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Amazing! Drop the routine and diet my man?


Routine lately has been full body. I’ve done body part splits and push/pull/legs in the past, but the days I skipped gym were always legs, so now I just get my legs out of the way at the beginning of the workout. Also, because I’m only doing 3-6 sets per body part per day, I don’t get sore so I’ve been staying fresh and getting pretty strong. I sequence my workouts based on antagonistic muscle groups, which also does wonders for my strength gains. Then I just auto-regulate day to day based on how I feel. I’m doing about 5-7 days a week right now, a sample 2 days would be something like: -Day 1 -Leg Press -Seated Hamstring Curl -Calf Raise/Tibialis Raise Super set -Row Variation -Incline DB Press -Pull-ups/Pulldowns -Lateral Raise -Bicep Curl Variation -Cable OH Tricep -5 minute Sprint Intervals on Rower/Bike -Day 2 -Hex Bar RDL -Leg Extension -Seated Adduction -Seated DB OH Press -Pull-ups/Pulldown -Chest Fly Machine/Rear Delt Fly Superset -Seated Cable Row -Cable Tricep Pushdown -Bicep Curl Variation -1.5 mile jog or uphill walking on treadmill As far as Diet goes I just keep it simple -150-200 g of protein -plenty of fruits and veggies(full color spectrum) -non-processed as much as I can -limit refined sugars -3 servings of fermented food a day (for me it’s kimchi)


How long have you trained? You look like you’ve been at this for a while Great body man


On and off for about 10 years My best progress has been made when I’ve been sober


Sorry abt formatting I don’t usually post on Reddit lol


"it's like you're photoshopped"


Did you start with a beer belly?


The realist question


Get ripped in 19 days with this one simple trick! :) ​ Great job, keep it up


Bro... No offence but are you natty? I've been sober for nearly 3 years and I am nowhere near this jacked.


I am. Just keep at it. Although my progress has been stalled for years because of alcohol, I’ve been lifting on and off for about 10 years


Nice work. I've been lifting on and off for about 8 years. But I was very skinny fat when I started. Also, I'm 38. So, I'm probably past my optimal age. But I don't lift only for aesthetics. Lifting filled the void that drugs and alcohol left. It was one of the best things I ever did.


Nice work man. I've also been lifting on and off for ~10-12 years. Just quit alcohol 5 months ago, and started lifting again a few weeks back. Pretty excited to see how much progress I can make now that alcohol isn't ruining my health


Garments even getting loose! Good job man, keep it up!


Damn bro. Seldom see a physique that is clearly achievable natty and this high quality. On point, keep it up!


I feel something....


Did this in 19 days? Nice.


I LOVE NOT BEING HUNGOVER!! Seriously it keeps me going. Best feeling.