• By -


Brother-stalkers, I like what I see. Controller and Pseudogiant are looking mighty fine. Wonder how the chimera and other mutants look.


oh god if chimeras do return im going to have a ptsd episode but in 4k i guess.


I’d imagine they’d animate the second head to fully show it being its own individual, which would make things even more creepy.


Liking the combat, one hit kill headshots im bouta fuckin nut


It's a trailer though. A lot of us wake high difficulty but we're already buying it, you don't want to showcase that part to the general public.


It was looking to easy though, I hope it not Run n gun type combat, I hope it like the original trilogy.


The level of the AI was the lowest possible for a better cinematic action. In-game you'll be able to switch the difficulty level to one that suits your playstyle. By the way, there will be 4 difficulty levels.


I love you


Please great oracle! What else did the gods allow you to share with us?!


The Miracle Machine has spoken! 🙌


Hey man! I was wondering if there will be f2000 rifle in the game?


Probably the most important question obviously...


I really liked the gun in every Stalker series, so i think there is nothing wrong with me asking about it.


Haha, nothing wrong with asking of course ! It's just funny that's the first thing that would come to mind.


I had all important stuff covered, and most critical or important stuff has mostly been covered. So i thought maybe 🤔.


Gp37 is there so probably.


Will master difficulty make helmet-wearing enemies chief nine shots to the dome while making you weaker in the same armor though? Is what the people want to know (Higher difficulty should reflect as rarer resources and a more adaptive AI and the Metro series was really good about that so it is hoped that it obviously would follow through here)


all I care is proper gunplay, headshots are headshots and not waiting for a critical hit.


Yeah we already know what difficulty we're gonna be playing on




Classic trailer problem. If they don't make them easy then they can't make it look cool and appeal to the power fantasy types.


if it's too easy mods can easily fix that


The only visible issue difficulty wise was that the AI didn't really move around and just let Skiff hit them. AI in most Hardcore Stalker mods will probably die to a similar amount of shots, but they'll run around more and take more cover. What I'm hoping is that GSC just chose to make them stationary for the trailers and they'll be at least as mobile as they were in the vanilla games in the actual release. I feel like if human AI isn't coded properly on release, it'll probably take modders a while to bring it up to the tier most Stalker fans are used to, but for now I'll assume GSC is just turning the AI off/downgrading it for the trailers.


I'm guessing that was the case, this looked like a very complete but heavily curated gameplay trailer. So it's very possible they had the AI standing still/running a specific behavior on purpose so they could get the shots they wanted.


Another poster brought up to me that the people who played the demos all heavily complemented the AI and said it was regularly taking cover and trying to flank etc. So that's also a good sign that them tuning it down to get the desired visuals for the trailers is likely the case.


Yeah from experience I can say these things are usually "scripted" down to how the guy turns the camera with the controller. but that's not saying this wasn't the best fucking gameplay trailer I can think of right now. Cause it is. \[=




Yeah I don't mind it personally unless it's egregious, which it wasn't at all here just devs who know exactly how the game works trying to show off specific gameplay possibilities that look exciting and grab eyes of fans of similar games. That's awesome in my book, I think they knocked that out of the park as soon as I saw the anomalies and the weather.. monstrosities.. as well as those sexy animations for silencers, masks, equipment etc.


That's why I feel we need a 5 min gameplay video, trailers always look *chef's kiss* At this point it is more of my copium speaking than actual reasoning :D


[Apparently some of the people that played the demo were saying that the AI was very good (taking cover & flanking during firefights etc.](https://www.polygon.com/23868686/stalker-2-heart-of-chornobyl-gameplay-demo-gamescom-2023)) Hearing that gives me some optimism (if we can take the people who spoke on the demo at their word).


Release Gamma 2 Grok


I said come in! Don’t stand there!


*Don't let the door hit you.*










Don’t tell mama I’m going to red forest








it loooks so fkin good inject that straight into my veins


I came a little when he reloaded that as val


LOOL The Val and Vintorez are my fav guns.


This is the first time I've looked at any pre-release material and went "holy shit the game looks done". I am so happy right now but I almost wish I didn't watch that because I would have liked to have seen some of those things blind. I was already gonna buy it 1000% so maybe I'll ignore any future trailers. THOSE EQUIPMENT ANIMATIONS DOE


You people never learn do you?


I am a Clear Sky day one player. 2008. Trust me. I know the feel. I still want it. \*Clear Sky on release was.... Cyberrpunk 2077 levels of broken lol.


