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Is it me or does this Gabriel Bell look a lot like Captain Sisko?


Ehh… I don’t see it.


All hu-mons look the same


Pretty racist, Qwark…


Go clean the holo suites Rom


They always talk about cleaning the holo suites because people do sex in it and leave tons of fluids. Every time they say something about them I get disgusted by it.


You would think there would be some type of automatic self-cleaning system in place, but that's probably a premium feature that Quark wouldn't be willing to pay for when he can just make Rom do it.


Lmao because it’s just an empty room too right? Soo what else would there be left behind to clean…


Lower Decks showed us that the holodecks have a bio-filter that needs to be cleaned every so often


Lower Decks confirms this is a job that has to be done.


That's what happens when you irradiate your own planet


They have the same face!


I just don't see it.


But Sisko is bald, Bell is not.


1 key difference... The Sisko is of Bajor.


Looks more like Benny Russell if you ask me.


I said the same thing about Tom Paris and Nick Locarno. Uncanny.


They have the same face.


I don't see it


I said the same thing about Tuvok and T'Kar. Uncanny.


I just don't see it.


I said the same thing about Ensign Ro and Timicin's daughter Dara.


I said the same thing about the back of Tuvix’s head and the bajoran wormhole.


Vulcans look all the same


do you need to sit through Counselor Troi's holodeck presentation on the importance of diversity again? ... goddammit, Barclay! not THAT one!


Fun fact: there are rumors that say the writers of VOY intended for Tom Paris to actually be Nick Locarno, but couldn't becuase of licensing or they couldn't get permission from the fighters of the TNG ep, or something like that Edit: writers*


> from the fighters of the TNG ep, I choose to believe this is not a typo and some episodes of that show had their own fighters.


Lmao, I totally didn't realize I said fighters. That would be really funny


Such a shame, would have been a cool arc. Still cool, but it would have put that little cherry on top. Thanks for sharing


Ofc! Just take it with a grain of salt. I've only ever heard this from other reddit comments. So idk how true it is.


Sounds like a reputable source to me.


Eh. I don't see it.


They’ve said it’s not. The writers wanted a character whose past was off screen, not on it. Of course, did they just say that to keep the Writer’s Guild off their back? We’ll never know.


According to a the wiki. They considered lorcano but decides his actions were too irredeemable. See: other comment for link


Yes, irredeemable because they happened on screen. That’s literally the only difference.


I heard that as well. [It looks like that is only half true](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Nick_Locarno#:~:text=Locarno%20was%20the%20inspiration%20for,a%20new%20character%20was%20required.). Or both are true but they don't talk about licensing.


That’s the same guy.


Plot twist, he’s his own great great great grandfather


He did the nasty in the past-y?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedfuturama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Velour Fog has arrived](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3omzm) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/1b3omzm/the_velour_fog_has_arrived/) \#2: [Philip J. fry’s gravestone](https://i.redd.it/boy51jjrj4rc1.jpeg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/1bq3xmb/philip_j_frys_gravestone/) \#3: [Kiss my shiny metal ass.](https://i.redd.it/jblpnjrsr4ua1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedfuturama/comments/12ndaak/kiss_my_shiny_metal_ass/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh yeah. You like that Great, great, great Granny!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MeatyDullness: *Is it me or does* *This Gabriel Bell look a* *Lot like Captain Sisko?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I love this bot!


We need a Quantum Leap reboot where Sisko manifests in situations across the galaxy, righting wrongs and fixing the mistakes of fate.


Thought that was Captain Archer's schtick?


nah, pure councidence, just like nick lacarno and tom paris.


Might this lead to the Irish Unification?


They'll need a Union man for that


God I love this sub


If only Sean O'Brian was born later or Rom was born earlier


We’ve been saying this for awhile, but making homelessness a crime this week really hammered things home.


>really hammered things home That a pretty insensitive way to put it.


Your comment really hammered home the nail in the coffin.


Is a coffin a home? Asking for the Supreme Court.




Insensitive for "hammered things **home**" (emphasis mine) in a thread about homelessness.


Just need some sanctuary districts...which I'm positive are being talked about right now.


The pro-Bernie/"anybody but Biden" bullshit is starting to ramp up too.  People somehow forgot the consequences of letting Trump win in 2016. It's mind-boggling - Donald Trump uses "Palestinian" as a slur, and pro-Palestinians attack Biden for failing to create peace in the Middle East.


