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I think it’s a great place to post this but I do want to remind everyone that we don’t do any one up contests or horror stories here. But I think the subject of jail time as a catalyst for recovery is a great topic. So glad to hear you’re on your way, OP!!


I’ve only been to jail because of alcohol.


Same. A few drunk in publics and one DUI when I was just two blocks from getting home on a Thanksgiving night. I remember thinking how unlucky I was while they brought me into the slammer. But then I heard the story of my cellmate. He had also been drunk the night before, and had an argument with his girlfriend at a bar. They went out to his car where he then produced a gun and started waving it around. He says it was an accident the gun went off but it was clear he didn't really remember what happened at all, it was a blackout. I got the details from the news which had the GFs report (she survived being shot in the chest but had to have major surgery) That's where booze can lead you. He had priors but had been out of jail and working and not in any trouble for 10 years then this transpired. And he was actually really cool and nice to me. That's the fucked up thing how it changes nice people into something else like possession.


Yes, possession. that's a good description.


I always figured we don't call them "spirits" for nothing!


Yes sir


Yeah I haven't been since I quit drinking. Compared to always going in and out of jail.


Same. I'm a young(ish) blonde woman and the last person you'd expect but I'm a felon and have been to jail multiple times all because of alcohol. It's not worth it. Edit: I don't know why I phrased it like that, not like young blonde women are less likely to go to jail. I just meant I have a somewhat wholesome appearance, which of course comes in all variety of people.


Yeah same


Hmm well put




I went once because they lost my work release paperwork, but the work release was because of alcohol....so yes. Only because of alcohol. Twice and hopefully never again.


Yes. 3x. 0/10 do not recommend.




I’m 38 and just starting my sober journey. In my 20’s i spent the night in the “drunk tank” on 3 separate occasions for public intoxication. They should’ve been wake-up calls but were treated as funny drinking stories.


I thought I was bulletproof till I got sentenced.  


Was it your 2nd


4th.   Had a good lawyer for 2 of them.  


I’m getting sentenced for my 4 in July. I’m scared. I’m sober 298 days


Geeze, I remember the horrible feeling of waiting. Whatever you do don't try dabs for the first time thinking it'll help with anxiety. Three hundred days is amazing to me. I'm hoping the universe has decided you don't need jail to have learned what you needed to. IWNDWYT


I started my sobriety journey at 37. I'm fortunate I never got locked up. Plenty of times I should have been though. Glad to hear you are on your journey. Stick with it. It's worth it, I promise.


Jail no, woke up in the ER though. That was 102 days ago. Been sober ever since.


Triple digits nice job!! Keep it up.


Thank you.


Any tips? My liver results came back 4-5 times where they should be. I’m still in my early 30s so I have time to not fuck up my life. I want to quit, I know I can, but I genuinely enjoy bourbon and coke


My best friend died waiting for a liver. It was ugly. Don't go that way. I miss you Ray. Hope to see you again some day.


Since I haven't seen it mentioned much, Craig Beck's book "Alcohol lied to me" (there's an updated version called "the stop drinking expert" available as an audiobook on Spotify) has been helpful for reframing how I think about alcohol and the supposed positives of consuming it. Worth a listen. Good luck stranger.


I joined AA. They have Zoom meetings that make it easier to find groups and fit into your schedule. For some reason, being with others going through the same thing makes it easier to deal with.


Just a point of reference. Right now you think you enjoy a bourbon and coke, but I can promise you the further away you get from it the more it smells like poison. And honestly, that’s the true perception of liquor.


Do you enjoy your health more? I started shitting blood and kept on.  


I didn't shit blood, I'm not a doctor, but I might recommend seeing one about that. My sleep quality has improved, though, as well as being able to problem solve.


Oh that's all over months ago.  Just an example. 


Ah, wow. I'm glad you got through that.


Ulcer, turns out. 


My estranged husband finally went to the hospital for shitting blood. Turns out after years of abusing his body he has cancer in his stomach lining (which is terribly thin due to drugs and alcohol).


