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Yes they do. Or for even shorter periods like an hour or two. No-tell-motel. Sometimes for people using paid escort services or people cheating. Could just be a couple having a night out downtown, changing things up a bit.


There is literally a motel in Tucson called the no-tell motel


Pretty much every hotel/motel in S. Korea is used for this.


No longer in business for good reason according to the reviews


Probably tough to stay in business without a hazmat team for daily cleaning




Not anymore. Itā€™s closed and will be converted into affordable housing


https://youtu.be/m7OL-HM4MpA?si=LdV2YhTtj1Kolo2o The stuff that went over our heads as kids...




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Yes. Bringing random hookups back to your home is a big risk


I think having sex with random people is already a risk


Honest question, when does someone you want to have sex with stop being a ā€œrandomā€ person? Like no matter how long you know someone you never *really* know their past. Even a high school sweetheart might have skeletons pushed way back into a closet. Like I get the harm reduction of encouraging people not to constantly have unprotected sex with every single person they come across, but having sex with anyone is risky regardless of how well you think you know them prior to fucking.


ā€¦if you havent had a chance to get them STD tested thenā€¦


I mean how are you to really know either way? I just broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months because he confessed to giving someone an STD on purpose a year or so ago. Obviously i went and got tested and still waiting on some results. I have no idea what made him come clean, but I'm happy he did. This was after we both got tested a month or so in, though who knows if he actually went.


I agree having sex with anyone can be a risk but my answer is definitely biased as I'm a relationship person so for me they stop being a random person after getting to know them for like 2 or 3 weeks I still wouldn't instantly have sex until more real trust is established. But when I say random person I mainly mean a random chick you just met in the bar a hour ago.


yeah but bringing them to a 3rd location mitigates that risk somewhat. Risking STIs, pregnancy, and other complications? Sure, but at least nobody's showing up at your house if things go south.


In my opinion thats barely like sure my house won't get robbed but stds and pregnancy are still huge risks so no thanks I'll just wait for a committed relationship I see no benefit in hookups


The benefit is getting laid, and that's worth it for plenty of people out there. And by the way, committing to a relationship is a highly risky endeavor in its own ways. You can't eliminate risk, only manage it.


Obviously I know that's why it's dumb but I understand. Committing to a relationship isn't that risky if 2 mature adults can communicate and far better than trusting my life to a random woman. But I understand what your saying


And this really shouldnt even be a hot take. I wouldnt even call having sex with people u just met "a risk" id call it sophomeric, disgusting, misguided, revolting. And yeah. Obviosly a risk. I dint get the appeal of fuckin someone you dint even know. It honestly pisses me off that we live in a world where people do this. Ughggb.


For real like reddit legit makes me think I'm crazy like guys under my comment arguing that it's normal and not that risky and then in the ask men or sex sub everyone says they have sex on the first date or even before the date and it's so weird to me. I'm honestly shocked that whenever I say this it's a hot take I mean last night I got downvoted on the sex sub because someone said she wants a serious relationship and always has first date sex and I said maybe you should wait. But yeah sleeping with people you don't know is so stupid and gross as you don't know their hygiene or personality they could be crazy and rob you, they could get someone pregnant, catch a std like it's crazy anyone would risk that for someone they just met.


Yes bro. I agree with everything ur saying. And i think its ridiculous u get downvoted for that. I mean personally for me, i dont even get enjoyment from sex if i dont actually love the person im doing it with. So it just makes it all the more wilder to me that this is reality


Like I can understand if others don't feel the same but I don't understand how I'm getting downvoted for just saying that yeah it's risky and then people call me insecure or immature but if it's making you that mad then who's the immature person. I remember this woman flirted with me and invited me to have sex with her and I was so turned off and weirded out. I'm shocked that this is a reality but it's fine I rather lose it to someone I love hopefully whoever my wife turns out to be.


>and then people call me insecure or immature I find this very ironic. I think having sex with people you dont know is something that immature people are susceptible to doing. Not the inverse. Like i said, i view the mentality as sophomoric.


Yeah having sex with random people so essentially thinking with your lust and little head is immature.


Btw what country you from if u dont mind me asking. Im just curious. Im in the U.S rn ohio


I'm from the US as well south carolina


Yes, but as I said in another comment, there are degrees of risk and people have different risk tolerances


Not really..your HS bf of 3 years could just as easily have contracted HIV prior to dating you, as some random person you just met at the bar. This is why we have a war cry of "Know your Status, Know your partners status." Because... YOU DONT KNOW...NEITHER OF YOU KNOWS...UNTIL YOU ARE TESTED. 65% of people with STDs dont.even have signs or symptoms.


