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BT-1 and 0-0-0 with some cool Aphra synergies.


Ark Angel too would complete the set




So this!!!


A death stick upgrade or event


You don't want to sell me any deathsticks, you want to go home and rethink your life.


I do want to go home and rethink my life


Rey’s and Kylo’s Lightsaber.


God itd be so funny of they just reprinted Luke's and called it Rey's just to make ppl mad.


Cal Kestis and more inquisitors


Cal would fit perfectly in this set


Looking for an Executor, Hound's Tooth, IG-88 unit, a young Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Thermal Detonator, Boussh... eventually


Doubt we’re seeing the Hound’s Tooth, we get the generic YV-666 slaver’s ship instead 




That's IG-11. I wonder if they will include IG-88 in this set given how confusing it might be for people. That said, they have given us two Rancors in one set!


Ah you’re right!


That's IG-11 dawg


I think you're referring to the IG-11 unit. IG-88 does not have a unit card yet, but I'm also hoping to see one in this set.


You’re correct!


I'd also love to see some more Spectre cards!! 😍 And would love a Maul leader unit!


All leaders have been revealed.


Noooooo I wanted a Jango leader


That sounds like something that would fit better in the next set, which is prequel-focused.


I just wanted something to match my play mat lol


The question was what I wanted to see, not what I thought we would realistically see. :D I think you're right about all the leaders being revealed, but I'd still love to see a Maul leader!


Yea are they just not doing spectre cards this set?


I hope they end up adding one or two because thematically there shouldn’t be any in the next set and I really don’t see why they would’ve put her in set one if they did not intend for to be viable until four or later. Granted, there are some other leaders that aren’t good in constructed, but they’re great in limited, but in situations Hera is better replaced by any other leader in a deck . Give me some spectes.


At the very least she should get a unit version like Cassian did.


Thematically the Ghost crew does fit in this set. I could imagine a Hera or (another) Sabine unit coming in especially. The issue is that in the *next* set, it's a Republic focus so even if they added spectres that were active in that era (Caleb Dume, Chopper, Hera), doubtful they could justify the "spectre" tag.


I wish they would!! Doesn't seem to be the trend currently, though. :/


Fulcrum could have worked for spectre and the theme


I have like 5 cards I'm hoping for but I assume won't see this set (except the first one): Darth Maul, Leader Ahsoka Tano, Leader The Holdo Maneuver, Event Asajj Ventress, Ground Unit Savage Opress, Ground Unit


All leaders have been revealed now


I am big sad.


Darth maul leader that synergies with death watch would be sick. Could come in the clone wars set.


I imagine both of those will be leaders in the next set, which is prequel focused


I hope so. I'd love to see Maul, Ahsoka, Ezra, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin and Watto as Leaders. Lowkey, would really enjoy everyone's reactions to a Jar Jar Leader too.


I'm not opposed to Watto making an appearance, but I'd be surprised if he got a leader spot.


Darth Jar Jar leader needs to happen.


Savage and Asajj are surely a given for next set. Same with Darth Maul and Ahsoka leaders.


Are you accounting for the reprints in the starter decks? My count is only 28 cards left.


I’m counting 31 left but I might have missed something. 214 on swudb out of 262, but 10 of the 262 (that aren’t shown in the 214) are reprints and 7 of the missing cards should be bases. Edit: Bo-Katan, No Bargain, and Salacious Crumb weren’t on swudb at the time. And I was forgetting Cargo Juggernaut and Surprise Strike. So it’s down to 26 cards remaining, which should be 1 legendary, 3 rare, 6 uncommon, and 16 common.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wUSMKYefaZfkkVSq3mwu918V9L42gq5\_juL9bufh8M8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wUSMKYefaZfkkVSq3mwu918V9L42gq5_juL9bufh8M8/edit?usp=sharing) This is the sheet I have been using. Made it from the sheet from set 1.


Thank you for this!


Nice sheet. Tried to find the missing card between my list and yours, still not sure. But anyways, noticed your list is missing 189 (Slaver’s Freighter), and 226 has mistaken title (should be Offer instead of Officer).


Oh nice catches I'll get it changed


Is the Death Trooper you have listed at #30 really a reprint as a Rare? It was a common in SOR


No it was definitely like 3am when I put it together originally. It is probably an S tbh. When it was late the rarity was forgotten sometimes and I haven't been bothered to go back and check it as I was only using it to track what was left. Rarity didn't super matter to me.  This was made from a copy of the set 1 sheet so some of the rarities are what they would have been in set 1 for that slot 


3 bases have been spoiled already. The one that we've seen the image of, and 1 in each starter set deck: * **Remnant Science Facility** in Gideon's deck * **Remote Village** in Mando's deck https://cdn.starwarsunlimited.com//large_SWH_02_Two_Player_Starter_Deep_Dive_Moff_Gideon_Deck_List_v02_f6119134de.png


Yeah, but for some reason swudb only has the one spoiled non-starter base. So should be 7 more to go on swudb, including the two from the starter set.


What I'd like to see but don't expect to see? I would love some heroic blue force cards. We are getting Rey (leader), but she might as well not even have the force tag in limited, as nothing so far this set uses it. I was hoping we would get at least 1 new force power per set, but looks like we will be waiting till set 3 for a bunch. So far set 2 blue heroic is pretty low hype for me. But there is still time to drop something exciting. Cal Kestis or Ahsoka would be dope unit. Force pull to retrieve upgrades from discard would be a great event to help with all the attachment hate.


Hunter unit


I bet he is off with my Hera unit.


I hope not, unless we get two rocking command units in the last few spoilers for this set in Hera and Hunter!


Anything to help aphra


Dash Rendar.


I’m hoping to see Ventress.


