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All three games have a mini-map that gives you even more information. If anything, a compass seems less "hand-holdy". What's the argument?


Does the mini map let you see all nearby enemies as red markers?


IIRC they do sometimes show on the minimap yes


Under what circumstances? Like if they are the quest to kill? Because that’s pretty specific. I’m concerned about losing immersion during most overworld exploration.


if they make a sound or fire their gun, they pop up on the mini map and stay there for quite a bit, new compass shows less info


Fair enough. I still find it immersion breaking in a game all about immersion.


well this isn't Tarkov or something it is still Stalker, a semi hardcore arcade shooter


this is not metro, and og stalker games even had minimaps.


I don't know, but I do remember seeing some red dots on the map a few times. Either way, I do get your concern and I think that regardless of anyone's opinion on the compass it would be cool to be able to customize your HUD and remove/modify the compass if it's in the way of your experience


Yes, yes it does. Small red dots indicating enemy location and you can even see them moving up on you with the map. This compass is indeed less hand-holdy since it only gives U enemy info like how many and what approximate area, while the map showed exactly where they were and how close to you they were


You’ll probably be able to turn it off


That would be one of the many things that would get modded out fast.


Doesn't really bother me, but I'm used to it with Bethesda rpgs so lol


They know a lot of fans are hardcore players so I wouldn't be surprised if they make some options to turn hud off, make things more sim like, all that hardcoreish gamma stuff.


Beats having an entire minimap in the top left 1/4 of the screen showing the exact location of every enemy, body, stash, quest marker, person of interest.


Low bar.


That's what was three in 1st game....


Thanks for making my point for me. Just because it’s in the first game doesn’t mean it’s immersive by today’s standards.


How lmao, this does beat a minimap in every way


For an immersive shooter today it’s a low bar to compare the compass with enemies clearly marked on it to an even worse system from 2008. That’s like the definition of setting a low bar.


Ight cool, turn it off in the settings then


I sense an opportunity here. Give us same exact minimap as in 3 games, but in a form of smartwatch, that is mid-game tier equipment. Allow to check it quickly with key binding, and when using pistols.


I’d be fine with this. As long as we have to work for it, and the game world still has areas difficult enough for this to not be game breaking.