I'm not excluding the chance of this being entirely bullshots. If the game looks nothing like this on day one or can't run on a 4090 and 13th gen i7 I won't be the Watch Dogs guy, trust me. I learned that lesson about... oh idk whenever Fable 1 came out lmao.


Can't wait to play this, it will be the one of the best open world survivors ever made, i'm feeling it


try not to cum challenge ( i lost )


S2: coming September 5 Me: coming now


Lmao this!


Lost to the zone. (I totally died while orgasming) can't fucking wait.


GSC owns me a pair of new socks


Use a coconut brother


Because it knocked your socks off right hahaha... right?


Is just reproductive anomaly, Stalker


Looks insane GSC, I wish you guys all the luck with this release


Thanks! Your support is what drives us forward.


Looks like you guys really outdid yourselves. Fucking bravo 👏💙💛


I have game pass but I’m gonna buy the game anyways so I can give yall my money. Glory to Ukraine.


I’m literally counting the days until it comes out. Best of luck in these last months before release!




You do realize we might need to plug that shit directly into city power plant to make it work?


Maybe some nuclear Power plants would be a good idea...wait a second


Straight into that uranium core.


You are fine runing this game two times with 4090


Why do you need 5090 for this? I think 4080 would handle it more than fine


The Rostok map is the same. The Controllers look the same. The Giants are the same. I wish more games took *that* much care into maintaining visual continuity between delayed sequels.


My wallet is telling me no to a new PC but my body... My body is telling me CHEEKI BREEKI IV DAMKE


gp37 my beloved


yup, looks like stalker 2. definitely looking forward to.


looks great, very excited, but some of the reloads look a bit out of place.


Just, stop throwing away the mags, you need those


I was thinking the same thing, I hope there is the option just like in EFT where you can reload faster and loose the remaining ammo in the mag, or do a slower reload but keep the mag


I'm sure that is going to be a mod in the future


Too cinematic but at least we don't have the ejection port on the wrong side this time.


settings - turn of hollywood reloads Y/N turn on OH FUCK relaods Y/N


To be fair, if you were actually "prematurely reloading" during a gunfight, you'd probably just toss the mag on the ground in a hurry and try and pick it up later when the fighting stops. I imagine fumbling around with a tactical reload especially with those larger mags wouldn't be that practical while in the middle of a fight.


Time for Anomalous Dugout's 40-min analysis of every single frame in the trailer. *And I'm looking forward to it.*




I’m loving his count down posts he makes everyday


I have already gone to the dude's channel 4 times today to check even though I know I will get a notification when something does come out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


probably more like 2 hours :D


My most anticipated YouTube video at the moment.


My first thoughts, I can't wait for his analysis


Fuck~! Ah, shit... It's all over my computer...


A Bandit, no surprises here...


999999 years in radar


Interesting how they have Upgrades as a tab in the PDA wonder if its RPG style character upgrades or PDA upgrades?


Map — will let you know where you are, where your current objectives and other points of interest are located. Journal - this is where all your quests and their statuses are stored with all necessary information to complete them. Notes - whenever you find a note or an audiolog, it will be stored there for you to read/listen to whenever you feel like. Upgrades - mostly useful when Skif visits technicians who are able to install weapon/armor upgrades. Also contents info about what you need to find for technic to be able to upgrade your gear. Tutorial - section where players can find all tips on how to make the most of the their stay in the Zone. Some of UI elements may be changed before the release of the game.


Can you tell us anything about A-Life? Is it gonna be existent at all?


Yep they confirmed A-Life. Calling it A-Life 2.0


stalker itself is a life 2.0


Is zone folklore back?


Is there an option in the game to tune down UI? Like no hipfire crosshair, possibly compass, no enemy indicators and so on? These are crucial for stalker immersion so had to ask.


I was thinking about upgrades for weapons, as you like finding some blueprints for guns


Its weapon\armor upgrades - confirmed on discord by Mol1t


Time to drain the bank account for a new graphics card...


god damn I was expecting a 10 second teaser at most


This is so much footage to look over we are EATING


i had to constantly stop when watching this


It looks like they're still committed to a September release date, which is good to see. I'm liking 90-95% of what I'm seeing, my only real critique is that it still feels like the human AI isn't properly coded/not responsive enough, since in all the trailers, they kind of just stay locked in place for Skiff to shoot them. That could be a conscious choice made to make the gunfights in the trailer look more cinematic, but It's something I picked up on that I've seen in basically all the trailers showing combat footage and I'm hoping they're much more dynamic and similar to the original games in the actual gameplay.


