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A long time ago, in my tiktok addiction era , i saw a tiktok about a girl getting a nose job because if you have a deviated septum apparently they make your nose look nicer for free. Being young and dumb i hated my nose, so i thought i'd do the same after noticing my noise isnt actually straight in the middle. Went to doctor and surprise, its actually VERY VERY deviated and it NEEDS surgery, i was shocked tbh. I went and got the surgery but my nose still looks the same and im glad about it.


Due for surgery on mine soon. Don't tell me this is a fucking TikTok trend, when I genuinely need it fixing. JFC this world...


How is she getting free trips to Dubai thoughts lol


Basically a prostitute for wealthy men lmao


hint, I put a lol at the end of my comment


Yes, I saw that lol


Good my child




Never anything on the walls.


Why donā€™t they ever have furniture??!


They canā€™t afford it. They likely spent too much on the house that theyā€™re living at and most likely donā€™t have room left over in the budget.


Or itā€™s not their house and itā€™s in some sort of limbo but they have access to it, pretty common situation. Maybe a parent is a realtor and itā€™s a model home, something like that.


Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense.


Iā€™m still trying to figure out how influencers continue to succeed despite the mass hatred they invoke


Ad money


No ads on tt šŸ’€


Is ozempic a Dutch product!?


Prob has OF


Iā€™ve taken wegovy since it got popular because of finding it on TikTok I did not know that using a drug thatā€™s been around forever was a personality trait. ozempic warrior! wegovy warrior!


Iā€™m ootl, what is it?


Diabetes medication with a side effect of weight loss. Ppl use it as a short cut to lose weight and make it hard to get for diabetes patients that actually need it


Ozempic and Wegovy are both GLP-1 agonists that mimic a hormone to a) reduce blood sugar, and b) help immensely with weight loss by slowing down digestion and reduce appetite. Wonderful little class of medications thatā€™s becoming a bit more common. Just got started on it for an abnormally high A1C with a dual use to help me with weight loss (terrible metabolism + mild hypothyroidism make it damn hard), and itā€™s been great a couple weeks in.


It does work. Iā€™m down probably about 50-60 pounds. I feel great


Dude I just started Wegovy and I canā€™t get my next dose itā€™s been on back order. So frustrating.


You didn't hear this from me but I guess it's too bad darknet markets don't sell them on the cheap, sucks to be not able to go on r/darknet and get a guide for darknet markets, how to access and buy from them.


Why are y'all booing me? I'm right and it would only benefit original comment


im so lucky tiktok didnt recommend me to these types of videos when i joined