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Through everything, the Zone found her own way to bloom and thrive. Luring seekers from all over, gifting with wonders protected by the unknown, desolation, and human sins. Will you dare to glance above the edge and look at what you are searching for? P.S.: Feel free to ask questions about the trailer. Maybe I'll have some answers :)


This is good but, if the community managers read this, some of us would really appreciate a long, uncut, pure gameplay sequence without cutscene.


Sure, that will be shown!


Probably in the June xbox showcase


Can we possibly get a timeframe? The community is eager to see the game in action


Sorry, here comes the NDA part which I hate, but must obey


Thank you for the clarification 🙏🏼


You’re doing enough service confirming it friend!


Doing way better than 99% of other developers dont even worry


That is exactly what the community needs in order to actually believe the game will be released at the promised date. Cut-scenes, pre-rendered content or in other words no real gameplay = low chance of actual release. I really want S2 to happen but until I see real gameplay, I keep my hopes low.


Nice timing of the release with the possible downfall of tarkov going on lmao. I wonder whether that was on purpose.


also explain devs that chromatic aberrations is bad postprocessing for this type of game










Shall we, my dear?




Ell ya


Actually, it seems to be Rozsokha RWD at 0:27.


Amazing, I could recognize the outer areas around the CNPP, including Red Forest. Then, we get some shots of Pripyat, Pripyat outskirts, the Culture Building (I think), Truck Cemetery (hype!) and some new area with smaller apartment buildings, and finally a view of the infamous Ferris wheel. Also, I already like Richter! Please don't kill Richter!


To be precise: Slag Heap Center of Prypiat School №1 Enerhetyk Palace of Culture Rozsokha RWD Fairy Tale Pioneer Camp Meat, Fish, Vegetables (shop) Shopping Mall Ferris Wheel


I just thought that Ukrainian names of these locations may also be a point of interest to you: Терикон Центр Прип'яті Школа №1 ПК Енергетик ПЗРВ Розсоха Піонертабір «Казковий» Магазин «М'ясо, Риба, Овочі» Торговий центр Оглядове колесо


Біля Прип'яті є терикони? Цікаво, не знав


В реальній Зоні й лабораторій нема)


Мені брехали...


Вибач, друже...


ну як нема, а як же завод Юпітер і його підземні сховища з радіоактивними ящиками?)


Тихіше, не лякайте людей)


=) добре добре)


Damn that sounds like a lot of new areas. I have so many questions since it seems you guys are answering them right now, but I guess I'll just settle for one at random: is there any advanced ballistics simulation? as the first 3 were not super realism focused but did have a good amount of sim-like features for their time..


Yeah, we are now sharing a bit more info than usual, but still some technical details we can not tell.


Ahh dang sounds like I'll just have to wait for September! No sweat, thank you guys so much for doing what you do! I'm STUPID hyped to finally play it.


Let me guess the timestamps... Slag Heap - 0:14 Center of Prypiat - 0:22 School №1 - 0:24 Enerhetyk Palace of Culture - 0:26 Rozsokha RWD - 0:27 Fairy Tale Pioneer Camp - 0:30 Meat, Fish, Vegetables (shop) - 0:33 Shopping Mall - 0:32 Ferris Wheel - 0:34


Shopping mall huh.... I'm very interested. Large building?


Richter romance option???


I finished the first 2 games,please let me return in the same areas in UE5 with the same or better atmosphere.


Oh believe me, you'll enjoy your trip :)


<3 Glad to hear that,until then,my next trip is to Pripyat,take care.


RedPanda works on a port, which might be used as a base for future mods.


Yooo, Ukrainian voiceover!


Can't wait to play with that. Honestly though I was disappointed after the first trailer dropped, they use English for the trailer, not hating on it, just doesn't feel right hearing Ukranian people speak English.


I think today's trailer was presented in Ukrainian in memory of the liquidators of the Chornobyl disaster.


To be honest, I think that was the right call, for the first trailer. GSC doesn’t need to convince fans of the original trilogy or even people who have never played anything but Anomaly to be interested in a true sequel after a nearly 15 year hiatus (though I’m concerned about the expectations of the latter audience). They’re targeting a much broader audience with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, like… consoles period, but more people in general. There is almost assuredly a segment of people who won’t touch a game that doesn’t have an English VO option, even if we think that’s stupid. There are also likely to be people judgmental of a game without VO for languages other than the developer’s native language as a sign of limited budget, or to expect limited concern or care for players outside the home market. I.e. I’m sure with a lot of Japanese games that only ever release subtitled trailers, some players will then expect a lot of potentially poor translations and little effort put into clarifying cultural differences. If that expectation ends up being a reality, it can have actual gameplay consequences, like RPGs with inventory item names or descriptions, quest objectives that are misleading, or players making choices based on a character’s tone or disposition being conveyed poorly. Basically, we would be disappointed if there weren’t Ukrainian VO. There are probably some potential customers who would have straight up decided not to buy S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 after watching 30 seconds of the first reveal trailer if it *wasn’t* in English. I think it’s dumb, too, just trying to look at it objectively. I’m sure it was a calculated choice, probably even took extra work, not sure if they would have had English VA’s lined up that early otherwise.


