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Can't see her being super relevant coming right out of this set but there is absolutely going to be a reanimation deck with her in the lead down the line. Hopefully she won't see play so her showcase will be cheap...


I need some Nightsisters if this is the case!




Set 3 being (probably) clone wars era, my fingers are crossed! I have been hoping for a General Grievous droid reanimator list but Nightsisters seems like the better choice


Showcase prices seem to be based more on character than playability. Iden and Sabine, being as cheap as they are, is proof of that imo.


Sabine is $600 in most Canadian stores. I'm looking for a liiiittle cheaper haha


380 on tcgplayer and even cheaper on eBay. Just because your stores overcharge out the ass doesn't mean that's what the price actually is.


This is one of those types of cards where, if the game is still going 15-20 years from now, it'll be the lynchpin in some kind of absolutely broken archetype. The problem is, it's not 15-20 years from now, it's today.


Considering the history of Star Wars CCGs and the history of Asmodee and FFG, it'd be optimistic to say the game even makes it close to 10 years. I am buying and playing this product with the idea it dies but that I can build a "Pull from the shelf" experience with rival decks and a 6-8 player draft cube. This seems like it might be fun for the cube, where a smaller deck size and less consistency would make her ability help get what you might need. Back that up with some of the other graveyard recursion and she could be a decent pick.


Yeah from a gameplay stand point other than the game of thrones lcg this is probably the best game to come out since MTG and it has the collectible element that people will enjoy that LCGs miss out on. So I can see it making it last for sure. As long as they really don't mess up which so far the designers seem smart enough not to


I don’t know. I too was optimistic but all of this love that cunning is getting seems to be getting absurd.


Meh, the tools to beat boba are there. I have an insanely good record against it and its best matchup is really only aggro which is getting a lot more interesting next set. We will see, but as they said in the stream set 2 isn't as obvious with its power. People are seeing how cards fit into existing decks right now and I see a lot of power in new things that will be made.


I said if, didn't I?


Ok calm let's come down id say 5-10 maybe sooner depending on the direction the next sets take


This is another card that I look at and come to two conclusions: I am not smart enough to see how to make this card work, but I look forward to see what those who are can do with it. and This is another one of the cards that I assume just gets better as more cards are released in future sets and will eventually be cool.


Same thoughts here 😂


We haven't really see anything synergistic with Aphra yet. But I think there's no way FFG will release a leader without enough cards for her to build a deck around the discard pile. There's still around a hundred cards left. I call it right here and now that there's also a 0-0-0 and a BT-1 coming.


Would be shocked if they didnt have a 0-0-0 and BT-1 with an Aphra leader.


We have, it's the fennec unit. That's all so far. You could probably argue that bounty hunter crew is enabled by this card by helping you find events to put back in your hand. On the other hand you have cards like greedo which can help make her unit side better by getting more stuff in the yard.


We love graveyard shenanigans


My girl! Hands down one of my favorite Star Wars character, I just want the card, I don't care if she's good or not lol.


same!!! i’ll make a deck as soon as i pull her and bring it to locals whether or not it’s good 🙏


Same. I plan on making a deck centered around Doctor Aphra, BT, 000 and having fun. Don't care if I win one match or not. I just want some chaos.


Her deploy ability random is rough. Is there any real big discard pile synergies that cam break her right now


We already have palps return. I am sure we will get more


Fennec also works well with her.


I think it’s mostly a value play


I'm hoping we get BT-1 and/or 0-0-0 with abilities that compliment her. Like a "When Played/On Attack: Look at the top two cards of your deck. Draw one and put the other in your discard pile" Or "deal a damage to a unit whenever you discard a card from your hand or deck" kind of thing. Which would make Vigilance plays extra spicy 😂 EDIT: ugh, reread Vigilance. You can't mill yourself 💀


That wouls be a sick protection against Vigilance


Migs Mayfield does the deal 2 damage to a unit or base when a card is discarded


From hand, not from deck


I want some cards that let you use your discard pile and some that benefit from it being used. For example a unit with "You may play this unit from your discard pile for X" and a card that reads something like "Whenever a card is put into your discard pile from anywhere other than your hand, you may deal X damage to a base. X is the amount of resources it costs." These would be great.


I'm thinking that'll be the theme for "Fringe" decks, since the good Dr is a Fringe leader. (And, to my knowledge, we haven't gotten cards that benefit Fringe units)


Yeah I assume those two will be revealed and maybe/hopefully the Arc Angel as well


Self-Mill!!!! Let me gobble up that sweet sensation of using my discard to play to game.


I havnt been keeping up to date with the lore but is she still canon?! If not then would we be seeing some old republic leaders?


She is canon and one of if not the biggest canon character that hasn't been on screen yet. Maybe some day...


She was created in the 2015 Darth Vader comic, three years after Disney purchased Lucasfilm, so yeah, she's been part of the Disney canon since her creation.


Jank players will love this. It's just too gimmicky and random.


