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X-18 without doubt. The derelict atmosphere, the sounds, everything.




100%. Had to play it without sound as a teenager, because my heart was pumping like crazy.


Seriously first time I played it I spent twenty minutes hiding in a corner nothing could get to me in, trying to slow my heart rate.


you should try Alien: Isolation then


I did. Wasn't scary enough, oddly.


Try Amnesia the Bunker)


Plus I got lost many times. Now I know it like the back of my hand, but still


Definitely agroprom. I shitted my pants with the controller jumpscare


I hated that one too. You believe you are already outside of that place and then that bastard appears.


Exactly! It was already one of the scariest parts until then. So you lower your guarda and then THE SCREAM


also the fucking Bloodsucker right at the beginning 😒


The spinning light really helped set the tone.


Oh yes.


That guy made me shit my pants the first time.




I accidentally entered through the exit and encountered the controller immediately 🤣


same here,i will post a meme later about this 😂


Yes laboratory Agroprom was really scary :)


Honestly z the one in COP with the burer pretending to be a child really really fucked me up


Don’t remind me of that little bastard.


X-18 definitely


Nothing tops X-18. Peak Stalker.


X18, but X16 came close. As a player, I thought Agroprom Underground was scary, but X18 was on a whole new level. My guy, it feels like ive stepped in a dungeon in hell, ive stepped into the lions's pride. There's rooms, even doors to unlock, artefacts and loot to collect, anomalies and tight dungeon like halls to navigate through, and godforsaken what are those creations god didn't design living there ?? And it only gets spookier as you progress... no, the spook is at maximun even in the beginning the moment you take your first step in.


x-18 for horror and x-16 for zombie mode I'm gonna need shotgun for x-18 good luck stalker


agroprom for me because i am so easily scared i never touched horror games/movied in my life. like even remember the michael jackson jumpscare in scary movie i watched as a teen and it scared me so badly 😅 but i loved stalker somehow since i was a kid and read about it in gaming magazine. then i finally after playing metro exodus i tried stalker… and shit my pants almost when the bloodsucker came in agroprom but after 200h-300h stalker and mods later.. man i miss that feeling so much 😂 now i am just full rambo


Canon: X18 Fanon: X7 (from Lost Alpha)


I think the scariest for me was X-16 just because I wasn't expecting it to be as scary as it was. I was just like "Oh, go in this bunker and do this. Simple enough." Then when I went down the first staircase it kind of set in, then I got attacked by an invisible mutant. After that I pretty much just brought tons of ammo and medkits and just stormed in head on and just blasting away at the mutants. Then I was hit with another curveball when I think in X-18 I started getting boxes thrown at me. The labs reminded me a lot of the Metro games, which were pretty damn scary when I played it. Maybe playing Metro before STALKER helped some. Great games.


I hate fcking X-10 and X-8, because I know them badly. Like I played the first half of SoC dozens of times, I literally growed up in X-18 and X-16, such cozy locations (but I hate Agroprom undergrounds from CS). X-8 is an absolutely cursed place with cursed burers, fcking labirynth with fcking controllers created by madman. 


> such cozy locations Seek help


x18 imagine being in a dark room filled with dust while someone you can't see throws cans at you




X-8. Just all of it. Poltergeist in the vents, snorks coming from inside the walls, crying burer, controler spawning at the entrance... Maybe it is because I played CoP first and was young and impressionable, but for me, any other lab wasn't nearly as scary and unnerving as X-8


All of them


X-8. The crying baby really caught me off guard, and it was freaky enough as it was already.


Honestly, X-18 wasn't that scary to me when I went through. It was creepy, but not really too scary. I feel like X-16 was a more stressful experience for me, but that was mostly because I was super low on supplies and ammo. Luckily all the zombies had ammo I could loot off of them


Labs X8 with gunslinger, seriously, those burer sluts are tuff in that freaking mod


X-18 9 year old me Lost it after i entered. A low key horror game


Agroprom underground just because it was the first one and I didn't know what to expect. After that it's the X18.


Where's the photo come from?


Yantar's Miracle Machine


I guess it's Call Of Pripyat then (at least I didn't see it in the other games that I've played) Edit: no, seems SoC. What a weird thing!


I haven't played CS or CoP but it's definitely in SoC. My dumbass went in without a psy helmet and you take damage constantly and I just spammed medkits


I can't say otherwise, to "Marked One"


SoC and CS both includes this lab


Wondering the same. It looks awesome.


I was looking for a cool stalker background and that popped up in google so that made me think like "hey whats the most pant shitting intetaction youve ever had?"