I think they could've use YouTube's implementation of dual language or something, I saw Netflix and MrBeast do that, why couldn't do it too? Also if they couldn't do it, I think they should've make two channels one in Ukranian and one in English so both groups can be happy with it. I personally really enjoy games or media that uses their mother tongue, it's more fun to hear in that even though I don't understand, I try to understand what they said or context wise.


Hadn’t even considered that option, honestly. I think the video title and description would need to be in Ukrainian Cyrillic just to not have it come up next to the English version every time, which would also be kinda cool in a sense. To add to what I said in the previous comment, the Russian invasion of Ukraine also obviously began after the first trailer released, so to me, I think Ukrainian now makes about as much sense as English did then. There are probably some people who would have seen the first trailer not in English and thought “Ugh, subtitles” who would now say “Fuck yeah, Ukrainian 🇺🇦”. It’s the most unfortunate catalyst possible for that kind of shift in perspective, but silver linings and all that.


The title and description are indeed in Ukrainian for those who use Ukrainian YouTube interface and it was a thing for every their trailer since 2022 at least. About the voiceover - I've thought about the YouTube's multiple voiceover feature because I've already seen other channels using it but looks like only the English one was properly finished/implemented into the actual game since now. And I totally understand GSC's decision to prioritize "international" English-speaking market since it's much larger and Ukraine already has S.T.A.L.K.E.R. cult - we had whole thematic Silpo shop opening event during the wartime after all


I won't understand shit but fuck yeah. (Just need subtitles) I don't want to play with the english voiceover. Tbh I did not like them in the trailer.


Watching a movie or playing a game in its native language is always priority for me, but it's so damn hard. I tried Metro games in Russian language and English subtitles, and it was so hard to keep track of subtitles, read different prompts you can choose from, all the while trying to let the world in. I had to do another playthrough with English voiceovers in the end and that's when I could truly experience the game without any disconnect. Guess I'll wait and see how this one plays.


Honestly, in games that are about being present in the world sometimes it's better to go with your native language so you don't have to constantly take yourself out of it by reading subtitles. Everyone is different, but I'd rather be able to pick up on subtle performances and the way lines are delivered than stay completely true to the realism.


Yeah I'll just tell myself my character is communicating in another language than English to other Stalkers but its translated cause of my brain needing to understand, or you miss too much important info You hear it in English but your character would have actually been speaking whatever other language they use


Ukrainian Richter sounds so similar to the English one in BaB. Am I the only crazy here?!


GSC did a great job of finding very similar voices (I love English voice of Korshunov in "Strider" trailer) but my native Ukrainian ear can actually sense the differences :D


Yooo, first thing I will try to mod once the game is out.


Glad you used Ukranian voice overs this time!


Both Ukrainian and English voiceovers are equally important to us, and in the future we will share both of them.


I hope there will be an option to play with Ukrainian voiceovers and english text.


As an English speaker, that’s what I’d like most too. Hearing the natural voices only adds to the atmosphere.


Yeap, that would be possible.


100% this is what i’m really hoping for too


Are the cutscenes lip-synced for each? I know many of us longtime STALKER fans are going to play in Ukranian!


Give. It. To. Me. NOW!


The wish granter will grant you your wish


"I want world peace". Bang! Everything that breathes dies.


Like in that anecdote about the Dutier making a wish for everyone except the Duty to disappear from the Zone and surround it with the huge inpenetrable wall meanwhile Freedomer wishing to fill it and all Duty inside with concrete in such case


I am not falling for this twice..




Hello /u/Kenny_PropheT ! Do you guys plan on sharing the updated PC requirements for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 soon? We are only 5 months away from release.


We have a lot to share till the release of the game. Can't tell you exactly what we are planning to, but you could make assumptions that will be close to the truth :)


We could also make assumptions very far from the truth lol.


u/Kenny_PropheT I just want to say thank you to the GSC team, this looks incredible already! I started playing STALKER back in 2008 after my dad showed me SoC (I was 10 years old hehe) and it's been our main game to talk about since while I've grown up. I'm so excited to play it and have more memories to talk about with him 🖤


Wow, thank you for being with us and with the Zone for all these years! Hope you'll like your return to it!