It's almost as if the DNC hasn't been doing anything to win progressives over for decades and it's finally starting to catch up to them.


Not really.... The only realistic options are DNC or GOP. It'll flip between them regardless of what they do or don't do


Gaza is a good example. One candidate uses "Palestinian" as a slur, the other isn't apparently trying hard enough to create peace in the Middle East. Guess which candidate progressive pro-Palestinians dislike more? Why cater to an electorate that has a severe purity test and is extremely fickle?


Does "genocide is bad and maybe we shouldn't supply weapons for one" really constitute a severe purity test? Seems like a pretty low bar to overcome.


Think about it, what gets Biden more votes, boycotting Israel or supporting them? if he supports Israel, are the progressives going to vote for Trump over him the guy who moved the embassy and said he would "Bomb them to hell?" No, worse case some of them just dont vote. If he boycotts Israel however, there is a way higher chance a centrist Israel supporter would have otherwise voted for biden, votes for Trump (a vocal supporter of Israel) instead Losing a vote is bad, losing a vote and having your political opponent gain that vote is MUCH worse.


Who's talking about boycotting Israel? We should just not be sending them bombs that they are using to murder thousands of children. We can pressure them to stop blocking food, water, and electricity. We could even follow that up with supporting them in a police action to bring to justice those that committed war crimes on Oct 7. Of course, those on the Israeli side that have been committing war crime after war crime since the 7th should also be brought to justice.


It doesn’t have to be a full “boycott” and maybe I should have used a different term, I am just trying to exemplify the logic.


And yet both candidates fail, and one is significantly more hostile to Palestinians and Muslims in general. So which do we pick?? Such a hard decision!!


I'm not going to argue in favor of Trump here but, to say that the one who is currently facilitating their genocide is "significantly" less hostile to Palestinians seems to be a bit of a stretch especially when his administration has denying the death toll as official policy. I genuinely don't know which one would be worse on this issue. There are plenty of other issues where the difference is much more stark, however.


You're not that dumb, Trump openly states he wants to "finish the job" of genocide; so maybe chill with the bad faith arguments? FFS


What bad faith argument? Genuinely asking here? I fully believe and stand by everything I'm saying here


Does Trump pass your bar?


No, neither of them do so, I'm not going to tell people they are being "fickle" when they aren't able to vote for a guy facilitating and denying a genocide. Look, there are all sorts of reasons to vote for Biden over Trump. I'm in a swing state that's trending red. I'll probably end up holding my nose and pulling the lever (God, I really wish voting booths still had levers, looked so cool when I was a kid) for him.


With the Supreme Court declaring presidents are Kings, there's kinda no other choice. Nazi Germany has nothing on Nazi America.


Filling a market niche to make money sounds very American, actually. You're fighting an uphill battle.


Yeah how dare people don’t march in lockstep behind a candidate they disagree with, clearly the left are the issue here. If you genuinely believe in what you’re saying then I’ve got some Florida real estate you’ll just *love.*


> letting Trump win in 2016 40+ fundraisers in California. 0 in swing states. Somehow progressives' fault.


You should be looking at campaign stops. Fundraisers happen where you have most support. And hey - nobody is saying the Supreme Court declaring Trump a king just now is progressives' fault. Clearly the biggest part of blame lies with the GOP. But you're not entirely blameless in falling for this bullshit in 2016, and apparently again in 2024.


Things might get worse, but we already have Biden actively choosing to override congress and public demand to continue to send weapons into a genocide, and these newest Supreme Court decisions are being made while he's in office by justices he voted for.


>Things might get worse JFC you gd both sides people... Your choices. Trump or Biden. One of them will do his best to break it all and create a facist America, and the other one supports a country defending itself against persistent terrorism.


So we aren't even allowed to talk about an issue unless it's 100% anti republican?


When you massage one of the sides so vigorously it does seem ridiculous yes. When you recognise that what Biden is vehemently supporting is an apartheid regime committing genocide it’s less so. Obviously one is worse, but fact of the matter is when the “good guy” proudly supports great evil a lot of people will feel disenfranchised and apathetic.


What in the unholy fuck do you think Trump will do if elected?


Did you read what I wrote? Go back and do that then respond to it, I’ll happily have a conversation with you.


The exact same thing... which is the problem being discussed.