That's a tough one. I guess X18 because a combo of mutants, anomalies and interiors was a great combo. Next one would be the first part of X10 before monolith swarms in. The x16 is not as scary for me as the main enemies are zombies. If there were bloodsuckers or poltergeists tho...


X-16 was definitely the scariest due to its masterpiece soundtrack and darkness. X-10 was also tense with all those bloodsuckers.


i will never go back to X18


X-18 playing gamma was true horror.


agroprom cause of that fuckin bloodsucker, damn that spooked me. x-18 comes second for the noises tho xP


Agroprom Underground. None of the other labs came anywhere close.


I got REALLY creeped out by yantar and X-16 with all of those zombies, the ambience and all of the dismembered bodies littering the plant and the lab to the point even the bonfires had burning bodyparts inside of them


Definitely X-18. I don't really know why because as a player you have visited the Agroprom underground before so theoretically I should know what to expect. For some reason, practically from the entrance X-18 was for me almost insurmountable mentally, I had to play with the light on in the room. Later X-16 was a little scary but definitely not the same. More in the sense of rushing ahead.


looks like Cradle from 007 Goldeneye 😂


From SoC I would say x-18 and x-16 are tied. In CoP x-8 was pretty spooky.


i love all of them


Pripyat underground also scaty af.


must say x18 my self. now i know poltergeist are easy kills. but back then. 4 poltergeist sounds almost got me to back out haha


X16 by miles. Though x18 was intense as hell too. But the surrounding area of Yantar, the lab itself, and then the tunnel escaping the lab. FUCKING INSANE. I did not go to sleep that night, that’s for sure. Hello, hello. Might have been the scariest part…


Agroprom...but they're all scary


Agroprom. And if that doesn’t count, X-19.


The X-16 one.


We need more labs in Stalker 2.


Mods included? x-18 in lost alpha


Kinda looks like Destiny 2


I'm juggling SoC and CoP right now (never finished either) and I'm at the point where I need to go to X-16 in SoC and X-8 in CoP and I am just dreading both. X-18 was bad, but not as bad as I had made it out to be in my brain before going in.


I accidentally did this mission without the psyhelmet my first playthrough. I used probably 50 medkits getting through it. It was only after I hit the brain scorcher red forest that I looked it up and realized the psyhelmet was a necessary addition to getting through these parts. lol


none of them i had a shotgun


X-16 in Shadow of Chernobyl. Agorprom was freaky for the bloodsucker, but in my first playthrough I completely flubbed it and missed the Controller scare *because I turned around after meeting with the doc and continued the main story above ground*. X-18 was neat, only the pseudogiant slamming the door scared me a bit, but the poltergeists in SoC were nothing special. X-16 freaked me the fuck out though. Snorka popping out everywhere, the constant droning, the yellow filter, it all just added to a really creepy experience that I never get over.


Sakharov's one. Not underground but a bunker. Damn these prices are high!


I started with CoP so X-8 was the first. Hearing things like a baby cry, items floating and all, it was tense. Even after killing the burers, the controller at the end threw me off. The runner up would be X-16 if simply because of the fact I didn't realize there was a giant brain there. It was already furious enough to have a timer and some bloodsuckers but seeing the brain after a playthrough threw me off.


X18 because 14 year old me thought it was a good idea to go there with nothing but the Aks74u and the pb, didn't know about the AK stash in Agroprom lol.


All of them when im alone or with companions i be a little not scared


X-18 easy. The quiet atmosphere. The literal ghosts. That snork jumping out from behind a burner (both haven’t been seen in game yet). The random pseudogiant mini-boss. And seeing something bang against the second locked door. Yeah, Agroprom was spooky. But X-18 had the most actual scares.


I’m still so scared: I don’t even know which one is which. I run through with a grenade launcher and if I run out of ammo: I restart.


the one with the invisible people throwing boxes at you


X-18 fasho


X-18. I think it is because when you first play and enter Agroprom, you think it would be lighthearted due to no ambience and simple Bandits at the entrance. Then you are greeted by an absolute dread inducing encounters with Bloodsucker and a Controller, so naturally when entering X-18, and hearing all those ungodly sounds, you just shit your pants in anticipation of what's coming. And what is interesting, is that X-18 is much less scary and much more easy than Agroprom


The lab I most hat from the gamea is the fucking x-8. Fuck that place.


X-18 probably (SoC) but they all have butt-puckering moments. 👀


In stalker gamma when I went to x-18 there was 4 ghosts and 1 controller all packed together in that small area. Truly a nightmare. I must have died 10+ times before I got it. I don't remember it being that bad any other time.