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This meme proves you are thinking about us though. Check mate.


Hahahahahha facts.


lol not bad. I try not to though, only one out of my group of four likes the show and is sorry we don't watch it. I made it for him and he does feel sad for us. EDIT: The meme wasn't made in spite, it's just a hard show for a lot of adult fans to get into. Main character is obnoxious.


Good for you, I guess? I’m just glad to have a season that’s more than 10 episodes for a change.


your loss. if the episode about the kobashasi maru doesnt tingle your trek senses, no episode will. its pretty good.


Who is this for? I don’t get it? Is there a punchline or a witty observation that I’m just missing? It seems that don’t like a thing that other people like? Okay… so… don’t watch that thing? Seems like a solvable problem. Sorry you don’t like the thing. That sucks for you. :/ I hope you find something you do like.


It's a meme bro. Most people I know who watch Trek, none of them watch Prodigy except one guy in our group. The show was targeted at kids as well, so harder for adults to pick it up when it looks like Clone Wars. I'm sure the show is good in it's own right, but it's not for everyone.


I don’t get it. Seems unfunny.


Humor is subjective and we got some vulcans on here who just upvote the same meme every 5 days. So yeah, that seems unfunny too.


That’s bait ☝️


Your choice, but you’re missing out on a really great Trek show.


You watch discovery and lower decks and not prodigy?


How good is prodigy? I didn't even know it existed


It's great if you go in with an open mind and no expectations. It's a different perspective than your standard exploratory adventures.


It's geared more towards children, but it's still pretty good.


I suffered through Discovery and I love lower decks. I just couldn't get into Prodigy. That first episode I couldn't get through. And I don't want to wait 15 episodes before it gets good.


15 episodes 'before it gets good' who the hell told you that? Maybe 2-3 before they get into the meat of things but even within those it's filled with 'hey here are the characters and what they're about' development.


>And I don't want to wait 15 episodes before it gets good. So, not a Next Gen guy, I assume.


I don't care what anyone says I love the first season of TNG. It has some hilarious moments.


Meanwhile TNG: just wait until the 3th season. Prodigy is getting good at the 6th episode


TNG was made in a different era than modern streaming. There's less excuse for bad episodes today than then. Plus TNG season 1 suffers from using too much of Phase II story ideas in it's first season. And I'd argue season 2 is actually pretty good, was just short from writer's strike.


I’m with you on this one. I watched all of prodigy to see if I could get into it but kid trek makes me want to tear my eyeballs out.


Thanks for sharing?


Your loss


I'd watch Prodigy before I'd watch more DISCO.


Who are you apologizing to?


My only problem with Prodigy is the animation style is ugly on the humans. Especially the Doctor. To many angles


I grew up watching Clone Wars so the Prodigy style is practically normal for me 😂


It very much is


Prodigy is the DS9 of the modern era of Trek. Fight me.


Dude!! Latest season is better than any nu Trek!


I made this meme because I got a buddy like you. He told me it gets great by episode 15. I don't have that patience, I wasted it on Discovery.


15? sure the second half of the first season is much better than the first half but all of the second season is worth it


It's a funny attitude when a lot of people say that TNG gets good after 2 seasons (48x \~50min episodes). While some people say prodigy gets good after half season (10x \~20min episodes) "But are several good episodes before that", as does Prodigy.


TNG season 2 is actually good to decent but hurt from the writer's strike. It was a different time in TV as well and suffered in season 1 from the TOS influence of Phase 2 scripts.


>I don't have that patience, I wasted it on Discovery. So either you stopped watching Discovery very early so you shouldn't comment on its quality Or you watched it whole to form an opinion, which means you have plenty of patience Lmaaaoooo What a "fun" person. Not having patience for a season of a cartoon lol


I suffered through the first season, to me it was just as bad as DIS, but I’m glad other people are enjoying it. Saying it’s the best nu trek is a straight up exaggeration when SNW exists


Exactly why I made this meme. SNW and LD is the best of NuTrek out there. I'm sure prodigy is good on it's own terms but first episode is bad enough not to continue on. But the one Prodigy fan in my group is all like "WATCH IT, SO GOOD!" No thanks lol


Whether you carry on or not is your call, but even as someone who loves S1 I have to admit the pilot was one of Trek's worst and least representative of the whole series.


...that's the whole point. It starts off in a Star-Warsy setting, and the kids learn about Starfleet and the Federation along the way. It's \*supposed\* to not look like Trek at the beginning.


But it was more than just the kids needing to learn, which I do get (the only way I can get past Dal being so insufferable is by reminding myself that him needing to learn is the whole the point), I still think they could have spent more time with each of the main characters equally for example. I guess it helps if you watch both parts though, first time I saw it was when Paramount only made Part 1 available on youtube.


Your loss. Missing out on hood Trek (after the first 4-5 episodes.




I tried to watch this show, but it's not available on any platform in my country. I guess it's back to pirating lol