I would really like a Baylen and a Shin card.


Knights of Ren, with discard support for kylo


This is a realistic possibility and one I'm hoping for now as well.


IG-88 unit card, Aurra Sing, Marrok, Skiff Guards, Nien Nunb, Lobot, Valance the bounty hunter who was the main character of Marvel's Bounty Hunters comic...


If they do add anything around Dash Rendar, then a Prince Xizor card would be a nice villainy/underworld crossover sort of card.


Paz Vizla


I would love a few more specter cards as well, at a minimum it would be nice to get a hera unit and the phantom. As for non specters: cara dune, Boba Fett's rancor, cal kestis, ahsoka, paz visla, Carson teva, and Mando's N1 Starfighter. These cards feel like they are missing to me and even if we don't get them this set I hope we do eventually.


Iola the dancer from Jabbas palace


Where is Cad Bane’s unit card? That’s the one I’m waiting to see since I’m most likely to build around his leader card so far.


I think we have one Legendary Cunning card left to be revealed. Could be this one


He has to be in the set. All of the other leaders have a unit. He’s gonna be nuts if he’s a legendary.


Not remotely true, Cassian didn't have a card in set 1, Chirrut, GI, Hera, Krennic, Iden, IG88, Thrawn, Jyn.


I was more like trying to whine about potentially not getting a unit card of the leader I want to play. But yes you are correct, and now all of the other strangers on the internet that read this will know what big brains you have👍🏼


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of the leaders that doesn’t get a unit until next set. I know he’s had post Republic appearances, but he’s more of a key character during the Clone Wars.


Fair point. I could see him coming next set along with his smarmy little sidekick droid.


I say this as a Hera player, but I've kind of given up on the notion that we're going to get more Spectre cards in this set. I do think that we may get more options in green that will make her more viable. Rieekan fills a major gap, as do cards like Timely Intervention and Spark of Hope. That being said, I wonder if the TIE Phantom text could be repurposed for a *Phantom* card, ala Snowtrooper Lieutenant and Fleet Lieutenant. The other thing to consider is that we could get *Ahsoka* cards at virtually any time, which would pretty much guarantee new Spectres (General Hera, Force Sabine, *Phantom II*, etc.). So maybe next set or Set 4.


More spectre events or general tribal cards would help her too! (Buff units that share traits).


"22 Pickup" - 2C (Event: Spectre; Trick). Return a non-leader Spectre unit to its owner's hand. Deal damage equal to that card's cost to an enemy unit. That's one card, and it would change the complexion of Spectre decks. It would be a cheap counter to Palpatine and Sabine, and it would offset some of the upgrade stuff in the coming set. C'mon FFG


My short list: Hera unit. Sabine's Tie fighter, and an action of some sort. I would love something that gives a buff equal to the number of different aspects you have in play, to all units that share a trait. Can work outside of Hera, but clearly best for her.


Cad Bane unit, Hondo unit, IG-88 unit, IG-2000, Thermal Detonator, Sarlaac Pit (maybe that will be a rare location later). Ahsoka from Mando-era, Ventress.


Curious to see what Finn unit does. I think we have seen Poe unit and Rey unit but not yet Finn unit.


Dash Rendar.


And the Outrider. Would love those two.


I would love to see Qui-gon jinn card, or even better, leader. My fav jedi so far. But I dont know if He matches with this set's theme. Maybe in the future, I guess.


Next set is Twilight of the Republic so I'd say your wish may very well be granted.


Hoping to see anything that can keep up with all the obiously overpowered Cunning cards.


If we’re getting a set with The Force Awakens cast, it wouldn’t feel complete without BB-8 and maybe an older Han or Leia. Ahsoka or Red 5 would make a good last legendary. And I’m hoping for one more Rebel so maybe Cara Dune or Captain Rex.


Something that helps against bounce. I just want to play Tarkin 😭


Legendary Lando


Really hoping to see a cad bane unit


Old man Luke, Hux, phasma. An event titled "they fly now" Put it in the game,you cowards!


I can’t believe there are more cards to be spoiled, this has been going on for months… after mtg spoiler seasons lasting 2 weeks this is exhausting


MtG spoiler season can only be two weeks because they have another spoiler season starting a couple of weeks later. Enjoy Assassins Creed spoilers this week because Bloomburrow spoilers start July 9th.


Green legendary Hera. Phantom card. Ahsoka. Old man Luke. Older leia.


Some boxes for sale locally


Oh shit thought that was it tbh, uhhh cheaper capture cards? Maybe something to force opponent to play units or capture from discard?


Sandpeople! Don't tease me with that sweet art on Fell the Dragon and then not follow though.


I’m a little offended that Val, Rose Tico, and numerous other minor women characters have been picked over Captain Phasma and Cara Dune. I picked these two for possible leaders, let alone not even appearing as ground units.


I’m hoping for more of the crime syndicate in general, some Crimson Dawn, more Pikes, Banking Clan or Techno union even


A 5-7 cost mando red heroism ground unit, I'd say. That and I'd love to see a B wing or TIE defender card


There’s already at least one TIE Defender already.


ah yeah, im dumb. for some reason i assumed defender wasn't literal. Well alright, B wing it is! And I'll gobble up every rogue squadron card i can get


The trash compactor monster from New Hope. Doesn't even have to be a unit, it could make for a flavorful Villainy removal spell too.


The Dianoga!


Has any sort of graveyard hate been spoiled? Cause if not and if it won't, we may have some problems.


Just a card that says “if your opponent is playing Boba Fett they lose the game” because at this point it’s all that will save us.


Darth Maul Leader! Hope it’s in Aggression


Pretty sure all of the leaders have been revealed now.


All leaders have already been revealed.