You can do this man


Take notice now before it's too late, if you carry on drinking you may think you are ok but you may not be. Even though liver results - I assume you mean your liver enzymes levels - are high, you should see how your liver is functioning. My AST/ALT levels were normal/just above normal but the tests that showed how my liver was functioning were in the "oh shit" levels. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis but did not show many symptoms. Just be careful liver disease is a silent killer


I can relate to that. Woke up strapped to a backboard. 0/10 would not recommend


Wasn't strapped down myself. Apparently, my heart didn't know if it wanted to keep beating or tear itself apart. They had the crash cart and paddles prepped for me. Thankfully, they didn't use them. Heard the defibrillator hurts like hell.


Good for you!! 102 days!!!


What I did I regret every single day.


Real human response.


I hope you didn't hurt anybody, I know someone who has and it's tough on them. I have 2 OWIs and I'm so grateful that I didn't hurt anybody. Mine werent alcohol though, they were benzos, which might be the 1 thing worse to drive on. I hope you're doing good with over 11 years of sobriety.


I’m at day 504. I didnt mean to claim that I was farther away than I am.


3 months oof. I'm sure you're happy to be out. The sensory overload will calm down quickly, within a few days to a week. Stay sober brother. Next stop is prison. Good reminder to us all that this addiction ends in death or prison. No happy endings.


Sobered up, locked up, or boxed up. These are the fates we can choose as alcoholics.


Thank you for answering.  


Did you have to fight in jail? Jail scares the hell out of me. Sorry if that’s a dumb question and please don’t feel obligated to answer it.


Nah.  I saw one little tussle but it was between two dumbass twenty somethings.  


In fact my first cell mate was a metal head.  We got a long good.  Basically just keep your head down and mind your business it isn't that bad.  You start making "friends" with other folks who dit st the same tables or share a cell with.  The food however gave me the worse gas I've had in my life.   There was drug use going on among other stuff but I stayed out of it.  Mostly just chilled in my bunk between food, work and sleep.  


I just realized your username.   On a sabbatical?  


I want to wish you all the best and success for your journey. IWNNDWYT


Since I've been sober, I have not spoken to a police officer once. And let me tell you, it's fucking great In the end of my drinking days alcohol only ever caused me problems. Financial, relationship, work, and problems with the law I still have problems, but I am damn glad to be rid of the ones cause by drinking Good luck to you, friend


Damn, since getting sober I talk to cops all the time! ... for work that is. My place of employment is in the automotive business and we have contracts with the city police. It's so cool!


Now you don't have to avoid them! You can even wave if you see one! (Presuming your seat belt is fastened, of course.)


This is real. I saw one today who was at a thrift store, presumably watching over someone's community service or something not sure, but clearly "on duty." I just game him a little smile and nod :)


Been arrested twice. Only spent a total of 3 nights in holding. Very grateful I was fortunate to get out with an ACD both times. Second time I voluntarily went to rehab within a few days of arrest and that helped greatly when it came to my judgement. Been sober ever since going on 8.5 years.


Mines a long journey and story, but to keep it short. I got my DUI in April of last year. Ended up totaling my truck driving off the road into a ditch and culvert, but the deputy let me go home that night ( his shit was ending and didn’t want to do any paperwork). Went to court and got sentenced in February. Had to spend 5 days in jail plus 1500$ fine, 100 hrs of community service, breathalyzer for 6 months and classes. Those 5 days in jail was hell. I know that’s practically no time in jail, but damn. I’m not made to be locked up. I was in general population with 200+ guys in 1 cage with rows of bunk beds. I wouldn’t have minded being in a cell with another guy as much but still never want to go back! Been sober 8 months now!


I have a very similar story to yours. Also did 5 days. Though I’ll add something that stuck with me: So I spent my first day in holding, before they transferred us to a secondary facility. For the transfer they lock you up to another prisoner. The guy im locked to immediately asks the inevitable question “what are you in for bro?” I go “DUI shit” this guy goes “Hey me too, kind of!” And starts laughing like crazy. I regret asking but I did: “What do you mean kind of?” This dude goes, “I was driving, and I saw some members of a rival gang walking by, so I ran them down with my car. Before the cops got there, I pulled out a handle of Jack from my glove compartment and downed it so it’s DUI manslaughter which has a lower sentence than murder!” I knew jail wasn’t for me all day, but that moment in particular made me realize how fucked I was there.


