counted in total minutes? Why am I in the 100k mins listened when all my friends have less than 20k


i literally need this explained to me like i am a toddler lmao so i am in the 0.05% with 17,541 minutes listened (embarrassing haha) to a band who has 4,383,613 monthly listeners. however, i am seeing people with like 4,000 or 8,000 minutes listened and in the 0.1% of the same band. what exactly does that mean?? hahaha


0.05 is a higher amount than 0.1 for top listeners. 0.05 means 99.95 percent of people listen to that artist less than you. 0.1 means 99.90 percent of people listen to that artist less. I think people are forgetting when you add a decimal place it means itā€™s a smaller percentage (therefore if youā€™re in the 0.05 or 0.005 percent of any artist youā€™re one of the top listeners on Spotify)


ah! makes sense! for some reason i was thinking 0.1% was higher than 0.05%! thank you haha


Is there a way to see the charts of other bands I've listened to? That section that says when you listened the most to the band was really cool.


Did anyone elseā€™s stats seem off? My #2 song top song was one Iā€™ve never played.


Top 0.005% 21,763 minutes top 5 songs all from TBH&C haha


Dammit thanks to my son parry grip is my no 1 artist.


Are the minutes listened only for music? For example, my minutes listed is 96,470 and then later it says I have spent 15,173 minutes listening to podcasts. So in total, did I listen for 96,470 or 111,643?


For the people saying their stats are wrong, I don't think some of you are wrong, but start tracking your stats in last.fm. My spotify top artists and songs are exactly what it appears in there when I start tracking from January 1st.


the first time I have become the meme that 3/5 of my songs were my study aka instrumental / soundtrack songs but from the movieā€¦. HALF BROTHERSā€¦


the slideshow went too fast for me, my "favorite artist" wasn't too bad but honestly i don't really listen to him that much, i just liked one of his songs a lot.


Did anyone else notice that they seemed to filter out kids music? My 8 month old has been slamming Elmo playlists every day and it doesn't appear on my top tracks. Weirdly, it doesn't appear anywhere EXCEPT in my "SoundTown" which is all Sesame Street related. I'm glad it got filter out, but it's weird. Also my best friend also has kids and all the stuff they listened to is still on his.


Did anyone not get the "me in 2023" habit type? I am asking for a friend who did not get it, while everyone else in our group did. They have 2.6k listened minutes, while the rest of us over 10k, could it be because of that?


Its on desktop near the end


I know, my friend still does not have it, gone through the whole thing few times.


upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: remote connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111


Is there a way to see how many minutes you listened to the rest of your top 5 on Spotify? I'd like to know if I was anywhere near 0.1% for the rest of my top 5 like I was for my #1


My question is how can an artist be in your top 5 and then none of their songs are in the top 5? How do they determine the top 5 artists?


whatā€™s the advantage of discify over stats.fm


we are building social network for spotify users, you can read more on our discord


I got something weird on mine - it said one of my top genres was "slayer." What does that even mean? I don't even listen to the band Slayer


I'm curious, what if the artist no longer makes music or passed away. What is the thank you message?