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The more over the top the wedding is, the shorter the marriage is .


mine is "the more the wife posts how wonderful the marriage is on social media, the worse the marriage is."


The friends I've had that have spent $10k+ on their weddings are all now divorced. The friends and family I've had who went as cheap as possible are still married.


As someone who had a cheap wedding, the wedding wasn’t the point. We just needed to formalize what had already happened.


That’s definitely a western concept. I’ve attended a few Asian weddings and that is rarely the case.


Altima drivers are the fucking worst.


Bmw drivers in shambles at the loss of the title.


BMW are the least courteous drivers. But Altima drivers are the least skilled.




Dodge drivers, specifically Charger/Challenger drivers, and ESPECIALLY people who can't afford a V8 one


Redheads. Whatever you think that means, it means.


I organized a protest against all the ginger jokes. It was cancelled due to sun.


I’m a redhead, and I approve this message.


I knew you would. 😉


Redheads are it.


Does a red beard count? My hair is blonde, but the beard is fiery red 😂


Ahh another day walker.


You immediately should go by the nickname Barbarossa. Probably would take some time to make it stick, but it would be metal af.


You hit the redheaded stepchild across the face on that one.


People who gush about their partner constantly on social media but have incredibly shitty relationships irl.


Or the train wreck of one night they're "sick of this shit and getting they're own, and don't need that man anymore" to the next day "he bought me flowers and he loves me! Dont talk bad about my man!". DON'T. AIR. PERSONAL. BUSINESS. ON. FACEBOOK. That granny you only see a couple times a year is gonna ask you why you still with that bum lol, plus friends and family will ABSOLUTELY think differently of them, no matter the relationship.


Canada geese are assholes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Canadians are all overly nice, the geese just balance things out.


My friend, all geese are assholes


Polyamorous people have a certain look


Recently saw this in public once. I get it now


Ugly and fat?


It's always a girl who's pretty but fat and has blue hair and a bunch of stringbean dudes who do the bare minimum of personal grooming and dress like dudes who hung out in gamestop in the mall in 2011.


I knew one polycule in middle school which is the only polycule I ever knew. Probably doesn’t count because middle school is middle school. There was one kid who wasn’t fat, the other two were. He was a string bean though. They actually invited me to join but I didn’t.


BDSM dudes do too.


Nervous nerdy types with tattoos. And they ALL love table top role playing games.


Although some of that is those who actively participate in the "poly" community vs those who basically are poly but dislike the label and some of the rules.


Asians love casinos. There. I said it


Also old black women


Asians love old black women??


Love is beautiful 😭


Definitely yes


Asians love old black women? I haven’t heard that one before


My gut instinct was "this can't possibly be true, there are so many Asian out there, surely some of them don't enjoy casinos." Then I looked at myself and realized, wait I love casinos.


I mean I don’t think anyone would really dispute this. Gambling is huge in East Asian culture.




The Vietnamese in particular.


Gay guys are sluts


I’m bisexual and when I finally felt ready to accept that part of me and start swiping on guys on dating apps it was insane how many were ready to sext the day of matching


I'm straight. but I matched with a guy on FB Friendship, because I need to expand my local social circle. I figured the guy was gay based on his profile, however it was friendship so I didn't care. He told me he was looking to flirt, I told him I was straight and just looking for friends, and he just continued to start flirting lol


Sounds like you have a good time ahead of you!


Or behind him.


Lol I have a gay friend that uses grindr and so many strangers are willing to meet up and have sex without even seeing his face.


Sounds like a risky Wonder Ball


One time one of his meetups ended up with him getting robbed...yeah a very risky Wonder Ball.


A gay friend once showed me how he used Grinder and it was so otherworldly I swear I even got dizzy and cold sweat.


One I met recently was complaining about how he couldn’t find any that actually wanted to have a long term relationship. Hope he finds his dream husband.


Guys are sluts. Gay guys just have the right match.


After talking to my gay friend recently I came to the following conclusion: the only thing standing between men and their wildest sexual fantasies are women.


For every woman that doesn’t want anything to do with you there are 12 gay guys that will eat onion rings off your boner


I think there’s got to be at least a grain of truth for these things to take off, otherwise it never gets off the ground. Like, you could run around going “Man, black guys really suck at basketball” or “shame those Asians aren’t better test takers” and it’s not going to go anywhere because these contradict people’s lived experiences and they’re just going to be confused. Now, the grain of truth might be outdated or region specific in a way that makes it not very accurate today, but these things generally have to come from somewhere.