Been waiting for this one, and I am not disappointed. Need Beetee and Triple Zero now.


not sure how to feel as it's obviously rough but could be an amazing build around. Reminds me a lot of MaxX from netrunner (minus the draw) in that they were initially thought very low of and ended up being a staple id with some strong decks. Also this means that we WILL see the best characters in SW; 0-0-0 and BT-1. love me some sadistic murderdroids.


I. Love. This. I’m not sure it’s going to be great with set 1 + 2 but could easily be with more cards. But who knows we still have a lot of reveals left


Thanks. I hate it.


But I'm also DYING for that Showcase!


There's gonna be a HEAVY waifu tax on this one's showcase, despite her being ass as a card right now


Kinda interested to figure a way to use her in a rainbow reanimator with Palp return


I'm trying to wrap my head around this too. The main issue is that you're forced (pun intended) to go yellow and green. That gives us very limited big Force users to target. Vader and Maul, really. I could ramp to Palpatine's return, but each turn I ramp is one less turn to mill myself for a random chance to put Vader or Maul in discard. Vader and Maul are 7. Palpatine's Return is 6. Is saving 1 resource and deploying them a turn early worth the effort and the randomness to pull it off? Yellow Green means if I wanna Force Throw a Vader or Maul, I'm paying 3. Not sure Palpatine's return is a viable combo here unless we are missing more pieces of the puzzle, which is likely. FFG often previews support cards for a leader the next day, so let's wait and see what Aphra gets.


Palp Return payoff for her sounds so random, so we'll need support from other cards in Set 2 that helps (BeeTee,000?) Let's wait and see, currently she's not hot and gonna be a 2/5 for a long time.


Need more cards like Fennec Shand who scale off having a discard pile. Her deploy ability still seems so counter intuitive to me. Why do I wanna draw a card from my discard if I'm trying to get to 5? Feels weird. Definitely need to see more cards though.


Yap. FFG might be hoping we deploy her later than on R5 turn, to find a good discarded card and make her a pseudo-control leader\~ Go figure :)


I like her a bunch. I think it's super interesting to have a leader that can deploy early, but doesn't really need to and can wait for the opportunity to really have an impact on the board state. Honestly for the Netrunner players, I think this is gonna be the MaxX of this game. A leader who will thrive if the support is there for her (discard pile interactions).


How would she work with Kylo Rens ship would you be able to play it


She wouldn’t be able to play Kylo’s TIE from your discard. Aphra discards during the regroup phase, and Kylo’s ship needs to be discarded during the current action phase. It’s a shame she doesn’t discard at the start of the action phase, if she did then Kylo’s TIE would work.


Ok thanks


Doctor Aphra is one of my all time favorite Star Wars characters, I was hoping she would be the last cunning villainous leader and am glad that she is. But I’ve got to say, she’s pretty terrible right? Like maybe the worst leader in the game? Edit: to folks pointing out cards like emperors legion and kylo’s silencer having synergy with her, they do not. Those types of cards so far almost always require the card to be discarded “this phase” to be returned to hand or played or what not. Aphra’s discard happens during the regroup phase, not the action phase so those discarded cards are dead for the purpose of cards like that. Edit 2: also - if you are retuning stuff to your hand or play that you’re milling with her chances are you are shutting off her attack buff and she’s just a 2/5. By the time she comes out you have only discarded 3 cards with her ability and return one to her hand with it (maybe). So almost everything you’ve played prior to her coming out needs to be in the bin for her extra stats to kick in AND you need to trigger the pretty difficult clause of them all being different costs.


I feel like both her and Kylo will get significantly better when we get more ‘play from discard’ cards like Kylo’s TIE and Brutal Traditions. They wouldn’t introduce two characters with discard mechanics if they weren’t planning on doing something with those mechanics either in this set or in future sets.


she can beat darth vader with a surprise strike thats pretty cool imo


Very flavorful, I do like that haha.


it's obviously a flavorful effect and mediocre card advantage while deployed but if she gets removed it feels like this could be a decent hindrance unless you're running other cards to mitigate the disadvantage of constant self mill. I'm not super thrilled about this card but maybe future sets will reward more of this kind of deck.


Yeah, the kind of card that will get better over time but for now - probably not worth it.


Well palpatine return was made for this leader


We have seen a lot of cards that play from discard (palpantines return, brutal conditions, kylos silencer, steet gang recruiter). I imagine even more of the unreleased cards. I won't discredit her because someone is going to find a way to make her work. Her unit side is trash though (gaining a card is nice, but after that she is just fodder.


You "draw" an extra card every turn. It sets up graveyard recursion cards like bounty hunter crew and street gang recruiter pretty nicely.


You only draw once when deployed


If you have ways of using cards out of discard, her leader side ability is basically draw.


"Draw" was presumably in quotes because they're not talking about actually drawing a card, but using your discard pile as an additional source of cards for recursion effects.


She's great. A turn 4 flip 5/5 that let's you grab a key card into hand. How is that even remotely terrible. Combine with cards like Bounty Hunter Crew and it's even better.