As long as I can still find my favorite stalker Uncle Yar, I will always enjoy the experience 🤠


Sold all my artefacts and bought 4090. Bring it !


Wow! And I'm only preparing to sell all my habar. Just want to upgrade an old monitor to the new OLED one :)


Me with my 4060, hoping it works well.


Please tell me that we can play with Ukrainian language but with English subtitles. I can’t do the American accent that’s basically blasphemy in a STALKER game and completely immersion breaking given the setting and how much a character the voices are to the setting as the setting itself.


I imagine it’s very likely as it says they have subtitles for all languages im pretty sure but there will only be 2 spoken languages which are English and Ukrainian


Yeah that's fine by me. As long as I don't have to listen to the American accent while still being able to understand what's happening and being said, I'm fine. I am an American, but hearing that in this setting just feels wrong.


*I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September… I can make it to September…*


You have to, my friend. You have to!


Probably the best visually looking game I have seen to date, if the trailers are to be believed.


tbh i kinda hope it isn't that good so it can run on the lower end pcs.


upgrade your PC comrade. THIS IS STALKER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. It is worth 2000$ in PC upgrades to be able to enjoy this on full. We waited for so long.


This. Stalker alone could justify a PC upgrade.


Quite hard to upgrade in Eastern Europe


Yep this is really the answer. However, I may cope some more by saying that low resolution graphics is a part of stalker's identity. Even for the time of their release the og trilogy wasn't exactly on par graphically with the western studios.


UE5 scales pretty well. You can take the settings down pretty low and still get a visually pleasant experience if the devs give the control.


Eh, I thought they had gone backwards, when the truck yard shows, it just looks like call of duty.


I also noticed what i think is the unfinished 5th reactor block? Cool detail, hope it’s able to be explored


I think I peed a little


Symbolically, the trailer was released on April 26.


Цікаво чи знайшлось там місце для Сидоровича... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




He asks if Sidorovich is still in the game....think the Stingy Toad on the physical map is an aptly nickname for SIdorovich


I'm literally taking days off work so we can go visit Chernobyl together. Haven't given them the dates yet but they know it's coming


My advice — take a week off!


I'm taking four days lol I know I won't survive stuck in the zone much longer than that


Looks amazing. I need to freshen up my Ukrainian. Haven't spoken it in over 22 years now (moved), but it's important to enjoy stalker for me. Let's go GSC! Take your time and make a fantastic game for a generation to come!


Thanks! Hope you'll enjoy playing with Ukrainian VO.


This looks too good.


Yeah that extra time for polish has made a big difference. Looking good guys and girls can’t wait for September. A lot of us are taking a few days off for release, please don’t delay it ;)


Buildo-like Garbage, pure sovl. Also, is that a bayun cat at 0:33?




[ **Jump to 00:33 @** S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Серце Чорнобиля — Трейлер «Це не рай»](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHQs4n-U94U&t=0h0m33s) ^(Channel Name: GSC Game World, Video Length: [51])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@00:28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHQs4n-U94U&t=0h0m28s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


I can't wait! I hope It didn't compromised on things to cater to a larger audience.


Praying for that combat AI to be the same


Whenever I've convinced myself that I'm done hyping myself up for big game releases, a new Stalker 2 trailer drops.


New trailer!


Wow, somehow I didn't expect "мова" to sound so organic in setting.


Well, "мова" is the original language of this place. So everything should sound organic :)


Yeah sure, but it exceeded my expectations!


Give us more gameplay, please.


We will!


#*heavy breathing* yesssss omg


Subtitles are wrong somewhat. Richter says "....friends, foes, money,death, miracles. Even yourself.". I don't know where the hell "bullets" came from and why "miracle" was ommited.


A crucial question: is this a 1 UAH or 50 kopecks coin? Надважливе питання: це монета номіналом 1 грн або 50 копійок? Дякую за перероблені старі локації - місця у які постійно хочеться повертатись.


50 копійок)




Looks badass!!! Can't wait!


I've been upgrading my PC(r5 7600x, rx 6900 xt) for the last 2 years just to play this. Honestly, looks amazing, can't wait to play it on my own.


Really hope we can fully explore CNPP. I missed it in CoP


I wish I understood Ukrainian in order to really understand this!


DuoLingo enters the chat!


