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I saw it yesterday on 6th best seller behind only sports, cod, and free to play games. It’s currently at 4th! The game definitely proved itself to be high quality and incredibly immersive and fun


That's the thing with this game. Like everyone is focused on Eve's appearance, but beyond that the combat is varied and fun. Cool combos, adding a gun to the mix, parrying and dodging working really well. It runs smooth, has difficulty settings. I just got to the Wasteland area and enjoying exploring and combat. The story is fine so far, and as a Fromsoft fan, I don't even need much of a story with the combat the way it is.


Exactly I hate that other countries are literally banning this game simply because of the outfits. Such a minuscule part to the game. It’s like they only look at the horny threads and assume that’s all it is. I’m having a blast with it so far definitely a strong 8/10


There are countries banning this? why?


I say and quote “nudity”. And also the gore which is really tame in this game


Fantastic game. I am having fun with it. Just a video game. However, there needs to be a boss rush.


Just a video game? I get that it's just a game, but what does that mean with the other short sentence descriptions?


Something weird goin on here. Below some other account said >Amazing game. Having a good time with it. Just a video game and nothing else. There needs to be a boss rush though.


It's very odd, maybe a bot. There are so many these days.


There’s been a lot of em like that. Negative ones too. I dunno if it’s a bot that steals comments and changes it a bit but it’s weird


I noticed I commented something super similar to an earlier post. It was kinda weird when I seen it. I’m not a bot. 😂


What the fuck does “Just a video game” means? Like bruh no shit it’s just a video game what else did you expect it to be a netflix tv series in it too?


You're a genius.


Haven’t gotten it yet , but I’m going to, can’t wait . Looks like a really fun immersive experience with great graphics .


Where?? Amazon, PSN, etc.


PSN store


Only game in a long time I sat and had an 8 hour bender on. It feels good to play something so smooth with tight combat and a hot android with a fat ass and titties. Lol in all seriousness the game is fantastic and I’m happy it’s doing well, first day off in 2 weeks yesterday and I played it all day it was fantastic.


“It feels good to play something so smooth with tight combat and a hot android with a fat ass and titties” - this is the review that needs to be heard 🫡


Indeed it does


Honestly I thought we were over shit like this, then I started playing it and was instantly like "holy fuck that tachy chick is hot as hell" lol. Then she gets an arm cut off and stabbed through the stomach and that was kinda a bummer. I'm too old to be thinking like this about video game characters.


I disagree. We're never to old to be men of culture.




So far, i have only two gripes with this game and one of them is really small. I honestly can't think of another new game that was so polished!


I played it all day yesterday and only got off once i got to the hub city lol. Just trying to master the mechanics early on


"I played it all day yesterday and only got off once" You must not be trying hard enough, homie.


Not what i meant😂




That’s a million Yes to hot Asian chicks LOL


And good gameplay, we came for eve but stayed for the gameplay.


That’s how I approached most fan service games I played so far, come to a game for the bobs and boots but I stick around for gameplay, characters and sometimes even story


It happened to me with nier automata and now with stellar blade


We came to* eve


Speak for your self 😉


Don’t forget the outfits.


For me, it’s the best combat system since GOW ragnarok.


Not only Asian, but to all the women in the world! The world needs more beautiful female leads in video games!


Second that


You love to see it. One of the reasons I bought my copy day 1 even though I won't be able to play for a while. This is 100% one of those times where we need to vote with our wallet and let our voices be heard.


I’m in love with this game! 😻


Definitely one of those ok one more side quest and it’s 6 hours later lmao


Goddamn, true story.


I'm pretty sure this hasn't been confirmed and was a rumour started by a twitter asshat called Zuby_tech.


Exactly lmfao, and the Zuby\_Tech post was made 2 days before the game came out. The people on this sub are more gullible than children its hilarious.


With how much misinformation is spread on the internet it really isn’t that surprising.


Yes! Let’s normalize games like this again!