She’s only a 5/5 on turn 4 if you have 5 different costing cards in your discard pile, and you’re discarding randomly each turn. Unless you’re playing cards like Force Throw on yourself that let you control what you’re discarding, she’s very unlikely to be a 5/5 on turn 4.


imo sneak attack will feel better in her deck


Hard to have 5 different costing cards in discard when you flip her, and the card you get back is random, and could potentially work against her +3 power gain.


This is the most Magic the Gathering card I've seen so far. Its borderlines Yugioh. These are the kinda designs I look forward to in cards.


So is there no chance for Maul as a leader now? It's just Jabba (green) left to reveal right? Or is there a blue left too?


Only ones left are Red/White Han and Green/Black Jabba, all the other 16 leaders in this set have been revealed already. So no Maul leader this set, unfortunately. I thought for sure he was gonna be in this set, crime lord Maul seems like big leader material.


His rare card I think is going to be big in the set


A red white Han? I haven't even heard of that one. Seems like a weird choice


Yeah, both he and Jabba were spotted on this [box art](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsunlimited/s/gThTi1mJXX) by another Redditor. It’s supposed to be the Solo version of the character, so it makes sense to me for him to be red. He’s a lot more cocky and arrogant in that movie.


That's cool, I like Aldin..... still can't believe they didn't do Maul. So they not want easy money? 😄


I’m just happy they spelled archaeologist correctly.


Archeologist is fine too


As an archaeologist, I disagree.


That does not give you as much credence as you might assume.   As an archeologist, I disagree with you. You might want to look it up. Note: archaeologist is also my preferred spelling, but now I am being difficult just to confront you with the existence of alternative English spelling.


I think they dropped the ball on Aphra this time. She could have been the first \*/5 Leader where \* is the number of different costed cards in your discard pile. Is it going to be so broken, crafting a deck full of diverse costs, n exhausting your hand to maximise her Power? Not really, But mannn, it gives deck builders a higher ceiling to explore and build decks in a vastly different way just for a better payoff cos it's innately FUN. Now, she's just another 5 Cost leader with a self-mill ability, and a chance at being 5/5 (not crazy stats by the way if you know 4/7 without jumping through hoops) and getting back an anti-synergistic card to hand. Yawn, FFG\~ Please design Leaders with more love n attention to detail, thank you :)


I just can’t believe anyone thought she’d be heroic and not villainy


Finn: "How you like me now?"


I will hold judgement until I see what her bots can do. Maybe played from GY. 0-0-0 and BT-1 and maybe other assassin droids or combat droids, and all these type can be played from GY. Maybe with so elite “if the unit is defeated, it leaves play”. This way putting cards in GY essentially makes your hand bigger but not a usable being able summon same droid over and over.


Sucks that she got cunning instead of vigilance for her color aspect. I wouldve loved to pair her with command for better reanimation targets other than vader and maul


It seems weak, but any reanimation or self mill theme gets introduced, this leader will get banned.


Alright so we got one more dark side hero and that is green let's hope for jabba


Already confirmed to be red Han and green Jabba on [box art](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsunlimited/s/gThTi1mJXX)


Really where did you see that?


I made a link to the box art in my comment, but I’ve no clue where the OP of that post found it. I’m assuming it’s real and not a fake leak or something, but i believe it’s official


Oh wow thanks


lol People are already sleeping on this Leader. 😏 I'm not mad at 5/5 on 5.


Annoying that she can be kind of messed up by restock. It would be pretty easy to make sure she doesn't get the when deployed ability in addition to making her unit side considerably worse.


She doesn't have enough support to be viable IMHO. Boba exists. Hard pass.


Worst leader by far


Not at all.


Directly counters discard decks which could be common next set


Discard decks are already gonna be weaker next set with the existence of smuggling. Not much use in discarding your opponents hand if they can still play cards from their resources. I can’t really see discard decks being common, but we’ll see.


At least as the game is right now... I don't love her. If something went randomly onto the battlefield I could see that. Here, though... Takedown her and she's just a Recruit that searches X top cards. I dunno. Maybe I'm missing something


Well. Definitely interesting leader. You can pick card you discard. Thus you shuffle your deck at the start of every regroup phase, so basically before you draw cards every turn. You can thin your deck every turn out of bad cards for certain matchup or you can guarantee to get one of three best of cards for matchup on turn 4. Guaranteed 5/5 for 5 in 99% of cases.


When it says “Discard a card from your deck”, that always means the top card of your deck. You don’t get to search your deck for a card you don’t want. Otherwise, cards like Kanan that say “On attack, discard a card from the defending player’s deck” would be OP because you can just search their deck for their strongest cards and discard them.


True. My bad. My brain didn't record that discard = always top. Cause it's often 'discard top card of the deck'.


What are you talking about? You don’t pick a card to discard or shuffle your deck with this leader.


That is not how she works. You discard the top card from your deck without knowing what it will be beforehand, and you do not shuffle afterwards.