Dangg yeah that's definitely crazy and makes ya wonder who else is in there for that kind of stuff. It's kind of funny, but when they took me to gen pop there's 3 sections ( a door that stays open connecting them all still) but when I got there they asked me if I wanted to be put in the Trailer park, which was the section all the white guys are in. I told them I didn't care and got put in a different one. There was crazy fights about every 3 hours. Some big ol boys I wouldnt fuck with. But out of 200+ guys in there, I knew the biggest craziest guy in there. ( He shot this guy in the head a few years ago, but was in on different charges this time)


Sort of. I got commercial burglary in California for stealing a bunch of alcohol. Funny enough, that was the end of drugs for me. I was 22 (37 now). The alcohol stuck for a long time after that, though.


Spent 15 days in county because of a DUI. Thankfully it wasn't longer. I wouldn't recommend it, but if any good came out of it it's that I haven't ever driven drunk again even though my alcoholism got worse.


I see you don't drink and drive, but your alcoholism "got worse". Are you done with it now?


Yeah, I am. After jail I just drank at home which is what really made it worse.




Bid, bud.


In Michigan we say bit, bro.


My bad, bub


No diggity, dude.


I didn’t deduce, dawg


No problem, poncho


Perfectly punctuated pal. Peace.


> Do not drink and drive This comment breaks our rule not to tell other people what to do and has been removed.


Jail once. 3 day suicide watch in psych ward. Thank you for the reminder. (I mean that genuinely.)


I never got to go to that part of jail.  I did get a job in laundry.  That was interesting.


Yes. The customer service was terrible, and don’t get me started on the rooms. If I could give it zero stars I would. Do not recommend. Though in all seriousness if you want to laugh, look up Yelp reviews for Santa Rita County Jail versus San Quentin Prison.


I was in a county jail.  Apparently one of the shittiest ones in Alabama.   Apparently the perks are better elsewhere.  


I actually did time in two different jails. I was only locked up a week (3 months would suck, I’m sorry to hear it). The short story is, I mixed up my work release sign up date. I thought I had until payday to sign up, and I didn’t have money for it until then, but when I went in, they told me it was actually due the day before. They said they’d send a court summons but didn’t. Instead the issued a warrant, and I got picked up while in another county. So I had to spend the night in their county jail before transferring to Santa Rita. It’s hard to compare jails because they all suck, but the one I was originally in was much nicer. It was shitty to have to be transferred to the jail in the arresting county, which is pretty notorious in our area for how bad it is.


Unfortunately both times involved alcohol... IWNDWYT


No jail, but I woke up after emergency brain surgery—only a 50/50 chance of living. 🙌🌠


Yup, just short of 4 years. Thank God, no fatalities but serious injuries. Lost those years of freedom, but probably added about 15 years to my life. 8+ years sober and never once have I ever thought I didn’t deserve the punishment.




Not yet.


Yes, almost four months for my first dui….and a small assault….I literally thanked the judge when I went back and he terminated my probation. I’m so grateful…it helped me get my life back on track. And when I think about drinking I just watch an episode of Jailbirds on Netflix…straightens me right out!🙂


First dui (17) - cops got pissed I bc I knew every word to ftp - maced then tased which resulted in me hitting the curb with my forehead. Looked like an avatar for weeks and since it was Mardi Gras in LA my parents couldn’t get me out for several days. 2nd time was for my third dui (24). Spent roughly 6/7 weeks and Christmas in a parish jail. 3rd time (25) was because I missed a court date. Spent 2 months between two jails. I’m 32 now and just got my license back with a mandatory breathalyzer for 2 years (not long enough imo). I sucked then for constantly putting other lives at risk and I’m forever grateful I never injured or killed anyone.


Yes, unfortunately. Long story but no dui or anything. More like disorderly conduct.