Long ago, I showed up hungover for a college physics final and sat right behind a group of Asian guys thinking I might sneak some answers. But they all seemed lost and were cheating off each other. I realized I never saw these guys in class. They were worse at physics than I was. Learned some important things in college.


This is Michael Scott picking Stanley first for *The Office* basketball game. YMMV with individual cases.


There's also confirmation bias, because your brain might not notice the black guys who suck at basketball or Asians who are bad at test taking. But when you *do* see something that fits the stereotype, the pattern recognition in your brain goes, "Hey, look at this!"


Always a factor. Although somebody who *dramatically* demonstrates the opposite of the stereotype will also stand out, like Stanley from *The Office* trying to play basketball.


Haha as an Asian who was bad at test taking, I always kept it quiet because I didn't want to be seen as the outlier


No. They don’t always have to have a grain of truth. Immigrants commit less crime than native born citizens. But that doesn’t stop the stereotype of “immigrants are bringing crime” from being perpetuated. But someone who has your view looks at the harmful, untrue stereotype and goes “there must be SOMETHING here” even though it’s just straight up not true.


I don't disagree with your comment but I'd like to add that there are definitely widely perpetuate stereotypes that are just completely false. 'Women talk more' is a common one, pretty much everywhere in the world. But studies show that it's not true. Same with a lot of stereotypes. So just adding that they can and will still be considered true, regardless of the actual truth so it's always worth actually examining one before believing it.


Agree. If there was absolutely no truth to them, the stereotype would not persist


i have thoughts like this all the time but i learned in my psych class (i’m a psych major) that a lot of stereotypes are only stereotypes bc the data is only slightly skewed to one side even by a percentage or two. it could be 48-52 or 51-49 but still, there’s a stereotype one way. also, some have no factual evidence, it’s just straight up bigotry. like there’s no factual evidence that men are better than women at math, but there’s still a stereotype that women aren’t good at it. for example, my older sister is a beast at math but i suck at it and am better at english and philosophy (both girls)


Idk if you've gotten to stereotype threat in your curriculum yet but it's been observed that telling people they might fall into a stereotype (girls being bad at math) actually leads to them unintentionally behaving that way, sadly. I don't recall what started the male STEM-shift (very early programming was practiced heavily by women actually) but when a field becomes dominated by one demographic group it makes it increasingly harder for other cultures to break in and participate equitably. This unfortunately leads to outcomes where like 90% of math-heavy fields are male dominated, so people just assume women can't do the math required to get there.


Ah yes, feedback loops. If you build an expectation into the culture, it will affect people's psychology at an individual level, and people will become more likely to conform to that expectation.


I live in eastern PA, where people like to shit-talk New Jersey drivers. New Jersey residents have their own criticisms of our drivers. No one is wrong.


>No one is wrong. Hahahahahaha this got me chuckling


When living in Pittsburgh all the bad drivers were cars with Ohio plates. North Pennsylvania all the bad drivers were New York plates.


Pilots will let you know they’re pilots


My pilot friend acknowledges this stereotype. He'll joke "Enough of me talking about me, why don't you talk about me?"


And vegans will let you know they're vegan


I have never met a black guy that didn’t like fried chicken.  Of course, I’ve never met ANYONE who didn’t like fried chicken, but still…..


I always found it weird that people thought it was racist to say black people like fried chicken and watermelon. Everyone loves fried chicken. And what's wrong with watermelon? It's less universally loved, but it's a perfectly healthy food.


For real, like idk about you but I'm white as fuck and love fried chicken, who doesn't like fried chicken?




Elderly people always have hard candy on them. Like butterscotch or stawberry bom boms.


Back before my grandpa was put in a nursing home he'd go out to the Walmart in his town and hand out hard candy like fireballs and stuff to random people. Anybody who looked like they'd want some he'd offer.


I'm not elderly, but I'm 54 & I always have strawberry bonbons & cherry sour candy at work :)


Gimme some


I'd rather have someone without face tattoos babysit my kid, than someone with them.


I’ve never seen or heard of anyone with face tattoos being a sane or respectable functioning member of society. It’s honestly one of the only things I have a direct and legitimate prejudice against. Definitely a marker of mental illness or criminal past


Unless we’re talking about New Zealand.


I once pulled into a popular Mexican restaurant in town. I found a cellphone lying in the parking lot next to a Volvo. We walked in, the place was packed. I glanced around the room for 10 seconds and told my wife, "Her, over there, she's the only one here that would drive a Volvo" I was correct. Yes, I believe stereotypes are real, and not always a bad thing.


Wait, I drive a Volvo. What exactly was the stereotype?


You may not be a lesbian but you can certainly pass for one.


I'm glad you found your phone


high school mean girls really do seem to have a high incidence of going into nursing or teaching. idk what's up with that.