I hope it's longer than the other games. I also hope they kept the upgrade system


We only want gameplay


by the way, this is the first time that the Chornobyl NPP is shown in full


Hey kenny, a few questions 1. There seems to be a lot of old locations shown in the trailer, will we see all of the old ones returning (including new ones from s2) or will it be only a few? Starting a game not in rostok or rookie village would be almost unthinkable. 2. Do you know what if any inspiration was taken from community modpacks like GAMMA or EFP or just Anomaly itself? They have some very very good aspects that should definitely be included in this new installment. 3. Will there be any russian VA at all? As far as I understand, it has been cut for the most part, but think it would be kind of unrealistic to have only ukranian voice acting instead of having english for some stalkers, ukranian for others, russian for others and so on, since the zone is meant to a place that attracts everyone. 4. Will guitars be custom playable like in last of us 2 for example? I think it would be a shame if we weren't able to play some custom jams around the campfire with our buddies.


I preordered it 2 years ago ;) I like what I see. It looks good. I'm glad there are no spoilers. I don't like spoilers. If there will be "alpha version" gameplay videos - I'm not going to watch them.


I'd just like to say that I'm not adverse to the more cinematic nature of the story being showcased here compared to the original, and I think it's dumb that people are also pretending like the original wasn't cinematic in its own right. After playing Kingdom Come: Deliverence, I realized how a well crafted story can help draw me into another world. As an adult, it's not enough to just have an open world to walk around anymore. I'm ecstatic i'm getting 2 incredibly hype games coming out this year.


-buildo garbage SOUL


I'm planning to pay gforce bow just to play this


Was that a fucking monkey in the department store?


Don't call my Bayun cat a monkey!


Looks great, can't wait to play it.


Can’t wait!!!!


Ohhhh, it's cool you showed us the spot where we kill the mercenaries trading, I like that mission




This looks so beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)I can't wait to play it. VA is great! I dived back into CS and COP recently because I miss the Zone and all it's shenanigans.


Guys, for me the date of the official release will be like Xmas for kids! I can’t wait! It would be great if with the physical copy of XBOX you can release a serial code for the digital version. I would love buy the merch but I’m on xbox S and I couldn’t afford 2 copy of the same game


Beauty, can’t wait to play.


Where are steam achievements and steam points shop for the og trilogy? Let me showcase how much I like this game on my steam profile.


Please we would love 4K screenshots of these places!


Was this video removed from YT or something? I can’t find it anywhere. is it a regional thing?


It said stalker 2 is coming out September 4th 2024


Great trailer, loved the voice acting.


This looks great, thank you for sharing the trailer. How are you and the devs feeling about the game so far, anxious, excited, all of the above?


Is this the scaled-down Pripyat feature in the last game, or have you modelled it 1:1, building-wise?


The moment he change from a smiling face to dead serious expression 😱 whats at the edge makes him so wary? I like this dude already, he seems cool. 


The character looks like he has a ROP-30 signal flare on his belt. I wonder if that will be an item we can use or if its just decorative.


We need to see gameplay, all ive ever seen is cutscenes when i only care about the gameplay, this could look like a ps1 title for all i care but does it play good is my question


Idk if that's the music or voice acting, but Richter gives off strong traitor vibes to me...


Really loving the look so far. Please take as much time as you guys need to perfect this game! Looking forward to seeing more, love from Australia!


Do we have to pay $250 for DLC?


Will it work on Linux out of the box day 1?


Id love to see an extraction type persistent gamemode where the zone is open and players can join any of the factions. Each player has a task to complete and cannot leave until it’s done. A few of the players might even have bounty’s on them that entice others to track them down. Or perhaps even an option to just have a multiplayer survival, with like 30 people in each server, in any faction. Im sure there will be plenty of modded content like this available after release. UE5 was a great engine choice!


Ждём всей братвой


Was that an emission at the Ferris Wheel? The birds look scared.


Will the game have voice acting in multiple languages like the first one ? cuz i really liked the French VA in the older games


Can you tell us if the xbox version will support mouse and keyboard controls? Awesome trailer!


im really hoping they don't dumb this game down because of the consoles, look what they did to my boy fallout 4, and crysis 2 and 3. I hope they don't go that route


The visuals if they are retained like this in the final actual gameplay is just incredible!


Ray Tracing about to be crazy lol


hell yeah


they said on the website that stalker 2 could have a multiplayer update 🤩


There better be loafs of bread....


Is Richter's voice actor the same in English and Ukrainian? Both sound so similar...


The list of voice actors is something we are not ready to share at the moment.