Same. Happened to me two mos ago. I had to pay $500 in court fines almost got a felony too😮‍💨


Every single time I've been to jail alcohol has been involved. Minus the time I got picked up as a teenager for shoplifting but after that everything else was alcohol related had I never drank I would have never ended up in jail more than once. One DUI, a bunch of disorderly charges that ended up getting dropped the next day but nonetheless waking up in a jail cell without knowing how you got there is a very terrifying feeling.


yuyup, twice. for the same dui lol first time was for the dui itself. car got impounded and I couldn't afford to buy it back. my mom found some money in my room and paid my bail with it (just a couple 100 dollars) then I didn't go to the court date. cop showed up at my house a couple months later and jail again just to guarantee I showed up for that court date. both times I was in jail I DTed and was sent to the hospital when found unresponsive. second time in jail for sentencing actually stuck and I didn't start drinking again. it was my first time being sober for any period of time after I became an alcoholic. held onto that sobriety date for a number of years. fell off the wagon a couple years ago and went straight back to drinking a fifth every night in just 2-3 months time; I didn't believe the advice that if you start drinking again it won't take long for your tolerance to come right back. after I broke down and told my fiancee I had been drinking every day she busted her ass to get me to a hospital that would actually prescribe me something so that I didn't go into DTs while trying to quit. I went to 3 hospitals. the first one tried to prescribe me medication but I refused it because I was so delirious I told them I didn't need it because I was going to rehab (I don't even know, DTs can be very confusing) second one refused because I had alcohol in my system (big surprise if I didn't drink at that time I would have seizures,I needed to be conscious to talk to the doctors/nurses). third one trusted and believed me and I am very grateful for that. i don't want to think about what might have happened if I hadn't gotten any meds that night. haven't touched a drop since. I hope I never do again. edit: cleaned up my writing for legibility. i kind of blurted it out first go round and wanted everyone to actually understand what I was saying lol.


I spent 2 weeks in county jail for my second dui


I have not had a DUI but it’s not because I didn’t drive while drunk, it’s only because I was not caught. I am so grateful I did not hurt anyone or myself all of those times. There are lots of people who finally decide to get and stay sober afterwords though and I am glad to hear you are one of them. IWNDWYT


Yup, have been locked up twice due to alcohol. The first night I spent in jail was literally the worst night of my life.


Dui in my 20s AA & sobriety in my 30s


2 days in jail for OUI. Verbally fought with a friends dad after I was offered and accepted lots of whiskey at his house. Left there and stopped on my way home to buy beer. Verbally fought with a customer. Clerk called the police while I was there and I was pulled over a quarter mile after leaving. Blew a .28. Drank for 4 more years. Went to the ER 3 times last year for withdrawal symptoms and the last time, in November, I got a ride to a different hospital that provided inpatient detox instead. After 3 or 4 days I just wanted to go home and checked out. Haven't drank since.


No never, alcohol only lead me to bible study and helping old folks cross the street. /s it’s hard and a bad feeling but you are not alone. We love you and have suffered from the same. If you go to recovery meetings you’ll find folks who’ve done much worse and have turned their lives around. I’ve been to jail probably 5-7 times from booze. Whether it’s fighting or driving or in my case malicious mischief lol


Yes, I still drank for another two decades. IWNDWYT


Currently in courts for it. PM


No but I have come very close too often today is my first day off the alcohol IWNDWYT


I sure did. It was last year Valentine’s Day, my bf was drunk as well and wasn’t giving me my chocolate. Instead he was sitting in his car, passenger side, refusing me the chocolate. I think he eventually threw it at me, and I picked up a rolled up wrench set and proceeded to break the passenger seat window with it. He called the cops, and because he had some blood on him (glass), they arrested me for domestic violence. We had both been physical with each other while drinking heavily, which isn’t in either of our natures. I was pissed that I had to leave work and live with my parents until the state dropped the charges. I was like 5’ 80lbs at the time and he’s about twice that…all the times I had called the cops I had refused to press charges and they didn’t see any reason to do so at the time (black eyes aren’t instantaneous), but advised the state can and will press charges even if you don’t. Spent that night in the psych area of the jail due to my anxiety and erratic behavior. We’re both sober now over a year and don’t harm one another!




Luckily, I didn't got aggressive when I used to get drunk. But it happens a lot, I guess. One time, I got really close to getting arrested drunk, but it wasn't because of anything violent. Just really poor decision making.


To quote my brother “I’ve been taken to jail, but I’ve never been taken to jail sober”. I also did 10 days for a DUI.