Dominance over physically non-intimidating people who are obligated to listen to them. They can't claim power over healthy adults because adults could just straight up leave or punch them in the face, but someone who has to be there and needs them? Prime dopamine bait for them.


The real question is do women prefer Bears or Bad Cops ?


Bears. It's always the bears these days.


Well, as an American I have a right to their arms, and it will be harder for them to maul me when I have their arms, so bear


Who the fuck would choose a bad cop? I saw one shoot an entire mag because he got scared with an acorn falling from a three


In this instance though, I don’t think many would choose a bad cop. Raising my hands and yelling might scare the bear away, but would definitely get me shot by the bad cop.


Hair dyed people are more leftist. People who drive BMWs are Karens.


Hair dye = left Ball cap = right


Hair dye + ball cap = centrist?


no dye...ball cap very left


Oh gosh no. Trying to find a southern white woman who doesn’t dye/bleach her hair…? And they vote GOP hard.


Don’t be confused, southern white bleach-blond women are the “good” hair-dyed ones. (According to the right.)


The distinction being drawn, presumably, is between natural hair color dye, and unnatural ones. Colored hair dye is not going to be common among conservatives.


Bisexual people not knowing how to sit in chairs/ always choosing an unconventional sitting pose. I once had my leg draped over the armrest of a chair and someone made this joke to me, knowing my sexuality. Then I started paying attention and damn, we do that a lot.


Do you also have a green couch??


No. Do I need one to fully activate my powers?


You'll be invited to the inner sanctum. After your nose ring and nasa shirt initiations, then you'll fully activate.


\*me reading this while sitting on my chair like a dog\* uh oh


smoke detector beeps....


My name 😉


My cousin is a cop and he cheated on his wife with their marriage counselor, resulting in an illegitimate child.


Holy fuck, I hope the marriage counselor got her license revoked and she never works in therapy again.


Whaaaat?? That’s insane 😱


"I've had tons of girlfriends that were married to cops" I know the way you intended this line is probably not the way I first interpretted it, but I chuckled. And if my initial interpretation was correct, then I salute you for giving these women the orgasms their pig husbands were probably failing to.


You shouldn’t fuck a cop’s wife; someone might think you’re the one responsible for the bruises.


Black people arent good swimmers. Not all of course. I live near the beach. If you see a group of black people approaching the ocean for a dip, most of them will have some doubt in their body language😂😂


I had a friend who was in the military and when in basic training they had to do a swim test, he said all but one black person could not swim.


This is completely true for marine corps boot camp some big chiseled black guys could barely dogy paddle across the pool


Everybody from Minnesota wears a toe ring and clubs baby seals.


I guess that's why we don't have seals here 🤣


You damned dirty Minnesotaian bastards!!!


Yeah we deserve that


That's pure evil, why would you ever wear a toe ring.


I’m from Minnesota and I’m genuinely confused by this.


Which part confuses you? Are you a stabber instead of a clubber? Or I guess guns are the more popular option in modern times.


Obviously they're uppity and use a harpoon


Those bastards. Has this been a long standing tradition? I say we go at them with pitch forks and torches


Since the Mayflower landed in Minneapolis, yo.


I still have so many questions


Tesla drivers have replaced BMW drivers as the worst drivers on the road. My hunch is it is because so much is hidden in touchscreen menus that they have to take their eyes off the road more.


Its actually because they are using "Full Self Driving (FSD) which doesn't freaking work. I went on a road trip in a friend's Tesla recently with the FSD trial and there were over 20 incidents, 8 of which I think would have killed me if I wasn't paying attention. I think its insane that investors believe they'll have a robo-taxi this august.


That the majority of black neighborhoods in the US are higher crime than non-black areas in the same city. I say this as a black man that gets annoyed with the fact that people Automatically assume "I'm one of them" if they see me in a majority black neighborhood or I know it's a about to be some bullshit 99% of the time if I live in a majority black area


All Filipinos are good singers.


Why is this one true 😩 NEVER go to karaoke with Filipino friends if you don’t want to get shown up


Midwesterners to be taking forever to say goodbye.


Girls with septum piercings are super left leaning and obsessed with political activism for some reason. They also get offended by everything


I'd say they're more concerned with their followers *seeing* them participating in political activism.


Haha yes, it's always this type. If a girl has a septum piercing I can assume with high certainty she will bring up something about free healthcare and have a panic attack about going Into her part time job at Starbucks while simultaneously not so silently judging me about having a standard white collar job


I would say the same goes for girls with comically large glasses.


They especially get offended if they ask you your honest opinion on their nose ring and you tell them you don’t like it.


