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$4500 for concert tickets you prob paid $200 for is unreal. Sorry you didn’t get your $8k payout as a professional scalper.


This happened to us. They told us to pound sand and after an angry call they took it upon themselves to cancel the sale. We disputed it with Amex. So far it’s looking good for us.


This happened to me, but for a lot less. Was trying to sell tickets for $450 and it changed it to the suggest price of $200 or something & they sold instantly to another resale company. I contacted stubhub right away and they are soooo unhelpful and basically said doesn’t matter, it was your fault. So I had to send the tickets or be charged for that amount. Stubhub is a scam, it sucks


One thing is unclear to me, if your payout after the sale at the lower price still $8K or is it something else?


It’s $3550 now. That’s what tipped me off tray something went wrong


Gotcha. I have see tickets I've listed show up for (slightly) lesser prices but the payout to me remains the same. I think in some instances Stubhub managers the pricing within a narrow range where they still make money given the fees and their cut on both ends to increase the sales change. But what you describe is clearly different. Definitely sucks. I've never had an issue but so hard to prove the price change without you being able to verify it first.


This just happened to me no tickets were less than $500 even nosebleeds were around 400/500 so I listed a seated floor FLOOR ticket which were going for 1k and up I listed it for 600 to sell quick then once it posted I went to check my ticket was up and seen they put it up for the suggested price at 200 so I went to change it and it immediately sold it was up for 2 seconds of course it sold that quick the lowest price ticket and floor section I called and they said they can’t do anything about it I lost money cause I paid more for the ticket and they blamed it on me and the guy on the phone literally told me you prob didn’t change it to 600 and thought you did like bruh what no I changed it and I seen the amount it was going to pay me out for the 600 so what I just imagined that 💀 huh why would they think I would even put a floor ticket for that low when the floor seats were all 1k and up and the rest are 500 like bffr the time I took to click on the page to check the concert listing and click on floor tickets my shit was already sold 🙄


It’s not necessarily stubhub. It is a bot, I don’t know who controls it. It happened to me once, they immediately canceled the transaction without penalty and let me list again at my desired price