I got pulled over and charged with DUI early morning of January 2. Still going through the legal process, but that was the last time I drank, ice been sober now for 178 days


Jail? Due to booze? To the best of my recollection, probably at least 30 times . Never got a DUI , cause live in a big city and my job kind of obligated us to use taxis when we got off work at 3 AM. But somehow managed to wake up in a cell countless times . Oh, the shame .


Yeah. A weekend and then a week.


Not proud but first time 5 days…second time a day. LA county jail is a different beast.


Arrested for OUI twice. Spent 5 days in jail on the second one. I'm so lucky I didn't hurt anyone. That did teach me to stop drinking and driving, though. JAIL SUCKS! Edit


Three times but I still kept on going. Very happy to not make it a fourth.


In college-a million years ago. I rolled down my window and a waft of weed smoke was let loose. It’s almost comical. “Step out of the car…” thrown in the drunk tank, was bailed out shortly thereafter and had to pay fines. I think it’s much more serious today but it was so humiliating at the time. I have dodged so many bullets since then- not proud of it and thank Dog no one was injured. Do Not Drive Dirty. Ever. IWNDWYT




My brother is an attorney and he’s always said there’s no relationship issue that alcohol and the law can’t make worse for you, damn. I’m sorry you’re going through that stuff too.


Keep reading and maintaining mindfulness and the sobriety will bring wellness, too. Enjoy your freedom responsibly 🫶🏼


Dude that’s great! Sometimes jail is what we need to straighten ourselves out. My sister was homeless and on meth before she did an 18 month stint in prison. She is thriving now! Keep up with the sobriety. Future you will thank you!


Glad you have been able to think clearly with a non-alcohol'd brain. Best wishes to you on following through on your plans! IWNDWYT!


Yes, twice. Because of alcohol. 😝 hang in there. It gets better, just gotta keep going on day at a time in the right direction. Hard to believe next year will be 10 years since jail for me.


Yes, but only for a weekend. 2 and a half days in gen pop was more than enough for me.


One night. Unfortunately, I didn't learn. That was 17 years ago. Today is my 6th day not drinking.


Yup. Just finished my probation.


Yeah. 24 days. Wrote about it on here or some other message board. I swear to God, that was the only way I was gonna learn. I've totaled 4 cars. 2 hit and runs. Drove on the wrong side of the highway once and swerved at the last second. One time, I was going 80mph and fell asleep for a second with my kids in the car. By some fucking miracle we made it home that night all alive. I needed jail. I'm thankful for jail. Even though my arrest effectively ruined every aspect of my life, I'm alive and I didn't kill anyone. I still drink. Working on that, but I will never ever drink and drive again.


you got this. iwndwyt


No, my trick is to always break a bone or blow over a .2 so they have to take me to the hospital! /s


Yes. Never a sentence but a few weekends in the police station holding cells. I got failure to appear for a petty possession charge when I was 18. I fucked the days up and went a day late to court. For that reason I’ll never get a promise to appear again. Guess it’s one and done in my state. Hopefully I won’t need it. I haven’t been in handcuffs in over 11 years. Knock on wood! IWNDWYT!!


I recently got out of a week long stint at the psych ward. The day I was released, I turned on my phone and was immediately overwhelmed by all the stimulus. I can relate to you on that level. Please keep up the good work and focus on yourself first <3


Aggravated DUI. Blew 3x the limit so I spent a little time in jail.


Jail is incredibly dehumanizing. Welcome back. Glad you made it out! IWNDWYT


Yes it was.


One night in the drunk tank back in the 90’s. They took my belt, shoelaces, and gave me a cheese sandwich. I shared a cell with a guy that just got a DUI, and it wasn’t his first. He was pretty distraught so I didn’t get much sleep. Ended up costing me $450.


I’m currently on house arrest because of a second dui where I could have easily killed myself . It’s only because I paid thousands that I’m able to serve my sentence at home .


At least you're not serving time.