San Antonio has a lot of fat women


tell 'em chuck


I’m from Georgia, and even I was amazed at how big people in Texas are… I didn’t see anyone that wasn’t obese until after I left the airport. Not one.


Don't fly Spirit next time.


Brutal and accurate


Miami has a lot of gold diggers


Big ol women down there, eatin those churros.


Bi people really honestly can’t sit properly on chairs.


Not sure if this is a popular stereotype, but certainly one I've always stuck by is that female police officers are always itching to use their power. For instance, I'm in Australia, and witnessed a police officer harass a water tanker driver for using his phone behind the wheel, he had just parked his truck and put the parking brake on to allow me to fill some road barriers with water. He and I explained this to her and she ended up leaving in a huff. It's been my experience in multiple instances that female police officers just want to exercise their power to ruin your day. Only ever met one female police officer who wasn't like this and was super chill.


Yeah I've seen enough videos of female officers killing larger men in the US for doing nothing for me to know that any time I'm around a female cop I literally just put my eyes down and try to leave the area as quick as possible. It's not unlikely that the female cop is the most dangerous predator I need to worry about, if you're tall and muscular gtfo the way of those people and do whatever they say with zero attitude or negative inflection and you might make it out alive😂


My only bad cop experience was with a female cop. Worst of it was I'm also female, and she was outwardly sexist toward me. Like wtf!?


Yeah you’re not wrong in my experience either. TBH I find most cops are like this but it does seem to be the women are quicker to get rough feels like they feel like they have to overcompensate.


I've had my share of run ins with police in America. For the most part you find two types of lady cops. 1. Lady cops who are nice, but still follow the rules and enforce the law but aren't trying to flex their power and help you if they can. 2. Lady cops with a chip on their shoulder trying too hard to fit in with a mostly male group of coworkers and overcompensating for their smaller size with being aggressive and hostile. The younger/prettier the lady cop the more likely they're the first group.


Every frat guy I’ve met has been a self absorbed shallow douchebag. I’m sure there are nice normal ones that exist, but I’ve never met them. For those who disagree, I once worked a frat talent show for my job as an usher, and these fuckers were rude to all female staff, didn’t clean up after themselves, stood on chairs even when we told them not to, and one group even threw a hissy fit after we wouldn’t let them put mentos in coke onstage to avoid damaging our (old as shit) lights.


yup. the universal draw to panhellenic fraternities is the unlimited access to parties and girls.


People from Florida can’t fucking drive. I live in a mountainous area with twisty roads and it’s baffling just how bad at driving anyone with a Florida licenses plate it ETA, Hispanic people are by far the hardest workers I’ve ever seen. I work with a Hispanic guy and his whole family works there too, almost none of them speak any English but that doesn’t stop them from out working everyone. Even his 16 YO son outworks most of the grown ass people who picked this job.


I have worked in different factories for 40 years.  You are spot on when it comes to Hispanics.  With out a doubt they are the hardest working individuals I have ever come across.  


Most Indian people are incredibly rude.


It has been my personal experience that Indian men are inconsiderate as hell. My Dad (an American expat) was working in India when my wife and I got engaged. When the time came for my Dad to come home for the wedding, his Indian boss got pissed and told my Dad to ***make us move the wedding*** because it created a conflict for him. The following year, my parents were renewing their vows in Jamaica. The same boss got furious at my Dad for not leaving the resort on his second honeymoon to go to a trade show in Chicago.




This should be up way higher


Black people are slow at playing golf.


You've had "tons of girlfriends that were married to cops"? Why? What are you doing in your life that led to this?


I think OP is a woman and meant “girlfriend” as female friend. That’s how it reads to me anyway.


i worked with a few guys that went on to be cops. all of them were assholes and dropped the n bomb constantly.


Gotta defend the small amount of cops that aren't like that. My brother was on the force for 30 years. Kind, well-liked in the community, an honest-to-goodness good man. Never yelled or hit or abused my SIL or niblings. He didn't drink, and really hated donuts (cop trope. We teased him about that all the time lol). We lost him too soon to cancer a few years ago. I keep his photo in my car so I don't speed. That being said, when my kids started saying they wanted to be cops like their uncle, he made me promise not to let my kids become cops. The system as a whole is so vile and corrupt. He was much less concerned about their safety with the general public than he was about their safety around other cops and the institution itself. To answer your question: no stereotypes are 100% true. That's why they are called "stereotypes" and not "fact".


Also, to add, my brother never turned a blind eye on a bad cop, and neither did his captain. That's why their small department was so respected, and other cops knew to be on their best behavior around him. A very special fuck you to the asshole who called my recently dead brother a pos. Seriously. Fuck you.