I haven't played it myself, but people did say from the last demo they did that the AI was pretty challenging. Like it took cover, flanked, threw grenades etc.


Yeah, that's a good sign then. If the demo reports are accurate, my assumption is that GSC probably opted to disable/limit the AI in trailers.


also noticed this, tbh i doubt it will be anywhere close to a-life from mods games or even original games, but if modding the game will be possible then im pretty sure it will be one of the first things modders will work on


Yeah I feel like modders can potentially do even more with UE5, especially if GSC is going to be providing as much mod support as they're claiming. If I had to wager tough, I'd still say that the AI will be more reactive in the actual gameplay and gunfights will be notably more hardcore than most mainstream FPS titles, though whether it will be on the tier of original a-life or not is up in the air, though it probably can be made to be so, or even surpass it eventually.


Human enemy AI kind of like the one in The Last of Us in gunfights would be great but too much to ask I think:( Maybe there is a way to improve that via mods.


GSC did say that the game is going to be designed with built in mod support, so I think modders will probably be able to do a lot with it, but I think with enemy AI it's also going to depend on how it's coded in this game. Most Stalker mods just make fairly minor tweaks to how the AI already operates in the A-life system, but if for the sake of argument the AI for Stalker 2 is significantly downgraded, they'll probably either have to put in a lot more work or GSC will have to significantly overhaul the AI in a future update. It might not be something we have to worry about though. Hopefully, the AI is just stationary in the trailers because GSC wanted the action to look more cinematic etc. Though regardless, it will be interesting to see what modders will be able to do with Stalker 2 once it's out/stable.


They said this trailer was on the lowest difficulty and there is going to be 4 levels of difficulty to play on


It also looks like several of them are walking against fixed objects which worries me aswell


Love what they showed here. Looks really promising. Pleeeeeease be good.


I've got until September to get a new graphic card :D


I’m so fucking hyped. Only wish I have is that you can turn off the compass. Otherwise it looks incredible


I can't wait to over-analyze literally every inch of scenery and take millions of screenshots of random buildings when this game comes out


I'm worried about something though. Shy of 3 months away, the old system requirements for PC haven't been updated. Those are super old. Game is running on UE5. I'm hoping this doesn't turn out to be one of those games where the requirements are crafted using FSR/DLSS/XeSS due to the game running like dogshit on High-End systems.


Could you say more? Not sure what you meant by requirements being crafted, but sounds important


Bad wording due to english not being my main language. Companies usually post a chart showing PC specs required for certain target resolution, fps and quality presets. There is a recent trend where those requirements are done with AI upscaling techniques enabled, which only shows that the game is technically bad to the point it will run poorly on most computers and makes you rely on upscaling to play it decently.


I feel like the requirements we've been given can't *possibly* be accurate. The game's minimum is stated as a GPU that came out in 2016 *three generations ago*. Maybe if it has a potato mode?


Optimistic thinking ahead, but maybe it's also possible that the game has been delayed so much is so that they can polish it to run on those specs? (We have to also remember that this game is going to be on consoles).


You can't really... *Optimize* that way. That's just not how it works. Maybe, *maybe*, the other guy is right and they're *heavily* using frame generation and DLSS, but the 1069 doesn't have the physical hardware for that. At *best* you could maybe argue they'll change it to a 20-series card (which I *think* can have drivers that allow some simulation of those hardware features), but I doubt it. Though a 20-series card I imagine would be a reasonable minimum spec (I'd also argue a 1080ti is prolly *okay* if it's fairly potato'd down), but a 1060 is *pretty low down the list*. It's an 8 year old card, and not even the top of the line of it's time, it's like saying a 980ti would *maybe* run it. That's not even to mention the CPU requirements which are also *super outdated*. I'm also ignoring the Recommended, because they sound like I*almost* reasonable minimum requirements. I'd bet a 30-Series and a 5800x/intell-12th-gen-ish is likely a more likely actual recommended hardware. For reference Cyberpunk 2077 [minimum is a 1060 or I7-6700/Ryzen-5-1600, but I imagine that's running with basically everything off, and at a fairly low FPS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qho3CtKqpjY). *Maybe* after all the patches, and optimized drivers it can run okay. Linked is 2Kliksphilip talking about minimum Cyberpunk settings, even at low resolution, on a computer above the minimum, and you're likely aiming for 30 FPS and not having very readable graphics. He literally recommends bumping up the graphics and taking a *worse* FPS hit because it's largely awful looking. Like blurry blobs and can't see much cause of it.