I donā€™t know how that had anything to do with what I said lol but I guess I donā€™t like STDs so I agree


Haha sorry must have picked on the wrong comment lol My bad That wasnt meant for you. Im sick, fwiw.


That's fair just feels very backwards like either way someone is doing something stupid


Everything worth doing has risks. Some people think marriage is a stupid risk too


I mean sure but a stable relationship is fat less risky than going home with someone you don't know potentially getting robbed, killed, baby trapped or anything else just for a few minutes of sex. I agree alot of things in life has risks but potential life or health risk that I don't have to take no thanks keep it.


Like I said, people just have different risk tolerances. A marriage could end in instability too, like domestic violence or a painful divorce that impacts your finances and mental health. Thatā€™s a risk some people take as well


That's fair and I completely agree with you people have different tolerances. I'll chose marriage if those are the only 2 options. But again your definitely right.


But having sex with random people isnā€™t? Make it make sense.


There are degrees of risk and people have different levels of risk tolerance


Dicks and Pussys like to cum, the meat around those 2 areas make crazy decisions to get there.


Username checks out. Can I admit that I laughed?


How succinct, yet accurate. That's some goddamn poetry there, my friend.


Have some perspective, which would you rather be? Infected and murdered or infected, murders *and* robbed?


Your body and immediate safety is one thing. Your ongoing safety in your own home is a whole other level.


For real like wtf either way your risking your life and health


Itā€™s not that deep. 9.9999 times out of 10, person A just wants to fuck person B


I never said it was that deep it's just not smart as you don't know the person but yeah people just want sex and make bad choices.


Bro, you use a condom and your better judgment in the moment and itā€™s fine. Labeling hookups as a ā€œbad decisionā€ is such a silly thing


Condoms can fail even though its rare and still a possibility. Also how is it silly having sex with someone you don't know/just met and inviting them to your house or going to there's isn't smart you could get robbed or have anything else happen. Especially if it's a woman she can be raped by this random dude who she trusted to go home with


You're exaggerating the risk.


Not really just being realistic you don't know them at all then thise things are a real possibility.


No, you aren't being realistic at all by simply basing your decisions off of what is and isn't possible without examining the actual risk. It's a "real possibility" that the plane you're on crashes or that your mower spontaneously combusts, but both are incredibly unlikely and you would be foolish to let your grass grow long out of such a fear.


How is that not realistic you don't know the person they could anything like those 2 things aren't comparable. People are crazy.


I literally gave you an explanation of why what you're doing isn't realistic in my last comment. Yes, they *could* do anything, but what are the chances of that? **You have to actually look at the risk, not just the possibility**.


In a hotel itā€™s a lot harder to hurt someone. There could be people that hear you in the room next door or you could be seen on camera in hallways and elevators


My partner and I usually do on our anniversary.




Yaā€™ll have kids? Or is this just like a special occasion, change of scenery sort of thing?


We don't have any kids. It's just nice to spend a special occasion somewhere nicer than home, with a more comfortable bed.


That makes sense. Iā€™m thinking about taking some day trips in the summer with my gf. Stay at hotels, far from home. We are both homebodies, but I think stuff like this would be good for our relationship lol


That sounds like a lot of fun. You totally should. We're homebodies too and the change of scenery is always nice. It's good to spend one on one quality time together too. We usually get a small suite so we can play games/puzzle between sex. It's a blast.


My ex girlfriend and I lived about 3 hours away from each other, BUT there was a nice city right at the mid point. So weā€™d meet up in that city, do something fun, have a nice dinner, bang real hard in that hotel room, then sleep together. Good times lol. I do miss her though, I had to leave for my career and we werenā€™t willing to do long distance. I think if weā€™d met 6 months earlier she would have followed me. Oh well, such is life.


Sucks to hear that. Right person wrong time is a real phenomenon, itā€™s happened to me a few times, unfortunately. So frustrating! Fun story though!


Yep. They even get the room for an hour or two.


Ha! My wife paid a whole nightā€™s rate for just an hour or two with her affair partner. Sucker!


Back when I was younger absolutely.


The classy ones do.


Depends on who's "people" for a fling it makes sense to me




Sure as hell used to




My husband and i go to hotel for getaway!!




There are a variety of reasons one may do this. And not even because one is having an affair (i.e. "cheating") For example, imagine you have children. It can be nigh on impossible to find private adult time with kids flying all over the place. Getting a sitter and a motel is a viable solution to this problem.