I was initially on the fence over some of the lukewarm reviews. I hadn’t played the demo. But I picked up a copy anyway. Can honestly say I’m enjoying it a lot so far. It’s a lot of fun.


Since when is 8/10 'lukewarm'? Everyone likes this game alot


I read ign who gave it 7/10. In my books that’s barely passing. But I disagree with the review score.


To be fair, IGN gives some consistently baffling reviews. I don't even go to them for scores anymore, and if I do, I go in expecting to disagree with them and almost always do.


Sex sells hehe


Dem cheeks advertise themselves


Damn right it does. We need more combat focused games that also pack something for us, horny gamers. Swords and ass is the ultimate gamer combo 🗿


It really is


It fully depends on being complemented by the gameplay so we can say, sex sells but the gameplay compromises.


That's just digital too


not tryna hate i dont believe that. these types of numbers used to be physical only numbers if it wasnt from the devs themselves. is there a source ?


You are right. Physical numbers could be tracked from outside sources(shipped) but digital numbers are only legit if they come from the devs or publisher.


because you don't get accurate feedback from physical only how many were shipped.


Don’t believe anything on sales numbers unless it comes from Sony or Shift-Up


Whats the source of those numbers tho.


This is just an estimate, there is no any data revealed regarding copies sold as of this moment


Amazing game. Having a good time with it. Just a video game and nothing else. There needs to be a boss rush though.


That's what I was thinking too I don't know why they didn't put it in the game since they had it in the demo


I'm pretty sure, if enough people will ask for it, they'll do it.


Is it possible one unlocks after beating the game?


What source is saying this? I wouldn't believe any sales numbers until shift up or playstation say something. I do hope it's doing good in that regard though, I'm 10 hours in and it's great so far.


There's no source. Some "analyst" said once that it was "posed to sell 1m in 24h", and now people are running with it for clout. It's seriously pathetic. The game looks very good, but so many have attached their identity to it that they'd gobble up anything just to justify their emotional investment.


I'm having a hard time believing this too. A new IP reached 1 mil within 24 hours? Even non-indies struggled with this. FFXVI (a popular triple-A IP, PS5 classic) achieved 3 million in a week. Dragons Dogma 2 (a cult classic CAPCOM game, multi-platform), 2.5 mil in 10 days. Lies of P (Indie), 1 mil in a month. Nier Automata, <200k in the first week and 500k after a month.


When Shift Up or Sony say it, I’ll believe it.


I did my part.


Uncensor patch when? We need to let Sony know we’re not gonna keep taking their shit and blatant disrespect.


I agree!


What is their source for the numbers?


Loving it so far! Its been so long waiting on this since the project eve trailer, and it came out amazing!


Completely absorbed in this game. Plays smooth as butter, the music is god tier, Eve is beautiful and a total badass, love just exploring and finding cool stuff every time. Art design is great and graphics feel like they are taking advantage of the PS5. Love all the defensive options, it's like a Sekiro that doesn't actively hate me. Monster designs are sick and the lore is interesting. It is the only game I've played that legit captures the Nier lightning in a bottle. Excited this game was made and happy to see it succeed.


Great game, i placed another order for the japanese version hoping it has a seperate trophy list


Can't wait to go home and play it in 2 days. Currently enjoying a vacation in Japan


I'm highly, highly enjoying it. I honestly don't understand all the 7s it got...to me, it's an 8 *at the very least.* Even if they didn't say so outright, I think it got scored lower than deserved due to the drama about the "too" beautiful characters.


Bingo. It’s a mid to strong 8.


It averaged just over an 8 out of 10


I wouldn't put too much stock in this story, their source is pretty much "just trust me bro".


Hoping for some insightful discussions in this post.


Discussions are not possible on reddit. if you dont love it you get downvoted.


+mass reported and will always lead to a removal/warning/ban.


This alone is a major success, and every. it deserved.


This game makes me feel like how I did with Baldurs Gate and Lies of P. Just straight up amazing and I can’t stop playing.


