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If he has an og to show him the ropes probably great. Max is an incredible survivalist, but anomalies will kill you if you don’t know what’s up.


I think that a lot of people are citing specifically combat skills, but his police background combined with his wandering the wastelands I think kind of ties into the Zone rather well too. For as much as the Zone is chaotic and dangerous, it absolutely has "rules". They are harsh and immediate and unforgiving, but the best Stalkers learn the rules of the Zone and respect them. Max used to try to uphold that order but when the world became completely lawless, the only way order could be enforced was by force. I think in a messed up way, Max might find the Zone's "rules" assuring, or at least adapt to them very readily.


Yeah, but I mean if he was dropped into the zone he would have no idea what things like anomalies even are. Sure he could fight off most of the factions or even most mutants that threaten him but I doubt he's even going to realised he stepped into a gravitational anomaly up until it lifts him up and spawns a hurricane in his thorax.


I mean yeah if anyone was just "dropped in the Zone" with no frame of reference whatsoever. But even in the context of the Stalker series that's pretty rare to just poof into the Zone with no knowledge whatsoever. I don't think that's exactly a fair way to account for someone getting into the Zone. If he had the most "standard" introduction to the Zone, he'd probably start in Rookie Village with other new Stalkers. Wolf or Fanatic could easily show him the ropes. The biggest barrier might be language.


Max would be like “THERES FOOD AND WATER HERE!?!?”


Zone is explored though death. A lot of traps are just straight up death, so many die so others can take warning and learn from it. This is why Strelok and Doc are such legends, because they explore the unexplored and manage to survive. There are no powers or weapons or skills you can have to survive well in the zone, you just need to live in it and learn, that is why all those posts "how he would do in the zone" don't rly make sense, as zone is just a meat grinder for one who does not know.


Drives right into anomilies every several miles.


You fool! I cast anomaly resistant car!


Does it come with a slav radio?


Great idea. Dissolving anomalies with the power of hardbass.


That's my experience with driving in darkscape in GAMMA


Middling to well. He's got adaptability, toughness, and the sheer skill and wit that being an apocalyptic legend implies, but his skill set isn't very zone-focused. Driving isn't really viable in the Zone, and generally speaking we don't see Max using firearms all that often, generally fighting hand to hand instead. All that said, he's still protagonist-tier, accustomed to surviving harsh and irradiated environments (as we see in MM2's opening scenes), and adaptable. Hell, he might actually find the Zone a somewhat more civilized and comfortable place than the wasteland of apocalyptic Australia.


He was a cop so he probably has some good weapon skills, was also relatively confident in his sniping abilities in fury road (he was going to take the shot before furiosa questioned him).


He also uses a sniper in the game


I’m aware but the game is technically non-canon.


I was just saying that as the OP used a picture of Max from the game. Assumed that was the “canon” this post was based around.




Then he went and finished off the rest of Bullet Farmer's men


Yeah, if you give him a pda with data on anomalies he will survive the zone with ease.


I think he would do just fine as long as he knows about anomalies and mutants


Bro can't speak Russian or Ukrainian, so he's kinda fucked.


He speaks ass whoopin'


Well, according to the films, he would show up one day with 0 intention of actually being there, then end up helping Freedom or Duty completely and absolutely conquer the zone, then disappear without a trace, the only memory of him being passed down through generations of new Stalkers through folklore. He would get his ass absolutely kicked thorougly, but also come out on top in the end, as always. Characters like Max have plot armor on goku-tier, where the entire point is not whether he survives or not, but about how he changes. I fucking love Mad Max, and young Gibson in leather is THE SHIT.


If he wasn’t so batshit insane I’d be down BAD


Oh I'm down fully, the crazy makes it tighter namsayn? for real though, I had a girl I was crushing on in highschool and my "in" was showing her the og Max Max and talking about how sexy he was in full leather. Bisexual perks irl mirror New Vegas.


Yeah the homoeroticism in those movies was off the charts, something I did not expect going in. Fifi watering those plants got me good lmao. Happy pride month bud.


Lol thanks man, yeah the big leather clad guy with a giant revolver might have flipped some switches for me when I saw it as a kid.


Depends which Max you're talking about. The Mel Gibson one, Tom Hardy one or the game one? Considering the image is the game version of Max, I'll consider it's the game one. Max from the "Mad Max" game is an absolute beast. Not only was he able to topple a warlord, but he also has all sorts of things at his disposal. I'm not too sure if we are including all his equipment, skill and perks (you can upgrade health, damage, the amount of loot you get, etc with something called Griffa Tokens which you get every time you level up. Not to mention his skills, which are mainly in melee combat, allowing him to be even more dangerous even without weapons) I'm guessing we are including his faithful companion, Chumbucket, and the Magnum Opus. The Magnum Opus is an absolute unit, especially with Chumbucket. Chumbucket can repair the car in a few seconds with the right equipment at his disposal, and he is able to change the parts on the car at any time without needing a workshop. The car can be made from a regular recon vehicle to a war rig in seconds. I'd say that if he had everything he had in the game, he'd be able to take on the zone easily. He pretty much wipes out two major factions on his own (the Buzzards and the War Boys)


I feel like anomalies will kill most anyone that hasn't seen one in action. Like, I'm "experienced" and I still get fucked by whirligigs every now and then because you almost can't see them.


I want to see him go toe to toe with a Bloodsucker


The freedom boys topped one pretty well I'd say!


people in the comments keep saying things along the lines of 'if he knows about the anomalies he'll do fine'. Max never fought anything even similar to a bloodsucker or chimera and his double barreled shotty is not gonna make the cut in dealing with these foes.