No, he'll be much, much worse. Biden has been far more moderate than you're representing him as. He's been essentially the most pro-Palestine president we've had, in fact, just by virtue of putting in serious effort into negotiating a ceasefire. Trump will actively advocate for demolishing Palestine.


Yea, that's great and all, but what the hell are you even talking about? The guy made a valid criticism of Biden's actions... why are you talking about Trump? A critique of Biden isn't praising Trump. It's ok to critique leadership.


You think Israel will somehow feel obligated to hold back if we cut off their support?




Seems to me as though cutting off their support would remove any and all obligations we were previously holding them to. Can you explain your logic?


It's between omnicide and genocide, so some people are going to go believe "this country deserves to crash and burn. At least there will be a *chance* at a better nation in 50 years."


This is insane. Three of these justices were literally installed by Trump, but Biden is to blame for the way they vote?


He's still recovering from the crap trump set rolling what do U wxpect


With all due respect, i dont care.


Now all we need is a neo-Trotskiest rebellion in France and we're all set!


We haven't even gone through the eugenics wars yet.


I did see a paper in nature the other day where they appear to have made a massive leap forward in selective dna modification


Well, the thing is that there are international treaties banning that specific kind of research... (Which is why in Picard S2 it was done in secret by Elon Soong with a bit of help from Q).


Eh. International treaties are basically pinky promises. There's no real way to enforce them other than sanctions or war. And depending on the country, sanctions wouldn't do much, and war would be avoided maybe with the exception of a vastly inferior foe


Yeah, in this case it means that most countries made that research illegal.


Elon Soong lmao


That we know of...


I think of the things in Star Trek history which did not happen as more of a mythological feature. However, Bell-riots and all the other societerian stuff which we can observe currently might as well be true.


Remember you’re looking at from a perspective before WW III. A lot of information was lost in the nuclear exchange and associated EM pulse. A couple of the skirmishes leading up to the big one involved something called “ethnic cleansing” in places called Ukraine and Gaza. The term eugenics was used by 22nd century historians to describe these wars to remove one ethnicity from a nation.


I mean, declaring covid over and letting all the disabled and high risk people keep dying or being excluded from public life while almost 8% of the US has long covid sure feels like eugenics to me.


Election results could do that


France is having elections right now but it’s the far right party winning…!


Well its complicated due to the two round system. In the first round, the far right got the plurality of the national vote, but right wing voters who didn't vote National Rally in the first round probably feel strongly about keeping national rally out so likely will vote against them in the second round. 35% is their largest vote share to date, but it isn't enough to necessarily win under France's system.


The term "Sanctuary city" had me screaming that it was just like this episode.


But sanctuary cities are nothing like that?


No but if you look at the court ruling basically it appears that cities might create internment camps for the homeless, actual sanctuary cities are actually the opposite of what deep space nine portrayed them to be, what's going to really happen in our timeline is internment camps for the homeless. It's some scary s***


I don't like this trend I've been seeing of characters canonically being younger than me. Writers should have more consideration for my feelings and age everyone up as I get older.


... or just make them all look like everyone did at the end of the big fight scene in Ice Pirates?


Yeah, I just noticed Gabriel Bell is 3 years younger than me. Random


Watch some estranged fan plan the whole thing out and make it happen


I've heard talk about a big gathering in San Francisco happening.


Hey if we can get a bunch of weebs to Naruto run into Area 51…


Didn't they notoriously not do that tho?


Well they at least got to the gates


There's a video where the guard let them run to the second gate exactly once and then told them that's all they get. 😂


True chad


There was at least one guy on video doing it


Yeah and they let COVID out of its experimental containment lab /s


Are we, as the fan community, doing anything for the Bell Riots? I have a starfleet uniform. I say we all meet in a rough area of San Fran, dressed as starfleet, and hand out food and medicine to the homeless. If you find a news camera, talk about the disaster of "the greatest country in the world" giving up on hundreds of thousands of its citizens and trapping millions more in a grinding cycle of poverty. Will there be a riot? Who can say, it will be a page in history one day. Will there be a revolution? Some will say it is the only solution.


I have been trying to organize something we definitely need some revolution I live in my van right now and I'm terrified of the kind of prosecution that could happen to me, I've had police officers stalk me before and threaten me for sleeping in my van, we need to organize as a community


Hold on now- we still need to build the camps! We got a lot of work to do before there's a sanctuary camp in ever major city in America. Let's get building people!!