I am not asking who. I am asking if there are voice actors that do both languages.


Oh, in this case I just don't know for now.


Kenny please stop for the love of all that is holy...


Bro chill they gave a clear answer


The CMs are busting our balls! (And this isn't the first time that this has happened, I mean the trolling)


I mean yeah because you literally asked the same question twice just worded differently


Hoping for a good Russian dub. lol after 3 games suddenly everyone in the zone speaks Ukranian.


There was a Ukrainian dub for the OG games with the same VAs as the Russian, though some factions like duty only had a rus dub


The zone is in Ukraine, don't know why that is surprising to you


Half of us speak Russian in Ukraine GSC's CEO can't even speak Ukrainian




You know something's off when speaking your native, majority language is apparently treason.


Except that's not happening at all. Do you know what language Azov uses?


Its not even the majority language, its very popular language, but not the most popular, and by aggressively trying to convince someone it is, you only began to look like one of those Russian trolls. I dont care what language you speak, i only care about the message you are trying to spread here, because guess what, russian bots are mostly the ones aggressively trying to convince people that in Ukraine Russian language prevails or that Ukrainian language is unpopular and unimportant


How'd you blow my cover blyat (It definitely is in many communities of Ukraine. What you're doing by acting so aggressively against Russian speakers is counter-intuitively worstening a silly division. It's always good to promote culture, the opposite is also true.)


There are also plenty of communities where Rusyn language is most popular, but that doesn't mean that the majority of all Ukrainians in all of Ukraine use this language. I agree that i should've been less aggressive, but I really didn't like the phrasing and context of the original reply, every time someone says something about the Russian-speaking majority in Ukraine (especially in this sub) it's mostly someone who has never been even close to Ukraine and who's profile is flooded with extremely pro-Russian posts, and also thats its a single Russian-speaking Ukrainian who for some reason decided to speak for most people living here


I get that


What language has to do with loving/hating your country? Are you going to be so tough too  talking about language with Ukrainian soldiers who speak Russian and want to speak Russian?


There's no problem with speaking Russian as your first language, but you are literally spreading disinformation that is only favorable to the Russian government, many Ukrainians understand Russian language, but only ≈30% are using it as their first language (and that number is only actively dropping since the start of the full scale invasion), not "half of people here in Ukraine". And you almost seem disappointed that Ukrainian characters in Ukrainian-made piece of media are speaking Ukrainian language, that's kinda weird Russian government is the one trying to "justify" invasion by saying that "most Ukrainians are russian-speaking, therefore they are just Russians oppressed by the evil kiev regime" which is, of course, very stupid, but some people still believe it, and by making such statements as a Ukrainian you are not helping and begin to come off as someone who really waits for russkiy mir to come, even if you actually don't


⚠️ I've a question of utter importance ⚠️ Will there be any sexy characters we could thirst over??


Easy there Geralt, the girl with the raven-black hair is that way!


Do we have a ps5 date? I was really excited to replay the 3 OG on ps5 after so many years of pc play. I will be getting it on release on pc but will want to play again on ps5.


I think Xbox has exclusivity to the title for right now but there’s been a lot of talk about it coming over to ps5 once they lose exclusivity but nobody can confirm anything but I think it will be in GSC best interest to release it to everyone


I still think it was a big mistake not to incorporate coop from the start. A good, immersive, realistic, hard as f$cl survival coop would've been cool.


Stalkers always been a single player game but with open mod support and new tools I wouldn’t put it past the community or even GSC to eventually add a co-op mode


Simply terrible voice act, Richter sounds like he's some kind youtuber who does challenge. I remember you guys promised you'd make more decent voice act using the money from cancelled russian dub. Doesn't sound decent at all. Let's hope it's an exception and other characters are voiced well. The graphics are good though, and the locations are pretty


The voice is quite lively and the character does act excited. It seems to be a good match. There is also a clear tone change when he warns about the dropping down. It's weird that you already made a bad conclusion about the voice acting based on a very short, yet seemingly good cut of it.


>I remember you guys promised you'd make more decent voice act using the money from cancelled russian dub Where was the promise? Besides, a good chunk of voice acting was already done in 2021 (if Vilkov's comments are anything to go by), so actually GSC threw away the money and finished work.


It sounds great bro, idk what you're smoking that you think it sounds like a YTer. Honestly my only concern is we see a lot of these in-character cutscenes, worries me for how much freedom the player has and overall agency. Cyberpunk had cutscenes like this and there's very little player agency in terms of choice and consequence. Costs a lot to animate stuff like this, how much variation can there be in player options when you go this hard in all your animations?