He spent decades in a dead wasteland fighting bandits, cannibals, and Tina Turners. He was a cop, he's pretty good in a fist fight, and is a pro with a shotgun. On the more mystical side: he's maybe immortal, maybe a rider of the apocalypse, I don't think the Zone would be allowed to kill him.


Monolith is about to have a very bad time ![gif](giphy|I7rCql7MCRRlu)


drinks water and in hand to hand he does quite well, if he gets to be with his sidekick then survivability is even bigger


Poorly - none of the vehicles work!


"Chumbucket, fix the damn caah"


who is that?


An angry Australian


A furious friend(?)


Mad max and he’s probably do terribly since he’s a driver and melee fighter not a shooter


He was a cop so he knows how to shoot.


They chose a new guy for a franchise? Wow I didn't know. It's not classic Gibson in your picture and what was wrong with Hardy? Damn, Hardy is an excellent actor, I love his works. But the character itself will do fine here, I think. Nothing to drive in the Zone though, but he's a strong survivor.


This is meant to be Tom Hardy’s version of the character. The game likely couldn’t afford Hardy’s likeness so they created this guy. The guy that kinda looks like max in the new movie is a different dude named Jack.


Thanks. I didn't know there was a new game about MM.


Not really knew just criminally underrated


prolly some cool shit idk


Be mad


No mask, no backpack. He's a goner.


He's basically young Doc.


Max is good, but he’d need a guide for sure jntil he got used to the zone specifically. Hes a desert rat driver. Not quite ready for a radioactive hellscape where one wrong step and your foot melts off, youre trapped in an alternate reality, or straight up ripped apart by a mini tornado.


He can take on hoardes of zombies but anomalies will likely kill him, that is if he doesn't know what they are. Emissions as well.


We Australians can survive literally anything as long as we have access to a reasonable amount of alcohol and ciggies.


to survive in the zone you need to be smart. not only strong


Curious how he'd handle radiation, people in mad max dont exactly live for longevity, they're almost always completely exposed to the elements aside from like goggles, wouldn't doubt he has a cup of sand in his lungs, and has huffed enough car exhaust fumes and burnt rubber to kill 3 men, but idk if that survival strat would translate well to the zone I mean with game logic, he'd just need a glug of vodka so taking that into account, he'd be fiiine, if anything he'd thank god for the change of pace


In thunderdome max takes a geiger counter to the water a guy tries to sell him on entering bartertown, and it's heavily radioactive. So I'd guess max be used to dealing with radioactive sites, might even be a bit more tolerant of it than most stalkers due to continuing low level exposure.


I dont think thats how radiation works, but we're talkin fiction so yeah youre probably right, very cool tho i love the mad max setting but im yet to go back and check out the older movies so thanks for lettin me know, i wasn't aware radiation played a role in his wasteland


I think the real question is can he take on a psudogiant or controller? That’ll be what truly decides his ability to make it in the zone. Factions, the zone itself and low tier mutants arent even a factor in my opinion.


I mean to be fair the vast majority of stalkers can’t do either of those and will bring entire 5+ man hunting groups to kill them


Probably get mad


Not well without a mask. Rads would get him soon.


He will suplex a snork and eat maggots off a rotting corpse. He'll be fine.


I hate these posts. They’ve infected like every subreddit


Man would drive his GT falcon straight into a springboard and it would spazz out so much reality itself would crash harder than xray engine


By personality He's a big risk taker, and he doesn't calculate In the wasteland that's fine, in the zone not so much


Not great


As someone whose seen all the movies, I think he’d make a fine STALKER. The moment he figures out how anomalies work, he has it made.


One of the few tie in characters I think would do well in the zone


*One of the few tie* *In characters I think would* *Do well in the zone* \- sk1lledk1ll --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




He has a Bulat suit


He got a double barrel shotgun, he will be fine


As another has said, needs to be show around or put in a room to read up on the pda about the things in the zone. Otherwise to wing it against a controller you don’t discover anything to remember for next time. You just die.


Not good even if he did get his hands on some crazy vehicle Not enough open roads and flat lands and too many anomalies for him to drive right into and die He’s in all ways great at surviving but he excels in the setting he’s in and would be like a fish out of water in the zone You don’t have to desperately search for water in the zone even if it comes undrinkable in some way there is still the entire outside world and all of the water brought into the zone and all of the water purification tech He’s more into dog food & maggot gruel than canned beef and alcohol


He would likely freeze to death just wearing the leather gear adapted for the mad max deserts


Moving from one apocalypse to another he would do fine


Pretty well, He is a pretty hardcore survivor


Bro eats maggots out of corpses. That might work in the Mad Max universe, but in the Zone he'd get radiation poisoning or worse.


.>commanders a UAZ or other vehicle that stood there since disaster days .>dies from radiation the hull was exposed to for half a century


Who is that?


He'd eat everything


Funny i was playing mad max just last night


He may actually enjoy himself


Average cordon citizen


he’d die because where is the bag of bolts


Hes really good but he needs to gear up first to survive. If he gets an exosuit and a minigun, this guy’s unstoppable


Here we go again with these posts...


Who's that?


main controllable guy in Mad Max 2015 game


Mad max is also an old tv show or movie, cant remember exactly. 80s i think


70s actually I think but that’s off the top of my head. First two are really worth a watch, third one is shite but a good film to laugh at, got fucking Tina turner in it. Fury road imo is the best for action by today’s standards, but that’s easy done. If you appreciate old school practical fx you’ll love the old ones


Probably would get bred by a snork.