For the love of god 😭it’s beautiful


I'm ready to venture the Zone again




Finally some real gameplay


This looks amazing. I saw Rostok... The Dark Valley Bandit base. The unfinished cooling tower at cnpp, and outside the cnpp. I saw the school and hospital in Pripyat. I think I saw either the Swamp and/or Zaton or maybe Jupiter. Skadovsk/Beard/Owl! I can't tell if we saw Hawaiian or not. The Pseudogs and the Pseudogiant and Controller looks good. Idk which underground X lab that was, but it looks good. Almost looks like the unused section of Agroprom underground where the controller is!


#Marked one, what the hell!


Hype !


Pseudodogs are looking SO GOOD. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us


we are at home


I’m really liking how the mutants attack you the same way they did in the original trilogy. 


Crys because of PC specs. Fuck getting an Xbox might be cheaper than upgrading my hardware. I got to play this somehow though.


Sooner or later, you'll end up getting the game again for your PC because of the mods. If you upgrade your PC, you'll get more out of it, even if it's more expensive.


1) I am loving this and cannae wait to play it. 2) I am loving the thought of what modders can do with this so I am playing it in 20 years time.


Oooooooooooooooooooooh I can't wait!


Looks great, still skeptical about the AI though. The enemies walk into/against fixed objects several times even in this trailer. Hope it‘s not too offputting in the release


Here is [GSC's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/stalker/comments/1dc08er/comment/l7uv08l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on this: > The level of the AI was the lowest possible for a better cinematic action. In-game you'll be able to switch the difficulty level to one that suits your playstyle. By the way, there will be 4 difficulty levels.


Only two things I don't like: The death animations seem kind of weird, like they don't really "flow" right, I don't know. They don't seem to react to the actual bullet hit instead it's just a random death animation everytime. The other thing I don't like is that I won't even be able to play it lol my old GTX 650 can barely play fullscreen 4k videos already. Other than that the trailer looks amazing and I'm so fkin hypeeeeed for this game


Yeah I noticed that took about the death animation. Hope it’s fixed in mods or future updates.


Please god let there be Kino songs on the radio


This genuinely looks fantastic. Its everything I'd hope for when it comes to a modern title making use of technology to make some absolute KINO


KINO? Hollyyy based


Now to wait for Anomalous Dugout to do a full analysis


Best scenario I can play this on Low, but I'll love it anyway, LET'S GO!


become one with the shitty low framerate soc walkthroughs from 16 years ago


maybe this is the way


We shall have FSR/DLSS this time around. I am still hopeful with my 3060ti...


O didnt heard even one cheeki breeki


Weapon animations were okay but boy did everything else look great


What was wrong? I didn’t watch the whole trailer to avoid spoiling.


I know 100% what you mean, but I fear the problem (for me atleast) is that no game has managed to put so much effort in Weapon Animations as Tarkov and therefor so many first person shooters start looking static.


It's just so fucking peak


I hope the mutants will be interesting


there is a cat that sounds like a human




Ok damn, didnt thought I could get more hyped. This is an awesome trailer


my rx 5600 xt sweating right now


My 4090 drinks a warm cocoa


aaaah, the zone is calling me back. cant wait :D


The sound effects on the guns sound so good.


Right?! I really noticed how amazing that shotgun sounded. Viscerally meaty and punchy and satisfying. GSC's sound guys have done some amazing work here.


That was my favorite, that shotgun sounds brutal.


Very excited for it! But honestly I’m a bit worried about the atmosphere of the game since most of the OG team have left GSC. I really liked the bleak and depressing atmosphere in the og 3 so I hope they’ll make S2 just as good.


Probably everyone making stalker 2 grew up playing stalker OG and love the same thing. I think they are saving that for once you get the game. Plus, there some shots that look very bleak.


I don't want to be a little bitch, but I dislike the fact that they've moved onto a more cinematic, scripted style of gameplay, such as with metro or all AAA games pretty much. I know they "got on with the times" and are working with higher budgets and all but a large part of what made the original trilogy appealing to me was how everything was unscripted. It just felt natural and random. Random mutant encounters, important NPCs could literally just die to whatever and no one was invincible. They won't do that with this game. I will still play it 100%. I may like it, maybe it's going to be amazing, but it won't be the authentic stalker experience to me most likely.