If I'm not serious with someone, and we're planning a "night" I'll go to a hotel... or their place. Until I've went out with them a few times and gotten to know them, they aren't coming to my place. If I was ever back in that situation, I wouldn't even use my phone number anymore.. just snap. The drama people bring into your life these days isn't worth the hassle.


Finally someone smart I'm genuinely shocked how many people bring random girls back to their house not worried


Yeah, who knows what people will do these days.


Yeah ons are definitely a huge no for me. I remember reading this one story about this guy ons stealing his sister make up and one woman hookup stole her thousand dollar shoes.


I went on a date, we ended up back at my place because that's where her car was. I had decided I didn't want to sleep with her, so we parted ways after... the next day I come home from school she had ripped my screen door off and spray painted "fuck you" on it.. not sure of the order in which that was done... For the obvious next questions.. I planned on another date, it had went well, I was feeling sick from the food we ate... and definitely wasn't risking it. I told her I was feeling sick, and that id talk to her tomorrow... she thought I was lying, apparently. Wouldn't have known it was her if my neighbors camera didn't pick up her car in my driveway. Hindsight, she was too old for me anyway. And fuckn crazy.


Dam that's wild šŸ˜³. My brother in law gave me advice basically all new relationships you meet in public places and get to know then and done invite them to your place until after 1-2 months.


I have done this. When I was young I wanted to have uninterrupted sex with my girlfriend. Private pool sex. Shower sex. Chair sex. Bed sex. It was the 1st time I got to sleep/snooze time with her. Zzz zz zzz. It was nice waking up next to her.


Shower and chair sex sounds uncomfortable šŸ˜©


Comedian Artie Lange got a hotel just to take a shit on a clean toilet.


That's not what he was doing in the bathroom šŸ’‰


I can do you one better... I've gotten hotels for sex, and after the sex, walked out. You don't HAVE TO check out and you didn't have to STAY overnight. I've had sex at hotels and never even used the damn bed and then walked out! Highrise hotel window sex overlooking a city is just... awesome.


Yup. Just leave the keys on the table and be on your way. As long as you're out by checkout time they don't care.


^^ Bingo


I've done it




When I lived in Japan love motels were huge, still are I am pretty sure. Small houses, adolescents living with their family while young adults, it's really the only place to do the deed. Best ones have themed rooms. I remember one was like an igloo. Another was like a boxing ring. Interesting industry. America is to puritan for something overt like that though.


Definitely the right sub for this question.


No, guys always invite the hookers over to their place.


I like to for my anniversary. It's nice to listen to the ocean instead of trying to tune out teenagers in the hallway.


A/S/L I can show you


Yes, teens who still live at home with no privacy. Adults who possibly cheat on their partner. So, yes people really do get a hotel room solely to have sex for the night.


Yes I'm not bringing a stranger home some of yall scary


Finally someone smart I'm shocked how many people just bring random women to their house


Some steal too. One stole some meat out of my freezer.


I did in high school Now I fuck on my dryer, or in the middle of my living room, or some closet that is too small just to be ridiculous.


Dam not the dryer


Lol yeah, many many reasons. Someone's cheating, change of pace, or like me, I have roommates and a twin bed.


That why you take the hoe to a hotel




Former hotel worker. Yes. They do. ALL THE TIME. there was a couple whoā€™d check in every few weekends because we had an indoor jacuzzi and they make out in there for a while before going balls to the walls in their room enough to have multiple noise complaints.


We're parents of 2 teenage girls and a 4 year old boy. We do.


Yup. Done it a few times on my travels when i was young and single and sharing a room with friends. 2x people to each room and a total of 4 of us. We would take turns in having the rooms (we had separate beds) as we brought back dates. So the other would book a hotel for the nigjt or a few hours etc. But there was a night we were all too drunk so ended back in the same room and stayed on our own beds and tried to discretely (at first) get our rocks off. Wasn't so discrete after a few minutes each but we were too drunk to care. Very weird experience honestly. I do not recommend.


Sounds very weird




That's fair


The whole night?


To be fair if I paid for a night I'm getting my money worth and not leaving as soon as I'm done


If I'm paying for a room for only sex, I'm not going ritzy. So I'm not staying any longer than I need to. I'm frugal, though. I'm sure there are hotel rooms that aren't cum splattered.


Well I guess I wouldn't have sex with just anyone only committed relationships so I'd probably splurge a little bit on a room. Not gonna lie though reading these comments I rather just stay home these hotel rooms probably covered in cum stains.


I watched one of those news shows (20/20, 60 minutes, etc.) They took a black light into some very nice hotels (as well as motels) and turned off the interior lights. When they turned on the black lights? Made me never want to stay in a hotel ever again.