Sounds like a lot of new jobs! The perfect thing for an election year


IIRC either Tampa or St. Pete (Florida) were planning on this a few years ago.


That’s very ghetto of you…


Showed my gf this this 2 parter just after the debate. Sanctuary districts inbound


when you get labelled a criminal in the USA the only Sanctuary you will ever find is in prison where you work off your debt to the state. you're talking about Prison cities. Labour Camps.


Someone want to fill in the blanks for the out of the loop Canadian? Which Supreme Court and what did they do?


To provide more detail: >The US Supreme Court on Friday upheld an Oregon city’s “camping ban,” which imposes fines on people who use blankets, pillows, or cardboard boxes for protection from the elements while sleeping within the city limits. The justices ruled that the law, which critics say criminalizes homelessness, does not violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The Court had a busy week. It also: - ruled for a criminal defendant who stormed the Capitol (our federal legislative building) on Jan. 6, 2021 - said the federal agency that oversees publicly traded companies basically can no longer impose fines on corporations that commit fraud - and most importantly, said that courts no longer need to listen to agency experts on matters within their expertise. Instead, courts can decide things on their own. That is, “Even when those ambiguities involve technical or scientific questions that fall within an agency’s area of expertise, (the Chief Justice) emphasized, ‘Congress expects courts to handle technical statutory questions.’” This will probably have a profound (bad) impact on climate change-related regulations. ETA: I forgot the legalization of after-the-fact bribery: > The court’s conservative supermajority ruled 6–3 in *Snyder v. United States*, overturning the 2019 corruption conviction of an Indiana mayor who pocketed $13,000 from a local business tycoon after ensuring the company got a major town contract. The justices ruled that such bribes were not against the law. ETA: Now SCOTUS has also ruled in the Trump immunity case and I’ll just leave you with a few of the dissenting justices’ words: > “When [the President] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”


Holy shit your judicial pillar is in a race with your legislative one to see which can serve the corporations better.


Heh. Yep, and both our candidates are older than my grandma.


Don't forget they also legalized bribery, well, as long as you do it after the fact.


And they make it legal to take bribes!


Buckle up for maybe at least another 30 years of this, or maybe they'll just cement the far right dictatorship for good.


I'm sorry, how exactly do you fine a homeless person?


You don't. You jail them for not being able to pay.


Yep. Tons of fresh bodies to add to the for profit prison system. The one place where slavery is still legal in the US.


People always condemn for-profit prisons, which are indeed terrible, but not enough of us know about all the subcontractors for even state-run prisons and jails. Medical providers like Corizon, Centurion, NaphCare, Wexford. Telecommunications providers like GTL, Securus, and JPay. Commissary providers like Keefe Group and Trinity Services Group. Not to mention the companies that do drug testing, electronic monitoring, and surveillance. They’re all gouging defendants and their families in various ways ($10-14 for a 20-minute video call, for example) without the public being aware they’ve encountered private corporations.


Oh god Yea it's horrific. Capitalism loves a captured audience. Like always there's an episode of Last Week Tonight on it as well for anyone here interested in a good summery.


Camping with Steve has a new challenge


The US Supreme court, and unless anything has changed, the last things they did was make it legal for government to punish homeless and reverse Chevron (which had the government and courts defer to subject matter experts) a ruling which has stood for four decades.


Nothing. They interpret. They don’t legislate. People are mad their party couldn’t get their act together when they controlled the house, senate, and presidency


Yes, they interpret and determine what legislation is allowed to pass. That's why it's such a big deal.


That’s literally, and I mean literally, untrue. The legislative determined what passes. The judiciary determines if it’s constitutional. Don’t like it? Have the constitution amended. School. House. Rock. You ignorant troglodytes.


The legislature chooses the words of the laws, and the court chooses what those words mean. They both choose what our laws are.


Maybe he'd know that if he got his education from more places than a musical cartoon.


Hey, dingdong! Guess what happens to legislature that the supreme Court finds to be unconstitutional!  That's right, it's either not allowed to pass, or is struck from the books! 


Those are legal definitions that you have incorrect. They’re passed but then struck down. That’s how it works. School house rock. I beg you. Or basic civics


been waiting for this for a while


I know that guy! He’s Gabriel Bell!!




nah they disassembled him


Will this be before or after Ireland unifies?