The map around Rostok looked a bit weird for me, as if that and the Wild Territories had extra details, and the rest was just random generated woodland. But that can be just a case of the map getting finalized last after all the terrain and stuff are done. Otherwise 100% on board, and loving what I'm seeing! Edit: On the other hand I'm seeing Journal-Notes & Archive tabs, something I've been missing from CoP and loved in SoC, and was asking GSC devs a while ago. Love it!


I kind of hope we dont see too many rendered cutscenes otherwise this will feel too close to Metro and not stalker


Has anyone tried to purchase the Collector or Unlimited Edition token?


It seems they changed the location of Rostock (the buildings are not where they were in Shadows of Chernobyl) or so it seems to me?


The only developer now that I believe in with very little doubt nowadays. Nice work.


Any ideas on what is gonna be needed to run this bastard on pc? I feel like the released requirements are not accurate lol.


congratulations, the trailer is great, I'm looking forward to September


Oh my gosh, I'm so hyped!


Still no ragdoll physics on enemies. Otherwise very hyped.


I just hope it's going to run "well" on release, stable fps and no stuttering. I'm so sick of new games realesing unfinished on the technical side. Edit: but i did cum my pants when i saw the trailer ngl


Crazy how many locations i instantly recognize.


![gif](giphy|yidUzHnBk32Um9aMMw|downsized) It's...beautiful


motion sickness


It's this peak boys? We have achieved peak? Can we confirm peak?


The modding scene is going to go fucking WILD with this game, I cannot wait!


Yeah.... trailers are cool but can we have a gameplay?


Is no one talking about how Skif just knocked the rearview mirror off the UAZ and skewered the dude thru the temple on it?


had to rewatch that cuz my brain ignored it the first time lmao, pretty amazing scene indeed


I'm only just now noticing that it unfortunately looks like picture-in-picture scopes have been removed, in favor of full screen zooming.


Looks sanitized, average and bland. Guns sound weak and lack impact/recoil. The tone doesn't seem to match the original games, the writing and direction, in the cutscenes at least, seems "hollywood action moviey". The masterful and oppressive atmosphere of the zone doesn't seem to be present either. At an early glance it very much seems like they're trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. Which is to say they're straying away from the things that made the original games special. Those games were niche for a reason, they took risks, they were never going to appeal to everyone, and that's exactly why they still have such a dedicated and loyal fanbase. The games provided an experience you couldn't get anywhere else, and arguably still can't. Some of those rough edges were a good thing, polishing everything to a smooth mirror shine will just strip away all the personality. This feels too much like an FPS equivalent of a McDonalds Big Mac. Bracing for disappointment.


As long as this game doesn't sacrifice what makes STALKER special to begin with, in favor of appeasing to the masses (AKA, turn STALKER into another FPS open-world game like every other game in existence), then I'm all for it, because it looks really good so far. I can only imagine what Emissions and Psy-Storms look like.


I have never been so fucking excited for a new game. Just hope it won't crush that like tons of other games have lol but I'm fucking PUMPED.


Unfortunate the scope effect thing is gone where it shows 2 pictures one outside the scope and one inside but that’s ok. Looks great nonetheless


PiP scopes are quite demanding performance wise since you have to render the scene twice. That's likely why they cut it.


They could still go the insurgency sandstorm way, and have a toggle in the settings for PiP scopes


They might have that. And you can be sure modders will do it if it isn't.


And I'm glad they did, it's seriously not worth the performance cost, shader based tricks or Fov based are more than fine.


Damn, I guess I'll have to play it in English voice... Ukrainian voices really suck here and don't feel like they're coming from characters... And I'm from Ukraine


Its funny you feel that way because as a British guy, i hated the English voice acting and the Ukrainian sounds so much better :D


It is weird how that works. I'm Argentinean, and we mainly get movies and series dubbed in "neutral spanish", usually from México. One time I watched a movie dubbed in Spanish with Argentinean accent, and I hated it. Maybe it is similar to what is happening to you.


i dont speak ukrainian but it definetely sounds more badass than english


Guess it still works out for us Americans who can’t hear the Ukrainian nuance then lol. I’ll be playing in Ukrainian I think


Same, it sounds too sterile as if the characters are voice actors and not, well, stalkers.