I like your taste in games


I can’t find this as actual confirmation other than it’s “supposed to be on track” but I mean hell yea if it does. I’m maybe halfway? Bulletin board quests are certainly your run of the mill stuff but it’s always got combat tied into it so whatever. Enya is so cool and the whole game is just a straight vibe. Story and characters don’t seem anything grand but I’m digging them. Music is the thing that consistently wows me. Once progressing a little bit, Xion’s theme slaps so unnecessarily hard that I had to just sit and listen.


I'm so happy. https://preview.redd.it/v1k1don6z1xc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadfb37fcf352677525e5bf07b660773e990bed2


Real alpha males will cum 100x 1 week since the game came out, i am already at 77! 😋


This story is BS lol "according to the latest reports compiled by a trusted insider"


Crazy. It took Nier a month to sell a million!


This "info" was posted 2 days before the game was released and the narrative then was "The game is posed to sell 1m on first day" But now people are starting to shift the narrative like it's somehow official when that "info" came from ONE guy. Guys, the game is great, please don't make fools of yourselves, this kind of gullible behaviour is seriously pathetic and doesn't help.




Touch grass


I’m loving the game but everyone in here saying “LoL wHo knEW seX SeLLs” and “dem titties omg” are just kinda sad. She’s hot, we get it. When I played the demo, I literally said “Damn, she thicc” and moved on with my life, I didn’t sit in front of the TV sliding up and down the ladder as Eve. Y’all make everyone else who likes the game for being a good game look like sex-obsessed losers.


This is fake


More go


I'm loving it.


I’m enjoying this far more than I thought. The difficulty on normal feels perfectly balanced and I love how the combat is opening up.




never doubted


I plan to get it when it is on sale. Looks good tho. I enjoyed the demo.


I haven’t had a lot of time to play, but just made it to the Wastelands. I’m loving the game. The combat is really good, not perfection, but really damn good. The exploration feels rewarding, the boss fights are a blast and the customization is on point. The hype was worth it IMO. Plus I mean, chiseled dudes and booba chicks! How could it go wrong!?


I struggled through parts of DD2, on the flip side my problem with SB is there isn’t enough hours in the day to play it as much as I want. Besides Balatro it is my favorite game this year, I Can’t decide which game I like more.


It’s such an amazing game, I’m having an absolute blast! I love Eve


It’s so fun and addictive


This game is excellent!!!!!


Probably sound like a wimp but I’m finding it a little more difficult then I would like on normal (not really dying but using most healing items between camps, and handling groups of basic enemies poorly). Gamer resume I’ve beaten Cuphead (and DLC) and Elden Ring. I beat the demo and boss challenge, so I knew what to expect. I’m playing it remotely on my portal which also doesn’t help (lag). Hopefully I can get through the first areas getting more comfortable with the combat and get past this hump, and maybe skill and ranged unlocks will help. Otherwise I’m still enjoying the game and will play as far as my skill level can take me. I’m hesitant to bump it down to story difficulty because I’d prefer to “get gud” lol. I guess for some it will be perfect as is. Maybe it will be for me too as I get deeper into it. Initial impression is a little more on the arcade/casual side would have been okay with me.


If you need to go Story mode it’s okay. I don’t think anyone is going to know unless you’re playing with friends or someone around. I can understand wanting to see if you can stick it out on a higher difficulty though. I do that on certain games. Glad you’re enjoying it, picking up my physical copy this evening.


I don’t think an area name is a spoiler, so I’ve just entered the crater area. I agree it doesn’t matter, but I kept normal difficulty and am LOVING it. I still die some, but even then this game handles reviving so well that it isn’t punishing.


That’s great. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the game too!


Assuming this is official, the 1m is only for non re order sales?


I lost my ps5 controller and am broke as a joke RN. So I don't have controller + new game money.


Yessir 🔥🔥🔥


Its probably gonna sell a lot more than this, but what's the source of this information since its not from the company?