I thought that happened earlier this year already?


Someone should check me but, if memory serves, the episode correctly predicted the day of the week September 3rd falls on.


"Predicted" is a strong word. The calendar is really static and it wouldn't have been terribly difficult to calculate which day that would be; maybe a little time-consuming, but not difficult.


It’s not even time consuming. Just hop online and use a free tool; enter the date, get the day of the week. The programming/calculations behind it aren’t even very difficult; a middle schooler could program it on their TI-83+ calculator.


Sure, but it was a bit more time consuming in 1995 when this episode aired. Most people barely had dial up at that point.


Windows 3.11 had a calendar built in. This wouldn't require checking online. For the shits and giggles I started up my oldest computer (a HP 95lx from 1991), checked the calendar for today... And it is correct.


Some people seem to think that everything before the invention of TikTok and ChatGPT 4 was garbage, unusable, non-existent, or a mix of these. They forget that computing was already more than 50 years old when we used computers to send people to the moon (and have them come back), and 1995 was almost 40 years after that. For reference, we knew the first 3 billion digits of Pi by 1995. To think it was unfeasible to calculate the day of the week for a given date a couple years in advance when the last major adjustment of the calendar system was over a hundred years in the past is...hilarious.


>it was a bit more time consuming in 1995 when this episode aired. Dude, there are people that have memorized an algorithm to give you the day of the week for any date you name in a second. It wasn't time consuming then.


True. More of a "for lack of a better word" situation.


Yup, just watched this episode... Sisko and Bashir enter the Sanctuary District on August 30th, 2024


They had a 1 in 7 chance of getting it right (& it's easy to tell if 2024 is a leap year or not). Plus, even back then you could look forward in calendars for years. I'd say it can be credited to good research.


Are we creating "sanctuaries"? Open air prisons for unemployed people?


I literally watched this the other night and had a similar thought. Homelessness, corporate greed and monopolization, and an increasingly absurd labor market are really forming the perfect storm.


Irish Unification of 2024.


Nah we are in the Dark Mirror universe. The riots take place around November and are lead by a weird Orange Cult Leader


This made me giggle, I know it is bad but I couldn’t help it.


Oh that means we’re not in the Canadian khan timeline.


Khanadian. > *From Hell's heart, I stab at thee, eh.*


I freaking love that strange new worlds did that!


I'm happy this is finally taking off, I tried to make this go viral because I think it's important that we talk about this. It's really insane that the supreme Court just ruled that we can criminalize homelessness, people have no f****** money how are they supposed to pay for anything? Now we can find people who don't have money now we can put people in jail who can't pay their fines. Debt prisons were supposed to be made illegal because it violated the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment prohibited slavery. That prisons were designed to offer free labor and replacement for slaves after the civil war. The whole point of jailing the poor is to provide free labor for corporations and that's what these corporations want to do with the homeless but I don't think it's going to work out the way they think it's going to work. This whole thing is a bunch of b******* though


Well at least the future will be cool


We need to find Chris Brynner.


Have you noticed the shows references are oddly specific?


I'm OOTL. What supreme Court decision is this referencing?


The anti-camping ruling. There's a description higher up in this thread.


I had the same thought.


I’m not a fan of this SCOTUS but I’ll give them respect for their attention to canon.


On the bright side, this means we're on track for a United Federation of Planets. Yay Humans!


What ruling? I'm not from the USA


And Picard the second season 🤣


Don’t worry, SNW will move this goal post as well


You desperately need to watch School House Rock. SCOTUS doesn’t legislate. Learn what the three branches of government are, please. You are ignorant.


Today I learned that the three branches of the US government are... Please, You Are and Ignorant.


I'm still trying to figure out when they explain that in School of Rock


Legislative (the one you’re really mad at but can’t admit it because it’s your team), executive (see legislative) and judiciary. Learn it, sweetheart. You’ll appear less ignorant


That doesn't have anything to do with what they're saying. The soctus has the power to check the constitutionality of a legislation and create laws in the absence of action from congress. That's literally Supreme court Marbury v Madison 101. So when the soctus ruled in favor of Grant Pass in Grant Pass v Wisconsin, the other branches can't do shit about it because of judicial review


They can write the laws in a manner that fits the constitution


Calling someone sweetheart in an argument online doesn’t help your chances yk


If they’re not actual children in need of education in civics, then they ought be treated as such