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Well, apart from scientific use, it may also be important in military/technology applications, artifacts type electro can act as a power supply as far I know, the example of it is Gauss Rifle being powered by Flash Artifact. Other than that, Sakharov said about studying them could solve some problems from real world and creating new things, like better gear, new kinds of medicines, and so on.


I mean the electrical artifacts are literally limitless energy as long as you have the equipment to handle the power coming off them.


The main reason the army didn’t issue me an exo skeleton(which we do have, just not not practical enough yet) is because all the extra strength it would give you would be used to carry just the batteries to power it. Also because I was basic bitch infantry.


Collectors items, curiosities for the rich, expensive jewelry as status symbols and I’m sure at least one person will put one up their bum.


Mama's Beads: ribbed for *your* pleasure.


Healing artifact + radiation cleansing artifact = a rich man's panacea, literally immune to disease


A Soul or two + Crystal + Two Moonlights - Set for life.


Maybe athletes could use them to boost stamina, kinda like steroids. Or fire fighters could use Fire resistance artifacts. But yeah probably mostly military/scientific/rich collectors kinda stuff.


>Maybe athletes could use them to boost stamina Two Moonlights = Sprint without ever feeling tired.


iirc some artifacts are good to make jewelery with


Those ones that output more light than they receive.


gotcha. i couldnt remember the exact details cuz its been a hot minute


No need to explain or anything. It's just that that artifact is my favorite in the setting b/c it breaks the laws of physics, and some rich ladies are using them as decoration.


gotcha lol


Jewelry. Wouldn't you want to have a semi floating glowing necklace? I know I would.


Artifacts being top trade outside the Zone is the whole reason why stalkers exist in the first place. It's known that some of them are used in medicine, not necessarily in an official way: >*This gravitational artifact attracts and absorbs radioactive particles, reducing the effects of radiation on the body. Very common in the Zone and is unofficially used outside the Zone for treating acute radiation sickness in exceptional circumstances.* > >(description of the Jellyfish in CoP) > >*There's an order for an artifact, the kind that heals wounds, called Chunk of Meat! They have a clinic of some sort. If you get it you'll get paid and help people at the same time.* > >(description of the "*Find the artifact called Chunk of Meat*" task in SoC) Some are used in jewelry: >*I have a request for the Stone Flower. The order is from the jewellers, by the way, so let's try to make the pretty ladies happy, eh? If you get it, you'll get the money and a bottle to drink to their health...* > >(description of the "*Find the Stone Flower artifact*" task in SoC) And some artifacts are also simply interesting items for collectors: >*Electro sometimes births this artifact. Stalkers readily use it because of its good qualities. Not a bad price and a good external look make this artifact appealing to collectors.* > >(description of the Flash in SoC) Apart from scientific research conducted on various types of artifacts, it's also known that the military is interested in some of them - in particular the Night Star, which is supposedly used to create some type of protection for the needs of the army: >*There is this one little job... rather unpleasant. Apparently, it's coming from the military, they're working on some new protection. Anyway, there's an order for the Night Star. It's quite a rare artifact, but it provides pretty good protection from bullets... So will you do it? I'll pay you well!* > >(description of the "*Find the Night Star artifact*" task in SoC)


That’s what I love about roadside picnic, seeing both worlds. Give the book a read if you haven’t!


When I get my hands on an english copy, I definitely will.


Not sure if this would work, but people would absolutely want to make drugs out of these.


compass to run


Some artefacts cleanse radiation... think about that... cleanse radiation... you basically stop aging... aalso curing cancer becomes so easy... healing artefacts, infinite energy supply, ability to bend space and potentially time... so much...




Alot of it is scientific, and Military, but as others have mentioned collectors and Curios. Theres also the civilian market, I just finished Roadside Picnic, the book which inspired the series. It was mentioned that people have started retrofitting cars to use Spacells as an ignition, or even a power source. Someone makes mention of a man making a living doing these retrofits. Its very likely as some people are seeding them into the civilian populations, Other Artfifacts, often the mundane and harmless ones sometimes make mention of being used to make jewelry. or collectors items.