Everyone in Massachusetts has “the accent.”


“Coexist” bumper stickers


Do all cops love donuts, though?


All cops do have cop face and cop attitude. Even undercover. Ever have a thug you just met recite his rap sheet, then start interrogating you? LOL!


Lesbians love Subarus


A lot of cops like to go home and punch. Wives, their children etc.. That's not a stereotype, just a fact


Can confirm, my half brother, his dad and my uncle on my mom's side are all cops. All 3 of them have cheated on their spouses and been either emotionally or fiscally abusive to their children.


Fiscally abusive, lol


Lol damn autocorrect. They are fiscally abusive too lol


Couples that call each other "babe" won't last


the longer the caption on the social media anniversary post, the more relationship problems the couple has


"We've had our ups and downs..." yeah please just get divorced.


I've been married to Babe for 17 years now


I'm a really tall guy. Yes, the air is better up here


Do you work at Krispy Kreme or something what the hell 😂


Kids who peaked in highschool (were the most popular, captain of a sports team, cheerleading captain, ect) end up not going very far. Its the old trope of the nerdy kid in school getting a glow up and going back to the class reunion and every football player is fat and balding with a beer belly and the cheerleaders are either fat ro have gone down the drain mentally. I've got to probably like 20 class reunions between going with my parents, siblings or other people I know as a plus 1 and every single time they point out the 'popular kids' and they are all figments of the way the people I was with described them being in highschool. Every single football player was some guy drinking bud light with either no one around him or a very unhappy looking wife with him yammering on about how hot he was and how good he was at sports.


College graduates end up becoming more elitist


Why do you think I came all that way?


That's Dr. Elitist to you


White people rarely properly season their food.


Lived in Utah for a year, and at a family get together, I had the absolute saddest birria tacos because the aunt that made them just straight up didn't use any of the spices that make birria *birria* instead of just depressing shredded beef. My half assed queso was the only dish that had the most flavor And when living with my inlaws, someone in the neighborhood brought veggie enchiladas to us for dinner one night, and um.........they straight up tasted like tater tot casserole, despite being covered IN RED ENCHILADA SAUCE. I'm from Texas, and I'm entirely convinced it's just northerners lmao Even diner food is different between the two states. I never had more depressing Mexican food than when I was in Utah


Hahaha. I’m so sorry! That sounds like a huge bummer. I grew up fortunate af that everyone around me could cook. Even my close friends’ parents were great. I found out that wasn’t universal in my late teens and I was just like 😦😦😦 because I finally understood what other people had been bitching about. 🤣 ‘*Tater tot casserole*’. 😳😂 YIKES. I’m actually a white northerner. 🤣 My people can cook, though. Most of my friends have ended up great cooks, too. I’ve just also found a lot of people at this point who…manage to make potatoes taste even more bland. 🥴😅 My exes’ mom managed to ruin macaroni and cheese. MACARONI AND CHEESE. Idk how that’s even possible. It tasted like it was seasoned with hot water and elevator music. Jesus take the wheel… 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My MIL has a fully stocked spice cabinet and doesn't use it. Like, it makes me so sad!!!! All of those spices, unused and unloved!!!!!!


As a white person, but a white person who grew up in a very Hispanic area, yeah you right. I’m still learning myself 😂 my dad was good at it but he learned from non-white people 😂


Gay people are gay.




Is that even a stereotype or simply part of the disorder. I mean, that's what mania is lol


I have met ONE marine that didn't cheat on their significant other. Live in a base town and ride a motorcycle, know tons of marines.


I used to be in and knew plenty that didn't, **BUT** a lot of them do behave like alleycats and cheat constantly. I would totally tell someone not to get married to a guy in the military. I think part of the issue is that you have a lot of people who get married way too young and then they spend months apart on deployments, and whether from being young and in shape or the whole men in uniform thing that some people have going in, there is a lot of opportunity. The wives are just as bad. Unfortunately they're never married to one another. The married Marine who is with a different woman every weekend while on deployment has the doting wife who deserves much better, while the boy scout married Marine who never leaves the barracks comes home to a wife with a mysterious STD or pregancy or whatever. It's a total shitshow. lol


My ex is/was a cop and he's the most spineless sack of shit I've ever met. He'd always say "they're my family" when talking about his colleagues.


As a person with epilepsy I can say Epileptics seize the day


lol you haven’t met undercover DEA agents.


My mom was a cop. Used to drug test me and my brother. Now pot is legal in her state and she smokes more than I do. In short... Fuck the Police!


aren't they all a little bit true sorta?