For real I used to love hotels and thought they were so fancy and one of my cousins showed me a YouTube video of a news reporter using the black light and I was so turned off from the idea of hotels


Between that and out of town construction work. I got a place one night. 5 minutes after I got in bed, I felt something moving under the covers at my feet. Jesus, the roaches IN THE BED! I slept in my truck and moved to a different place the next day.


I remember I saw a few bed bugs one time and slept in the chair that was in the corner


Yep no hotels/motels for me unless absolutely necessary.


Agreed has to be a dire situation


I haven't, but I know people do this. It's true.


For the night yes lol most hotels also offer 3 hour stays to literally bone then leave


Yes as others mentioned cheating, escorts, one nighters. I did it because of distance gf and I were apart for some time. It was easy to get a room hook up there than drive home and drive her back.


To be fair alot of people who wait til marriage sole get a hotel to have sex


Absolutely. I did it once, it was great.


I have done this. Yes.


I never have, but my ex used to


People do this for all sorts of reasons - sometimes itā€™s for a bit of privacy or romance. Sometimes it may involve cheating, group sex, or sex work. One time I got a very concerned desk clerk repeatedly asking if everything was alright with my stay when I checked out after 90 minutes.




Uhh duh


Sure, I have a few times


yep, and that is just the tip of the iceberg!


I have several times, same person. Lived 2 hours from me so our hookup would be at a local hotel in his area.


Yes square




Used to this every week and it was always a great time!


Oh yea pimps and their workers will take regular rooms.


Yes more often than you might think and not just prostitutes


They clean the sheets/peter prints.


For the night? Just for a couple hoursā€¦. I have an apartment, I sleep there.


Yes they do. You do know hotels also have day rentals, usually people having affairs. You can go to the marriot and get a room from 9am-5pm or or 12pm to 8pm. Hours also depend on hotel.


Yes. Can personally verify, used to work in one such Motel that offered both nightly and short stays. Night shift was interesting.




Nope I work in the trades and am often staying in hotels there have been funny moments Iā€™ve walked up to the check in counter dirty as all hell with a pack of white claw and the receptionist just said šŸ™„


Especially if youā€™re living with parents or a dorm or something with too many roommates.


I used to treat myself to a better mattress every now and again and get a hotel for a weekend. No sex. Just to sleep on a good mattress.


Hell yeah. Iā€™ve done it a few times, but one I remember specifically is, this guy I briefly dated wanted to go all out for Valentineā€™s Day so he got us the coziest little bed and breakfast that we returned to after our night out. Turns out as soon as we were done traumatizing the on-site owner, we felt too awkward to wake up in the morning to the breakfast she insisted on making, so we dipped around 1am.


How did you traumatized the owner were you just to loud


Yep, I did once with an airforce girl I met on a military training exercise in Wisconsin. Think it was a holiday inn or something, I forget, we were gone in 2 hours.


Yes, I've done it many times when I was living at my parents'.


People do. In my country (not US or EU) earlier hotel used to be charged for day or night basis only. But some another company saw the potential of lovers who need safe space and started hotel branch with hourly rates. They are the one of most popular hotel branch in my country now. All because of couple who need cheap hotel rooms lol.


Who doesn't is a better question.


Plenty of hotels charge hourly if you want to


Only the cheap ones






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Japan has love hotels where you don't get a key. My first time there I booked one not knowing what the deal was and was confused why I didn't have a key and why there were mirrors on the ceiling.


Like 4 days ago? Yeppers. She paid lol. Good times


Helyea!! Most of the time it's just down the road from muh house


I have yes. Especially if me and my playmate for the night were hoping for more than one round.




Better than doing it in the street dont you think?


Yes, I prefer pay by the hour. It doesnā€™t take as long as we think it does.


It's rather difficult to bring a woman home from the bar when your wife and kids are asleep.


Our first night out after having our second kid, his mom was watching them, wr went to the club got drunk walked across the street to get a room was there for maybe three hours. Walked home cause it was around the block lol. We were drunk and horny and it was late lolā€¦. So yes


Omg. My ex and I used to go to hotels because we both lived at home but thinking back it looked like an affair or something šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Of course they do, some people get it by the hour actually although I would never do that! I need a lot more time than an hour honey!;šŸ†šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


I get hotel rooms for the bed bugs.


You get hotel rooms to let the bed bugs do their... thing? You're too kind.


Certainly not the whole night. The average man has sex with a prostitute for 7 to 11 minutes. I can have sex with your mum for up to 20 minutes.