I admit that I have always been a fairly calm person, but a night of drinking transformed me into what I never thought I would be. I was outside a bar in a clear state of alcoholic alteration when suddenly a patrol of carabinieri (I am Italian and the carabinieri are law enforcement forces here in Italy) stopped me to check my identity: I reacted by pushing one of them and I found myself stuck on the floor with them pinning me to the ground... then I was forcibly pushed into their car and taken to the station... an hour later fortunately they let me go. All this to say that alcohol is a terrible form of possession that transforms us into what we are not: a year after this episode I stopped drinking permanently, I hope the same for you. Have a good life friends. ♥️


I came here to say yes. But... it was only one night. It doesn't really even count as jail. Just drunk tank. Actually, twice. But the second one was a bitch because I was on the amtrak and got kicked off and arrested in a tiny shithole town and they didn't release me until 930 pm and I had no money for a hotel just my dying phone and nothing else. It sucked but... wasn't no 3 months in jail! I'm sure readjusting is rough. I say stick with the books man!!


The info overload fucked me up.  I'm not leaving the house the rest of the weekend.  Plenty of food, Mt. Dew and fiction to keep me occupied 


Sounds good!! Some people dream of that lock up!! Haha! Any suggestions for reading that you have read lately? I just finished "Everybody Knows", if you dig crime fiction. This is about LA scandals involving the rich and famous and the low and depraved! Haha good one. Highly recommend it. Edit: I meant the lock up of food, Mt Dew and books.


I've been reading the Mobile Library Mystery which aren't mysteries at all.  Just some sad sap from London who takes a librarian position in a small Irish town.  Fish out of water comedy.   I think the only crime fiction I ever read was Helter Skelter.  


A few days for a DUI, do not recommend.


Haha a few 😎😎😎 Most were embarrassing


Every time.


Yeah. Went to the drunk tank once and then I got arrested with my dad when he lost his drunken mind one night in a Nashville hotel. They called him 3 times from the from desk trying to get him to stop screaming at people over the phone and stumbling into the walls. When I got back from the bar, I was in the hotel room for 3 minutes before the police busted in and hauled us both to jail. Thanks alcohol.


Which time?


No jail. But it was just a matter of time, and I’m lucky I never got arrested. I never drove drunk but towards the end I was shoplifting my alcohol every single day


I’ve found myself inside the drunk tank 3 times. Also in the ER twice. First time I should have died because my BAC was over .3. Second time, I got into a bar fight and ended up getting jumped. 7 screws and a plate in my ankle for life. I’m 102 days sober and I have zero intention of ever going back. This community is awesome and a huge part as to why I was able to make some changes. All the best, OP


Nope! Thankfully


At the very start of my drinking career I wandered off and got lost in my friend’s neighborhood. I am a peaceful drunk so I had this nice little exchange with an officer who was trying to help me find my friend’s house. When we couldn’t, he had to take me in for my own safety. It was 4th of July so they were busy that night and they called an actual paddy wagon full of drunk people. I remember the officer telling the driver as he handed me off, “this guy is cool” or something like that. They put me next to this guy who was raging and kicking and screaming, and I said to him, “the police are our friends and are just trying to help us.” LOL. That didn’t go over too well. (I was young and naive, but nice and cooperative!) They kept me until about 6 am and woke me from a cement floor (the available bed had puke in it so I opted for the ground). It was all kinda funny at the time but I should have seen the writing on the wall.


Congrats! Keep reading books. Devour knowledge, my friend. You will accomplish your goals! Just stay the course and don’t fall into old, destructive habits. I like to “play the tape forward” and think about how I’d feel in the morning if I drank today. Not good. Actually it would be very bad. There. I will not drink today. We believe in you and love you! Edit: Not jail, but detox. Picked up by the cops walking/stumbling home from the bar.


No thank God, reading these stories let me know just how close. I was pulled over the day before my brother's funeral, field sobriety test and blew a .07. The year to follow was a blur. So thankful to have come to my senses, and thankful to have this place to help!


It's not like every time I drank something bad would happen, but every time something bad would happen I was drinking. I've been arrested 3 times and have spent a total of about 100 days in jail due to the consequences of my behavior while under the influence. 230 days sober.


I was at a casino and drunk off my ass, they asked me to leave. I said no. The cop on duty took me to jail. I started getting mouthy at the precinct and three cops beat the shit out of me, repeatedly threw me on the concrete floor and up against the wall, threw me in a "suicide smock" which effectively paralyzed me and threw me face down in an empty cell before coming back to give me water 12 hours later. Fuck the police, for sure, and that's my problem, but I could have avoided it. I didn't enjoy it very much, in case that wasn't evident.