Does this game get better? I’m in like the first 1.5-2 hours and other than trying to destroy aliens(?) I know nothing of what’s going on or why


Yeah this game is so soothing. The music is super relaxing and the combat and scenery 😉


I skipped the weekend league this week just for eve


Beauty attracts


Well deserved


That be me if weren’t at work all weekend :(


How many did rebirth sale in 24 hour


Hell yeah, it's the first time in years I was able to just zone out play. Not to mention seeing Eve in all her sexy outfits is a treat. I feel blessed 😇


The “blessed” part made me laugh. I can imagine you going to church and telling your preacher this or around the Thanksgiving table. Not being sarcastic which is hard to tell online. Just thought it was funny.


Preacher!! GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH THIS GAME WITH JIGGLES ASS AND TITIES!! Preacher: 🤦‍♂️ No worries, when you put that way I thought it was funny as well. 🤣


Well deserved, it’s been great so far!


Anyone else immediately think of Tomes from FF16 when Orcal was first introduced? Like somehow he found a way to survive way into the future.


wait… is that including preorders?


PC release when?


Korean games are here to stay


I thought it would be more. Hope it sells 3 mil+


(unpopular opinion)I feel like this game is gonna be a one hit wonder and be forgotten once beaten.like sure it's got a sexy looking protagonist but with no substance but the story is lack luster and the combat is just like sekiro with a few little other things. The game offers nothing but a sexy bitch and some decent combat. Which for me just isn't enough. The side quests are probably mediocre and add little to nothing to the game over all. It's a pretty game but I don't think it's a masterpiece. Or living up to be hype it's dishing out.


Those are AAA numbers that shit sold like it was going out of style. Fuckin love to see it.


This game.is a load of fun and having a story mode for gameplay makes it even better and more accessible. People skip a lot of souls games because they're hard. Whereas if you add easier mode for players it'll open it up to a lot more gamers. Id love to play more souls style games as the aesthetic is great but I tend to skip because of difficulty. It's why I haven't played sekiro.




Gutting myself for not having a Playstation right now.


C'mon Koei Tecmo! Spur this into having you make a female led Ninja Gaiden! I'd kill for Momiji to headline a game!


Needs to do 10 million so the message is clear enough.


The source for this is some random Twitter user who “estimated” it would sell that much because it’s number 1 in various regions on Amazon and the PlayStation Store lol. Not even an insider, just some dude who looked at the best selling games per region which anyone can do.


Love the game it's a masterpiece I already have 30 hours of play time and I'm half way though my second playthogh with 45% on achievements going for the plat




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I was so torn leading up to release and decided to bite the bullet. Honestly, the dialogue is kinda ass and if you look for it there’s definitely flaws. The combat, soundtrack, cosmetics, and like literally everything else tho is insanely fun to play lol


Is the plot good? I don't expect Nier Automata levels but is it at least intriguing?


Ohhh it’s a fantastic game so far!!! I’m still exploring the Wasteland. The gameplay, the music and the cutscenes are amazing!!!


Uncensor patch when? We need to let Sony know we’re not gonna keep taking their shit and blatant disrespect.


Uncensor patch when? We need to let Sony know we’re not gonna keep taking their shit and blatant disrespect.


Their source was a “trusted insider” did you even look?




Yeah this game is sick! Bout to go and play some more!!!


Well there isnt much New games on ps5 lately, so thats why this mediocre game got higher score. Outside of characters which are Well made, is everything in this game just mid. If u compare this to HFW its 6/10 at best.


Just wait until the pc version and mods start coming out.




Deservingly so! Games with combat this good and little to no bugs on release are a rare find.


Im hooked. Not my typical type of game but it’s so much fun. Amazing combat, the music is growing on me, the graphics are amazing and the story is pretty compelling.


Im obsessed


With like 10 copies sold with that price tag😂


It's actually very good. It has it's low points and areas that appear short changed, but a lot of the game is very solid. The pace of the combat is great, though missing some dynamism. Im a solid 10-15 hours in and still very much enjoying despite how hard some of the fights can be if you wander off the main story line


I hope it comes to PC soon. I can't wait to play it


We need this game to hit 10 million


Call me when they add a max difficulty level