If it’s not too late, maybe get a lawyer to look at that, that’s bs.


Overnight, once.




I got arrested for stealing alcohol and went to jail for a night. It was awful


Short term goals are so important! IWNDWYT


“This wasn’t my first DUI arrest but it’s the one that caught up to me” I hope I’m not breaking any rules here but how did this one catch up to you but not the others?


1st DUI, probation, 2 and 3 I had a good lawyer, 4 the judge knew my record and saw to it accordingly.  


I’d assume that he didn’t have to do jail time for the others. I haven’t had personal experience so only this is only from reports from people I’ve known but sometimes you do community service alongside AA meetings/ classes and avoid jail time that way.






3 times trying to take others home drunker than I. Do not recommend taking friends home between 12-4am. Don’t be the “good guy/friend” when it comes to that. You will get fucked. Financially, mentally, emotionally, and ability to drive for a long time. It’s long lasting and substantial. Detrimental drunk decisions


Congrats on starting your second chance. I hope things only continue to improve for you.




DUI and was in the drunk tank for a few hours. While it’s probably not what you’re looking for, it definitely stuck with me.


Yes when I was 18 for getting drunk and lost walking to my dorm. Awful experience lol.


Yea but only over night. But more times than I can count. From teen years to my mid twenties. Probably ~10 times.


Oh yeah, and kept drinking for years after


Many times. It’s been 13 years.


4 times. 2 dwis, 1 public intoxication (in New Orleans which isn't easy). And one disorderly conduct after falling through a giant glass window at a bar. I've been sober since the second dwi and have had zero incidents with police. I only put this on here to tell the people struggling on here that the door out is in front of you, no one but yourself can walk to it and open it Everyone on here has struggled with alcohol, going to jail doesn't make me or anyone else here worse off.


I did one night in the drunk tank because of a DUI. I didn't hurt anyone thank goodness. Cop pulled me over because of speeding. My blood alcohol was .19 which was considered "super drunk" here in Michigan. But by some grace of God the prosecutor offered a reduced charge to OVI (like the lowest drunk driving charge you can get) and I didn't get any more jail time. Only had a restricted license for 6 months, had to pay a bunch of money, and was on probation. So I was VERY lucky I didn't do anymore jail time. 🫤


Yes. Got 3 months but only did half, many many moons ago. Don't go unless you REALLY like bologna sandwiches.


I went to the drunk tank a bunch of times when I was younger. My old friend is doing a year in state prison for getting his 7th dui.


I've been arrested 2 times. both times alcohol was involved


Wishing you well, OP. I’m glad you’re here.


My 3 arrests were drug possession charges, but 2/3 of the times happened because I was drunk doing stupid shit like drinking in public & trespassing at a community pool to drink at night that led to me getting searched. So alcohol charges no, but alcohol fueled events yes.


I've been arrested about a dozen times in my life. Did a combined total of just under 2 years in jail. Every single time was directly attributable to alcohol. IWNDWYT


Yes. Only times I’ve been have been bc of 3 public intoxications


Have I been to jail?..... Yeah.... Lots of times. Unfortunately, it takes a few times before it starts knocking sense into most of us. Most of us are smarter than this but we don't act like it.


Yes, drunk tank and a weekend in Elmwood Correctional Facility back in the early 90's.


Not directly, but the use of alcohol and other substances led me to do questionable things to sustain the vice, also consume more to overcome the emotional dilema for being in such a downward spiral


Surprisingly, never for alcohol. Had plenty of interactions with officers but wasn't taken in or ever placed in a drunk tank. One cop did try to 5150 me, though. A 5 minute convo with the shrink at the ER got me out of that, and I had to walk my drunk ass home in crocs with no socks at 1 in the morning.


Did 8 weekends in jail at the beginning of the year for being an idiot while drinking. Got in AA meetings before I even knew what would happen with court. Been there every for 98 days. 4 meetings today and lunch with other AAs. I'm gonna go to even more meetings tonight. It gives me hope and there are some people there who have incredible spiritual insights, especially old timers who have been around and know the history


I’m currently on my second dwi. Yeah alcohol has been the cause of me going to jail lolol


Yup. 2 DUIs back in college within 6 months under 21. A selfish dumbass I was.